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>preordering games
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File: 2016-06-19 23_56_04.jpg (179 KB, 814x879) Image search: [Google]
2016-06-19 23_56_04.jpg
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>preordering games
Can you preorder the new South Park?
But you get stick of truth for preordering tho
My local EB Games shop legit ran out of Pokken Tournament copies so yes preordering it got me a copy instead of waiting a week later.

>In the same episode Cartman shills Xbone
>This was not long after all the anti-consumer bullshit that was still fresh in people's minds

His point would have stood better in that episode if he wasn't a cuck.
preordering a game
buying season passes / DLC
buying amiibo
pirating a game
making microtransactions

are all cancer. if you don't realize this there is seriously something wrong with you.
Always preordered and have never had a issue so why stop now? I get my game when I want it with some bonus stuff too
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>"I hate myself for pre-ordering XXX"

Show us where the big bad AAA let-down touched you...
>Big Dick Collectors Edition: $89.99
>comes with a big dick
You're literally autistic.
Serves you right, BMX XXX was a terrible game.

spore. never again
Yeah and you get to use towlie if you do
call me an idiot but Metroid Prime. it just isn't for me
>He never is hyped enough for a game to preorder it right away

What a sad life.
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Not AAA, but I got raped right in the DayZ and Stellaria.
At least you gave it a chance and aren't blaming the game for your dislike of it. I appreciate that, anon.
guild wars 2

the only game i have ever preordered and i learned my lesson - never fall for the hype.
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I went to a midnight release for that shit. I followed it's development for 3 years. I will never forgive EA.
>being hyped for videogames


It's fine if you don't want to put effort into your comeback, it doesn't make you right though.

Underrated post
>hype for a game
>preordering a game
>My local EB Games shop legit ran out of Pokken Tournament copies so yes preordering it got me a copy instead of going to another store that didn't run out
>it is development
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depends where you live. where i live, if one place runs out chances are everywhere does

i still never preorder though. the only game i've had trouble finding in the last 5 years is Hyrule Warriors and i ended up just doing that one digitally

>Implying we don't use 's for possesives

The exclusion of "it's" from this rule is 100% retarded
Kiddies won't know this, but preordering a game made a lot sense in the 90s before the internet allowed you to reliably get whatever the hell you want whenever the hell you want. If your local mall didn't have a copy, you were pretty much screwed unless you wanted to drive around all day hunting for it---something that never happens in this day and age with Amazon 2 Day and digital copies any time. Plus pre-orders used to actually come with cool physical swag instead of shitty costumes or dlc or whatever the hell they offer as incentives now.

There's really no point now, especially with games dropping in price point quicker than ever before.
>Still pretending to hate games on /v/

It's not just "its", it's all personal pronouns. His, hers, ours, theirs, yours, and its. You're retarded if you can't grasp that.
walked into a FUCKING GAMESTOP
they asked if I preordered. I said no.
they sell me a copy of the game.
"mane this the last copy what about the next guy who wants to buy it"
>what about the next guy? maybe he should have preorded it~
play pokken for like 4 weeks online and with buds. This shit is retarded and fun.

What happened to the pokken general threads?
go away plebbit
You also talk like a 12 year old. No point in trying anything.
I pre-ordered Doom and loved it.
Now I pre-ordered Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Day One Edition and I don't think I'll regret it.
I have literally never preordered a game.
I really do not get it.
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If only it was so easy getting dicked ;_;
>Supporting Uplay
lets hope speedsters aren't OP
>What happened to the pokken general threads?

They moved to /vp/ since that board is much slower (thus the generals stay alive longer).
Ive regretted not preordering a game
you're tying way to hard to fit in
fuck off.

get 2 games for the price of 1. South park creators are as red pill as it comes.
no u
Seriously, this. Some mornings I wake up and want to suck cock so badly. Like seriously, there's tons of faggots out there that are dying for a blowjob, but who knows where they are and you will never service them ;_;
lol whatever brah
>no per, zie, zhe, ou

yes and they give you stick of truth if your preorder.

and considering it wasn't previously available for the ps4/xbone...
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