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>no cuphead thread Who do you guys think you are not talking
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Thread replies: 255
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>no cuphead thread

Who do you guys think you are not talking about this game?
who cares

fancy mickey mouse visuals wont make a good game
Literally who.
There were so many cartoons they could have chosen, why did they go with one that no on ever heard of?
chromatic aberration to the max
so beautiful, just like God intended
do I need red/blue 3d glasses for this game?

Or what's the reason behind the CA?
>dat flower
Possible undertale reference?
Protip: When starting a thread about a specific game, it's best to ask a question to get the discussion going.
Was this exact thread up 5 minutes ago, with 70ish replies?
>something something boss rush
>something something platforming levels
>something something chromatic aberration
>something something pirate
>something something option to turn off chromatic aberration
>something something shilling


So do you guys think this will be awesome or SUPER awesome?
I think it will be pretty but boring to play
>undertale invented flowers with faces

kys pls
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>if they have a different opinion than mine they must be trolling!
would have been a cool megaman clone.

But boss rush games from indie devs suck ass.
The gameplay will be 100% basic and boring.

It will impress no one at all whatsoever.

It will be forgotten in less than a month.

The devs know the only reason anyone even knows it exists is because of the art style and that is literally it.

That's all there is to say about it, seriously.
is it inevitable that /v/ will do a complete 180 on all good games
Guess what.
People who say this game is shit will buy and play it.

Sometimes... people on /v/ lie...
I'm guessing the person that made this thread and the previous identical one is the same person blatantly shitposting in them.
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>undertale invented flowers with faces
Ummm... yes? Give me an example of a flower with a face before undertale came out.
Even Cuphead was shown, complete with demo, before undertale came out
troll harder autist
make more fake shill threads autist
This is based on an anime from the '30s, so it's pretty obvious it was first.

Conker's Bad Fur Day for one.

Op here, I've made a thread about this game before but not for a couple weeks
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Have you ever watched anything Disney?
There was a literally identical thread about an hour ago. I'd dig it up but the archive is annoying to browse on mobile
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I'd fuck that rabbit.
Ill play it if its anything like Contra.
Honestly pretty excited for it.
Yoshi's Island
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Super Mario Sunshine.
Normie detected
Epic derail.
my eyes hurt looking that
Dude, you need to expand.

Watch 1930s popeye, betty boop, disney, felix the cat, even 1stgen merrie melodies and you will get to see LOTS of flowers, trees, cars, and some other shit with faces, hell you can even see even more stronger nightmare fuel than ANYTHING undertale has to offer.

I'm not gonna call you retard, but, if you really think undertale is the only good thing, the only thing i can tell you is, please leave, and don't return until you have at least experienced the world outside.
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Is Cuphead out?
Why is it so fucking blurry?
It's a filter on the game to make it actually look like a CRT TV.
What a gash idea, it looks awful. Will not be buying.
Is this out yet? It looks fun.
It's supposed to look like a worn celluloid film roll.

>actually look like a CRT TV.
Fuck off, CRT TVs never looked like that.
you can turn it off
Indeed. And he's wrong.

It's supposed to look like an actual 40's "jumping cartoon" film roll.
Not to say early 30s, even.
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Filters are so epic, it also needs an interlace filer so it's 100% realistic.
I'm curious as to what kind of music will be used, surely not 30s cartoon soundtrack tunes?
Seeing as 30s "cartune" songs were mostly classical, modern orchestra, and ragtime, I could get down with that.
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Have you heard the music in the platforming demo video?, thats what we are gonna have.
It's mimicking the old VHS tapes on old as fuck CRTs. If you never grew up with that then I guess it'd be hard to understand.
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Nice mobile tier game
Find me a mobile game like this as I'd happy play it during long train journeys
>tfw no Xbox
It's coming to steam
>chromatic aberration to the max
If you can't disable that cancer, this thing will be utterly unplayable for me.
God tier mobile game then
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You guys are really forcing this game. It's not going to be bad, but it's not going to live up to expectations when you shitpost about it like this. IT LOOKS NICE, that's all. I'll buy it, but I'm not going to think it's the second coming of the golden age of vidya. It's barely even a shoot 'em up with all that platforming garbage.

Looks great but it's probably going to be fucking boring as hell
>mechanical Olive Oyl/Betty boop

Pretty kuhrayzee.
All style no substance. Sidescrolling/platforming is dead for a reason. The reason being it isn't very fun.
>Sidescrolling/platforming is dead for a reason

That's the dumbest thing I'm read in a while.
What is this from?

