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Let's talk Kingdom Hearts /v/. Any expectations or hopes
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Let's talk Kingdom Hearts /v/. Any expectations or hopes for E3? Enjoying Unchained X? Are any of you still confused at what's going on at this point?
>Any expectations or hopes for E3?
If they have a KH3 trailer, I wanna see more of the different worlds and shit.
>Enjoying Unchained X?
It's alright. Got bored of it after a few weeks though.
It's a pretty decent time waster for me.
2.8 gameplay and release, and MAYBE a new world for 3.
I hope they remove flowmotion
That fucking mechanic destroyed the sense of progression. Movement abilities such as high jump, glide, etc feel obsolete since flowmotion does everything better. In DDD you could explore every corner of each world and acquire all collectables which wasn't the case in the main series games where you needed to revisit with movement abilities to get those frustrating chests thus eliminating the purpose of revisiting worlds. Also, I hope they make combat feel good, it needs to be faster and responsive... BBS and DDD were the least enjoyable games in the series to play.
I totally agree but BBS was great. DDD is probably one of the worst in the series.
Also Unchained X is essential to the story, right?
Kill off Kairi and Aqua for being Gurl Powah shit.
>what do you hope
Any proof that this is getting released within the decade
We're not gonna start this shit again Redpill-kun.
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Nomura is basically putting out scraps.
one barely has any real screen time, and the other ruined everything and arguably helped the villain progress with his plans
Anon, don't engage Redpill-kun. He literally starts this shit in every KH thread he can. Without rhyme or reason.
I feel like SE treats E3 and similar events like a mass alpha release. If the crowd and online reception is poor, they seem to completely fucking rebuild whatever people were bitching about. Cool and all, but it takes like 10 years for them to release a game.
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>Cool and all, but it takes like 10 years for them to release a game.
Do not engage.
Tell me more.

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>E3 starts
>japanese guy starts speaking in broken english
>Wi haveru information abot new kingdom herteru
>audience goes wild
>this is it, finally new footage and a release date
>it's actually a mobile port of a Kingdom Hearts card game as a candy crush ripoff made by an outsourced chinese indie company
>thankeru for attention

The sad thing is that I'm literally expecting something similar. Two bombs weren't enough.
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Uh, that already kind of happened. Except for maybe the outsourcing part. Chi and Unchained X say hello.
his team had to focus on ff15 and other projects. he had no choice, m8
Expecting another 2.8 trailer and Square acting like KH3 doesn't exist.
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>Japanese man from Square approaches the stage
>We woodu raiku to show you new infomashun aboutu kingudamu haatsu, but preese understaandu and wait a bit ronga.
>Walks away
I'm so done with this plastic piece of crap.
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Wow, and to think. There won't be a single NPC in this area of this world. Just like every single Kingdom Hearts game where every world feels empty and llifeless outside of the 3 or 4 important characters just standing around and/or in your party
That's from the X Back Cover section of 2.8 which is a slightly different movie that covers parts of the X series.
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I want it on PC.
I bought my fuckin PS3 for it. 9 fuckin years ago.
Fuck this japanese corporation bullshit.
And no, I'm not going to buy a nintendo, and a psp, and whatever system they got the other games on.
Anything that isn't KH1 and KH2 isn't cannon.
Also, zootopia world.
I want to fuck the bunny so hard
>And no, I'm not going to buy a nintendo, and a psp, and whatever system they got the other games on.
1.5, 2.5, and 2.8 take care of this problem.
>Anything that isn't KH1 and KH2 isn't cannon.
This is literally wrong. You'd be missing most of the story if you don't know what's going on in the other games.
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>the majority of the series isn't canon
Top heh
let him miss out if he's going to be that way. People who call the handheld games "spin-offs" deserve to miss out on the story.
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>Anything that isn't KH1 and KH2 isn't cannon.
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>Join the army in Land of Dragons
>Only about 6 or 7 of you total

>Absolutely no one besides the Peddlar, Jasmine, and Iago hanging around. No one at in KH1.

>Neverland in Birth by Sleep
>Only 2 lost boys besides Peter are there
>No pirates beside Smee and Hook

This constantly bugs the shit out of me. This just comes off as kind of lazy from Sqaure. Like, they tried to make a few random NPCs in Traverse Town in KH1, but then they realized that it was getting to be too hard and settled with as little as they could possibly get away with afterwards. Even Traverse town only had, like, 4 or 5 random NPCs, with one of them being used twice. And you know, even I could take that because it still made the world feel more, I dunno, populated that way.
So what are the main lore tidbits from the whole X Unchained whatever in the actual fuck all that business is?
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>Anything that isn't KH1 and KH2 isn't cannon.

