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There is any fucking way to have fun with this game past 3-5 hours?
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There is any fucking way to have fun with this game past 3-5 hours?
No, by that point awareness of the game's crippling flaws should have set in
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>manage to somehow survive through a few missions with some of your good units
>the game now prevents you from using those good units unless it's a high level mission
>there are no more low level missions for you to train your weaker units in, and your high units can't help out because these missions are still too low for your high level guys
>high level guys are still extremely susceptible to die in an instant to some bad RNG
I realized the only way to win was to not play at all
Stress is just ridiculous, I can't imagine anyone seriously could play this game with heart attacks on
Just plan ahead and level more evenly next time.
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>Always bring 2 shovels no matter what
>Only ever need one
>Finally forget to bring shovels during provisioning
>Come across 2 obstacles in a short dungeon
>60 stress to all team members (even though one of them is a fucking grave robber armed with a pickaxe)
>Entire party panicking, all of them fail resolve check
>Have to leave dungeon early because healer keeps passing turns
Wow such fun, those piles of garbage and rubble must be completely terrifying
Only problem is that when the game only hands you 1 or 2 healers, you're forced to have them in every team, and they'll naturally get overleveled
>long dungeon
>first fight fucks the shit up of your entire team just because muh RNG
Yeah git gud xd
RNG the game
>this game is pretty easy I don't get all the rage
>lvl 5 dungeon happens

>he doesn't know how to manage risk
>dat manchildren reaction
i ain't gonna lie, i kek'd
>literally RNG: the vidya
go play something else
>there are no more low level missions for you to train your weaker units in
Did they remove it? Low level missions were available.
No, I have all of my fags at lvl 6 and I still have green missions
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