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Cheapest place to buy Overwatch? I'm a student so I try
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Cheapest place to buy Overwatch? I'm a student so I try to avoid buying games but I want to buy Overwatch. Cheapest I found is $75 on Kinguin
Probably should point out thats $75 AUD
blizzards own store not cheaper?
Should be $AU69.95 on blizzards own store.
But it from Blizzards own store, it's cheapest there.
I'm in exactly the same boat. Pretty sure that >>340510684 is the cheapest I've found though.
Yeah dont know why I said $75, youre right on it being cheaper. I dont usually buy games and pay over $60
imagine being australian
Only if you dont care about skill in a game with 20 tick and hueg hitboxes
¿spuǝiɹɟ 'ƃuiuǝʌǝ ɹnoʎ si ʍoH
I'm not really competitive but I enjoy the competition. I like to play for fun with my friends
The cheapest you can get it would be $40 USD from their own store. This is for the standard edition. The origin edition just has some skins and is $60.
This is still upside down for me because in Australia we have filters to flip all our stuff the right side up
Reminder to use the100 to find decent matches with real voice chat once you pick up the game. It works on PC/PS4/Xbox, can search based on age/playstyle/timezone as well as groups like other college students. It's a great site but it's pretty slow here in the UK so I want more people to check it out. It seems pretty big in the US.

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