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E3 reports: people were excited for the Infinity Warfare trailer
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>The crowd was absolutely in love with what the game had to offer, as was I. “ouus” and “ahhs” spanned across the whole stadium but when call of duty title appeared..

Had a similar experience. Thought it looked good but I knew there was something missing. Finally when they started shooting the AR I knew it was Call of Duty. Still, I can't say I wasn't impressed. Game looked good, at least in that sequence.
Shhhh we're still supposed to pretend that they're not doing anything new with the franchise!
2bh I thought at first it was the single player campaign of star citizen until they started shooting, then I knew it was CoD
The thing was I had a bit of hope when I saw what I was looking at that something free form and cool was going on. That this might not be the only way to raid that ship, that maybe I could stay in my fighter and choose to pilot that more and take it down that way. When I saw Call of Duty, I instantly knew everything there was ultra scripted.
They fooled me all the way up until the guy pulls out an AR and starts shooting. Those fuckers have been using the same fucker rifle sound and aim animation since cod 4.
I thought it was a ps vr only game
Why did people hate Infinite Warfare again? Didn't everyone bash the devs for not doing anything new? The trailer really looked great.
I thought it was an awesome new IP, then I was shocked when it turned out to be COD
What I didn't like about Advanced Warfare was that so many "PRESS X" QTE

but it was a fine game
The crowd AKA journo faggots
Who cares
I'm going to be very honest
I hate online gaming

I wish they made a CoD with 15-20 hour single player
This. It'd be disingenuous of me to pretend I'm not interested in it beside it's CoD.
Popular rhetoric is a powerful thing.
You have to admit the crowd being exposed for the pretentious douchebags they are was hilarious
To be fair I was the same. Still I may actualyt buy a cod. never thought id say that again
Me too bro.
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Just goes to show how many retarded hiveminds there are.

The game looks awesome, if it wasn't CoD people would be losing their shit over it. But it has become a meme to hate on CoD so we have a bunch of retards all trying to fit in and look cool by hating on it.
like MGSV is a bad game meme
I knew when the duck and shoot real combat starts (the flight sequence was completely scripted) and the stupid objective reporting lines start pouring in. then it looked about as shit as any other cod.
Yeah, pretty much. As soon as the protag looked down the sights it was sealed.
As soon as the dyke started talking I knew it was CoD.
Did people seriously not know it was Call of Duty until the title came up? How? Seriously, how? I knew it was Call of Duty eight seconds into the footage and I haven't even played the series beyond a few hours of MW2 multiplayer a few years ago.

>Grapple to kill
>Enemies don't even bother shooting half the time
>Press button/pull switch to kill everyone in this room
>5 fucking minutes to clear a starship

Willing to bet the flying portion is on rails as well considering you're forced to ditch it for some dumb reason.
Only after he got out of the spaceship
Do you feel like you fit in now?
>Press button/pull switch to kill everyone in this room

That's what I don't like about the latest CoD
Very easy single player campaign
it has okay visuals I guess. not really.

but the campaign still looks like the weak, handhold-y bullshit CoD has been since MW2. markers always telling you where to go, exposition forcefed to you through cutscenes you wish you could skip so you can get back to mowing down waves of flavorless enemies. now it's just dipped in sci-fi paint.
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>throws grenade
>space thrusters guide it to target
i fuckin jizzed my pants
To be fair, the previous reveal trailer did look absolutely like shit. Shit graphics, same old CoD gameplay. Literally looked like Advanced Warfare.
They should have made this the reveal.
>The game looks awesome
CoD's good at making setpieces that look great, and then you play the actual games and it's the same mind-numbing pop-up cover shooting it's always been.
Only difference is that this time it's in space, but who knows, maybe they'll go the Shattered Horizon route and do something unique with it.

desu senpai I was just gonna let it be but some fucknuggets started trying to parade it off as some Star Citizen killer and I'm like fucking hell mate, Arma Apex is a much better comparison, you're just reaching and it's fucking hilarious.
I actually thought it looked alright

It could be something I'd play after seeing reviews

I'd never say that before
this just shows what mindless retards the gaming public are


lol thats not a meme
The real issue is: There is a market for games that take place on space and involves spaceship and dynamic combat on space

But no one seems to realize its potential
>but some fucknuggets started trying to parade it off as some Star Citizen killer
No one said that.

Why do you come out with complete and utter bullshit like this? Star Citizen is a fucking space sim not a FPS.
it's because they realized everything they just saw will actually last for like 3 hours, and it takes a gigantic backseat to the same old multiplayer as always
t. Activision shills
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>Everyone who will now be replying to this post trying to damage control
Glad this type of behaviour has actually been outed on such a huge scale, the game genuinely looks like fun and I applaud IW for finally doing something that looks different. If you hate the game at this point you either don't have any interest or stake in FPS titles or you're bandwagonning to fuck.
Zero G combat. Spaceships. I'm sold.

