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>He listens to podcasts or his own music while playing video games
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>He listens to podcasts or his own music while playing video games
Yeah its comfy as fuck, and I can laern something while having fun
>listening to music
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>He doesn't listen to random Spotify while playing Rocket League

>Stop doing what you like to do!
Yeah doesn't work for me if I have to play seriously. I get too distracted if I listen to anything but the game music and sounds.
>not being deaf
I listen to the Free Beer and Hotwings while I play shit.

I really wish I could listen live, but that shit is too much work and I would have to wake up long before it's human.
>not listening to Notorious BIG while pubstomping
>he prefers generic orchestral music that is in almost every game and movie these days
Only while doing tedious tasks like fetch quests.
Yeah. Not all video games, though. I do it if I'm replaying Metroid or something. It'll take a couple of hours and that's about as long as some podcasts are.
>he doesn't like what someone else likes
Is this the shitposting thread?

Do you think Big Boss is the kind of guy that would like big fat anime tiddies? I think he is.
only for multiplayer games
How the fuck could you fuck up those lyrics
Those are the lyrics, retard
>tfw lag spike when the song changes
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