Same here. Gives me a headache almost instantly. I think you can turn it off, though.
>That's the dumbest thing I'm read in a while.
>I'm read in a while
>I'm read
Harold and Kumar: Escape From Guantanamo Bay
Is ignoring all posts in the thread a meme, or is /v/ literally this retarded?
>implying you were pretending
Plants vs. Zombies
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And you're not even standing up for your statement. Not even to a yokel.

ignoring posts is common sense... most of them are useless, after all...

Well great job adding value to the discussion yourself.
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>he thinks he's replying to the same person
I'm just passing by laughing at your retardation, anon. I didn't say I agreed with him.
Headache: the game.
What more is there to say? It's hardly controversial to say that sidescrolling is dead and boring. Those games aren't made because people don't really want to play them.
I guess those recent rayman and DKC games don't count

Or Ori and the Blind Forest

Or Cuphead itself
he's memeing
Big Band Jazz and it's going to be recorded the same way as it was in the 30s
Guessing you're too young to have watched Disney cartoons on a CRT.
Not like Wii U is a success. Probably because it tries too hard to meet a demand that simply isn't there.
>it's not going to live up to expectations when you shitpost about it like this
if anything all the shitposts in here are being negative/epic memers
The games I mentioned sold well, this has nothing to do with that system and I'll be damned if you use that as a lazy excuse to consolewar shitpost.
Stick to your memecharted movies sonygger
Still own three of them anon.
Is it on PC and does it have Denuvo?
Probably sold alright. But that's what, two games and one unreleased one? Guess sidescrolling is alive and well then! Lol.
I watched Disney Cartoons on a CRT from a broadcast but they never looked that blurry

I think they're trying to replicate the old technicolor projectors here or something but they really went too far with the filter it looks too blurry

They really should show some gameplay with the filters off

I hope they give us some good options to fine-tune the filters(so we can mix and match them to our liking) because I'd like to keep the dupe film grain but am not a fan of the aggressive CA algorithms they're using
Nobody gives a shit what you think tho
Sidescrolling has been "dead" since 1996
That still doesn't prevent them from existing and coming out
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>all these people taking literally the most blatant bait i have ever seen before
Holy shit, fucking kill yourselves.
>DKC manchildren try to relive their past and hoping to get Nintendo out of a rut
>Rayman: Although Legends outsold Origins in its first week from international sales with the Wii U version selling the most copies, the game failed to meet sales expectations.
>Same case with manchildren buying because of nostalgia
>Ori and the Blind Forest: Good game with a great story, world, and soundtrack
>It just happens to be a platformer which adds nothing to its success
>Cuphead is getting praised for its music and style, still does nothing for the platformer to reinvigorate interest

Gameplay of platformers has stagnated. Last good one was Braid
when's it out?
IDK last e 3 apparently nobody could even beat one of the bosses in the time everyone got with the demo so it'll have difficulty going for it.
See >>340750741
His whole thing was that sidescrollers and platformers were boring, and that's why they're dead. I agree. The gameplay has stagnated. Literally every one of these niche genres these days only sell well because they have a gimmick. Nothing about the gameplay changes from previous iterations of platformers, but hey it looks like a 30's cartoon! Take all my money!
>Wanting to talk about Cuphead
What is the point?
Anons on here want to shit on it, can't figure out what to say because it looks good and just pick apart tiny things with the game.

You won't get a good discussion until the release date gets confirmed at least.
They're not dead if they sell
It will be on PC
It's on Windows Store,Humble Store,Steam,GoG etc. and it will also of course work on Windows 7,8 etc.
Altos Adventure

Just too relaxing
Yeah and you can say the same shit about AAA titles yet they sell gangbusters
Gaming as a whole is pretty shit nowadays not just platformers
look nothing like Cuphead.
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>he didn't have a scart connector
/r/ing "shit I'd fuck an anime cat."
Is it going to be for Windows or just Windows 10?
I literally just said any game can be sold with a gimmick.

>Yeah and you can say the same shit about AAA titles
There are still innovations being made to the genre. MOBA FPS, shoot n loot FPS, survival FPS, it goes on. It's trying to stay fresh.