People did say it, I browse more that /v/ lad. Didn't mean to imply people here were already saying it.

It is an FPS tho, which is like half the reason to get into it. Plus the the fact it's not just some streamlined Freelancer/Starpoint Gemini etc. type sim. Still, like I said it's way, way more like Arma than fucking CoD so I'm a little annoyed today.
they are right

As much as every CoD game is similar and repetitive sometimes, many in the audience would buy this game if the name was Spacefighter or something like that
It look great. Now the big question is to know how much of this is scripted.
I hope the space fight phase wasn't a rail shooter.
>Star Citizen is a fucking space sim not a FPS.
It's both actually.
the kids love memes more than rooty tooty point n shootys nowadays. the "cod is bad" meme is more appealing than cod itself.
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>People did say it,
No one said that, you pulled it out if your fucking ass because you are a fucking retard.

The games are not even comparable, stop trying to fit in but most importantly stop talking shit.
Looks kinda cool
Might give it a shot
99% of people buy Call of Duty for online play

So don't expect any non-scripted section
I generally only play FPS titles. I've played through all of the CoD campaigns at some point, just for something mindless to do.

It looks like shit. I mean it looks like something vaguely okay before the shooting starts, it seems more like Battlefield's campaigns up until then. But then it turns into casual bullshit.

People can call things bad without trying to "fit in" for doing so. Just like people can call things good without trying to seem cool and openminded for doing so.
>every CoD game is similar and repetitive sometimes

Everyone would know this was CoD even if it didn't have CoD on the title. Stop shilling, CoD no longer has a grapple on the FPS market.

Gimmick space fighting and future setting isn't going to change the CoD formula that is turned out every single year.
God, do we really have to go through this every year?
The /v/ contrarians that are upset that people don't like CoD anymore try to act like the game will be good, the game comes out, it's mediocre/shit, the same contrarians pretend that they never said it would be good, rinse/repeat every fucking year.
CoD is mediocre, get over it, people are tired of the same whack-a-mole FPS that's trying to (poorly) copy Halo nowadays.
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>No one said that


/v/ isn't the entire fucking Internet mate
Fuck off Idi Amin you're dead
I played Advanced not long ago and i didn't know it was CoD until the gunfight after the spaceship shooting

CoD is repetitive but people like it because the multiplayer
They should have just released the game under a new name. But then it won't have a benefit of a billion dollar franchise attached to it
I know it's COD when the prompts in the door showed up. Don't know why.

Honestly I think it looks fine. If most levels have verticality option like that space sequence, great

>No one said that

Not him, but do you even look at things like comments? They're seriously trying to blame Star Citizen for the video having more dislikes than likes this time because it's close to >50% spaceship time.
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Because they've been gipped before by the cool COD trailers. They know they got their hopes up for something new and exciting, but instead its going to be COD bullshit.
This looked really good. It's not a rehash like most CoD games. I might buy this.
Don't worry Anno the Dev's have "confirmed" the space sequences won't be on rails. Well at least thats what i heard on an early thread.
>CoD is repetitive but people like it because the multiplayer
Which has been the same formula repeated since 2007. Cool set pieces that are always shown at E3 are not what the the game is going to be.

There is not going to be zero gravity space fighting in the MP. It's going to be the same "equip AR style weapon, throw red dot/grip/skin on it" The same AR that has had the same recoil pattern since CoD4.
There are better options for online
but this series sells millions of copies

It won't change anytime soon. At least there is Overwatch and Battleborn
If it's all scripted then it's totally meaningless.

I don't know how people get wowed by this shit.
>People can call things bad without trying to "fit in"
Yeah, I bet those 2,000,000 people who disliked the Infinite Warfare trailer just decided of their own accord that they also hated it enough to make it become the 3rd most hated youtube video ever.
I'm not saying you can't hate it because you thought it looked bad, but understand that you're in the minority when it comes to reasons for hating this title.
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Where? I don't see any of that. All i see is the cheap imitation of that. Even in Dead Space 1 Zero G felt more real than this. And fucking pilot of the space fighter just jumps out of his vehicle and rushes to action on foot? Garbage

Also artificial gravity and vortex grenades. How the fuck do you fit that in the world?
Why people buy it?

I think most people buy because there are almost no good multiplayer games on the market
>calling others contrarian while being contrarian
we need to go deeper
most people are not like us
they don't care if the grenade blows up in space or if you press X to kill everyone

They don't even think about it. They are just monkeys repeating stuff.

