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>"haha le sony movies lmao" >most games revealed
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>"haha le sony movies lmao"
>most games revealed
>uninterrupted game after game after game
>minimal talking/no cringe bullshit
>gameplay shown for several games (which is sadly saying something these days)
>obligatory muh shooting PR but no fag ribbons at least
>overall most professional conference

Where is your god now /v/? Every other company fucked around instead of showing games, I bet even purist Nintendo will spend more time talking about muh mario bros history and amiibo garbage than actually showing games.

The epic movie company is the most gaming-focused one, how does that make you feel?
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Feels fucking good, man

we also have TGS for weeb games
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I don't particularly care honestly.
I just want to see Persona, Pokemon, Zelda and The Last Guardian. Everything else is filler as far as I'm concerned.
Feels genuinely great, I've had my comfy multi plats I preferred on PS4 and low key experiences, now there's a massive influx of games but not just from the East.

I also prefer the zombie type games on offer compared to the Xbone which was unnaturally all about it.

There was a lot of game play that ran smoothly, and they did create interest in VR which is necessary for the launch of new technology.

I remember Kinect and it was a flop in generating hype. Sony's motion control games were also a huge fucking bore, I'm keen on how much VR integration will be included in the next gen of games.

If COD did VR I'm tempted to pick it up since space genre galactic battles is my jam. Shit on the formula all you want, the aspect of gravity + grappling appeals to me. As long as piloting is decent I'll buy it, all games will have a waiting period though. Fuck pre ordering.
You got a release date for the Last Guardian, that must have felt a little good right?
Just saw the trailer, looks alright.
I doubt I'll be hyped by anything Playstation related until I see Persona though, I'm not a massive TLG fag or anything, just wanted another game for my PS4 since I haven't touched the thing in ages.
>vr gimmicks
>'cinematic trailers'
>literally nothing

Sony lost, we all know it
>most games revealed
movies aren't games
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PS4 exclusives:
>God of War
>Days Gone
>Detroit: Become Human
>Death Stranding
>Spider-man PS4

Xbox ONE exclusives:
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You seem to be forgetting the ones in pic related.

Microsoft really told fags to fuck off and buy a PC.
>God of War: Wife's Son Edition
>Monster Hunter with robots
>generic horror game that is allegedly RE7
>generic zombie shooter
>generic space shooter
>generic space shooter that's allegedly CoD
>Crash trilogy remaster with not so much as a teaser
>Kojima makes a music video starring Norman Reedus
>teaser for totally not a Spider-man 2 remake
>no updates on KH3, FF7, or Shenmue 3
>no DMC5
>no Knack 2
>no PS4K to challenge microsoft
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