Remember that one time you didn't play Chain of Memories and got confused over KH2's intro and the fact that there were only 7 members of Organization XII present instead of 13? You're gonna be in for a rude awakening.
>2.8 exclusively on ps4
Haha, no.
Guess I'd replay the 1.5 and 2.5 with an emulator tho.
>This is literally wrong. You'd be missing most of the story if you don't know what's going on in the other games.
But that's implying I do give a fuck about all of that??
I mean, half of the story was okay, the other half was just another japanese edgy as fuck wannabe sugoii game.
I was a weeb at the time, so I loved it.
But I loved the gameplay, and I'm a big disney guy. So hey.
Will this get a PC port?
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>Anything that isn't KH1 and KH2 isn't cannon.
>Anything that isn't KH1 and KH2 isn't cannon.
O I am laffin son.
>No one at in KH1.
Wasn't it that there were NPCs in Aladdin but they pretty much pop up right after the world is done or something? I remember this being a thing.
So far not a lot has happened. I think the main theory going on right now, is that Vulpeus/Ava is gonna try to save some people from dying in the war. But we still don't know who the traitor is, so she could be the shadiest bitch of them all.
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>Nomura in charge if anything

It's almost like the whole series has only been on PS2, handhelds, and phones this entire time.
>I want it on PC

There has never been a single KH on PC barring emulation, good luck with that. With that said 1.5, 2.5 are both on PS3 and contain everything essential it is to catching up and 2.8 will be on PS4. Also with that said, good fucking luck playing KH3 without having touched BBS and DDD, because they both might as well be KH3 and KH4 respectively and KH3 might as well be KH5.
I thought he was holding a tiny pastel horse in the thumbnail.
>INB4 someone brings up the recent FF ports
This, sadly. But maybe they'll have new tricks up their sleeves for it now that it's on ps4

Also 2.8 fucking when?
Oh they expanded on this.
>Also Unchained X is essential to the story, right?
In a manner of speaking.

It's still unclear exactly how this will all tie into KHIII, but it is canon and Nomura has said that he wrote their scenarios together.

χ[chi] and Unchained χ were both outsourced to other companies,Success Corp. (χ[chi]) and Bitgroove Inc. (Uχ), but both of them are Japanese companies.
Whoa I don't even know who/what Vulpeus/Ava is much less any of that other stuff.
>Guess I'd replay the 1.5 and 2.5 with an emulator tho.
Those are only on PS3 Dingus
>But that's implying I do give a fuck about all of that??
Thats fine not to give a shit, but to say only KH1 and KH2 are canon is retarded.
hes right though

Anything released after 2 is fan fiction garbage, like dirge of cerberus and crisis core are to FF7
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My complaint still stands. The world in KH3 will have no one but the main characters in them, despite a lot of them having towns and/or being huge.

>No one in Agrabah
Actually, after you beat the world in KH1, if you actually explore the town before leaving, there's actually a few NPCs hanging out in the stores.

They're literally just edited models of Wakka, Selphie, and Tidus with different skin color and hair, say nothing interesting, and disappear the second you leave the world and come back.

It's almost like no other games on these consoles are capable of a hadfull of NP....OH WAIT
It's possible I won't deny that, but it's doubtful honestly.
So 3 is fan-fiction garbage and Chain of Memories is not, gotcha.
Was it one you want to come inside

Who knows?
Look at SE, they released the whole FF saga on PC, without anyone really knowing why.
And I guess there's no 'sony' contract with the KH serie anyway seeing half the games happened on nintendo.
I'll wait a couple years if I have to.
Doesn't make them any less canon buttmunch
PC port?
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Nier 2 made by Platinum was something completely out of left field last year, maybe something cool will happen this year.
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Kingdom Hearts 3 is going to be absolute garbage.

Kingdom Hearts 1 was the love child of SquareSOFT and Disney. What we got was a great kids game, memorable characters interacting within their own worlds and treating Sora like a kid who would stand in for the player. The plot was simple and the combat extremely fufilling for that age of gaming. Tons of RPG elements, real time fighting, new abilities, you can clearly feel yourself getting stronger after ever battle. Had some nice little time killing minigames. Brought you to some of the best disney worlds and wrapped up by having all the major big-bads trying to corrupt your peachy little island life and friends. KH1 was a literal 10/10 game, probably the best game Squaresoft has ever made before it's death.

