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How did Levine manage to create perfection?
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How did Levine manage to create perfection?
I don't know why people drooled over Joosten rather than her.

You're onto something, though. I've been fiending for good Elizabeth SFM today.
Her head is so fucking out of whack and huge.
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One of the first in the long line of "father-daughter bonding" games
>ugly pig faced white people
>Shitskin in charge of having shit taste
She was perfect. Then he ruined her.
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That's not Chloe Price
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my nigga
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Is Elizabeth a virgin?

I only date virgins
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One of these things is not like the other.
You're not emotionally mature enough to understand her.
Anyone got the tweets of Ken complaining about being cucked by porn-makers?
One of her known quotes is "POUND ME WITH THAT USELESS COCK", so I'm not sure
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A shame that just like everything else in Infinite, Bioshock 2 did it better
B:I Liz is.

Burial At Sea Liz lol no
Joosten is a Real Person they could feasibly (physically at least) copulate with. Naturally that makes up for her dumb design/OPness/pointlessness plotwise.
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False, she's a faux punk goddes
Bro, she's only 18
See above
Willing to give up your life to save an entire town is selfish now? Most people would consider that heroic
>you will never lay in bed together on a Saturday morning after a night of passionate love making, listening to Bright Eyes and getting high
I'm sorry you're attracted to somebody who tries to hold back all of her friends to be as much of a failure as she is and gets unjustifiably mad at them for arbitrary reasons, and is so egotistical that she blames everyone but herself for her own problems. Someday you'll get better taste.
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Wasnt there a listing a few months back for a port of all 3 bioshock games to PS4/Xbone on one disc

Whatever happened to that?
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You guys are all wrong

This is perfection


Pick one.
>faux punk

Honestly the whole relationship with her was creepy. They try seriously hard to play up the father-daughter thing with Elizabeth but instead all I got was strange sexual tension instead. She never felt like a daughter to me.
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he didnt
the hack copied the likeness of a dirty commie to play the american sweetheart
fuckig pinko.
She was such an ugly loli.
How would you describe her style then? She sure ain't a hipster, and her music taste is too indie to be pure punk
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>I date

No need to lie, anon.
it's apart of Lolvine's ebin TWEEST, or his incest fetish. Because apparently in yuropoor, incest movies are "art"
you will have a creepy sexual tension with her just to make the ending more of a roller coaster ride of emotion for plebs.
he went off the deep end and make vixen liz in the dlc anyway.
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Pricefield 4 ever!
Pls no ban
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You have shit taste in music, and are an entry-level hipster wannabe faggot.
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Best vidya grill
>Elizabeth thread
>Lesbians is strange cucks shit up the thread
haven't played Memer 3 that much, is that scene where Ciri takes off her bra and grabs Geralt to the bed actually in the game or SFM? you know the one
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>she sure ain't hipster

but that's wrong, you fucking retard.
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when he decided to ruin gameplay in favor a story that fell flat
ingame model replacer.
i fucking loved Rage. my only complaint is that it shouldve been longer and more hub worlds
It's just a regular white girl with black short hair
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I want to explode inside of her.
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>this one died, cold and alone!

Eleanor was stone cold badass.
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do you think he's still mad?
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>The Rapture dream is over, and in waking I am alone.
>mutilated body

Worried you can't out-fuck anyone?
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oh she's mutilated, alright
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>MFW that's no my waifu
Too soon
Big Sisters are better.
The fact that he spent all of the games development on her instead of everything else.
where are all these from?
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Liking lesbians makes me a cuck now?
wew lad
I think he meant that liking a shitty game with shitty characters is what makes you a cuck.
studiofow bioshag trinity

