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Will this year be the year, /v/?
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Will this year be the year, /v/?
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>taking neogaf seriously

For a new Skylanders version.
Overrated tech demo
Got good at 2
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Fuck these cunts.
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Ihate them so much.
But be sure they will be the first ones to cheer and scream "SONY WON" if they show an exclusive Crash game.

Why do you care so much about Crash?
these are the kind of people that are killing the platformer genre
something something sonyggers

They already did it with Knack
Pretty sad. What a bunch of fucking hipsters.
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>thinking the skylanders thing isn't cross-promotion for a new game

If something sounds too good to be true, it usually is.
>They already did it with Knack
I'd gladly strangle Cerny with my hands for saying Knack was Crash's spiritual sequel.
there is no conceivable fucking way they would tease and allude all this BS over the months just for skylanders, it would be the biggest blueball in gaming history

They're not entirely wrong. I do believe that Crash is damaged goods at this point. It's been tarnished, and abused for far too long. So many shitty games, and re-designs. It's the same thing with Banjo and Kazooie, although I can see them making a comeback. They have Yooka-Layle to give them that backbone, but what does Crash have? Skylanders? Nah.
They've barely teased, it's just been a little crap here and there that people have lost their shit over, rather than them saying something concrete.
I'd be really damn surprised if Skylanders Crash isn't the only Crash we get. It'll be like when Microsoft showed Conker at their E3 conference, only for it to be for Project Spark

But would you honestly be surprised? Its Activision. They thrive on the tears of the wailing.
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never forgetti
all this shit just for skylanders would be low even for them. even evil has standards
if nothing except skylanders gets shown at E3, any hopes of a new crash game are deader than shit. chances are, that's probably what's going to happen
>They've barely teased, it's just been a little crap here and there that people have lost their shit over, rather than them saying something concrete.

You just described teasing
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>They've barely teased
>Crash going out of the trash in the PS4 ads
>Crash in Uncharted 4
>Sony guy wearing Crash T-shirt on stage
>Various sony twitter accounts around the World posting shit about Crash
>Pic related in Driveclub
>Cortex VA teasing something and then backpedaling
>Skylanders Crash figurine PS4 exclusive
Those are all big fat teases. And I'm sure I'm missing some.
The guy wearing the Crash T-shirt wasn't just some random dude either; it was Shawn Layden, fuckin' CEO of SCEA.
not to mention the fact that all his shirts mean something

>Vib-Ribbon shirt
Vib-ribbon re-released

>God of War shirt
God of War 4 confirmed in development

>Crash shirt
I wish I had your optimism.

But when you keep your hopes low, you don't have as far to fall.
regardless of what happens crash fans will still be around. The fact that hype for the franchise has managed to live on for 8 years after the franchise went quiet is pretty astounding
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>implying naughty dog would bother reviving a dead franchise
Tripguy, it's 3 damn years I am destroying my anus hoping for Crash news. I don't regret nothing, my hope transformed into a souless motivation. I want Crash. I don't care if I end disappointed again. Crash might be as well my only reason to buy a PS4.

Crash, the original classic one, not the modern one, to me represents what's still good about videogames along with Nintendo and some indie games. Yes, laugh at what I just said, I don't give two shits. Videogames need Crash more than any other AAA cinematic turd in existance. And I need it.

Fuck this shit, I'll sound like an autist but I don't give a flying fuck.

No one thinks it would be Naughty Dog. They'd have no reason to anyway.
reminder that a crash reboot was being worked on before getting cucked by asstivision

and it actually looked pretty damn good

Doesn't have to be Naughty Dog. I'm not sure who else could take it on, though, not many devs make 3D platformers anymore. It would be funny if it wound up in Insomniac's hands.
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Crash Bandicoot 2 & 3 are timeless classics with great gameplay that will never get old.

Shit like TLOU will only be remembered for its story. And TLOU had a shitty story.

>Crash, the original classic one, not the modern one, to me represents what's still good about videogames along with Nintendo and some indie games.

