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>Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book >Guilty
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>Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book
>Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator
>Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
>Grand Kingdom
>God Eater: Resurrection
>JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven
>Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness
>Project Diva Future Tone

So what are you gonna pick up from the weeb month?
Can I pick SeeU?
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Atelier Sophie, God Eater, and Odin Sphere.

I did have Grand Kingdom preordered, but after the Criminal Girls debacle, I cancelled and will be buying it used. Fuck NISA.
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>Weeb shit
No thanks anon
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Only if you're nice to her and pat her head alot.
Zero Escape 3
Sophie should be in my hands tomorrow and I'll get Odins Sphere when im done

i want guilty gear because im fiending for a fighting game but ive never played a guilty gear so idk
Does anyone know if you can change the arrows in Future Tone to regular face buttons again? The first trailer showed all face buttons while the later one showed 2 face buttons and 2 arrows.
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I think that's the option for that?
You forgot Tokyo Mirage Sessions.
Who the fuck is this and why does she have a power button?
Is Eyes of Heaven getting a physical release?
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My hype for Atelier Sophie and Future Tone is through the roof
So wait, she's like a robot?

Odin Sphere
Grand Kingdom
God Eater

Fuck this month though, the damage to my wallet is huge
The Japanese did
This month has to be one of the rowrst for video games ever. No mans sky was delayed, mirrors edge is mediocre. Is there even anything else coming out?
>gook trash vocaloid
double the cancer
Odin Sphere after I finally get around to playing and finishing Muramasa. Atelier after it's out and people verify that it's actually good cause everyone hated the last few entries from what I've seen.
>me want nippon senpai to notice us
Talk about weeb
Go bow to Anita
At least Anita doesn't ripoff glorious nippon ;^)
At least SJW cucks doesn't shamelessly ripoff Japan unlike these Gook
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As an Anon that's been burnt several times this year by PS4 purchases, unless you plan on buying limited editions, wait for a price drop.
Have you done any research whatsoever? Nights of Azure was confirmed mediocre by japan, Digimon was an upscaled vita port and one piece is one piece.
Thread replies: 28
Thread images: 8

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