That's sad but it's true.

Do you honestly really believe something as low energy and effort like CoD was really going to last forever before people got bored of it?
It's no longer contrarian to dislike CoD anon, get with the times.
it's really possible that people don't like CoD's newest all-flash-no-substance campaign

it sounds crazy, but really. it's possible. I promise.

also CoD game sales have been declining with each new title. seems more and more people are getting tired of playing the same game.
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Popular rhetoric is fucking this series into the ground. In my opinion the last few CoD games have been totally different from the original series. Advanced warfare probably being one of the most enjoyable entries in the series. You could say it's a "meme" to hate CoD. People only hate on it because everyone else did just look at the like to dislike ratio in the YouTube video. It didn't even get that many dislikes until people starting making videos on the negativity it received. If you look back on the series CoD has always had good polish, 60 fps, and not a single poor launch with server problems like dice had with battlefield twice. Even though BF1 is hailed as a CoD killer.
I'm not a fanboy and I havnt bot a CoD game since mw3 but anyone can see the bullshit this series has gone through.
> Legit think the game looks cool and happy IW is trying something new.
> Normies hate it regardless.

Wait isn't this good? Doesn't this mean the fucking cancer that normies are will move on to shit on something else?

Think about it, at one point it's going to be cool to hate on other big name titles.

Man I love video games. Everyone in this community is just a little bitch.
Why do people buy McDonalds?

It's familiar, its highly visible, and easy.
>trailer starts off
>looks pretty decent
>space dogfight
>looks pretty alright
>thinking this is some awesome singleplayer Ace Combat space game
>starting to get hyped
>they go to board the enemy ship
>they are just floating in zero G next to a ship the size of a city, thinking they alone can take it down
>just floating still next to turrets and enemys
>gun looks like a pea shooter
>what the fuck is this
>instantly lose my hype
>follows them for their entire raid inside
>looks pretty fucking dumb
>the gunplay seems like shit
>please take me back to the ships lets do some dogfights
>CoD pops up
>instantly makes sense
People are worried, and reasonably so, that it's another example of Call of Duty producing something that looks amazing but only allows you to follow a set path while occasionally ducking behind cover and firing one of 500 identical assault rifles. If it comes out and actually delivers what it's offering, maybe word of mouth will turn its reputation around- but we've been taught for years that expecting substance behind CoD's spectacle is a mistake. It'll take more than a trailer, even a very good one, to break that trend.
we went full circle already like 2 years ago. you get with the times.
I prefer cod infinity war over BF1. The space combat looks entertaining, I probably will eventurly pick this one up. Compare that to BF1 which is just bf4 with smg's and ww1 planes
>also CoD game sales have been declining with each new title. seems more and more people are getting tired of playing the same game.

You are underestimating how casual and tasteless people are
you keep saying over and over that this game looks new and only normies dislike it, but you aren't actually replying to anyone

is this a real marketer?
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There's no need to be upset. Trailer is objectively good and does have Zero G combat and spaceships.
>In my opinion the last few CoD games have been totally different from the original series.

They added double jump and wall running.

Titanfall made it popular. Sorry you enjoy something made with zero passion and effort. There are much better FPS games to spend your money on now.
We need more military sci-fi games.
oh my, the first time someone has decided to throw the "SHILLLL" excuse at me.

did you even read my post or are you just here to stir shit up? If so have a (you) and keep on shitposting buddy.
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>it's a bitch about CoD thread
oh, is it that time of the year already? didn't get tired of these 6 years ago?
yeah I'm a long time follower of star citizen and I was pretty impressed with the cod trailer going back to the first one. Pretty funny that call of duty will do it first though.

Honestly, what the fuck was CoD even about?
Like, seriously think about it. What was the fucking identity and heritage of CoD?
There's a point you'd think you just make a new game when you want to take an extreme deviation from it like that.

We went from World War storytelling, to modern war storytelling in the middle east, to balls to the wall retardation with unexplained Super Science threatening the world but it's okay, scripted cutscenes and plastic toy guns will defeat the impossible odds.

CoD didn't even have fucking multiplayer back at the start iirc.
fair enough although I think there are better options for online gaming but anyway

As much as we hate or like CoD it won't sell more or less because of /v/

>We need more military sci-fi games.
I would think that replying exactly to what you said in your post would go to say I had read your post
They buy it because it's popular and they want to play with a lot of people. Same reason anyone does anything because it's popular, same reason people even mistakenly site sales or player count as a positive for a game at all ever.
>COD didn't have multiplayer

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>CoD didn't even have fucking multiplayer back at the start iirc.

