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How are these games?
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How are these games?
the lore is more deep than dark souls
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1 is too old
2 is very good and has the best story
3 is shit
4 is slightly less shit but still a turd

Head-On was pretty good
Black is edgy as fuck

Overall : Vigilante 8 was better
Black is edgy but it's the good kind of edgy
What about small brawl?
it was meh at best
Don't expect more
Car Combat is dead
Thankfully there's Mad Max.
>Black was all in Sweet Tooth's head
>Vigilante 8

my nigga
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-1 and 2 aged like milk
-3 and 4 only have good stage design and nothing else
-Small Brawl isn't great, but more games like this should exist.
-Black has such wonderful atmosphere, pace, and especially music. Looking back, the stories are a lot more cheesy than I remembered. Still, entertaining stuff. I liked the animation style a lot.
-Head On was dubbed by fans "The real Twisted Metal 3" at first, and for good reason. It basically starts where 2 left off regarding gameplay design and story. The bots are total pushovers, so without the online multiplayer in the original version, there isn't much else. The PS2 port was worth it just to see what they were planning for the TM Black sequel.
-2012's story was trash, but the campaign had so much variety. The roster was big, the gameplay was so fast-paced and chaotic, and it would've all been so perfect if they released a couple more balance patches.

I really doubt we'll see another TM game by the original devs ever again. Makes me wonder if Sony will let anyone else take a crack at it one day.

Mad Max is alright, but so forgettable. I wish it was a Twisted Metal clone, but they took a way different approach to car combat. And the melee combat was complete shit.
2 is the best in the series by far
What's the most evil wish Calypso has ever granted?
Sequel fucking when?
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Speaking of Submarine combat
Theres like, one per game really.
My fucking nigga.
Mr. Grimm's in 2 is probably the worst
>Ends the fucking Earth in total war just to sate Grimm
>Also starves Grimm at the end because literally EVERYONE is dead
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Black was the shit, first of all. If you haven't played it, go try it.
Which incarnation of Mr. Grimm is the best?
Classic > Black > PS3 >>>>>>>>>> Captain Grimm
Black's was utterly amazing. Had a lot of meat to his plot
1 is pretty much should only be played for curiosity's sake or novelty

2 is still pretty good but a bit wonky at this point

3 has the weirdest fucking physics I've ever seen in a game, but other than that its okay

4 is really hit or miss for people, it's decently good but it just feels off

Small Brawl is fairly close to how TM2 was and ends up being pretty good

Black is pretty much the peak of the series, and it's a high one

Head-on was a pretty good entry, probably one of the best as well

2012 is extremely good gameplay wise, but guts one of the best things and that was the individual characters for each car giving them more charisma.
These games are great if you never played the first vigilante 8. if you have they are just kinda meh.
Has anything really been uncovered with that?
4 is not better than 3. TM3 has fantastic cars and maps.
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Nothing really, just the character select animation when you hit "profile." He's literally crashing into the streets in it.

The idea was pretty much realized in the 2012 game, just probably much weaker.
4 was poor, but damn do i love Orbital's ending. A perfect twisted wish.

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Black>small brawl>2>1>3>4

listen to me
What about the PS3 game?
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vig 8 lacked the one thing that made these car games so great
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Black is forgettable with no appeal. Hell, even as a kid I only played it for 1 day out of the 3 or so days I had it rented for.
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don't know, went pc after ps2
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You went with Raven didn't you?
>2012 sequel never
>sweet tooth jr vs sweet chick never
it hurts desu but I thought sweet chick was cheesy
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>the most fleshed out one of them all is forgettable

you sure were a dumb kid
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Shit was so retarded, it was great.
This. Loved 3. Hated 4.
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>You went with Raven didn't you?
What is it about the word forgettable you not understand.
>cut alt ending
Still cool
>Implying incest romanticism

Or you could just have shit taste and didn't like the atmosphere.
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Whatever you say senpai.
Maybe he has repressed memories
I dont understand the hate for tw3,its similar to small brawl and is a good to okay game
>tfw you can just roam around collecting ammo as the other cars keeps killing themselves
>tfw you just to kill the last one with little to no health and go to the next stage packed with weapons
>tfw you land a perfect club kid special attack
fuck off with this austism. It always goes like this
>fanbase 1 doesnt know shit about character 2
>fanbase 2 doesnt know shit about character 1
>endless retarded arguments
Would you play Jaffe's idea of a 16-bit Sweet Tooth spin off?
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Sorry, even my everlasting love for Twisted Metal isn't enough for me to watch one of these garbage videos.

Plus, I'm more than confident that Joker wins since . . . he's Joker.
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Considering shit like No Face and cannibal Grimm was in it, I wouldn't be surprised

No Face still horrifies me with that surgery scene and the twitching tongue, despite it being pretty silly nowadays
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What is this shit
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I authentically miss car combat games. I loved nearly all of them.
>Rogue Trip
>Critical Depth
>Twisted Metal
>Vigilante 8
These were my jam, back in the day. I wish the new Twisted Metal succeeded. I would have picked it up in a heartbeat.
I'm hoping that someone makes a good car combat game for PC.
Promotional animation for Black
Any news on that movie?
>Twisted Metal
>Popular enough to have a movie
It was announced but that's it.
2 > SM > Black > 1 > 3 > 4
1,2,3,4, and black are fun, the 2012 one is horrible.
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Closest you'll get is this.
I've loved twisted metal since the first. The second one is hailed as the best. Personally, I love the newest Twisted Metal. It's outrageously fun to play with a friend and I loved the story/difficulty levels.

Loved every second of it when I played it back when it came out.
Carmageddon series exists. The re-release of the latest version happens this month, consoles and PC, the initial was PC only, had pretty noticeable performance issues, now fixed.
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Remember this? And Blur? And Split/Second (if it marginally counts)?
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see if sony knew what they were doing they could actually trick me into getting a ps4 with twisted metal
I missed Carmageddon when I was young, but I'm probably going to pick that up.
This makes me sad.
A good, new, Twisted Metal game would sell a PS4 to me. If I could go back and play Demon's Souls on it, and a couple other Sony exclusives.
It's only dead when people stop caring.
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I honestly preferred this game over twisted metal
Got 30+ hours in the current (Reincarnation) game, the Max Damage re-release is free to owners of it.
Also got 30+ hours in this as an early access, the devs are actually developing it properly, despite their Kickstarter failing. It's getting good and online multi is soon. Already has split-screen multi. Fucking loved Rollcage.
TM3 is too comfy
Endings were shit

It's just nostalgic for me. Played the shit out of it as a kid.
Preacher did nothing wrong
TM 2012 /v/ lobby when?
>TM 2012
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>All these posts giving "meh" reviews of Small Brawl

Small Brawl was just unlucky coming out at the end of the Playstations life cycle and after Black.
I loved it. It felt like one big celebration of the old PlayStation titles with the older character models, storylines and the remixed music from the older titles.

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