Funfact: There's actually a program or something written for an electronic pocket pussy that will automatically move in sync to this particular video as you watch it, I shit you not.
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i don't think it counts if she's from another universe
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Stay away from my waif...DAUGHTER I meant daughter.
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>Arousal from watching women fuck somebody else
Yeah dipshit that's pretty much the definition of cuck
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>those blemishes
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Soooo anyone that watches porn is a cuck?
I'm 99% sure it was this thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvBtFHihlbw
I had a classmate that looked like her, except for the blue hair. I remember she used to rub her leg on mine for shits and giggles. Good times.
So this guy just reviews sex toys for a living?
I'm not sure if I should be disgusted or jealous...
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I fucked loved the story of Bioshock Infinite. But i'm a sucker for multiple dimension time travel fuckery so...
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>Witcher 3
>new God of War, Gears, Dishonored 2

Lots of dad vidya happening.

It's a good time to be alive.

Emphasis on the fuckery in Elizabeth's case.
Where are her panties?
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Wanna move to Oregon just to find a girl like Chloe
No need
VR will soon be better than real life
You can find Chloe's in every American highschool. You simply missed your chance.
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>A selfish, obnoxious, unlikable cunt that shifts the blame of all her insecurities and and personal problems on everyone but herself
>Doesn't change or develop as a character and deviate from this behavior in any fucking way until literally the very last minutes of the game
>The story presents nothing to make her insufferable behavior seem rational or sympathetic except that her dad died like six fucking years prior to the events of the game
Wow, what a compelling and emotionally complex character.

"My dad died when I was young and now I'm lashing out." Truly a Lifetime Original Movie masterpiece.
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can't deal with this.gif
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>Western Aqua
stop describing yourself faggot
Im actually about to play birth by sleep for the first time. Is she as amazing as everyone says?
good one
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We were born just in time to witness the great Waifu Age.

Get hype.
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Kill yourself you faggot fucking
My dad is alive.
She's cool. Not having played the game for the longest time- The villans still remain more interesting than the main characters i think.
I haven't finished it and I;m playing on Terra's run but she's pretty based plus a top tier girl.
I'm told that she is best played last so I guess I will find out a long time from now.
hatefuck best fuck
you must be 18 or over to browse this website
This is the future we chose
If it's hot enough that he had to take his shirt off then why is she wearing a sweater?
Eleanor manager to make me feel like a proud papa. You go, buttercup. Crush the world beneath your iron fist.
Well just got through the intro and she looks like a qt so thats a good start
probably to hide cuts,seems to be something that's coming back these days

>wherever you are, dad, i miss you.

Bioshock 2 is the proof you dont need fancy twists in a game. The story was as simple as bread and butter, and It still hundreds of times better than infinite.
it is better because the gameplay is better.Infinite is such a tedious borefest, there is no point in using most of the powers(forgot their names) and all the enemies are bulletsponges.
He literally combined a bunch of disney princesses.
He took Belle (book smart) and combined her with Ariel (trapped from the outside world) and added some Mulan (hair cutting scene).
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Hmm, thread needs more Chloe
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Sorry Chlocucks, this thread only has room for one blue beauty
Except Kate is literally the only worthwhile girl in that entire piece of shit game.
Vanilla Elizabeth = shit
Burial at Sea Elizabeth = 10/10 waifu godess

>Bioshock 2 difficulty goes down with the game, even counting the enemy "upgrades midway of the game". To balance It they throw a shit load of enemies on you at once, and you get to overcome It in great fights. The 2 big sisters ambush is the climax of that.

>in bioshock infinite the individual enemies get stronger, so much that they need to cut down on quantity. The rescue Elizabeth from the curgery is have a total of what, 6 of them spread, and each takes several sniper headshots to kill.
Hipster trash
dragon age origins was such a good game
Yeah exactly, they fucked up so much on the scale of the game
And they teased so much That Bird bossfight and he turns out to be a One bUtton helper.And some boss fights are literally broken, specially that ghost in the graveyard one

They should just made a movie
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You know your shit, anons. I'd be proud if she was my daughteru. Probably the only one I've cared for in vidya.
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The truth, anon.
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Thread images: 41

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