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What went so horribly wrong?
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What went so horribly wrong?
the fanboys
Replaced all the things fags whined about in 4 with the same gimmicks under different names

>focus is now "crush counter"
>Revenge meter is now "v-trigger"
>grapplers still braindead and easymodo

Not to mention the penalty system for ragequitters is still broken.
how the fuck is crush counter even remotely similar to a focus attack?
The rampant monetization and shitty support at release
8 things
it's a slow shitty game made by and for people who don't actually know dick shit about fighting games.

also, really bad support and very little content, but mostly the first thing.
dubious netcode
8 frames
long loading times and matchmaking
no ragequit penalty

those should all be fixable though eventually and I'm still having fun with the game
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Its /v/ talking about fighting games.
they rushed it
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Reminder that no SF game with Sakura in it has ever failed.
Both Alpha games that featured her sold much less than SFV.
Sadly, it's too simple. The most complex thing is shimmy, which all other Street Fighter games already have. There's also a lack of single player content, which actually does matter to casuals. There's also some lag, but eh.
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And yet they were never considered failures by Capcom standards and resulted in one of the most beloved games in the franchise: Alpha 3, from which we also got Karin back too.
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>one of the most beloved games in the franchise: Alpha 3
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another boring combo character with no attitude

and generic schoolgirl visual design to go with it

such a loss
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>Video before SFV's release shows an entire team of pro-level SF players stating that Karin is the one character they'd love to see in SFV
>No beloved

You're lucky almost all the Alpha characters were used in SFIV, or Capcom would still be ignoring Third Strike.
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>Generic schoolgirl

I'll have to give you that point. Nothing would make me happier than for them to redesign Sakura for SFV, but Ono's already stated he won't let that happen. Gotta keep characters boring and iconic, I guess.
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That game was only slightly more of a flop than A3 was.

They went from 6mil copies with SF2 to barely 1mil with those.
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Just because there's less players doesn't mean a game can't be loved. I say this as someone whose first SF experience was EX+ Alpha
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Nothing wrong with the gameplay. Everything around it is ruff, though. Hopefully they'll put a dent in it by next year. Very fun, though.
Yeah and they completely and utterly ruined her. Capcom wrote the book on "How not to handle a long awaited returning character" with Karin.
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>just because a game is less loved doesnt mean that its less loved

Good thing you mentioned SFEX. Thats another SF game that featured Sakura that was a massive disaster.
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Jews ruined it.

the gameplay is actually fucking shit, sorry you apparently don't know anything about fighting games
Released 5 months too early. Roster is too small, yeah they are adding more but it should have been at least 24 at launch.
I've said it before, but I honestly think Capcom has something against rekka's in SFV:
>No Fei Long, Yang (no biggie here,) or Abel
>Ibuki doesn't have triple kicks
>Karin only has rekka's in V-trigger and can't even fully control them.

I dunno man, but I think Capcom's got it out for anything resembling rekka's in SFV.

>Less player = less loved

No. Look at Marvel 2. Less players now than MvC3, but still the preferred game by everyone. Outside of that, SF EX +Alpha got three or four games out of itself. Not what I would call a disaster.
Well, Fei Long rekkas was a thing they hated balancing in SF4, so I can sort of see why. Rekkas basically gives you the safety of an advancing move without the risks.
>but still the preferred game by everyone
Preferred game by memelords who dont actually play games.

Its the same with 3s dickriders. They dont play the game, 4 was much more popular AND loved.
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that's an opinion though
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Those games are less loved. SF2 and SF3 both have people who play the games regularly to this day both online and offline.

Alpha games are dead outside of the same 10 BRs who fuck around with A-ism and don't really play.
Nothing. The people it was mad for love it, as demonstrated by yhe absolutely unbelievably thriving scene. No one else gives a fuck however. This is the way it should be.
>Grapplers still braindead easymodo

What? Grapplers are harder to use since everyone jumps/jump baits with the extra delay all day and grapplers thrive off whiff punishing which is hard as fuck for them to do.

Even in strike throw they aren't that great because characters like Ken/Karin have better throw game because of insanely good blockstrings. This game is built around getting the momentum then guessing someone to death.

but it's an opinion shared by literally everyone who knows anything and doesn't have capcoms dick in their mouth

it's an opinion with real solid weight and tons of experience behind it
>The people it was made for love it

This is a bullshit statement that targets everyone who might not like it. Personally i enjoy it but it needs some improvements
1. get the delay down to SF4 standards because whiff punishing is even harder in SFV and needs that improvement
2. and 1 more defensive mechanic since some characters still die for days off strike throw guessing and not all v-reversals even have good/the same framedata
3. Buff a few of the shittier characters.
>Hates every SF but SFII and SFIV

Sounds like an '09'er to me. Kids can't appreciate change these days, I guess.

>SF2: the game that practically created the genre is still played competitively

Makes sense, but don't try to pass off SFIII as a game with a lively community. It boosted a bit when it got the Online Edition on PS3, but that's it. Even Fightcade is the same 100 people, which is absolutely nothing compared to a modern fighting game scene.
Who said I liked 4? I just said that its much more liked ,which is true. So many people actually put tons of time into that, time they didnt put into games like 3s.