>Underage spotted
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you just a shill without arguments on your side.
just like those gentlemen
complete shills who were payed to make short dumb posts of intrest to create an impression that someone cares. But again - no arguments why this shit is not shit.
CoD was still good 6 years ago
>>We went from World War storytelling, to modern war storytelling in the middle east, to balls to the wall retardation with unexplained Super Science threatening the world but it's okay, scripted cutscenes and plastic toy guns will defeat the impossible odds.

I've been slogging through the Black Ops 3 campaign. It is so fucking cliched and garbage.
they haven't changed their core gameplay mechanics at all. it's still defined by:
small maps
3 corridors
huge spray unless ADS
max 4 hits 2 kill, min 1
move fast but can't shoot, or move slow and can shoot, or move slowest and shoot "effectively." I think they added a double jump and wall ride, but you can't attack effectively while doing it

they weapon variety is also pitiful. it's just:
ray trace guns, faster they shoot teh less damage they do
explosive launcher
explosive launcher with an arc
1 hit lunge melee

to their credit they added flamethrowers and 1 hit slow projectiles 5 years ago just to mix things up.
If anything that just goes to show you the serious disconnect with the series. As soon as it broke into the casual market, it changed for the worse. It just to be all about the singleplayer experience, with pretty decent stories in terms of an FPS, and the gunplay was pretty great.
As soon as it started selling, they completely dropped the singleplayer, and just kept making a game each year, based off the most current trend.
I guess they figured space was in this year, and thats why we are getting a space cod.
>sound in space
Sorry I don't understand your argument buddy. I just like how it has a new vibe and ironically everyone hates it regardless.

Was talking less about the game, more about what is happening with big name titles and how it may happen to others.

Sorry you somehow interpreted that way pal.
MW sold like sand in Saudi Arabia and then they decided to spend 110+ million making the next game and 200 million in marketing

fair enough
Same reason listen to Justin Bieber, Hip Hop or watch VMA = people are dumb and just repeat what other people do

Why do you have to answer like that? Just fucking ignore it you faggot
Treyarch has been the only thing keeping CoD afloat since World at War. But CoD hasn't been REALLY good since Black Ops 1.
really? because most people seem to think it's the same or hasn't changed significantly. which is it?
No, we don't. Because developers don't know space works.They think - lets just put blackness in the background and that is - SPACE! Its not like that.
>Why do you have to answer like that? Just fucking ignore it you faggot

You seem new to the internet, or just an under aged Activision intern making their nightly shilling runs on a Japanese image board.
CoD 1 did not have MP you dumb fuck.
I shouldnt reply but..

>CoD didn't even have fucking multiplayer back at the start

You sir, are a fucking idiot.
>I'd totally buy that man it looks so good zero gravity gameplay omg
>Didn't even know it was CoD wow!

Had a feeling it was CoD the second characters opened their mouths and all the military jargon was thrown around casually, as soon as he left the fighter and pulled out the rifle it was blaringly obvious, the "zero gravity" looks like complete shit, when he shoots his grapple hook he immediately enters a set animation and loses any momentum he had on the spot I nearly vomited.

Fuck off shills.
>because most people seem to think it's the same or hasn't changed significantly.
Were you living under a fucking rock in 2013?

>Splitscreen local only
Nah mate, just tellin the truth it was basically fucking irrelevant to begin with.
CoD4's campaign was fucking great. It was easy, but it had Death From Above and Ghillie In The Mist. I still think those are amazing levels, and in 2007 they were fresh as hell.
Just ignore it and don't act like a 13 year old ok? thanks
Shut your whore mouth you filthy sewage nigger.

It did and I played the shit out of it.



Someone call the mods, this whole thread is filled with prepubescentt teenagers
Not me, it looked like a cod game from the start.
Besides we all know this was shit was just scripted gameplay anyways"
Way to parrot what you hear faggot. It's obviously not that simple but a Google search is too difficult for you. I only own mw3 and AW and I really enjoy the movement system that they added which was clearly more that wall running and double jumping.
And they spent an extra year and half making advanced warfare and to this day they are still adding free cosmetic items as well as totally new weapons. So it's clearly not made without passion or effort.
The thing is, if you could actually fly between the planets as you wish and could steer your fighter (it will be an on rails section, just with another skin) it would be cool. But this way it isn't, because it's still basically on rails set pieces or walking through corridors, even if you are in space because you can only grapple to 3 or 4 things on your way to the next objective that is always 50m away so you can't really do what you like to solve the situation but it's just drawing by numbers and that is what people are getting absolutly bored by with cod.
There is some really low tier shitposters in here. Tread lightly.
so what's your complaint? why is it not good anymore?
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You seem to think anyone gives a fuck what you think. You are mistaken.
every thread...

people fighting each other for no reason

>still adding free cosmetic items
>totally new weapons

Trailer is up there, it doesn't need any arguements or shills, it literally rocks.
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>CoD4's campaign was fucking great
What say you? ...filthy... absolutely unwashed pre-teen milk drinker.

