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Will it suck?
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Will it suck?
/v/ response: Obviously it will be shit.

Educated response: Check out videos and decide for yourself. Preach Gaming, Asmongold, Bellular all give solid reviews of several features of Legion.
WoW hasn't been good in a long time.
Yes it will. Legion sucks, artifacts sucks. Blizzard needs to see what they did right in vanilla, or release legacy servers. The current game is dead
>Muh vanilla
>check out these payed shills for reviews

Just like WoD it will be fun for the first 1-2 months, after that when you have done all the content it will be kind of meh
more like 2 weeks
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>Turning to shills and dick-riders for honest opinions and 'solid' reviews

Anon fuck off with this weak shit
Yes, as long as LFR/LFG/CRZ are in the game it will forever be shit.
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Well it can't possibly get any worse.
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>Well it can't possibly get any worse.
That's what we said about WoD when Pandaria was current.
People will hate it and get nostalgic about the previous expansion
In 2017 we will have people circlejerking about how great WoD was
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