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Shillest idea ever
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File: WTF.png (1 MB, 1366x768) Image search: [Google]
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Why people like this stupid unreal engine remake? He thinks he is so good he gives a link and a darklink(wow such edge) to download.
not only that but he is so retarded he made zelda left handed.
Not to mention this is hardly a battle?
I love chocolate cake.
>Rip game sounds
>Use modified Soul Calibur models
>Manage to fuck up the FUCKING WATER
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>but he is so retarded he made zelda left handed.
>he made zelda left handed.
Me too! Let's be friends.
yeah what im too lazy to press caps lock for a capital z
Alright! We can bake and game together!

I honestly don't like how all games I've seen running on UE4 look, barring like the stuff EPIC makes themselves
It;s just a cute little fan project. It's not like this is a legit official game Nintendo is publishing.
I thought this thing was just a tech demo.
Is he actually remaking the whole game? It's going to take him a million years, it looks like shit and he's gonna get slapped with a c&d faster than you can say mama-mia!
No, he is not. He is just remaking a few (small or not complicated) areas.
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>hat clips through shield
And he claims this is high quality.
>make this old game look (relatively) realistic and modern
>keep the same old stiff animations
It's so terrible
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everyone learns at some point

this guy has to get off his high horse though, this looks like something someone would make for tests.

this is an insult to the original, those animations are fucking disgusting
Holy fuck. He came out with another one and it looks fucking worse. That's impressive.
>everyone learns at some point
What about Chris Chan?
You're the fucking shill with your left hand bait and external links. Stop breaking the rules.
autists can't learn
what you're seeing is the vocal minority of shitters who desperately want Nintendo games but on other platforms.
>he is so retarded he made zelda left handed

>zelda is the princess
>link is left handed

I can only assume this is a troll post
what game, pls respond
I really can't stand this thing where people take some game, then import some random models into unreal engine and call it AMAZING WIP REMAKE.

That looks like shit, it has no art style or direction. gameplay looks janky and not fun, and the visuals are an eyesore.
announcing sage isn't allowed
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블레이드 앤 소울
It's alright for an "action mmo" but it gets old fast, all of the sexy outfits cost money, and the English version of B&S changes around story stuff for some reason.
And what's with the literal troglodytes that look at it and think it looks amazing??
>reading some comments
>You should set up a kickstarter!

Why are humans such utter retards.
He's not making a remake you dumbcucks. He's just reimagining various scenes in OoT with a modern engine. Stop being jealous spergmasters.
I think this guy makes interesting stuff, but the people going all "durrr get your shit together nintendo and make a gaem lik dis" is retarded.

People shitposts nintendo for rehashing their series and yet they shitpost them for not remaking again its most beaten up dead horse of a game with the flavor-of-the-year western engine.
Nigga, you fuckin gay as shit if you think that's the only thing wrong there.

That left handed remark best be a joke son.
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>lets add in every AAA shitfest graphics option, this'll surely make it look good!
Why the fuck can't these people live without Bloom, Motion Blur, DoF, etc?
>He thinks he is so good he gives a link and a darklink(wow such edge) to download.

There is no download you fucking sperg.
Every time I see these "classic game remade in Unreal engine" videos they always look like complete shit. I'm convinced only retards that buy Funko Pops are impressed by these things.
The guy claims he's just doing it to show off how he uses U4, doesn't he?

If that is the case, then it's obvious why he chose OoT. That shit gets more attention than just some random test area.
Zelda is right handed, link is left handed
retard detected
more like newfag trying to fit in
Isn't Dark Link only supposed to appear when you walk on the island? It's not very epic when you ruin that iconic moment when he just appears out of nowhere.

>powerpowww3 weeks ago
>no wounder nintendo fails you built a better looking game in less time tbe need to get there grind on over at nintendo r hire u good greff
How about a kiss? For luck?
I don't think how anybody can think that looks good.
Sure it has all the neat effects unreal engine can shit out with no problems, but it lacks any artistic vision.
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