Welcome to so advanced space warfare cadet. here's your standard issue m4 assault rifle and 1911 side arm. exit to the rear. Go get em space soldier!

you stupid mother fucker
>Splitscreen isn't multiplayer
You don't know shit about videogames
Just ignore and don't act like a 13 year old baby. Thanks
This describes gamers so well

They think in memes and ideas

"Cod bad, unga bunga" despite loving everything call of duty stands for

It's ao sad if it wasn't so funny
It looked sorta good, but still
>explosion in space
>gunshots in space
>screams in space

>kick a guy in 0G
>still stand perfectly still

>hookshot a guy to you
>don't move an inch when he hits you

>press L3 for awesome
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Fuck anti COD cucks, I think Black Ops is one of the best written FPS games ever made.
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Why change a working formula?
Ghosts was a turd.
AW was crap.
BO3 is mediocre.
CoD hasn't really been all that good since BO1, and it REALLY turned to shit after MW3, which, despite how much people call CoD a rehash, was a legitimate rehash.
This thread is a real testament to how bad false flag bait has gotten.
Well, I enjoyed it like I haven't enjoyed any since.

You can say the earlier campaigns were better, and maybe they were gameplay wise, but I actually liked Price and Gaz. There's not anyone I care for in the campaigns before CoD4.
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That is CoD: Finest hour that was only released on consoles (Xbox, ps2 and gamecube).

The original CoD did not have MP.
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I won't lie, when they showed it off with the spaceship battle into the sick fucking hooking around segment in space, into using a weird futurastic riot shield to bash people, I get really hyped and excited. I thought it was going to be some single-player experience FPS like Bethesda was doing, since people do actually want that like myself.

And then the name dropped. And I just.. Fuck. They did that trailer super well to trick people, because while I won't fucking buy it because it's a multiplayer piece of shit, I got interested and gave it a shot instead of dismissed it right away.
Well unlike them I'm not a faggot who is loyal to one game or permanently hates a name. The game looks good and pretty awesome all around, fuck battlefields SJW pandering and WW1 fuckery. We space now.
It's kind of amusing to watch though.
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>see ship combat
>"oh it's a space flight sim bretty cool"
>gets out of ship
>infantry combat look like a generic CoD clone
>lose interest, look at tings in phone
>turns out it was CoD all along
>he doesn't want to shoot commies in space with a 1911

Reagan's going to kick your ass for this
I though it looked interesting before the actual gameplay started.
The moment they showed the AR my interest absolutely died.
why say "they're doing anything new" when it's all the same underneath the skin?
Anyone else got excited cause they thought it was Killzone?
>everything call of duty stands for

Ultra-scripted linear singleplayer and mindless multiplayer?
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What makes me laff is somehow CoD has created a more stylish, more graphically consistent, better feeling, more responsive and more impressive sci-fi setting than fucking star citizen on an aging, ancient hack of the engine they made quake 4 on.

And it probably doesn't require a 250 dollar GPU to get more than 25 frames on.

Just fuck me up, senpai
can you name 3 other games with a similar campaign?

You seriously need to play better singleplayer games.
Nah man. Killzone kills my zone if you get what i mean.
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They also don't take into account the actual planets. I bet if you would try to fire the same riffle at the orbit of Venus first and on the surface of Titan next - you shouldn't be surpised if it doesn't work. On Titan the temperature is so cold, even if you step your foot on the ground then the giant cloud of gases will evaporate because your foot is more hot than everything on the planet.

They treat other places in the Solar system as just other places on Earth. Few dergees to the South, few degrees to the North - nothing different in their opinion.
I really hope they add a mode like this into the multiplayer.
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Heres a reply.
Epic m8.

Did you enjoy being BTFO?
its worthy of a movie or thriller novel

easily one of the slickest campaigns ever
I'm talking exclusively in the context of CoD. CoD campaigns are still zero-effort bullshit designed to pacify children.
>better feeling, more responsive
>Literal animations that break newton's third law

I could tell from watching the footage that this would feel like crap to play.
BTFO? Is this some new meme?
I thought it was stupid for a number of reasons. When I realized it was CoD I forgave the stupidity because I don't expect better from CoD.
>I'm talking exclusively in the context of CoD

Well that's the problem. CoD4 only got popular because it's multiplayer anyway, people who got into the campaign were a small minority.
Nah, I think anyone who likes CoD4 at least liked those two levels.
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COD 1 was launched with multiplayer. I don't know why I'm responding those posts anymore.

