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You are currently reading a thread in /v/ - Video Games

Thread replies: 36
Thread images: 9
File: gorilla btfo.webm (3 MB, 400x224) Image search: [Google]
gorilla btfo.webm
3 MB, 400x224
Post your webms
bump for harambe
Let me make a few first.
What's the point of posting webms on /v/ when you can post the same webms with sound on /wsg/?
because I can and wsg is cancer
File: desktop.webm (2 MB, 854x480) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 854x480
File: ds2.webm (3 MB, 680x384) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 680x384
>Post your webms
I made this one just for you.
To keep the thread alive.
das raciss
File: exitmask2.webm (3 MB, 854x480) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 854x480
Ops the video got cut in two.Will repost i guess.
File: ds2b.webm (888 KB, 640x361) Image search: [Google]
888 KB, 640x361
Something is horribly wrong and i can't make that video work properly.
yeah but where's the video games
>yeah but where's the video games
Video games.
It's a game.

File: Marrakech Mayhem.webm (2 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Marrakech Mayhem.webm
2 MB, 1280x720
Walking simulators barely count as games
>it's not a game because I said so
Nice reading there. I said that it's barely a game, not that it wasn't one.
i almost forgot how shitty DS2 was
>no u
stop shitposting anon it's not good for you

>"He blew himself up."
Do you have the one where the guy is launched into a well?

Always makes me giggle.
File: One of us one of us.webm (2 MB, 720x450) Image search: [Google]
One of us one of us.webm
2 MB, 720x450
File: 1460032766296.jpg (42 KB, 300x217) Image search: [Google]
42 KB, 300x217

The zoo keeper did nothing wrong
It's a shame that the gorilla had to die for someone else's fault but no chances could be taken.
This is the type of shit only dumb vegans should get mad over.
Something simular happened to me in Splatoon where we all spamed Booyah to psych ourselves up into a final desperate charge
Thread replies: 36
Thread images: 9

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