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Is this game any good?
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Is this game any good?
Its ok.

Played 3 hours then realised how bullshit the game can be.

>That survivor that just sits in a locker for the entire game

It's fantastic but gets old quick.
It's worth the money.
It's alright, there's a lot of bullshit moves that the survivors can pull off such as what >>342596871 said but I still think it's worth buying.

Horror factor is gone pretty quickly if you play vs randoms, it becomes a game of cheese very fast.
You can hear them retard, also a crow lands on the closet after a few minutes, also if they stay still too long crows circle above them. Nice try baddie.
This is the truth, also it needs patching badly and it was rushed.
Fun though, but can be frustrating easily with all the savescummers and people abusing unbalanced mechanics like certain perks.

Boring, glitchy, e-celeb shilled meme game.
Evolve 2.0: Less Monstrous Boogaloo.
it's early-access

as with every other popular early-access title, it shows heaps of promise, but can be quite glitchy and unstable, and suffers from poor balance

the devs are working on balance issues already - which is probably a mistake because they should be finishing the game first, but that's early-access for you.
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>You can hear them retard
Oh yea, you can hear that along with 50 different ambient noises plus fucking crows plus 4 other survivors.

What is this fucking meme? "Just listen for them" have you played the game?
It has promise but a lot of problems

problems are
>no friend lobby
>no punishment for quitting a lobby or game
>characters instantly fade in game when a player leaves, so if some survivor rage quits when you sacrifice them their character disappears denying you any points
>game kicks survivors back to main menu if killer leaves, meaning killer rage quit also fucks the game
>anti cheat a complete joke
>lack of any additional game modes

Still the premise is good and when you get decent players it can be incredibly tense and enjoyable.
have you? im not even that anon but lockers are 100% going to get you killed if the killer isnt deaf. you breathe SO FUCKING LOUD that only a generator at 90% can drown you oput and even then i could probably still hear you.
I like the idea, but the "full release" doesn't feel that full.
A handful of survivors and killers.
All the maps play exactly the same, but look different and have a couple of different structures.
I was hoping for a lot more to be released before they released the game in full.
>What is this fucking meme? "Just listen for them" have you played the game?

I can even hear survivors breathing in lockers if I'm listening to somebody else streaming the game. The way the game uses sound to clue in the killer to the survivors' whereabouts is excellent, barring that (currently) people above/below you will sound as though they're on the same level as you
I wish it had more game maps, maybe another killer but I've had a good time with what I've played. Plus, it makes for great greentext stories.

>Playing Hillbilly
>Make a blind chainsaw rev up and dash across the map
>slam into the last survivor half the map away
>instantly disconnects
Fun times with the chainsaw man.
It's a good bit of fun for $20.
outside of the balance issues and rampant disconnecting, its a pretty damn good game. if probably have over 100 hours in it if it werent for those issues.
It's another "fun with friends, boring solo" game, aka it's shit because anything is fun with friends
This is exactly what it sounded like another shitty flavor of the month game
Wait until it's more balanced

Fucking window juking is bullshit especially on the magic bus or in the farm house with the hooks, the fucking silo, the tree with the campire and the circular stone hedge around it. Fuck me.
>I can even hear survivors breathing in lockers if I'm listening to somebody else streaming the game.

That is a completely different thing. If I am watching someone else play obviously way easier to notice things when you aren't the one playing the game.
>That is a completely different thing. If I am watching someone else play obviously way easier to notice things when you aren't the one playing the game.

this is literally the opposite of true
This. The fucking breathing is so loud for me, must be good headphones.

>Some Meg runs into the large building on Estate
>Don't see them, didn't hear a locker
>Suddenly hear her fucking breathing right next to me
>They're in the fucking corner of the doorway 2 feet away from me, thinking that'll make me lose them
Why? Are you saying its harder to see and hear small details when you are watching someone else play? What kind of fucking logic is that
Gonna end just like The Hidden mod.
People will completly miss the point of the game and cheat.
its not actually early access but it may as well be with all the issues with balancing and cheating
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What did they mean by this?
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lol what
you keep on saying 'early access!!!! early fucking access!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' but it isn't now and it never was, so i don't know what the fuck you think you're doing in this thread bucko

COMPLETELY ignoring every point made about crows providing audiovisual cues, real nice
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