How has platforming evolved to meet a new audience? Braid is a good example of trying to change the norm, but has anyone else capitalized on its success? As much as I hate Phil Fish, I did enjoy Fez. Cuphead has changed nothing for the genre. Lord knows I hope it will spark interest into more platforming games, but it does nothing for the genre. Its selling point is music and style, not platforming.

I play Dragon Quest games because it stayed the same. JRPGs have been turned into ARPGs to appeal to the masses, but I still prefer the old school turn-based RPG. I'm not going to pretend its mechanics hasn't stagnated and tell people my niche genre isn't dead because a thousand other faggots play the same shit as me.
I will buy it for my nephews. They will love it so much, the cartoon aspect is perfect.
Scart was not a thing with VHS
itt: actual shills
>There are still innovations being made to the genre. MOBA FPS, shoot n loot FPS, survival FPS, it goes on. It's trying to stay fresh.
This is how I know you're full of shit
The FPS genre has been stagnating for so damn long now
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>it's a “it's a cartoon so it must be for children“ episode
What part of it's still trying to stay fresh don't you understand? I never said it wasn't stagnating, you fucking retard. It's trying to evolve instead of living off manchildren like you who buy games because "If we don't buy it how will the devs know we want more?!"
compared to?
And overwatch sure innovate
sort of?
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>Improving on class based shooters by allowing abilities with emphasis on swapping between heroes to counter the enemy team
>Hey, it looks like an old-timey cartoon!
Fresh my ass
It's all been done before
Cuphead sort of innovate then buddy
Overwatch is literally a Porn FPS
That's all there is to it
Improve what? Mechanics from TF2 and press X to win? Stay with your """"fresh""" waifubait
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do will of the wisps count as flowers
>that blur and chromatic abberation

n o p e
>>Guessing you're too young to have watched Disney cartoons on a CRT.
>tfw poorfag so I still play my videogames in my 1996 CRT
Wow faggot detected
Will this be coming to Steam? If not, 0 interest here.
>Unique heroes, instead of the generic FPS grunt in CoD games, with personalities and mannerisms that swayed content creators to create porn and other works of fan art and fiction
>Hey, it has a nice soundtrack!

>improves on a classic class-based shooter like TF2 by emphasizing the importance of teamwork and coordination and swapping to counter enemies because of unique hero abilities
>Oh, hey this final boss looks like a cartoon!

I don't think Overwatch is a great example, but it seems you autists don't understand the point being made here.
>those animations
Yeah yeah cuphead shit, OW the best shit on earth.
>with personalities and mannerisms that swayed content creators to create porn and other works of fan art and fiction
Are you retarded?
You can find anything on Rule34 and Gelbooru
Cuphead is pretty fucking great.
Looks beautiful and the bosses are fun and challenging.
I think I could beat one out of I think 4 or 5 bosses I tried in coop. Can't remember because it has been a while since I had the chance to play it.
Overwatch is shit and you're a casual newfag
FPS genre has been shit for a long ass time now

Halo literally killed the genre by making it mainstream in Consoles back in 2001
Anyone who says this game will be boring gameplay wise and style will be the only thing worthwhile should suggest a similar recent game with a similarly unique style and i'll play it right now
Its a fairly generic platforming game without any tremendously interesting spins beyond its art design and graphical direction.

It's going to sink.
Thats not what chromatic aberration is.
Nigger you haven't even played the game yet

>no interesting spins
the parry alone is a new thing in this genre
saving your body in co-op when he dies by parrying his ghost is a pretty fresh idea too
... what?

Platformers as far back as the Genesis had parries, dude.
I never said Cuphead was shit. I never said Overwatch was good. I just said platforming is dead, you physical manifestation of pure concentrated autism. I quit Overwatch after a fucking week. Being good or not isn't my point. My point is about innovation. Cuphead is doing nothing for the genre. It just looks pretty. Overwatch (an example someone else used to shitpost) is completely different from a dead and stagnated series like CoD, indicating innovation in FPS mechanics.

God forbid anyone comes to /v/ for video game discussion instead of blind shitposting to defend something they like.

I'm fucking done. I'm not getting paid to educate retards.
>people on this retarded board don't mind the fucking retarded chromatic aberration in bloodborne
>but in a game where it actually makes sense and actually looks good they bitch and cry
Next level retardation on here God damn.
There was a video posted in the other thread, it wasn't particularly impressive IMO. This is coming from a person who actually likes platformers. The level design was extremely repetitive, the monsters all over the place just sprinkled around like confetti, and it was amazingly linear.
No shit retard It's essentially a boss rush game like alien soldier.
>it was amazingly linear.
so every platformer ever then?