Now you even get 4 fanboys who act like 3s dickriders going on about how much deeper and greater 4 was compared to V.
How sure are you about that? Not to long ago I saw top level players complaining about how the game has no "personality." There's no tech to steal or strategies to study for them, apparently.
SF3 still has an offline scene in Yurop and Japan.

Japs can get around 200 in some tournaments, Yurop gets Frenchies, and even America side tournaments can get a solid 30-50 when America has historically hated the SF3 series
the thriving scene thing was sarcasm I think. the game is fucking dying outside of pro-tournaments.

and those people will play fucking anything if the pot is big enough.
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Not near enough Dan.
Also setting up a multiplayer component with no punishments for caustic behavior like disconnecting which you think would be standard in any game like this by now.
developed by sjws
3s is the best fighting game ever made what the fuck is wrong with you
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Really? Where are they then? All the SFIV dickriders I know have moved onto SFV, and still continue to play it despite their complaints for whatever reasons.

Look, I originally wasn't trying to argue about the liveliness of each game's scene. Just that a lot of players, especially high level ones, do have a fondness for SF Alpha. Did you see none of the excitement when they announced Birdie, R. Mika, Nash, and Karin?
>implying any fighting game with a parry mechanic is considered good

Nothing. It's a good game. Do you need some kind of validation from sales to tell you so?
you've got a weird fucking idea about what the word good means.

is english your first langauge?
People like returning chatacters. Do you not remember the hype when Dudley came back in 4? People were even excited for T. Hawk.
Im still having fun

is that ok
>People excited for Tony Hawk.

This is how I know you're lying.
What are your criticisms about the game that do not relate to sales figures?
It was released a year too soon
Nothing. FGC is more thriving than ever.

Evo will be hype. More than twice as many entrants as SF4 brought in its lifetime combined.
>Rival Schools series is dead forever.
SF5 is going to be the same result as it has been for the past three months. The rest of the world makes America look free and we continue to ask ourselves why we're accepting Capcom's bullshit DLC model.
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>/v/ talking about fighting games or distribution models
It seems to me like you can't really have your own way of playing a character. They seem to have flowchart playstyles that focus on getting a CC and then executing a combo that takes off half your opponents' health with absolutely no way of them retaliating.

Every Mika is the same.
Every Karin is the same.
Every Ryu is the same, they use the same combos and approaches.
The only time I'm ever thrown for a loop is when I'm against a rarely played character like FANG.

I'm still having fun because I like the fast matches and I like SF in general, but the characters don't seem to have the versatility that they used to.
>Rival Schools is dead
>Director still wants to make sequel

>Garou: MotW is dead
>Director still wants to make sequel

>Darkstalkers is dead

Man, it sucks knowing if they brought these things back, all that would matter to the people that claim to love these games is the online and competitive balance. Everyone has forgotten what fun is.
>Every Karin is the same.
Load of horseshit.
I also dont know how anybody would focus on getting CCs. Its just a heavy fucking normal and you cant really fish for those.
It's not a bad game mechanically. I really like it. It's just so wrapped up in being really...puristic in how it approaches the technical aspect of fighting games that it gets to be a little drab as a consequence. SFIV is a bunch of shitty shenanigans, so it's almost cartoony levels in how it plays that people seemed to have fun with it.

Also the people behind SFV just don't seem to embrace the franchise or its history. I don't feel the passion or spirit in it at all. It doesn't have a soul or love behind it, it just feels kind of robotic. I kinda felt that way with SFIV too. Even at the design level, I feel that SFV is too stiff, robotic, and uninspired. I just get that feeling for some reason. Just look at the new characters, they are pretty bland, and who the fuck knows what's going on with Ken's looks.

This is in comparison to something like KOFXIV where you may say its graphics are PS2 as fuck, but the overall feeling of it is that the people working on it really love the shit out of KOF, and you have to if you, on your own volition, move to a company just to work for scraps. Even the new characters just ooze some form of personality and color that KOF is known for, even if you might not like a character like Sylvie. You might not like KOF as a game, but you can't claim that there's no spirit in its latest upcoming iteration.
>Every Mika is the same
Ok this is true, but nodoby defends mika
>Every Karin is the same
She is one of the most flexible characters in the game, try comparing Jwong's Karin to Magos and tell me she cant be played wildly differently
>Every Ryu is the same
Same as Karin, compare any top Ryus and they look totally different. Daigos fireball heavy/reads based approach to Tokidos hardcore rushdown style

I think you need to remember that typical online play isnt representative of the game being played at its most effective level. Your typical online shitters will always look the same.
Why did Capcom omit character select from ranked/casual? Ranked I kind of understand, but surely the point of playing casually is to try out different characters?
Probably because the mechanics are more strict while the characters themselves are more loose. It's the polar opposite of SFIV:

>Everyone has a rigid moveset in SFIV
>This can be overcome by FADC's for combos

>(SFV:) Characters aren't so well defined, like half the cast having command grabs and everyone having at least one way to fuck over fireballs besides EX moves or jumping
>Characters are limited to the V-system which only does specific things for whoever you're playing instead of being universal.
By people it was made for, I mean fgc.
That was before the game even launched. Then scene is ridiculous. Evo16 already has 4000 entrants, which is the record. There's definitely tech, it's just not nonsense like 1fl and options selects (though there are a few os).
Fuck off with your gay feelings.
When I look at KoF I see a chinese knockoff copy of what used to be a proper contender.

