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>Want to get to work on my backlog of single player games
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>Want to get to work on my backlog of single player games
>Keep getting sucked into online gamed that I can dump infinite hours into
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>Want to get to work on my backlog of online games
>Keep getting sucked into single player games that I can dump infinite hours into
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why so many brown girls tonight
I'm not complaining
Why is chaika now a nig
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Black Chaika continues to be worst Chaika.
Chik filaika
>chaika was two years ago
I'm so glad I quit online games. I'd get home from wageslaving and play the same game online. Then when a good new online game came out I'd switch to that one. Eventually I realized that I wasn't really enjoying it anymore, it had just become a comfortable routine as part of a normal day. I switched to single player games and started actually having fun again.
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She was overdo for an improvement. :^)
What's wrong with your Chaika? Is it broken?
Rug is back at it again with the BLACKED shitposting
Chaika be frontin'!
I know both of these feels
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Fuck you faggot I was trying to find a good pic

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>Get home from work
>"Time to play some video games!"
>Gf texts saying she wants to hang out for a bit
>Stayed for well over 6 hours
>Watched a movie, made out and finished off with a blow job
>Didn't get to play vidya
>Mfw 3am and work in 8 hours

How do I fix this?
play Uncharted
Buy a PS4, you won't have to worry about playing video games then
I did and it was the most boring shit I have ever played.

How the fuck did it spawn three additional games?
>Want to get to work on my backlog of single player games
>Keep getting sucked into sport games like nba 2k16 and mlb the show that I can dump infinite hours into... plus I'm getting addicted to Euro truck simulator 2 and civilization V, which means more lost hours
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>want to work on my backlog of games
>keep adding more games to it saying that I'll get to it
>never do
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>had an ex that used to give me bjs while playing vidya

So, did you like sucking her off?
>finish backlog
>no new games prickle my interest
>feel empty
You don't want this, anon.
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>he fell for the girlfriend meme
Surprise it was a trick! You now have no time for vidya at all!
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>live with gf
>try to play some video games
>they get drowned out by annoying vine videos of screaming teens that don't loop properly
>"hey anon, did you hear about that thing in the news...?:"
>"woow this is so bad! Let's listen to another five videos"
>"You're paying attention to me, right?"
>"hey anon, how about we take our business to the bedroom?"
>get a blowjob
>it's amazing but I can't finish because I jack off to too much 2D stuff
>have to wait for her to sleep just to play games uninterrupted

Y'all must be underage.

>live with gf
>get home from work
>start playing vidya
>"anon do you wanna talk about your day?"
>proceed to say "yeah" every few minutes while she talks some nonsense
>"anon wanna watch a moive?"
>proceed to play vidya and not forget to laugh when I hear her laugh
>"great movie, right?"
>Keep getting sucked into online gamed that I can dump infinite hours into

Name some, I'm craving an online game I can do this with but can't find anything. It's all shit. Help.
I can't tune that stuff out. And she notices when I try.

Maybe your gf is a little slow.
Wow, what a grand life you live.
By Sucking enough cocks for S2 to happen.

>Want to take a break from JRPG and playing games in Japanese
>Keep finding a new JRPG series I'm interested in

It's been two years now.
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you know what i think of you .webm
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>want to buy Overwatch
>scared of getting hooked
Thread replies: 37
Thread images: 15

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