Yeah but anyone who likes CoD4 has very low standards.
Yeah, but look at how realism transfers into a videogame when you try to emulate real life limitations on movement too strongly then translate that into kb&m controls.

Have you ever played DayZ? Feels like you're playing mechwarrior.

Star citizen has happened upon a similar flaw in itself where the overly complex movement system that obeys science over feeling results in really bad, clunky sim-like movement and control.
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>Military personnel on the fucking bridge, surrounded by certain death being held at bay buy a layer of glass a few inches thick at best, literally not in space suits of any kind, literally standing there in regular uniforms just begging to fucking die the second any stray explosion shatters their window.

Are they even fucking trying?
it was fun
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EA/dice made fun of the IW trailer after it went up and then the dislike YouTube campaign took off.
I see exactly where you're coming from.
I haven't played a call of duty game since black ops, and I haven't even bought one since modern warfare 2.
The series has always been consistently playable and bug free with a standard of 60fps.
I think most of the hate for this game is EA shilling and viral campaigns to get people excited for battlefield 1 which is easily the worst big budget game of e3.
I honestly have no idea how anyone can trust dice at this point. Years of buggy releases that never get patched should be enough to make most people wise up.
>6 years ago+
>"we're sick of ww2/ww1 give us something new!!! "
>modern warfare comes out and everyone loves it
>Activision makes more, people get sick of it despite giving them a shit load of dudebro money
>BF1 comes out about the same thing people were sick about 6 years ago, people love it and complain this isn't "real CoD"

It was fun in the same mindless and dumb way that Transformers movies are fun. After a while you just get bored by all the mindless and dull action.
The shooty shoot mechanics look like they where fucking ripped from the last 4 call of duty games.

But good fucking god I just might get it for the space battles. Like goddamn seriously.
It had great map designs, and the killstreaks were new and not yet overbearing. It was still more competitive than arcadey.
yeah, i bet if i were in space, i would wear a light space suit all the time. And the space suits in this game seems very light (not like our todays bulky space suits)so i don't see why they wouldn't wear them on the bridge. Just in case.
>The series has always been consistently playable and bug free

Not on PC.
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>throw grenade in space
>moven all-around with some cutting edge grappling hook
>gravity don't affect shooting
jesus christ, who designed this? Michio Kaku?
>using gas propelled projectiles in space
Reagan's spinning his ass off
They're not. The trailer went from an interesting, awesome looking space flight battle moment to generic cod shootan, which is the exact formula in every fucking Call of Duty game.
>flashy set-piece with interesting sequence piloting/driving something
>start to actually have fun
>now walk through all these shooting gallery corridors and watch boring cutscenes for the next four hours until the next interesting gameplay section comes along

That's why everybody fucking groaned. Because they know that slick space flight part is literally the only time that will ever happen in the entire game.
Was kotick truly the villain?
I take satisfaction in thinking it was shit right from the get go. Those jew bastards can't trick me.
For real though, I fucking hate FPS's so I was already biased.

I never played much of CoD4 multiplayer. I remember some really small maps with very little room for any meaningful tactics.
You missed the part where infiltrator disabled the shield screens which were up for the very purpose of protecting those on the bridge.
Now, are you even trying?
To be fair, I've only ever played on 360. Lots of local death match with friends back in the day. But I'll stand by my original point with the exception of the PC versions.
>sick of ww1 games
Literally never happened
>Cherry picking games with shit controls

DayZ doesn't even attempt to be physically realistic.

Did you play Shattered Hirozon? That game had amazing zero G controls and combat with actual physics. Elite Dangerous' space combat is also top tier and keeps true to physics.

The animations halting momentum is literally unforgivable, it's the laziest fucking shit especially on a AAA title and the fact they've kept it is telling that they're not going to have many zero G sections at all.
I was fooled, briefly, until he got into the cockpit and I realised I had seen this all before.
its not a "documentary"
The average gamer is retarded more news at 11.

Some of them are in here

CoD started fucking over PC players since MW2 and the series is basically dying on it. Each new game seems to come out with tons of bugs and issues.

And most people in here primarily play on PC.
My honest reaction was one of thinking that I'd be the one guilty pleasure braindead shooter I'd get, then I saw the CoD title and got a suprise. Still gonna get it, just gonna wait for the eventual pricedrop since I don't care about multiplayer
WW1? Name me the list of every single WW1 game pre-Modern Warfare.
The maps were small-medium for most FPS games, yeah. Still rather well-designed with lots of pathing and opportunity for vertical combat. The gameplay was slow enough for smoke and flash grenades to be very useful, too.
The grenades had a thruster to direct them in space.
Judging by the heavy use of profanity, they're very juvenile kids on amphetamines or fresh shills just deployed to /v/.