Everybody who throws terms like soul and love around is a fucktard.
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Not that anon, but Mika can be played differently.
Compare Fuudo's really solid play and surprising command over her options, to Marn's pure insanity.
>/v/ trying to pretend knowing shit about fighting games: the post
All the KoF shilling has soured me on KoF14. Disgusting fucking spics using smear tactics.
Stay angry, KOFXIIIfag. KOFXIII was just a combofest game that people pretended to enjoy if it made them look cool on the internet.
They rushed the ever loving fuck out of it.
You weren't interested in the game or the franchise in the first place, so it's like there's nothing different.
Too much outsourcing and rushed release because of Esports.
KoF13 was fucking ass too.
Saying that 14 has "soul" is fucking retarded though, especially when they just copy old movesets and bnbs even all the way and somehow manages to fuck up the 3D animations ROYALLY.
Copying shitty idol popstars isnt what I would call HEART either.

Game looks like wank all around.
I wouldnt call varying degrees of going ham as a totally different gameplay style with a character. At the end of the day they are both jumping and fishing for fMP's all day because its absurdly broken. I'll grant you fuudo is incredibly solid but at the end of the day they both marn and fuudo end up clapping like americans.
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I agree with your sentiment, but SNK always seemed to be what early Capcom was to me: just a bunch of dudes making games they wanted to make. Now Capcom just feels stiff, but SNK is trying to make an honest comeback. Capcom may make more iconic fighters, but SNK definitely makes better characters.
Reminds me of GG fanboys.
Glad to see that nobody actually plays Revelator now.
pandering to e-thu e-celeb e-sports community
lying about release dates
game is unfinished and ubalanced
freemium dlc scam
make in-game prices so absurd you get forced into paying with real money
rushed out with many standard and mandatory features missing entirely or half baked
art is bad
models are 50/50 between okay and ugly as sin
no zenny store then later scrapped entirely
false advertizing
bad new game mechanics
charging 60 dollars for an incomplete product
This thread proves the SFV shitposting is done by KoF shills. Nice job exposing yourselves you pathetic fucks.
>especially when they just copy old movesets and bnbs even all the way
That's not even entirely true, but some of the same kind of combos are there for many fighting games that aren't by Arcsys, unless you reinvent a moveset like Ken just so he gets most of his original moveset back anyway in a chronological sequel.
GG Xrd Revelator
Tekken 7

all of these are better than SFV
I was interested starting with KoF14. Yet I see the same type of droning for KoF14 I see for Overwatch which is why I didn't buy the latter. I won't support your smear tactics to boost sales, faggot. Take a look at yourself and the man you've become.
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Sounds like someone's jealous that KoF will actually release as a full-fledged game. Only prop you got left is "well, the online is going to suck," which could end up being true, but the KoF community has always persevered through that so it doesn't change anything.
>Capcom and combofiend don't know dick shit about fighting games

Literally the dumbest shit I've ever heard.
>better than anything
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Oh of course I agree, her gameplan boils down to giving out rounds of applause, but I find those two specifically and their different approaches to the gameplan to be quite interesting.
They didn't realize casuals don't play games and forgot to put in "Let's Watch" mode.
>but the KoF community has always persevered through that
Funny I see the Steam numbers and less than 100 players are playing the latest KoF game. The series is dying. And your smear tactics against SFV won't boost sales. It will only sour people on fighting games in general. Just fucking lay off this shitposting feud already. Can't a man enjoy SFV and also look forward to KoF14?
Thanks for a reasonable response.

I just feel like SFV feels empty and hollow and with little personality. But back in something like SFIII and especially the Alpha series, there was a lot more color to the otherwise iconic and seemingly flat characters like Ryu.

Not to say that gameplay wise that SFV is a bad game, because it's actually pretty good despite what people may complain about there, especially if you're one of those SFIV-only players.
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>The online popularity/presence of something dictates if I buy it

This is the saddest thing I've read all day. Do you avoid watching popular movies or eating at popular places too?
Combofriend doesnt actually do shit with the game, not sure why people think he does.
He's a community manager.

He writes the prima guide, promotes the game and responds to people.

Guys like Woshige have actual influence over the game.
I doubt that any gaijin word matters to them.
They thought cauals want to learn to play but in reality most of them don't even want to bother to do so and rather just want to see "cool" play of good players. But since they dumbed down the game there's not much cool stuff so casuals aren't interested + good players got bored of the game soon.
>and less than 100 players are playing the latest KoF game
No shit, the netcode leaves a lot to be desired, especially for the pace a KOF game typically goes at. Do you think people are going to repeat SP mode all day?
I really like SFV because there's not a lot of nonsense. Crush Counters are fucking brilliant,not gimmicky at all and has a huge effect on neutral.
When I Blizzard partake in active stealth marketing and smear campaign towards the competition, it sours me on the company as whole. KoF shills are doing that aswell.

How did they dumb down the game?
>Say game has terrible online

And for the record, I play every 2-D fighting game I can (with some 3D exceptions.) I got Blazblue, GGRev, SFV, Last Blade 2, MKX, DoA, and I plan on getting KoF, Tekken 7, and everything else when they come out. That said, I can't dismiss SFV's poor offerings simply because I like Capcom fighters. The game itself is good, it just doesn't have anything else going for it outside of fighting people. Not even tutorials for newbies.
They removed autopilot OS shit so retards like him think its dumber.
So why did you say the community is doing fine when the numbers show a game that is pretty much dead? And SNK hasn't talked about upgrading netcode for 14 either which may spell the same fate for it.
A fighting game without competition is absolutely useless.
Over here the KoF scenes died out really quickly after 13s release.