SquareEnix created KH2 with Disney and what we got was the reduction from 3 party members to only Sora. Sora has come back with unexplainable new limit break powers when before he was just a kid with a wooden sword wacking stuff. The summons were dumbed down. Some of the worlds were straight up rehashed. Halloween Town was awful. Mulan again? Pirates of the Carribean? God fuck this game was terrible. It all builds up to a 2deep4u ending which leads into another fucking game which will no doubt send this franchise off the deep end worse than the 3rd matrix movies.

It's going to be edgy shit. Hot garbage. Will be hyped to oblivion even though the original players (core demo) are now 10 years older than they were after 2 came out. They waited too long making all those shitty handheld games.
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Left to right:
Ursus (Bear)/Aced, Anguis (Cobra)/Invi, Unicornis (Unicorn)/Ira, Leopardos (Leopard)/Gula, Vulpeus(Fox)Ava. They are the leaders of the various unions in Unchained X/Chi.
but anon, they're not canon if I don't want them to be
Nice meme
And what are the unions in the two games? What is their purpose? I'm completely in the dark here.
Than thats straight up denial even when the facts are right in your face.
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>All of these are somehow uncanon
Chain of Memories (GBA) is an objectively better game than KH2.

Everything after 2 is garbage and you should feel bad if you enjoyed them, especially 3DS game
Sora got those powers thanks to Roxas/Ventus.

With that said, it's going to be a great game and I'm going to love it, while you sit there and spam that in every KH thread, and yes I played the original KH1 when it came out, rented it and sat there for hours playing it and re-rented it after that week, eventually I bought it and played through it again.

Keep the butthurt flowing.
Daybreak town is relevant to Unchained X so it'd be cool to explore and see what's really up with it.

Daybreak is opposite to Twilight, so
Will this come to PC eventually? Square is porting all their games to PC and this is running on the unreal/cry engine I believe so by contract it has to come to PC
Basically Unchained/Chi are set in the period leading up to the Keyblade war. In game there really isn't any gameplay differences between the Unions but storywise they each are supposed to have their own thing going on. Though we've seen Ava/Vulpeus have the most screentime.
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>Chain of Memories (GBA) is an objectively better game than KH2.
>I bought my fuckin PS3 for it. 9 fuckin years ago.
>buying a console for a game that wasn't even announced as being in production
What kind of window licking retard does that?
You could play the game to find out. It launched in North America in April.
If you aren't North American, there are links to get the game in /khg/'s OP.

Anyway, the Unions are basically the factions leading into the Keyblade War.
The idea posited in the game is that they're all fighting to protect the light, but we know that each Foreteller has their own motives.
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Hopefully they can include some Pixar worlds. At the very least I want Toy Story in.

As for E3 I want to learn more about the FF7 remake before I denounce it completely, and the upcoming Zelda game for Wii U/NX. That's pretty much it for now.
Well I don't feel bad, even love the silly story (which makes a helluva lot more sense playing it than someone on /v/ giving you a shitty synopsis because half the people here are retards).

But your entitled to your opinion, just don't come whining in future threads because you have no idea what the fuck is going on and deem it a bad game solely because you refuse to accept the other games as not garbage, even though they all play unique and fine and have interesting stuff going on.
So it's a long-ago prequel? Alright then. Anything we've learned about the Keyblade War, or anything else overall?

I have too much shit to play as is and don't plan on playing KH3 anyhow.
KH2 was fucking terrible though. At least 1 was coherant.
Good luck when KH3 starts getting into multiple Xehanorts, time-travel, etc.
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>They're literally just edited models of Wakka, Selphie, and Tidus with different skin color and hair, say nothing interesting, and disappear the second you leave the world and come back.

oh shit my sides
We haven't learned much yet. We're all hoping shit gets real soon enough.
>not announced
Are you new?
There was a fucking secret ending to KH2 that everyone thought was going to LEAD TO and CONFIRM that KH3 was coming.
But SE needed to make FF13 first.
Everyone knows what happened next :^)
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>Anything we've learned about the Keyblade War, or anything else overall?
So far the war hasn't started. And not really.
Oh, is it that time?
They're all fucking coherent, none of them are hard to understand by any means.
Then why are you in a KH3 thread?
Thats was BBS bruh
Got it. Thanks for explaining, guys.
every single one of those games is largely inconsequential. Nothing in those games will be necessary to understand the plot of KH3 and most likely will be left out. Defacto struck from canon.

They will only be canon in the minds and memories of those that played them.
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>that old pos
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You got me, man. Well played.
You can get almost all collectibles in the first visit except for 1 or 2 chests in the entire game in BBS too.