Yeah.. what? That game isn't similar at all
>and it was amazingly linear.
yes just like Gunstar Heroes and Alien Soldier
you're an idiot if you expect Megaman
>I just said platforming is dead
which it fucking isn't
get this through your thick skull you retard
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>tfw there are Overwatch shills in every thread, even in completely unrelated genres.
In you free time from Overwatch shilling do you do part time work for Correct the Record?
Well yeah the platforming levels look not that good and I don't really understand why they make them now.
The bosses on the other hand are all great.
Game looks like fun imo
It's just the first level
And looking and playing it for yourself are two different things

The guy on the video was pretty skilled. I noticed a bunch of times where there were some pretty unpredictable projectiles on screen and he managed to somehow dodge them
any evidence tho? te anon provided a lot of evidence and it just seems like you replied with "nuh uh"
Only Triple A games allowed
>any evidence?
the fact that many platformers have come out in recent years which have sold a bunch?
Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze/Returns,Kirby games,Rayman Origins/Legends,Shantae games,Azure Striker Gunvolt etc.
What's with the retarded screen effects that'll look even worse in motion?
I'm gonna be honest, the platforming video looks terrible.
Well I already played the game but back then there were only bosses in the game.
And for what I know is that most bosses on video look pretty easy but are actually fucking hard when you play it yourself.

I'm not speaking about challenge here in the platforming levels. The level design just doesn't look that good.
The also have stated in an interview that they don't like to do platforming levels because they have fun with making cool boss fights and that's what they have the most fun with and so they will focus on them. So I don't really understand why they are doing them now.

But I'm hyped either way because the bosses are all great.
>press X to win?
So you haven't played it?
those r all the same games tho just like cuphead doesnt mean their good just easy to make
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Oh you know. The game Toby plagiarized off of
because boss fight after boss fight is a shit design? Even SotC had exploration segments to wind down after a fighter.

Here's where undertale ripped the flower off from.
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>Cuphead is xbox and pc exclusive
>Bloodborne is ps4 exclusive

Yes I what could be responsible for such a phenomenon.
"but nobody came" was a line in classic SMT as well (two years before earthbound)
We were talking about sales here
>We were talking about sales here
doesnt look like that
call of duty sells well and its shit and easy to make no? just like a nintendo mario platformer
>The level design just doesn't look that good.
Nigga have you played any of Treasure's games?
That level they showed was basically a shorter Gunstar Heroes level with death pits on it

I don't get why people keep expecting Megaman or Metal Slug
This is a game based around bosses with quick sidescrolling levels

They didn't say "they didn't like to do platformers" they said "this game is more of a boss rush game because we always thought the bosses were the best part of classic Run 'n Gun games" and that it would be hard to make sidescrolling levels considering their budget

The original plan was 10 or so bosses a small-scale indie game but when MS helped them financially they were able to expand the scope

They said they then added these levels because of people complaining there was no levels(and probably MS might have influenced them)

One of the Devs/Programmers in Neogaf recently said that they always wanted to kind of have some levels here but they had to cut down on a lot of ideas initially because back then(prior to MS helping them) it wouldn't have been feasible for them
Please tell me about other platforming games that have been mentioned on /v/ and convince me platforming isn't dead.

Hard mode: No old shit like Rayman, Mario, only new IPs. No indie trash.
La Mulana 2.
Am I the only one who gets eye strain from looking at this image?
How about read the chain of replies?
He was saying platforming was dead because of lack of innovation and I said that gaming in general nowadays especially FPS games lack innovation

Basically I was saying that despite lacking in innovation modern games still are alive
>Please tell me about other FPS games that have been mentioned on /v/ and convince me the FPS genre isn't dead.

Hard mode: No old shit like Call of Duty, Team Fortress,Halo,Far Cry, only new IPs. No indie trash.
>no new footage or info of it released in ages, no release date

yeah i wonder why people arent talking about something that has nothing left to discuss
Well it has an unique style
Rising Storm
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>La Mulana 2

>Displaying 14,977 expired threads from the past 7 days
You wanna try again, buddy?