I was about to say this. SF4 had so many autopilot OS's, set-play and vortex shit compared to SF5.
t.someone that hasn't actually been watching high level SFV play

We've had some of the best matches in years go down since the AE edition of SF4. The problem is that SFV isn't flashy enough like Marvel to entice casuals with ADHD and /v/, who has no idea how fighting games works, seems to think they do understand fighting games.
>A fighting game without competition is absolutely useless.
That's an idiotic opinion you've only formed because competition is the path that fighting games have dug themselves into.
The fighting game genre is one of the least explored of all video game genres.
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The problem with SFV (personality wise) is that it lacks two things: memorable/fun locales and actual character personalities. Dunno why, but a majority of the cast can be described using the same few words: stoic, flat, determined, etc. Seems like the only fighters having fun in the game are Mika and Birdie. Even Ken, who's supposed to be cocky as fuck, seems tame in comparison. The lack of fun little things like pic related doesn't help either.
I'd rather have a functional ONLINE WHERE I CAN ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME over anything else in a fighting game. Why is it ok for SNK to kill their games by coding online modes from the 90's but Capcom doesn't include a useless arcade mode and it's treason by Capcom?

You should be mad at SNK for putting so little effort in the actual multiplayer aspect of the game, the meat of any fighting game besides trash by NRS.
If this is the sort of shit getting attention, no wonder people think /v/ don't play video games
>So why did you say the community is doing fine
First off, that wasn't me.
Second, I'm sure he means locals.
Third, numbers on a steam game doesn't mean jack shit compared to locals.
Competition is what they were designed for from day 1.
Its inherently 1v1. If you cant play against other people you cant play the game.

A dead community means that the fighter is dead.
Ken still is cocky as fuck though. He's snarky in English and yankee in Japanese.
Sorry I don't live in Mexico or Japan. It's either online or it's dead.
>Competition is what they were designed for from day 1.
See, this is what people who don't know what they're talking about actually believe.
You don't know half of what you think you know about fighting games.

>Third, numbers on a steam game doesn't mean jack shit compared to local

They probably mean more. Locals constitute a tiny portion of the playerbase. Most people are buying fighting games for singleplayer and online.

And yes, I said singleplayer. Singleplayer modes will always be the most popular aspects of fighting games.
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Alright. Playing for more than fifteen years isnt good enough to know about the genre I guess.
Enlighten me.
So KoF shills are saying it's ok to make a game with completely dysfunctional online that will kill the game prematurely but God forbid if you don't have arcade mode?

Alright. Well I'm going back to play some more SFV against other people on the Internet.
>Playing for more than fifteen years
You need to be 18 to post here.
Because, as much as I fucking hate to say it, Capcom is the standard for the FGC. A lot of people look up to Capcom for fighting game innovation, fun, and, more recently, to be the ones to lead the FGC into the e-sports scene. That's a mantle that everyone's placed on Capcom because they, alongside SF, are the icons of the FGC and are expected to act as such. No one cares if KoF netcode sucks because no one expects that shit from SNK in the first place. No one expects anything from any developer besides Capcom because so few people care if it isn't Capcom. I hate it, but it's true.
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Shit delay
Shitty online
shit graphics
Also it crashes my pc every 15 minutes.
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did they announce the actual day for the story mode update?
I like to think that Alpha gave them a bit more, but I guess you're right, since there's not too many flaws or quirks outside some really basic ones that you'd have to really be reaching to suggest how they actually play against their characters. Like Kyo is actually academically lazy and doesn't give a shit about schoolwork or how Kensou is a cuck. Like, someone could say that Ken is "cocky" but does that actually mean anything bad unless someone interprets it in their fanfic as bad? It's bad only if it constantly causes him to lose, but it clearly doesn't. And cocky is still just a really basic thing anyway that doesn't tell a story. But that's beside the point.
>shit graphics
He said Street Fighter V
Not KoF14
How would you, oh wise sage, reinvigorate the fighting game genre then?

Let me guess, more story mode? More cutscenes? Getting rid of combos and inputs to streamline the design?

Fucking casuals are the only ones that think fighting games need to be explored when they're already the most mechanically sound genre satisfying a userbase that prefers gameplay over bullshit like cutscenes and worthless side modes that end up being bad mimicry of other genre.
I just bought SFV tonight and I am really into it, but I am confused as to why there is no arcade mode or any way to fight CPUs outside of training mode. Is some kind of arcade-mode-ish thing coming at some point?
Just shitposting then.
>it's ok when SNK does it
Fuck off you apologist shill. If I buy a fighting game, online is the mode I expect to be functional since that's the whole point of the game for me. If fucking Skullgirls on a million dollar budget can have it, why can't SNK? The more you apologize for their incompetence, the worse for all of us wanting to play KoF.
Last week of June. The remainder of the season 1 group will be playable in it as well with Ibuki dropping for users as well.
Fine. Enjoy paying for and playing the exact same game over and over again.
Stupid faggots.
He is, but there's a certain level of cocky he just isn't hitting in SFV. He used to flat out insult people, now he just says everything Ryu says but differently:
>"Woah, great throws, not that I would want to experience them again."