For what its worth, I agree with you. The original Crash trilogy was the perfect example of taking the old 8/16-bit sidescroller and bringing it to 3D.
Art style is spot on but I prefer small linear levels over huge playgrounds.
i think a good mix of them would be perfect for crash's return. not an open sandbox with nothing to do but not a single linear hallway with no exploration. kind of like what Twinsanity tried to do but kinda failed to in the later parts of the game
>kind of like what Twinsanity tried to do but kinda failed to in the later parts of the game
twinsanity's main problem is the fact that it was rushed to shit. the first hub world in that game was meant to be the same for the entire game, but as you progress you notice how little time they had to finish the game and so the end feels a lot more restrictive and hallway-ish kinda like the original trilogy
alright fucknuts

what is your favorite crash game
The 2nd one.
Crash motherfucking Bandicoot 2: Cortex gonna fuck your shit up.

the wrath of cortex
Personally I'm fine with it, if anything the game needs to be longer, thankfully they left out so much from the original game you can pretty much write them in a new story
never have i seen such shit taste
The first level was good. The first area was open with different "puzzles" or platfrming areas and then you had to follow a linear path towards the next big area.
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never forget
Since 2015? That's not a very long time. 2017 Release?
If Activision is involved, I doubt it will be a PS4 exclusive game.
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Its a tie between Crash Bandicoot 2 and CTR for me.
depending on what game they're remaking in HD it might very well come out this year
Crash 2.

And I fucking love the GBA ones as well.
What if
>Whole trilogy in HD in one single pack
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>naughty dog
Keep them away from Crash please.
They added time limit, command prompts and fucking scores to a Crash cameo.
It's like they missed the point of their own game.
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must be posted
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>Jap shit
>Not superior american anime
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>tfw this will never be made into a real cartoon.
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i usually don't get upset at neofag shenanigans

but fuck if i'm not triggered right now
I'm ready Bandibros this year is our year.... let us embrace the hype and await to see where the rabbit hole leads us
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Crash was always pretty average. To say otherwise would just be historical revisionism.

I don't think the series has any fans outside of the people that grew up with it.
I can cherrypick opinions and make baseless claim too, you know.
Old Crash games are still top sellers on psn.
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>there's never been a good crash game
People that grew up with Crash and played them when they came out is actually a fuckton of people. If not, what >>340899335 says wouldn't make any sense you twat.
>Old Crash games are still top sellers on psn.

There are plenty of people that grew up with it
There are also plenty of people that discovered it just recently
It's funny because Crash was always really simple, but not a lot of other platformers did what it did in the same way. Most other 3D platformers went for big environments, not a lot (at least not a lot of big or popular ones) went for the straight, linear obstacle course style.

I was always a bigger fan of the more open games like Mario and Spyro, but I think Crash has a niche they don't.
Old ND was farsighted. They knew the limits of big and open 3d platformers, they knew what made 2d platformers good was exactly their linearity. They arrived at the same conclusion Nintendo got with Galaxy and 3D World. Linearity allows more polished and creative level design.
But Galaxy is 3x better than 3D world
Yes. And? The important point is they are linear. 3D World is still better than Sunshine.
I love old ND and Crash but I don't think they forsaw that by any means. They just stretched the usual formula (and played with the system limitations) which always worked, and kept going with it. Of course the results were going to be fun if the ingredients were polished enough (2D platformers being fun and succesful)

I still agree with your conclussion though. The more limited your media is, the more control you have and the more you can direct the player experience by designing levels and such.

I don't like 3D World however.
God, I hope so.
If it happens and turns out shit, I promise to hang myself on stream.
Don't make such promises.
There was nothing farsighted about ND, even old ND. They didn't have a single creative bone in their body.

Crash was literally just a 3D remake of Donkey Kong Country with a few "walk into / out of the screen" levels combined with a C-grade Loony Tunes artstyle and a healthy injection of early 90s radikewl.

The only reason the game is linear is because they had no idea how to make good graphics unless they had 100% control over the player's camera.
Why the fuck is linearity a bad thing?
It's a goddamn platformer. Not everything benefits from nonlinearity.
I too get mad when someone likes a game I don't. If I don't like them, they are shit.

Crash games are some on the most beautiful PS1 games. They look so good they hold up still today visually.
tim fuck off
Never said it was bad, just said that Crash was what it was not because of some kind of master plan but because Naughty Dog weren't able to do anything more ambitious.
Not everthing needs to be ambitious, man.
If you can do something that's already been shown to work and do it REALLY well, it's perfect. That's why Crash 2 is so great: It's not super unique in what it does, it's unique in how goddamn well it does it.
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>They look so good they hold up still today visually.

I think delivering the literal best looking games on the system is actually ambitious enough, it's the same philosophy they embrace up to this day. I get your point still.