Nope. Looks awful. I like that they have gone in a different art direction but I'm just not a fan of platformers or how the game seems to play.
Overwatch :)
People on here are too young to know what Gunstar Heroes is
It's because it's not out yet, retard.
>Red Orchestra expansion pack
I think you're the one who's retarded.
>It's because it's not out yet, retard.
You're in a Cuphead thread, a game that isn't out yet, telling me that a game called La Mulana 2 is a good example of platformers being relevant in 2016 but it's not being talked about because it's not out yet. Is this beyond stupid, even by /v/'s standards.
Blood Dragon isn't new either btw
nobody talked about Blood Dragon.
I compared Blood Dragon(a Far Cry 3 expansion pack) to Rising Storm(a Red Orchestra 2 expansion pack)
>tell me about other platforming games that have been mentioned on /v/
>basing opinions on how often a game is mentioned on /v/
>not Sunibee
This is some top shelf b8
It's really not.

People are just fucking retarded sometimes.
Okay. It's only dead on /v/. Is that a better statement? Does that change the issue about its relevancy? With the amount of Nintenyearolds on /v/, that isn't suspicious at all? Okay. No, no you're right and I'm wrong.

Super mario sunshine.
/v/ is filled with braindead normalfags now, what do you expect.

>flowers didn't exist before undertale.
Gameplay looks bland as fuck and even on the boss fights it seems to be extremely repetitive.
Western devs really can't into good gameplay.

I came here to see if /v/ hates cuphead yet.

I can't tell if a lot of these posts are sarcasm, but I feel like we're getting there. The hardline undercurrent of defenders aren't as adamant as they used to be.
>my autistic brain cant handle a simple filter, please pander to my wants
Why is this supposed to be bad? I seriously don't see how. It looks good.
enjoy your b&
Here's your (you)
Why are these flowers receiving so much lewd fanart?

Is it autism?
Try the first color animated short you ignorant faggot.
Because the gameplay is too simple for /v/
As long as it doesn't cost anymore than like $20,
buying it for the art style alone seems worth it.
I see, it really plays like a NES/Msater System game.

I honestly have no problem with that

>buying it for the art style alone

Despite that shitty argument, what will make me buy this game is the fact that it's a run and gun that I can couch co-op with a friend.
/v/ doesn't have any friends, and the game has little else going for it.

It could even be a fun party game where you trade out controllers on death. Just like in the good old days. However if it's just a boss rush, its DOA because even my friends would find that shit boring.
>too simple for /v/
fuck off
/v/ is filled with casual faggots

>it should cost cheap because it isn't a 1000 hours long
These developers deserve every fucking cent

Oh there's that adamant undercurrent I was waiting for, hey champ, which boss are you most looking forward to playing, is it that fish bitch who's blowhole you want to press your dried flaking cloaca to?
It's a boss rush with platforming levels inbetween them as a break
It also has an overworld and a shop and all that shit so I guess it's pretty friendly for your friends

The game will probably have online co-op after Launch too
Suck a dick you fucking memer
You're the reason gaming is shit nowadays
You're the reason we get nothing but Open World trash or Cinematic Garbage because "YOU HAVE TO JUSTIFY SPENDING 60 BUCKS ON THEM WAAAAAAAAAH"

Fucking cancer
Unless there is some massive content I didn't hear about
there is no way this game is worth $60

ugh, that was really uncomfortable to watch, actually.

I was going to draw on earthworm jim as an example of a game that had complete artistic freedom in its development.

But fuck me, these guys have made great art but have given absolutely no fucks about design and player comfort, at least on the level that was demo'd there. Not to mention the way the shitty sound effect quality contrasts with the music. Can't even completely commit to whatever retro vibe they're going for
They said the sound effects are placeholders.
>Take-Two CEO Says Evolve DLC Wouldn’t Exist If People Would Just Pay 120 Dollars Upfront
>“Players refuse to pay 135 dollars for Evolve because they are used to the relatively cheap 60 dollar base price of games today. I personally believe 140 dollars is a bargain for what you’re getting. Need I remind players that they get to play as three different types of monsters in the game without DLC. That alone would retail for over 90 dollars in today’s market, but we’re giving it to players for 60.”
>those r all the same games
What the fuck
>seen a pic
>not seen gameplay

the 30s animation style is what gave it so much praise. Its not being talked about much anywhere because its being made by a small team of like 2 guys animating it by hand, frame by frame.

its a sexy looking contra slash side scrolling shooter with bosses that have multiple phases. An overworld map, co-op, and more.
This game is worth 60 bucks considering how much it cost them to make

Digital version will probably be like 40 bucks I'm guessing with the special edition retail version being full price

This game wasn't made on the cheap you retards
Hours of content=/=Price

Batman Arkham Asylum was 8 hours long
60 bucks
Skyrim was like a 100 hours long
60 bucks

Nah, your emotional loyalty to garbage marketing rhetoric is what's killing gaming.
If you really believe in indie devs you'd lurk on places like indiegames.com and share games made by dev teams passionate about what they do,

instead of just regurgitating whatever
merde du mois is paying more for its marketing than dev and design.