There's nothing cocky about statements like this.
Almost nothing.

Very little is different about this release from any other major Street Fighter title. The only difference is different expectations in the industry's current climate.

Every single transition period for Street Fighter titles, from ST to Alpha, from Alpha to New Generation, from 3S to SF4, has seen some departures and some new blood in the ranks of top players. Every new game after ST has been heralded as both the "end of Street Fighter" and the "savior of the series" at some point.

You have the honeymoon period like with any game, but some people realize the game doesn't appeal to them after a few months. The people bitching endlessly online about the game having "limited approaches" and "boring" gameplay are people who just don't like the game enough to improve more. People said the exact same shit with SF4 on release.

The options in the game aren't limited. These players are just limiting themselves and are trying to justify their own shortcomings.

The fact is, it's way too fucking early to even begin to believe that anyone has figured out the game 100%. And no, I'm not saying that some super secret hidden tech/glitch will be found that will change the game. Go watch gameplay of vanilla SF4 and compare it to how it was being played in Ultra or even in v2012 or AE. It's radically different. In my opinion, we're all still playing this game at a very surface level.

This isn't to say the game will be "good" nor "bad" once we get more years with the game. Eventually, people will just understand SFV's style more clearly as they play more. Some will stay, others will go, and new players will come. The people trying to argue it's "bad" this early are just finding excuses for themselves to not play.

I'm just talking about the core gameplay, though. Everyone is justified in bitching about the botched launch. It's clear the game was meant for a mid-late 2016 release, but had its infrastucture rushed instead in order to make it for the CPT.
You have the story now and the extra cinematic storymode that will come at the end of the month or something.

Also trials and survival.
Nice dodge you fucking moron.
Spoken like a true Americunt, always self-absorbed
>Almost nothing.
Dodge? You just said it yourself.
You rather have the same game with the same mechanics than any new game modes, new character types, etc...
You rather the genre stagnate, gain no new players and slowly die than experiment in any way, shape or form.

Why should I try convincing someone who's already made up their mind.

Street Fighter IV had 19 characters and story mode at launch. You are filled with bullshit.
They are supposedly looking into adding a traditional VS CPU mode.
Go to bed extracredits. You have another retarded video to make that outs you as not knowing shit about fighting games.
>"Woah, great throws, not that I would want to experience them again."
Wait, seriously? That sounds so flat. Did they want to avoid harsh triggering statements in the game or something? I have to see other win quotes to see how consistent something like this is.
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>Developers notorious for bad online
>Expecting good online in their next game

I don't give a fuck if you play KoF or not, but you're too optimistic in your expectations. Not a terrible thing, but don't be surprised if you get burnt.
Fighting games is the genre that is the mechanically best as of now. If you care about popularity, play assfaggots or CoD.
That still doesn't mean the game is dead. People still play it. If you said that decades ago when there wasn't really an option to play the games online you'd be laughed out of a community with your Xband and solitaire.exe.
>Street Fighter IV had 19 characters and story mode at launch.

What the fuck does this address at all about my argument?
See, this attitude is why the fighting game community is full of niggers.
Hostile and stupid environment, just the way they like it.
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>Nash def. Birdie – You’ve managed to become an idiotic pig. What’s the point of you staying alive?
4 had 16 characters at launch. Akuma was added in a firmware update to arcade units fucking retard.

Console version launched with 25 characters.
>Very little is different about this release from any other major Street Fighter title.
You might have Alzheimers if you can't even remember what you posted just minutes ago.
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>with completely dysfunctional online that will kill the game prematurely
You mean like SFV?
That's his win quote against Laura. I don't know everyone's' win quotes, but the only ones that can be labelled as insults are usually either characters vs. Vega (making fun of his face if you beat him up,) or Bison who just says the usual villain shit like "Pathetic! Useless!"
>managed to become
He was not one in the first place?
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>KoFniggers trying to talk shit about character personalities or designs
Birdie alone is more charming than all 50 KoF14 characters put together.
You faggots always approach the FGC with a holier than thou always knows best attitude coupled with the fact that you're all retards that have no idea how the games work even at a basic level.
>3 less characters
>6 characters added within the first year of release.

Not to mention, those DLC characters were probably intended to be released with the game had the release not been pushed up in time for CPT.

Your argument sucks.
>everyone who isn't in the FGC is a retard
Spoken like a true nigger
4 had less than 14.

I think it had like 8 when it first hit arcades.
>shit normal priority system
>shit crush counter mechanic
>horrible pace
>awful new character designs
>20% complete at launch
>online broken at launch
>online matchmaking worse than a 8 year old predecessor
>ugly art style

Its fucking awful. Complete trainwreck. I have loved every Street Fighter game ever made even the EX series is fun. But V is a fucking abortion and I regret buying it.
This thread is nothing but KoF shills doing smear tactics. Anyone want to make a geniune SFV thread? KoF shills are tragic beings.
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Actually, no. In the Alpha games, he was buff as fuck. In SF1 (yes, Street Fighter One, the one we all remember exists,) Birdie was actually white.
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He used to be Giganigger, destroyer of cunts.