Excuse me sir but I fap to loli hentai, and only play JRPGS, and I think Cod 4 was pretty swell.
>DayZ doesn't even attempt to be physically realistic.
Yeah, it does. They were aiming for that and they fucked it up.

Also I could say
>Cherrypicking games with 'good' controls.

ED did it alright, yeah, but that's space ship combat. That game had problems elsewhere though, non movement related.

I didn't play SH, looked shit.

This. The flying part is probably on rails and the only control you have is where your guns shoot.
I'm pretty sure most a one who play on PC don't have powerful enough machines to run the newer games.
750ti doesn't cut it anymore, senpai
>COD 1 was launched with multiplayer.
No it was not, go fucking google you fucking retard.
Looks more like Titanfall 2 than actual COD. pleas activism no more futuristic themes!
>They honestly need to change what makes CoD the game it is, just redesign the whole fucking thing.

Titanfall says hello.
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thanks god! it all make sense now!!
>*most anons
I think many people missed this but back in the War room in the Battleship, your character clearly could pick the mission he wanted to pick on. It was very similar to the Mass Effect starmap. Looks cool man, and i don't play a CoD since the original Modern Warfare.
I'm surprised people couldn't tell it was CoD from the get go. I have only played a small handful of CoD games in my time, mostly WaW, CoD 4, and MW2, but even still i could tell this was CoD very early in the trailer.

CoD has a very particular way about it, the way the character reloads their gun, the reticle, the way it zooms in when they scope, the particular sound design of shooting. No matter what CoD game it is these days, they all share the same particular feel in the details, and because of that you can instantly tell if a game is CoD or not.
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Yes it did happen you knuckle dragger. Pic related was WW1 and nobody liked it. You forget about the overabundance of ww1/ww2 shooters in the 6th gen.
Google says you're wrong.

"most anyone who plays games would more than likely be very impressed with Call of Duty's authentic presentation, well designed and often very intense single-player missions, and fast-paced, entertaining multiplayer modes"

Had it been a new IP, everyone would be curious as to what they would do with it. When you find out it's CoD, you immediately know what you're going to get.
No DayZ doesn't try to be physically realistic the Arma engine tries to be clunky to simulate the difficulty of operating optimally in a combat situation.

>That game had problems elsewhere though, non movement related.

Good thing we're talking about movement, gameplay. You know the stuff that makes playing a game feel good? Don't know why you're even trying to shift goalposts.

If you want to avoid me cherry picking games that do realistic movement well then don't make some idiotic statement that games can't do it at all.
>750ti doesn't cut it anymore, senpai

A 750 Ti can run next-gen games better than consoles.
I did notice, actually. I hope it's a sign of bigger things to come, but it's honestly hard to believe at this point that the CoD developers will put out something beyond their usual.

I'd be happy to be proven wrong on that point.

>Pic related was WW1

So, a SQ42 killer at least, BF1 is certainly not in the same league, setting wise.
>Black Ops 1/2 boosts Treyarch cool level by 45
>Black Ops 3 just drops all of it
>nobody liked it

I'm not mad about this than your shitty bait

that shit was a breath of fresh air
how fucking young is /v/ now

maybe i should just get out
I did the exact same thing
It looked pretty good but they've always been great at making scripted events like this one. Retards will still just dislike it because of the name even though the trailer was top notch. Not saying the game will be, but the trailer definetly was.
How? It was literally gritty realistic war shooter like any other fps we were getting back then.
That really depends on the game and if it's optimized or not. Tests for doom and the past couple of call of duty games prove you wrong, but their are many other examples of the 750ti out perming current gen consoles.
This makes me wonder, would Destiny have been like this but Activi$ion told them no then gave all their ideas to the CoD team to try and save that series? It really seems that way.
>CoD enemy AI still consists of running at you and shooting or standing still and shooting aka Serious Sam level AI
>it's been a decade since FEAR where enemies fought in squads and were an actual challenge
>almost 2 since Half-life also had fucking rudimentary squad AI instead of running at you in groups
I WAT'd hard when they jumped out to board the ship. I guess they want to be unquiet and not put the player in all situations with just one trailer, but it just seems retarded to have fighter pilots be the boarding party.
Also, Shattered Horizon did z g combat A LOT better, and that wasn't even done by a video game developer.

I also refuse to believe that people couldn't tell that this was call of duty until the total card came up. At the very least you would have been able to tell when they jumped out and started shooting, and you could even tell with the ship combat with what we've already seen in other trailers.