>being this retarded
For a gen 5 hardware, yes, they do.
>implying that looks bad
Try getting a good screenshot of 2's level hub, or ice levels, too.
>it's unique in how goddamn well it does it.

Donkey Kong Country 2 did it earlier and did it better, and aside from the graphics and perspective their gameplay is pretty much the same. The level design in that game is leagues in advance of Crash Bandicoot 2 even though it isn't 2D. It's really easy to tell that just by looking how DKC2 hides its secrets compared to Crash 2.

Also Crash 2 has godawful jetpack controls. I always dread doing those levels on a repeat playthrough.
I think DKC2 is an absolute clusterfuck compared to the first one.
I wouldn't really call that farsighted, though. I think what Nintendo did with SM64 showed a greater understanding of how platformers would advance in 3D.
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>Try getting a good screenshot of 2's level hub


looks cute but there's no way it holds up today with its practically flat shaded bandicoot
>fun-hating nu-males

Pitfall was a jungle platformer before Rare existed. I guess DKC is just an unoriginal Pitfall with prettier graphics.



>Pitfall was a jungle platformer before Rare existed

Nice strawman. They're both in the platforming genre so they must be the same right? Herp derp. The mechanics and level design style are totally different.

Crash Bandicoot on the other hand LITERALLY has 95% of the same mechanics as Donkey Kong Country. By Jason Rubin and Andy Gavin's own fucking admission.
>I think what Nintendo did with SM64 showed a greater understanding of how platformers would advance in 3D.
SM64 showed how 3D adventure games could advance, not 3D platformers. There is a reason big sandbox open platformers died after Banjo, Spyro and Sunshine. They were unappealing. Boring. Badly designed.
But 3D adventure games advanced well instead, following SM64's lessions.
The real modern 3D platformers should follow Crash's linear style instead.
>Nice strawman.
I'm using your same logic here. Similar dettails means copypasted game. That's exactly what you are implying.
So yes, DKC is just a shameless Pitfall clone at 95%. Happy?
No shame in copying a game that copied another one.
What exactly does crash copy from DKC that isn't in any other 2D platformer game ever?
post coco
Did you get beat up by PS1 kids in your childhood
If I beat Crash 2 starting after EA conference and ending before Bethesda conference, there will be Crash Bandicoot 4 announcement tomorrow. Wish me luck!
You're still trying to deny that Crash Bandicoot was a DKC clone in 3D which is pretty hilarious given Naughty Dog themselves had no pretenses about it. DKC of course was directly inspired by Mario but the mechanics are very different.

Well copying other games very closely is kind of Naughty Dog's thing. CTR was a clone of Diddy Kong Racing (to the extent that Naughty Dog rebuilt DKR's levels in the CTR engine for testing purposes). And of course Jak and Daxter was a clone of Banjo-Kazooie. And Jak 2 was a clone of GTA3, etc.

Hey, Rare did it too, but they weren't as blatant as Naughty Dog.
>translation: I'm autistic
2 of course, but I've actually got a huge softspot for Twinsanity
>i-i have no argument y-you're probably a-autistic!
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not my fault you've got autism
That guy is not me but I'll take his answer as the right one for your post. I wasn't going to answer to you anymore anyway.
>CTR was a DKR clone
I'll take a HD remake if it means that they can gauge interest in a new one, I need it.
I'd love an HD remake but I'm not sure it would justify a console purchase.
I wouldn't even care if it was a multiplat I'm not a sperg, it's just long overdue for some good treatment.
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>This year is Crash Bandicoot 20th anniversary
Yes, is my only hope. Surprise me, Sony.
2 CTR and Twinsanity respectively
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Maybe, but it definitely won't be Naughty Dog making the game
>ND makes Crash
>Neogaf praises it
They'll eat every shit but they just won't admit it
So much bad taste in this thread.
You can't be this fucking retard.
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The last of us wasn't even that good
How do we destroy this cesspool of a website?
No really, I can't fucking tolerate this shit anymore.
I'd literally rather browse r/cuckold than put up with these mongoloids.
You can't be this fucking illiterate.
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>still wanting a new crash bandicoot
You dumbasses love to dig your own graves don't you?

I think I ran into one on YouTube.

It was on Quantum Break gameplay trailer where I commented how this looks as bland as The Order and some fucking dude posted an entire essay on why The Order would be a masterpiece in narrative gaming and why Quantum Break is a failure.

I wish I could find it.
I think we all know deep down it's a giant monkey paw waiting to happen. Optimism never hurt though.
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