He was always full retard, but at least he was fit.
Birdie was big but ripped in Alpha.
You know what makes me laugh?
Even a game as ugly as Injustice manages to look better than KoF14.
Its sad really.
You seem to be the only person in this thread who knows his shit.
Number one is the downtime. The game has ridiculously long loading times for single player and ungodly long wait times for multiplayer. I would probably have dumped a good 40+ hours into it if there was less waiting.

Story mode is a joke. The enemies don't fight back and the 2D artworks is unacceptably bad.

Chun-Li and Ryu's amazing costumes were fucking preorder bonuses and there's still no other way to get them.
You're thinking of 3.

4 launched with 16 characters and a barebones arcade mode. They had a promotional event about five months after the vanilla launch where Akuma was unlocked in all units across Japan. Then a few months later Seth and Gouken were added in and unlocked.

SF4s console version was released a year after the arcade run and had 25 characters in it.
Well, in all fairness, his winquotes were just generic and noncharacter oriented, at least before SFIV, which I don't remember but I think they were fairly stock then, too.

I mean, he used to say things like "Attack me if you dare, I will crush you!" to everybody since that kind of stuff wasn't programmed yet, or that thing about being easy as a flowchart, which I'm not even sure as to what the Jp quote would be.
That's because I'm autistic in my dedication to fighting game stories and trivia. Only one I can't fully get is BlazBlue, but I'm convinced that it's story is not meant for mere mortals to understand.
Reminder: Anyone that says you're playing the same game over and over with regards to fighting games doesn't play fighting games at all.
but you cant say something is shit without saying why

unless youre trolling

youre not trolling are you?
censoring mika's ass
Snk wants people playing sfv - the 2d fighter market is not big and most people in it buy and play multiple games. Also remember sony has money is both games hence them both being ps4 exclusives. This is also why many people expect a new CvS. Sony is paying for them both now anyway. Clearly all of capcoms money went into faux claymation grafix and snks is going into muh huuuge roster and actual net code. I dont know where all of capcoms money goes honestly. Monster hunter is a gold mine.
>random ass load times
>stripping the core of the game down to appeal to casuals
>then failing to appeal to those same casuals by releasing the game with no functioning 1P modes other than survival and training
>dlc schedule was released with no intent on following it
>consumers have yet to receive the full game they were promised

If Sony/Capcom weren't so hell bent on forcing SFV at tourneys and pushing the money into SFV pot earnings, SFV wouldn't be nearly as popular.
>I dont know where all of capcoms money goes honestly.
Maybe they're saving up so they can break into the pachinko market.
Its atlus job this time and their netfode on p4a has been gud
I have three words for you...
Instant Kill Supers
How's it feel to be stuck in September bro?
Fun fact: it isn't. Atlus is publishing the game, not developing it. They have nothing to do with anything regarding KoFXIV except getting it into people's hands.

4 launched with less than 16 because you had to unlock everyone
You can throw that argument out of the window when Capcom placed an arbitrary release schedule for the release characters and could barely push them out on time.

Even worse is that the characters are probably already finished (they're all slated to be playable in story mode in the next update), but that makes you wonder why the fuck they decided to just hold the characters hostage like that along with the rest of the features they didn't implement.
>shit ground normals and range
>muh 8 frames
>medium medium
>wakeup jab
>combo into super for 50%
I miss SF4's hitconfirm combos.
Hoshit a reasonable person

Snk made boss characters unbalanced on purpose to make them fucking epic they didnt give a shit about whether they were balanced
Not that guy, but two things:

1. Those arbitrary dates for DLC? That was due to miscommunication between Capcom Japan and Capcom NA. You can read the Japanese blog post about Ibuki's "delay." Hint: she was never "delayed" because she was never supposed to release in May in the first place. And yes, that means all the other character release dates are non existent as well.

2. The June Update blog says the characters aren't fully balanced yet, hence they're only playable in story mode. Their models and animations may be donde, but that doesn't mean their frame data is.
Darkstalkers is literally the most easy to get into fighting game I've ever played.
It just feels so fluid.
Of course anon does
Publisher handles net code on this one
>cropped out anuses and pussies
>leaves tits

should have just cropped the kiss by itself.
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>Its atlus job this time
You can't be this stupid. You just can't.
>The June Update blog says the characters aren't fully balanced yet,

>Characters will start OP as fuck like the beta characters
>when they get their proper release they will recieve huge nerfs and even some moves/tools removed like it happened during the betas
i can already hear ppl crying when it happens
>that gif
But he says I can at the end, anon.
No, they don't. And the thing is, they're only publishing it in the US, when this is still going to be worldwide netplayable. So stop talking out of your ass.
Kof and sf are both basically sony games now developed by different groups - the rivalry is over/ thread
Yeah so Capcom's just a huge fuck up regardless. What a surprise.
I would go further than boss characters. Last Blade 2 is riddled with cheap shit, Young Geese in NeoWave destroys everyone, and so on. SNK gives no fucks to balance as long as it looks cool, and I fucking love them for it.
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Not that poster but, dude, this guy has literally been nothing but civil the entire thread. And if he is a shill he'd be doing a terrible job at considering he actually ACKNOWLEDGES the flaws in KoF? It's not okay when any company fucks up but when they do you have to swallow what does work. I kinda like SFV, I can deal with it but it's shit to me as somebody who does have fun fucking around in arcade mode and vs. cpu mode (Yes I know training and survival exist but the convenience of just a skirmish worked for me. I made my own storylines just having different characters fight in different places making scenarios up for them.) And it's little shit that doesn't matter but the player has the option of making it matter that appeals to casual people. KoFXIV's probably gonna be rough but I would rather a product with heart and quality than drivel. Aside from that, if all you're going to do is whine about a game you literally don't play the community does not need you anyways you entitled, self-centered drone.
>Last Blade 2 is riddled with cheap shit,
Explain. I just started playing semi-recently.
Hopefully they will actually take the time to fix the game after they finish releasing DLC characters.