That said, it doesn't look bad, it just looks like CoD in a new setting with some new gameplay mechanics. I'd certainly like to play it (though not at full price). If they had shown this instead of the terrible first trailer, I doubt there would have been as much as there currently is.
It looked interesting right up until the part where your retarded fucking character landed on a spaceship and started shooting with an assault rifle
Last and only CoD I bought was 4. Might get this. Whole thing looked really good.
Why in the absolute FUCK is the CAPTAIN OF THE SHIP going into deadly combat? At least just make him and LT or something actually believable. OR better yet, switch perspectives between that female LT for the ground fighting and the Captain who tears shit up in his space mobile. The female will please SJWs and it wouldn't be pants on head retarded to see the captain in combat.
Wasn't bad but LOOK AT THAT FUCKING COD4 , it feels wierd to live the hype for second time
Where's the interview with the developer? I didn't get to watch all the events live, so I don't know if there is a post-show interview.

There was an anon in a previous thread bringing up a quote about how none of it is scripted and that there is genuinely freeform flight, including flying from space into atmosphere and back again. The starmap planning section they showed is clearly an evolution of Blops2 style mission choices, but they need another trailer to further prove that there is freedom in the actual gameplay as well.
>I WAT'd hard when they jumped out to board the ship. I guess they want to be unquiet and not put the player in all situations with just one trailer, but it just seems retarded to have fighter pilots be the boarding party.
I'm drunk I meant to say
>>I WAT'd hard when they jumped out to board the ship. I guess they want to be unique and put the player in all situations with just one character, but it just seems retarded to have fighter pilots be the boarding party.
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No, people bash CoD for not innovating every year. It's because of Modern Warfare remaster not being sold separately. Also, normalfags love more grounded experience even if it's almost Cyberpunky shit like Black ops 3
That doesn't make it a game about space travel. You pick a place and then you are teleported there. Nothing in between, no control, no graduate approach.

As far as i know they could be not on the space ship but underground inside the Institute from where they are teleported across the Solar System.
it was confirmed that it was NOT on rails
Star trek.

Also pilots popping out of their fighters with rifles seems very macross, but even macross didn't do that as the norm and was meant only as last ditch in which just ejecting normally and running away wasn't even an option.
>I'd be happy to be proven wrong on that point.

That is where they catch you. You don't learn on your mistakes and always easy to jump on the hope and hype trains. They count on your short memory.

Yeah but those are shitty console ports.

And it can perfectly play the latest CoD games anyway. There is no excuse for the horrible bugs that people report on PC.
black ops 3 had realistic difficulty. 1 hit and you're dead
> Prior Call of Duty vehicle missions (AC-130, Hind Helicopter, etc.) have always kept players on a certain path, Infinite Warfare is basically 2 games in 1 now.

It's been a while not, but I'm pretty sure that BLOPS helicopter was free roam, albeit in a small area.
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Because it is cool and edgy to hate CoD now.
>"Let's get 1 million downvotes guise XD!!!"







>You pick a place and then you are teleported there. Nothing in between, no control, no graduate approach.
C'mon, this is a shooter, not a space simulator. Was just implying there's at least some attempt there to give an illusion of being in a real space conflict there. And let's be honest here, there's not even a handfull of fp space games with actually interesting mechanics.
Oh, trust me, I have no intention of buying the game unless it turns out amazing. I'll check the reviews, look at what the general opinion is, ask around /v/, and watch some more gameplay videos before I seriously consider playing any CoD game.
I don't see no red shirt on that Captain m8. And star trek never sent the captain into straight up combat situations, they may turn into that if negotiations didn't work out but they never knowingly sent Kirk, Picard, Janeway, or anyone as far as I remember into straight up combat. shits dumb as fuck fampai.
Correct me if I'm wrong, haven't watched star trek in years, unless you're referring to the new movies, in which case, fuck off.

Yeah I've totally never seen Activision or any developer lie about an upcoming release on E3 before
>The fucking Captain going into direct combat
>Jumping out of your jet to infiltrate
>The Captain is fucking infiltrating a ship
>Animations break physics
>A fucking crew on a space vessel designed for combat, currently in a combat situation, is still dressed in regular uniforms and not in space suits
>Dumb "run into the open and shoot like shit" AI
>X to awesome!
>"woah looks cool as dope dude lmao didn't even know it was CoD like wooaahh what the fuck man haha xD"

Fuck off, if you didn't know it was CoD from the start you're actually mentally disabled.
>some idiotic statement that games can't do it at all.
Except I didn't say that.

I was going to refute all your toasty autist rage then I realized you can't even into reading comprehension.
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