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What is the worst game you ever played, /v/?
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What is the worst game you ever played, /v/?
ghostbusters NES
Bioshock Infinite, Paper Mario Sticker Star, Jak 2, and Red Dead Redemption
musical chairs
>Jak 2

When will this meme die?
There are 2 games I hate more than Jak 2, the ones to the left of it. It's legitimately terrible
Maplestory, hands down. Lazily thrown together platforming, brainless combat, just everything about the game except maybe the music is complete garbage.
Nice bait.
The one with no sauce
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Pic related, i don't even know how i managed to finish both this and H&D (got all Painkillers in a bundle for dirt cheap)
>Looks like ass
>Literally worse than no story (broken story)
>Music sucks, just the same rifts/30 seconds segment in loop
>Hard as balls for no reason
>Millimetric hitboxes even for fuckin' rockets
>Map and progression makes no fucking sense
I made it to the end fueled by pure hatred
>he falls in that bait
>Bioshock Infinite
I seriously don't get this meme, pretty obvious the game isn't at the level of the other Bios but c'mon, worst game you ever played? I'm not buying that, at the very least it looks gorgeous
Just look up dark magician girl hentai. If you don't find it, you'll find a bunch of other shit you can get off to.
Heavy Rain. What the fuck were they thinking?
too human
It's a culmination of everything wrong with modern video games, both on the development side and the consumer end. I can think of no worse game
Sheep. On the PS1.
>The goal is to herd sheep through a gauntlet of stuff that will kill them
>At some point I just started to say fuck it and I picked up every sheep 1 by 1 and carried them to the other side safely
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Sonic and the Secret Rings
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>Actual Sunlight
Dev projects his depression onto you for 2 hours while providing no actual gameplay.
I could write a paragraph but this video is much easier for me. In general, just the fact that this is gobbled up despite being incredibly shallow and having nothing to say, but gets interpreted as being some "2deep4u" pinnacle of the medium by a mainstream audience
One very old Fifth Element game. The PC version.
Streets of Rage 3
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this mess of a game

>n general, just the fact that this is gobbled up despite being incredibly shallow and having nothing to say, but gets interpreted as being some "2deep4u" pinnacle of the medium by a mainstream audience
like Metal Gear Solid 2?
Even after that it's still being a "good" game in general. Bad and underwelming isn't the same thing
I don't think there's really anything good about it except for some pretty visuals
MGS2 is a great game though, the best MGS in fact
How to survive
Except MGS2 is actually pretty deep (I mean it's not some sort of fucking godly piece of work but it is deeper than 90% of games)
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I'm sorry anon, I couldn't resist.
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Im sorry, but it's this.
I was hooked with the idea of that INFINITE SKILLTREE, coming straight outta Cataclysm/Pandaria when it went to shit, and having played Torchlight 1-2 beforehand, but nope.

Even at the tutorial shore, the UI was extremely counter-intuitive, almost no information was given out of it, characters were a mess.
I did wanted to give it a go, i really did, but i felt like the game was developed straight against me.
I hate spam and flash and this game takes it to the next level.
Tit dad
10/10 would play
Chrome Hounds. Holy shit what a piece of garbage. Thank god I rented it.

fell into the meme of a massive creative game. realized too late that it wents downhill from creating intelligent walking penises to repetitive space missions very quickly
You sound like a faggot that needs his hand held.

Go back to Torchlight, you don't deserve a good game.
Fable III

git gud fuccboi
Castle Crashers
>Someone hates a game you like
>They must be baiting!
I'm going to disregard games that I dropped within half an hour for obvious reasons and say that Oblivion is probably the one that stands out with the least amount of effort put into cohesive system design
I think Fallout 4 takes that crown.
Dark Souls 2
It's very probable but I haven't played any Bethesda game after Oblivion
you know how to instantly spot someone underage?
it will be the kid talking about how disappointed they were for Spore.
EA was fucking garbage years before that release, you were just too young to know.
Kek then I guess you haven't experienced the randomly generated fetchquests through linear dungeons in Skyrim and Fallout 4. Bethesda's been getting progressively lazy with their games.
Skyrim. I fucking hated it. Dropped it within in hour.
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
De blob
No More Heroes, I fucking despise everything about it. I am confused whenever I hear anyone say Travis was a good character or the gameplay is anything but Arcady trash
Certainly was a disappointment
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>MGS2 is a great game though, the best MGS in fact

>Except MGS2 is actually pretty deep
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Some rip off of slither.io actually.
You seriously release a game on Steam, but then expect people to make a fucking separate account in-game, when it was launched through Steam, just to communicate and play with other players, that are also already on Steam? You even have the option to make the account with a facebook account instead? WHY RELEASE IT ON STEAM THEN.

Oh wait what's that, you can't even start a multiplayer game without at least THIRTY OTHER PLAYERS in the lobby?

Fuck me some developers are stupid. I mean yeah, Rockstar also had a similar level of cringe, but why would you go through such an effort to add this cringe to a small clone of an already free game.

I don't get it.
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Name a better MGS
>Modern Warfare 3
After those excellent MW, MW2 and BO, they released this shit.
Biggest buyer remorse.
>Name a better MGS

Twin Snakes
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MGS2 stands as the best then
he asked to name a better MGS than 2 so I named one
Discrediting yourself doesn't help your argument anon
neither is being this diehard of a MGS2 fanboy
I said 2 was the best, but I guess that makes me "diehard" AND a "fanboy"
Dragon Age II
Batman Beyond on the PS1. Side scrolling beat em up with no combos and awful models.
Honestly, Superman 64.
>I said 2 was the best
and I think you are wrong
Fuck you, that was fun
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Lunar: Dragon Song
Either that Portal Runner game for PS2 or Land Before Time Great Valley Adventure Racing

It's not the worst but it's most certainly shit.
1 and 3, but only those.
1 maybe, but definitely not 3
Well of course, they have figured out they can release unfinished trash and the fan community will fix it for them. They are more focused now on how they can make a buck off other people's work
Definitely 3.
I'll agree to disagree
I won't.
zelda 2 or ride to hell retribution
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>apologizing for making OC

That's not how it works you dumb fuck.
Well that's a shame then

You aren't going to snatch any birthdays are you?
your mom
Torchlight doesn't really hold your hand though.
No of course not, let's keep this civil
>Hard as balls
dude what lmao
just like strafe-jump around and the enemies can't touch you.
Either Sonic 06 or DNF
I played DNF for like 4 hours and never touched it again
Fuck you
99% of these are overhyped games not bad games
No hp regen
Not everything
Golden Sun.
Dark Souls

>Calling poor controls and bad design difficulty
So far, Code of Princess. It's fun at times, but good lord, does it move slow and the framerate is fucking ass and I played DMC4 on a built-in-one toaster from 2008 at syrupy 10 FPS.
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Anna-Extended Edition
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