I don't really care about new characters when the game isn't fun to play.
Now we just need Mai and Chun-li to kiss and make out- I mean up. Or Ryu and Kyo but that'd be kinda gay... Haha...
KoF boogeyman coming to getcha
How far the franchise has fallen.
Remember when they could design decent characters?
Now all they make are fuck boys and retards.
Would be cool if they could come up with gems like rufus from sfiv
The music fits too well: https://youtu.be/JX2F7SS420Q

And this isn't even considering the cheat that lets you play the final boss character. (I can confirm it works online too.)
the only people who say "fuckboy" are tumblr browsing teenage communist girls who describe themselves as "meme queens" and listen to yung lean
Blame Falcoon. but still the only good designs in kof come from art of fighting and fatal fury characters thb
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You're telling me fuck boy doesn't perfectly describe this?
A character so awful they literally wiped him out of existence?
Well shit.
Who are you talking about? There's no one in your "picture."
Some of the new character designs are quite good, given the amount of characters they produce I expect some misses to be quite honest but at least the designs match the personalities so they make sense. SFIV had shit newcomers aside from Juri, C.Viper and I thought Abel was bland but cool. But SFV did perfect by me, I liked all of the newcomers and they feel like they belong there.
I was talking about King of Fighters actually.
They had some of the best character designers and then it all went to shit.
This statement is how I know you only played CvS2, especially if you think the best characters are Terry and the Ryu-clone-trio.

Don't let it dissuade you from playing. Almost all of those only work in the corner under certain conditions and the scaling is often not worth it after a certain point. Very rare to see anyone pull those things off.
Alright then. Not like it wasn't gonna stop me though. It's amusing.

Game's fun.
If they were brought back they would sell like shit and everyone who jerks off to them would get exposed
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Due to the fact that it says Street Fighter on the tin, it will continue to get thousands of entrants while other, better fighting games like Revelator and KI go more or less completely ignored at big events.

At least those games can follow release schedules.
I should have clarified with my first sentence that the subject was KoFXIV and had a better transition. Anyways I kind of agree with you that it's a dip in quality character design-wise for KoF but it's not such a dip where I feel like the new characters are a total waste.
Like I said earlier in the thread.
Darkstalkers is super easy to get into.
It would sell just fine if they'd actually market it.
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Anime fighters are retarded and everybody knows that.

SF and its community earned its spot. Meanwhile GG has been around for like two decades now and players still dont leave the house and nobody gives a fuck about it.
I'll agree that Xrd is better than SF5, but that's not saying much.

That game was a huge step down from the previous entries.
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Yea never mind the fact that they are suing everybody they could possibly sue because they handled their IP's like second rate items and is even more fucked then capcom financially, so they started to fucousing on patchinko and mobile shit now

They where Konami before Konami became assholes

they have always been.
I really don't know where you are getting this idea form.
>defending Falcoon
this is how i know you are a fuccboi
That is the same line everyone pushes about every new fighting game, when really if you aren't sf mk or tekken you won't sell and people will give up after release

DS didn't he do particularly well in the past, most of the people who say they like it only like the designs
Then people are fucking stupid.
I started playing fighting games relatively recently and I can tell the difference.
Darkstalkers was amazing to get into, Injustice was absolute ass, Tekken is alot harder but not impossible, SFV was about what I'd call an average learning curve.
P4A is a really weird one.
See >>340830403
That's really all there is too it. Fix the 8 frames of lag and netcode, and the game will be my fav in the series. Another mechanic and faster walkspeed couldn't hurt either.

Just because you love Alpha 3, doesn't mean it's good.

If your fav SF game isn't on this list:
>Hyper Fighting
>Super Turbo
>Alpha 2
>Second Impact
>Third Strike
>Super IV

Then you need to rethink your taste in fighting games.


IMO, SFV feels like it gives you more way to play characters than SFV... But I play Guile, who was shafted by focus attack in SFIV, and played Balrog in SFIV, who was forced to turtle against most strong players.

Not out yet. Can't judge.
Fuck no. That game is worse than MKX.
>GG Xrd
Different strokes for different folks. I'd say SFV is better, but Xrd is a good game too, and I can see how some would prefer it.
>Tekken 7
Tekken has been "Tekken 3 + New gimmicks and 10 new moves per character!" since Dark Resurrection. If that's your thing, then fine, but it's really not a new game. All Tekken games play almost exactly alike, and it bums me out. Namco's failed experiment on Tekken 4 has scared them away from actual innovation, and I've gotten bored of it. Call me when Namco cuts the movesets in half, makes sidestepping good again, and gets rid of BDC.

KI was fucked by being on XBone, and being WORSE than SFV by a good margin at launch.

