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Holy shit, we may actually be getting a sequel after all. What
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File: GHOST_TRICK_by_Sii_SEN.jpg (597 KB, 664x1000) Image search: [Google]
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Holy shit, we may actually be getting a sequel after all.

What do you want to see in the next game?
Completely new characters with maybe a cameo. It can use the meteor but it has to be in an unexpected new way
What leads you to believe this?
Why would they make a sequel? Everything got wrapped up just fine with the first one and the game's mechanic was explored to its fullest.
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>no source

Please don't play with my heart anon
Why do you fags always want a sequel to everything?
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Initial release date: June 19, 2010
Well, the gameplay is actually pretty fun desu even if everyone else only wants to fap to the story
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A quick crossover with Ace Attorney.
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