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Where were you when FF15 died?
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Where were you when FF15 died?
When was it first announced? I can't remember.
That was some of the clunkiest shooting I ever saw.
And THAT's what they deemed presentable at E3

Watching E3 2007
Made me cringe
I was watching the FFXV Uncovered Event months ago.
They are just having some fun guys...nothing wrong with that.
You mean looked better than ever?
I was on here, like 2 years ago.
Is it bad if I thought this looked cool. It's a part of the base game, right? Not a separate game?
A better question would be, where were you when FF died?
So does anyone have a webm of the thing, well, you know, the thing everyone is going to want this for?
Playing FF8 and wondering why.
This must be honest to god excruciating. If the game running normally drops below 10fps, imagine how fucking bad it must be rendered twice.
>he isn't stoked for VR dates

I'm buying it
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How do people play jrpgs nowadays? It's just a bunch of weeb shit with dumb cliches from japanese culture that only appeals to fuckin teenagers.

Grow the fuck up.
idk 15 isnt dead. that VR is extra bs. The game isnt built around VR.
It was first announced in 2006 as FF XIII Versus.
It was never alive, it always looked shit.
poorfag with bad internet here

what the fuck happened? i thought xv was supposed to be an rpg
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I think VR is the future and I'll defend the tech to the death

but holy shit that has got to be the most ham-handed, unnecessary fucking implementation of it I've ever seen
ATR thread

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>Implying you wouldn't.
I'm more interested in the car scene with her.

If you can just spend a car ride with her in VR it's worth the $800 to buy a PS4 and PSVR.
9 10 and 12 were from serviceable to good.. 13+ are abomination
>annoying bimbo in retarded outfit and puke colored hair
Nah, I'm not a thirsty nigger like you.
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It has never been more alive
when they changed the name from FFvs13 to FF15

>final fantasy x

nigga im playing it now and wtf is this shit
>entire game seems to be based on magical b-ball
>player gets sucked 1000 years into future by giant whale
>player is an asshole asian twink
>seems like a bunch of random dramatic events smashed together
>island of people who worship magic b-ball

On memegenerator.com.
That's worth the entire price tag if it's an entire trip.
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>nobody clapping for this

Buncha faggots.
>How do people play fps's nowadays? It's just a bunch of dudebro shit with dumb cliches from american culture that only appeals to fuckin teenagers.

>Grow the fuck up.

I'm not even against dudebros, but it's all similar shit, just in a different flavors. Almost all of the writing shown at E3 so far has been horrific.
I told you people in several classic posts.

The moment Hajime "The Hack" Tabata took the reins this project was finished. I don't even have to reply to responses because I know time will bear me out. The only people defending this garbage are those who are already stuck on Square's slave plantation.
serviceable, anon. The combat is one of the best in the series as far as dept is concerned, you can go full autism on stats later on to kill the bonus bosses. Characters are generally fine with some excellent (Auron, Jecht )

There's a lot of side stuff to do later on when the world open up (with some bullshit, fuck lightning dodging)

Music and looks were fuckign incredible back then and are still fine

Voiceworks is so bad it's good.
Is the cidney date simulator coming to PC? I don't want too oogle her breasts at 30 fps
Prompto's Crossbow Training.
They showed a good shot of her thighs there.
Yeah knowing the driving skill of the average woman i would be fuckign stressed at that point
What won't you faggots cringe at anymore?
The room is filled with SJW Journalists.
>audience gasps and wriggle uncomfortably in seats at this misogynistic display
>Tent Slumber Party with 3 other men VR

Can't wait.
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Yeah, shame the vr-to-normal-video makes it blurry as hell and youtube doesnt help a lot either
About 3 years in the past hearing that Tabata took over and it was also coming to Xbox.
>Microsoft shows actual gameplay
>Looks like dogshit

>Sony shows a VR gimmick game
>Lools 100x better
>he says this on /v/
I know right? It's so odd.
Cancelling my pre order.
You're just a faggot then
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>How do people play video games nowadays? It's just a bunch of dumb shit with dumb cliches from movies that only appeals to fuckin teenagers.
>Prompto uses a gun
This just confirms that he catches for every guy Noctis comes across.
At home watching TGS 2014
>not Oculus Rift or HTC Vive

They need something to distract them from people constantly dieing.

He's also a jock asshole because he doesnt know what the fuck is going on and is just going along with it. Its not until later that he learns what the pilgrimage is and learns what a piece of shit he's been. Only real crappy thing is that they throw in that he's also a dead dream child though. That seemed a bit unneeded
the VR part of FF was really bad executed if they wanted to impress the people with it
>Play as Prompto!

I laughed.
Spotted the shit haired commoner.

I bet you have brown eyes too.
>audience mildly interested for FFXV footage
>they end it with fucking prompto VR
>audience is dead silent
That vr segment was fucking disgusting what the fuck were they thinking?
That made me cringe, but XV is shit anyway.
I want to come in Prompto, and just keep coming.
does that guy use firearms in the real version as well?
Yeah, he's always used pistols.
Are you the youtube chat from the e3 stream? If so, please never speak on the internet ever again.
>still believing in modern FF
FF died after FF10

A bimbo is an air-headed female who's only notable skills are looking as hot as possible and taking cock like a champion.

Cidney is a mechanic. The fact that she has practical skills that are useful in everyday life and a career in a field that will be in demand for the foreseeable future disqualifies her from bimbo status.
>>Not wanting to ride next to Cid while ogling her

Is this what /v/ became? A board filled with faggots?
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>FF15 was announced three years ago.
It was a joke.
I don't get it.
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nice work Einstein
13 turned out to be kinda meh, so they wanted to distance this from 13.
It was just poking fun at the whole VR hype -- probably be released as a free VR scenario along side the PSVR release.
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