Honestly I don't like revisiting worlds unless there's more story or battles linked to those revisits, which arguably letting you get all chests the first time is one way to avoid making more content to warrant a second visit. Just going back for a chest you need a very specific ability to get is just extra useless padding, it felt good 100% all worlds in BBS on the first visit using dash abilities.
Thanks for this.
Ah yes, Lea and the 7 lights and 13 Darkness's and the X-Blade will not be a thing.
Surely once FF15 is released, then SE will shift their focus back to Kingdom Hearts 3!

Oh, well, if you were aware of that back then in 2007, you could've shared your knowledge to everyone else uh?
Then maybe I wouldn't have bought a console thinking the sequel of my favorite games would come out on? (I also bought it for FF13, didn't know it would be so bad tho.)
People in this thread are implying that KH 2.8 exists.

I just googled it and holy SHIT who thought that'd be a good idea for a game title?

I want off this train. I miss squaresoft
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>People in this thread are implying that KH 2.8 exists.
It's an actual thing.
> SHIT who thought that'd be a good idea for a game title
If you think that's trippy you should see Nomura's reasoning for it.
Read Game informer or actually pay attention to gaming websites. BBS all over the place when it was announced.
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>Anything we've learned about the Keyblade War, or anything else overall?
So the game is set before the war, and apparently will end as the war begins.

So it's not really about the war itself, but why it started, or what events led into it.

If you want to know what has happened so far, you could look up the cutscenes for the browser version, which only has two more story updates before it ends service.

The story's pretty mysterious and there are some details which, if you're familiar with the story thus far, will certainly raise some eyebrows.

For example
Pic related, your guide to collecting Lux and faithful companion, is revealed to be a Dream Eater
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>talk to friend about how I like KH, but the titles are fucking stupid
>rattle off Kingdom Hearts Unchained X and 358/2 Days
>say that set for this year is Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue
>"I can't tell if that's real or you're just fucking with me."
>"it's real man."
>"Jesus fucking Christ."
Sorry anon, you must mean Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue

If they rehashed "Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue" what would you add to the title to make it *more* complete?
no prob, I had another part when there was some guy who kept posting "goback to redit you underage faggots" in every kh thread, but he's since stopped so I removed it
> have no idea what is going on

You do Realize that KH3 is going to be so accessible story-wise that you wont even have had to play KH1 or 2 to know what is going on.

You wasted your time with the garbage games they schlocked out after KH2 and its your own fault for taking the bait.
>Aqua, Terra, Ventus
>Eraqus, Xehanort
>13 Xehanorts (Time-Travel which includes Copy Riku, Young Xehanort, Xehanort, Xemnas, Ansem, Saix, etc.)
>7 Lights
>Axel and the rest of Organization 13 are still alive
>Keyblade Masters
>etc. etc. etc.

Yeah they'll just ignore all of that story prior to this that has been building up, even when the original trailers for KH3 were very clear that that wasn't the case.
We're either getting more footage of the next compilation game or 3's Frozen world reveal.
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>"On how the name of the collection was determined, Nomura stated that Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance is considered "number 2.6" in the series since it follows the events in HD 2.5 Remix, and the χ games, with the absence of Sora, are considered 0, while Birth by Sleep is 0.1, thus resulting in 0.2 for A Fragmentary Passage. When added together, the numbers total 2.8"
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>You do Realize that KH3 is going to be so accessible story-wise that you wont even have had to play KH1 or 2 to know what is going on.
>It was announced alongside Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and Kingdom Hearts coded at the Tokyo Game Show on September 20, 2007
Good try.
Still, everyone was sure that KH3 would come on PS3, eventually.
I mean, it would be dumb from SE to not make a sequel for a successful game with an unfinished story.
I think my favorite KH title thus far is Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep 0.2 -a fragmentary passage-

that fucky roman numeral/decimal thing is a close second though
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Why did this faggot and his bitch betray the Organization? Surely there must be more to it than DARKNESS.
Yeah that accessibility is 1.5, 2.5, and 2.8.

Remember when they made Chain of Memories Accessible for 2? Remember when they made 358/2 and Re:Coded Accessible for DDD?

Yeah, you best get to playing it because the most you're gonna get is a bad synopsis where you still won't understand shit like all of /v/'s synopsis, and that's if you're lucky.
I remember reading one of my game informer as a middle schooler that had tons of info about the new announced KH titles.

I did like KH2, but it was vastly inferior to KH1 and COM. The series became to comfortable with itself later on and you start to see some of that in 2. The mystery of being thrown into darkness and the plot being unveiled as you go was traded for the games spending hours of diologue explaining nonsense about garbage mythology of the series that was never important to begin with. They killed the magic.
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This is 100 percent my reactions when my friends talk about kingdom hearts in any fashion.
I once asked one of them to explain the "story" to me. That was the most hilariously bizarre thing i have ever heard. I forever constrain Kingdom Hearts to that "what the fuck ever" territory of games and talk when it comes up with friends.
Vanilla KH1 also had a secret movie. Didn't mean 2 was confirmed at that point. You're still silly for buying a console when there wasn't an actual statement from SE telling us KH3 was in development.
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It sounds so much better in the interview:
>––So after KH1.5 and KH2.5, then came 2.8. I was surprised. Please tell us the origin of the title that contains 2.8.

