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Launch games
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File: Fantavisionbox.jpg (21 KB, 250x353) Image search: [Google]
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Let's take a minute to remember launch titles. The games that people played out of necessity because there was nothing else on the console yet. Sure, some of them may have been better than others, or really good for their time, but yet they become quickly outdated and stock shelves of used game stores forever.
>Feel the magic
Still fucking top tier mini game collection with Rub Rabbits being a better sequel but I still played the fuck out of FtM.
Should have had a WiiU sequel
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To this day, the launch titles are pretty much the only thing worth playing on Vita.
I got this over Red Steel and Excitetruck. Mistake.
I don't get why this was hyped in the first place. Crytek hasn't made a good game since Crysis 1, and even that completely fell apart by the final act.

>endgame is a hallway filled with generic soldiers and QTEs you can't lose
>What is Pilotwings
>What is Ridge Racer
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Ridge Racer~ you say...
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50/50 balance between Windows' Midtown Madness and the Rockstar flavor.
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