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PSP Appreciation Thread
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Thread replies: 73
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what is the best handheld gaming system, and why is it the psp?
Just beat Earthworm Jim and Strider 2 on mine. Currently trying to beat Spyro 2 and Incredible Crisis. Who /HДCЖER/ here
well i got birth by sleep on my psp go which is only a UMD so i guess i am
GBA is by far the best handheld even against all other handhelds put together

My PSP is a great GBA machine
do you know how to put final fantasys 5-9 on psp? i cant find it anywhere online
fucking race traitor
emulating liquid crystal on it right now in bed.
the comfiest.
i bought my psp as my christmas present to me. best christmas present i got.
do you only emulate on it or do you put isos on it too?

emuparadise, psx eboots. how the fuck can you not find shit goddamn
should have worded that better. i cant download ff 5 through 9 because the files dont show up as .rars and i have no idea what to do with them

do you think that statement makes anymore sense?
should have since im trying to say that the iso's im trying to get arent iso's

They didn't make those FF for PSP, you have to either get the PSX ISO and convert it to an EBOOT or download the EBOOT files themselves. Then they go in the GAME folder
i used emuparadise went to psp and went to ffv and it said it was an iso, but when i downloaded it, it didnt show up as an iso
guys, where can I get good psp batteries? all the chinese ones I get always last 1-2 hours tops

because it's not an iso you dip. put it in the fucking game folder
do you think you could guide me? i have the files downloaded and ill kind of explain what im doing at what part
>do you think you could guide me?
Google it you retard

this is simply stuff bro, should be able to figure it out yourself man. i guess tho, take a screencap of what you have
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downloaded it and i opened it right away

are you sure you grabbed the PSP version? that looks like the original PS1 disc image. you can either extract that and use psx2psp or download this

Anyone know what that rainbow effect is under the screen? I got it pretty bad and a lot of dust / dirt trapped under it.

I really should recharge the thing every now and then so the battery doesn't keep dying.
fug i fucked up then ill download that then respond with what i have

you're gonna get an archive with a folder that contains an EBOOT file. put the folder in your PSP/GAME directory. that's where eboots go
last time i downloaded it, it showed a jpeg for some reason, is that normal?
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this is what i got when i opened the folder

usually it's just disc art, you can delete it. copy that SLUS.. folder to your GAME folder on your psp
so just highlight it and copy it? because the things like rename, cut, copy, etc arent there. so do i jsut open the folder and drag the game directly into my GAME folder?

extract it and copy it over, yes
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is this done correctly?
yeah should show up fine
so this is to be done for 6-9?

yeah if it's an eboot it goes in the game folder like that
alright thanks for the help i appreciate it
Anyone have a final fantasy 7 psp eboot or iso?
Just google "FFVII eboot". Is not rocket science man. Are you new to this whole internet thing?
emuparadise wont let me download it and its not on coolrom
Nigga there are downloads all over the internet.
Here is a folder with the game from GD, i literally searched it in less than 15 seconds.

You should try a little harder man.
downloaded them and now what do i do? for the first part there's a folder called "NPUJ94163". i assume i drag that into the game folder?
y e s

You can also extract the folder of any of the parts first and then put the whole folder (the "NPUJ94163" folder) inside the GAME folder on your PSP.
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hahah yeah! let's praise sony!
here I go again!
>sony security breach, my acc gets stolen
>they spend 500€+ on shitty games
>finally recover my acc, and my money after 5months
>they block my acc because now I have a 500€+ in debt with sony

thank you sony, I sure love getting responsabilities for your security breach!
anyone playing their psps right now? what games are yall playing?
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>posting something completly irrelevant to the PSP thread
they fucked my vita, I guess it's somewhat relevant

I miss a patapon game on vita
well, I now miss all the fucking games since I can't play
Playing goku makaimura kai and puyo puyo 20th anniversary. Pretty good games desu.

I'll take things that never happened for 400, Alex.
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>mfw battery got fat and doesn't fit in the system anymore

Anyone have experience with buying replacement batteries? Every choice I find on Amazon looks like shady Chinese garbage with 2-3 star reviews
didnt they have a crazy breach back in 2011 though or something?
>battery got fat

what the fuck did you do? feed it?
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You probably won't find official batteries at this point.
I'm not the only one
They told me that I'm responsible of every fraud they commit with my account, my fault or not

I'm sending e-mails again with them, I want to fucking finish spyro 2 and 3 on my vita and I can't
I can't even start my physical copy of freedom wars because my vita isn't "activated" and I can't access to my psn acc to check the dlc, so it just gives an error and never loads my game.
It's a natural thing that happens to Lithium-Ion batteries. Either through age, or overcharging, or physical damage, the chemicals inside degrade and the battery starts to swell.
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What PSP games do you guys recommend?
Both monster hunter games
Ultimate ghosts n goblins
Gods eater burst
Dissidia 012
FF type 0
FF crisis core
Zettai hero project
Both Disgaea games
La puccele tactics
Corpse party
Star Soldier
Metal gear PW/ Acid
Persona 2 and 3
Prinny 1 and 2
Burunyanman portable
Strike witches
Burnout legends
syphon filter the dark mirror
Patapon series
Loco Roco
Killzone: Liberation (it is really good actually)
Little big planet (it might be the most comfy psp game)
Call of Duty Roads to Victory that I'm playing on superior Vita is a decent WWII game
also Maverick Hunter X
The other Megaman game
X-men legends II
SWBF: Renegade Squadron
Bruh youtube exists for a reason. Look up tutorial for god's sake man.
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>we will never get handhelds or fucking consoles as good as the gba, ds, or psp
I still emulate shit on my psp while my 3ds gathers dust. Other then when DQ VII I don't see much use for it in the future.

God do I miss gen 6.
>tfw still have my gen wun psp
>i kept it just to play SOTN and rhondo of blood
>those comfy night feels
I got my PSP Go used and want to know where I can get a memory card (not online and I live in Canada) because I'm pretty sure $ony made it so you have to buy their overpriced memory cards because they're the only ones that work on it

should have 16gb built in tho bro, that's enough for at least 10 games
yeah, ive got 2 gigs left after ff1-9, metal gear solid, metal gear solid peace walker, kingdom hearts birth by sleep, and a snes emulator with soul blazer
any games you'd recommend? not particularly fond of turn based, but final fantasy is the limit for me
what genres you looking for then?
Not him but here you go my dude.
idk i like real time action like birth by sleep so kind of hack and slash?
anon having fun editing his app.db
The 2 god of War games are really good if you can get over the claw controls then.
already played them, has anyone heard of nayuta no kiseki? its ana ction rpg and i looked it up on youtube and all im seeing are fucking cutscenes
nope, but since you've played GoW. I haven't played it but A friend of mine really loves Gladiator Begins.
Nayuta no kiseki is really good but it has a lot of cutscenes, it was made by falcom. You should also try the Ys games.
Thread replies: 73
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