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MN9 gameplay
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All shitposting, kickstarter bullshit and broken promises aside, can we discuss the actual gameplay of MN9?

What did you think of it? I thought it was pretty damn bland in most regards but what interests me is how people feel about old game designs being brought back into this. Like a live system and literally every spike and pit instakilling you while enemies deal zero damage. Or having to do the entire phase 1 of the last boss when you die during phase 2. Did you find that frustrating or is it what you wanted out of a modern Mega Man-like game?
That's called being a video game even though it's a shitty one.
>That's called being a video game

What. Most platformers don't have lives and continues anymore.
They need to uncuck themselves. Even NSMB has those and it's for babies. I'm playing through Odin Sphere remake now and it's great but the total lack of consequences is disappointing.
Yeah pretty much unless you're looking at Nintendo. Checkpoints are the norm.
>tfw backed MN9 for $100 and played about 10 minutes of it before I turned it off in disgust
The absorption thing had potential but it dropped the ball hard.
Ok so every once in a while I will be playing and Beck will start jumping like a retard in the opposite direction, and when I press shoot, he'll jump and shoot at the same time.

Now what the fuck is this? Is it an option? Button combination? Powerup? I have no idea and its fucking my gameplay.
iw as thinking about that

i love the idea of potential damage and a cashout but i feel like it couldve been used alot better.
It's called "action shift" or some shit. It's just holding RT and pressing shoot or jump to get a different move.

action shift aka useless
why can you only shoot left or right? it really slows down the gameplay.
Ah I see. Im remote playing on my PS4 with the vita and Im accidentally pressing the back touch screen. Good to know to avoid, wish they had explained it at some point.
Cause that's what Mega Man did.
But it's not a Mega Man clone ;^) (accordion to some retards)
The game play's shitty on a lot of levels. The core mechanic of dashing into enemies to finish them off slows the game down because you have to damage them, wait to recognize they're in the damages state since there's no universal amount before doing it, and then dash into them. Dashing into enemies otherwise will hurt you.

Also no invincibility frames against instakills, with level design built around knocking you into that shit with enemies you literally can't reach before getting other boss weapons.
I dont have a problem with this, the game is designed with that in mind so it works.

My problems with the game have more to do with its shit level design and one hit kills.
so let's rip off mega man but do a half ass job of it? gee i wonder why this game is a failure.

shooting down would have made the game better.

another thing would be dashing up or down but you can't switch directions once you start dashing in that direction for multidashing.
You can shoot anywhere with other weapons. That's what they're for.
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