These guys, like no mans sky, saw a gap in the market for a 'gimmick', all the fucking hipsters are shitting themselves waiting to play this game in their retrobation hug boxes. Sounds to me like you're one of them.
What's the word for this type of executive thinking?

I know one exists but I don't know the word
>chromatic aberration
>tfw not for PS4

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>the value of a game is on its amount of content, not on how fun it actually is to play and beat
I don't get what you're trying to say with this
No idea, but if you find it let me know. It'd be a classier way to call out Jews than saying shekel-fists.

Thank the omnissiah we are spared this heresy, brother.
Holy shit this looks good, that trailer just sold me the game and completely explains why casual neo /v/ wouldn't like this game.
>What's the word for this type of executive thinking?
The technical term for it is "Executive Thinking"
The sound effects are placeholder(so is the music)

And I don't get how they've given no fucks about design and player comfort

The level looks like your standard level on a Run 'n Gun game so I really don't get the retarded complaints about the level design...this is not a Megaman game

As for Player Comfort I'm not sure what you're on about there
well /v/ doesn't talk about good games
epic b8 m8
> Player Comfort
It's a casual neo /v/ term for difficult. 90% of neo /v/ criticism can be explained by, "It's too hard for me?" Hear someone say, "game is boring tbqh" It means they died repeatedly. Complaints of player comfort/game not being comfy? It looks like a challenge.

It is physically uncomfortable for me to watch what is happening on the screen because of poor choices in color and scale.

It's pretty clear that little to none of this shit was premeditated clearly, at least for this section. This is all artwork that was scrawled out in a fever pitch by some geeked out artist in a backroom, and then shoehorned together in the same space, because they had so much of it and that's what's going to make the game good?

Mark my words, all the run and gun sections will have this same feel because it was the last sections worked on because of public outcry against just 'boss rush' mode which was original setup for the game.

The run and gun parts will be uncomfortable nonsensical horseshit made out of the leftovers dropped on the art room floor.
It's literally a meme tier indie game, it's exactly the same shit as all the "Pixel graphics" indie games out there.

The ONLY selling point this game really got is it's graphics.
Here I'll translate >>340764896 for you:

>It is physically uncomfortable for me to watch what is happening on the screen because of poor choices in color and scale.
It's physically uncomfortable for me to watch what is happening, I can't imagine how many times I would have died.

>It's pretty clear that little to none of this shit was premeditated clearly,
I would suck at this so I'm gonna blame my lack of pattern reading on artificial difficulty.

>This is all artwork that was scrawled out in a fever pitch by some geeked out artist in a backroom, and then shoehorned together in the same space, because they had so much of it and that's what's going to make the game good?
Irrelevant and inaccurate criticism to hide initial stereotypical "artificial difficulty" complaint.

>Mark my words, all the run and gun sections will have this same feel
When you die repeatedly the game starts to get a boring feel for me.

>The run and gun parts will be uncomfortable nonsensical horseshit made out of the leftovers dropped on the art room floor.
See above.
File: Lovely_Anime.png (289 KB, 480x360) Image search: [Google]
289 KB, 480x360
I know I'm responding to bait, but fuck it.

muh casual strawman

I fucking love all the souls games you shitter
Now are you going to keep throwing stupid shit around or try respond to my complaints.

Or isn't there an entry for those complaints on your shill sheet?
>I fucking love all the souls games you shitter
No doubt! Casual neo /v/ers are usually huge fans of souls games. Souls have been officially branded as "difficult" so it's ok to be bad at them.
As excited as i am for this, i think they should have gone down the metroidvania road with it
oh? I'm sorry I had no idea,
Tell me what games you enjoy that are difficult enough for you?
>Make a boss rush game with a unique artstyle
>People get hyped even though the gameplay is shit
>People ask for levels instead of it being just a boss rush
>Devs add levels which look incredibly boring
It's not even worth playing.
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