Remember, KI is a 3 year old game. Comparing it to SFV is like complaining that Guilty Gear Xrd didn't have as many characters as GGXXAC+R.

I can't into Darkstalkers. Maybe it's because I want to play Raptor for some reason. If I just stuck to BB Hood, or Donovan was in Vsav, I'd be golden, but I just can't figure out that guy.
>high input delay making whiff punishing and defensive play irrelevant
>huge damage off of crush counters, nerfed ranged on normals and higher startup, worse fireballs across the board (not even counting the new anti-fireball tools given to every character) making dedicated neutral and zoning irrelevant
>only gorilla mashing and hyper rushdown lead to wins at mid to high level unless you're playing against alex or zangief

It's a fun game but it definitely isn't the thinking man's game that old street fighter games used to be. It's more like a casualized anime or vs game than actual street fighter.
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also to deeper explain the 8frame buzzword, it makes jabbing out of forward dashes a risk instead of a legitimate reaction, since random forward dashes are now a mixup in themselves. If you react to a forward dash and jab and they use a heavy normal, you get crush countered thanks to the high input lag making the jab come out too late. If you don't jab when you see a forward dash, you put yourself at risk to a grab, command throw, or other mixup.
Also jump-ins are extremely powerful in this game thanks to shittier anti-airs across the board, many of which have higher startup (guiles crouching HP), and also high input lag again making your anti-air come out that much later when you react to the jump. Even if you react to the jump correctly you still put yourself at risk to taking 50% damage off your lifebar because of the high input lag unless you're one of the few characters that can consistently anti-air with a jab or an invincible meterless dp. SFV was thoroughly designed to make sure that the two players are constantly smacking eachother rather than having an extended struggle in neutral with footsies and fundamentals.

IIRC the PS3, PC and arcade version of SF4 had a 7 frame input lag (compared to 360's 5), making the whole "8 frame makes reacting impossible" debacle unfounded.
only PS4 had that amount of input lag for IV, and it was later patched. Every other system had around 5 frames of lag.
SFV has 7.3 frames other games are usually just two frames faster at most.

That meme is completely out of control.
PS3 had more lag than the 360 version though, which is why 360 was the main platform for tournaments. Nobody at high level wants to play with high input lag because it makes it a guessing game.
Here is the thing we all back in the day just put up with it and played the game. We didn't bitch and whine. If the game was really shit we moved on to the next one. So that means move on to GG or whatever if it is that bad.
>If the game was really shit we moved on to the next one.
Except SFV is gonna stay popular for years to come and better games are going to have dead populations in a few months. Personally I've moved onto better games but I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that they make SFV into a smart game again.
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I love the Mika salt. I hope people break there controllers when they lose to my MIka.
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I never get tired of looking at that picture
I don't break anything but I ragequit on mikas if I lose to clap spam ->50/50. I love the Mika-player salt when I deny them their fraudulent win. :^)
Stay free.
Stay fraudulent and stay crutching on your flowchart.
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>mfw I havent lost to a mika in over a month
>mfw I always deny them the runback no matter what
>mfw I always deny them the runback
seconded. I play Guile though.
People a game being shit is subjective and not objective. And you better game has a tiny pool of players.
This is just a lazy and paraphrased "that's just your opinion, man" response. Saying a game is shit is indeed subjective but I can supplement my subjective opinion with objective facts.
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It just isn't fun.

>sf2 was goat
>third strike was goat
>4 before ultra was goat

>5 is a boring piece of shit

t. person that went to local tourneys, many in surrounding seem to agree
>make in-game prices so absurd you get forced into paying with real money
you fuckin what m8? you can have enough currency to pay for 3 characters in as many hours
it ruined my relationship because my ex wouldn't stop commissioning chun li porn
Failed attempt at pandering to casualfags but with no storymode so ended up appealing to no one
Should have ended the thread right there.

People actually playing fighting games love it. People expecting another SFIV failed to adapt.
>wake up jab
and you just ate a 50% combo off a meaty crush counter
I find pleasure in knowing Revelator and KoFXIV will be dead within a month. Even at their peak they won't have even half the players SFV currently has.
this. i never play mika players twice. feels so good seeing the 10 secs run out and them instantly mashing a for rematch
Normally I dont wish anything bad upon smaller communities like that, but SNK and ASW fanboys have been extra terrible lately.

You dont see the few KI players do that.
Even MK shitters just stick to their game.
I just really got into KoF, what happened here?
it made timing for links trickier to do. No one had any fucking issue whiff punishing or antiairng in SF4 on PS3.

And there is this whole myth about input delay not affecting the timing of links. As someone who played competitively since the start of SF4, muscle memory is a bitch and with no buffer system like SFV, going from 360 to PS3 or vice versa, you're going to drop your combos.

Because no one plays MK because they like how MK plays.
Capcucks on suicide watch. Hope SFV is a snoozefest in EVO so all hype is dead.
I deeply regret buying this game at launch.

Fuck i should have waited at least a year or 2, maybe even 3, at least i wouldn't be so disappointed in the game.
>getting a CC and then executing a combo that takes off half your opponents' health

only if you have full meter and use it all to combo into super can you actually do that much damage on acc.
usually you can expect a cc punish to do 350 at most.
>both being ps4 exclusives
but sfv is on pc since launch
how is that exclusive
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