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Guys I want to play vanilla again.
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Guys I want to play vanilla again.
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Legacy servers when?
Kronos is working almost flawlessly and there are a ton of people online at any given time.
You have the means and the oppurtunity yet you don't play it?
Not before Legion release, that's for sure. If Blizzard is going to announce them, Blizzcon would seem like a natural timing.
Aren't they already on AQ? I feel like making a character now would be pointless
the drones want to pay blizzard money to feel validated
The fuck? So just because you're not gonna be world first on Kronos that stops you from playing?
The early game zones are fucking PACKED to the brim with players. My friend tried, fruitlessly, to do STV quests for a week but he never progressed because there was so much PvP happening everywhere.
Are we talking about the same Kronos buddy? I just logged on to an empty Tauren starting zone
after nostalrius shutdown they opened a new one called krono2, bwl is not out yet afaik so you didnt miss anything.

what holds me back is the scripting is outright bad compared to nost and everything from 1.12 is in the game, so while the raid content is MC, you can do the aq daily quests in silithus for mad epics, or the t0,5 quest chain, which is pretty un vanilla
Might be because no one plays Tauren. As soon as you get to level 10 you'll start seeing more players.
K1 is pretty empty but K2 just opened and it has a lot of Nost refugees
>empty Tauren zone
Seeing as the Tauren zone is literally a giant empty field that's not surprising even on a populated server
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>judging the population from camp narache
You think you do but
>working flawlessy

Sure buddy.
I miss Nost.
Playing on another private server is just not the same.
Wait a year. It's going to be a long while and even longer if Legion doesn't flop horribly.
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