>Nomura: It contains a bit of meaning. First, we considered the types of games that are being included such as KH3D and with the previous work being 2.5… it would be positioned as “2.6” corresponding to the works. And there’s χ, Unchained χ, and χ Back Cover, being part of the Chi series, I believe would be called the “0” with Sora’s absence. In KHBBS it’s “0.1” and this time KH0.2BBS includes the title “0.2”. So, “2.6”+”0”+”0.2” comes out as a number that turns into “2.8”.
I used to listen to people try and explain the games I hadn't played and it was a clusterfuck, finally played them myself, it's nowhere near the levels of hearing people actively try to explain it.
In days it's revealed that Xemas really didn't give anyone new to the org like luxord, larxene and marluxia any idea of what their plan was other then "do what I say" also Ansem's apprentices were close knit so he was like "fuck this cliquey shit I'm taking over"
It's a case of people not paying attention and then people overblowing it.
>Remember when they made 358/2 and Re:Coded Accessible for DDD?
DDD actually has a Chronicle feature which summarizes all of the previous games.

So if they were ever going to do something more than the ReMIXes, then it'd probably just be another Chronicle menu.
2.8 will go over who the 'traitor' is

Also Chirithy is apparently a dream eater so the events of Unchained X happen in the realm of sleep?
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I bet Kh3 will release in 2018 and Unchained is so boring now. Currently running a critical lvl1 with terra and I fucking suck at it.
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The one thing that's gonna really piss me off is all the people going into the game not playing any of them since the first release of KH2 going 'Oh wow whats going? Who is Xehanort? Why does Roxas wear armor?' etc. and then give the game bad reviews because of the story. I'll bet you a lot of money that a few big sites like IGN and others will do it.
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>There are people who bought a PS3 to play Kingdom Hearts 3
I played the first game.
Was ok, but really meh. It was not a game i would think in a hundred years would get a sequel, let alone...however the fuck many they are on now.
Im fine with it not making any sense when someone tries to explain this to me. Even if they did, it would still not make sense.
I forever leave this to the younger generation of gamers who have taken such a shine to it. I will watch from the outside, shaking my head softly and muttering "damn kids".
It really is honestly.
>an unfinished story.
What was unfinished? Whatever CoM and 2 introduced, they wrapped up.
>tfw no ff13 versus
>tfw no kh3
>tfw no last guardian

ps3 is my last sony console.

least i got to play heavy rain and mgs4 =\
How old are you? Shit I'm 26 and I expected a sequel to KH when I was a kid and it makes perfect sense to me.
You absolutely know they will, just imagine the /v/ threads. The game isn't even out yet and we're getting stuff like that.

you got played like a fiddle m8.
>no last guardian
Anon, they've released some new info in the past month. The promised land is in sight.
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I just want some gameplay footage from KH3 or 2.8 that'll put my fears of floaty, weightless combat to rest
>KH2 ends with a letter from mickey and BBS

I will grant that BBS part didn't mean anything like Deep Dive did in KH1, but it was clear Nomura wanted to plan stuff afterwards.
That makes sense, I hope we eventually get to see their true human forms and personalities before they became Nobodies, just for the sake of completion.
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>Anything that isn't KH1 and KH2 isn't cannon.

At this point, this must be a running joke in all KH threads
>Why does Sora have black hair and yellow eyes now?
>Why do the apprentices have different names?
>Why does ventus look like roxas are they brothers?
>omg why is kairi fighting? Fucking sjws ruining muh vidya
>Why are there more xehanorts?
>why does kairi have short black hair?
>what's the date escape?
Buckle up, we're in for a wild ride in a year or two.
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>I hope we eventually get to see their true human forms and personalities before they became Nobodies

But from what we've seen with Lea, they're not that much different.

Axel only got cheek marks. Their personalities will stay the same because they based their personalities off their memories.

The only question is who would be a good or bad guy, since some of them legitimately just wanted their hearts back.
KH1 sets up a pretty big open sequel bait with the main group looking for Mickey, not even including the secret movie. CoM wraps up his search in a way and the memory restoration shit is mostly wrapped up at the end of the Roxas chapters and later on in KH2. The rest of the games fill in the gaps, cover shit from the past in BBS' case, or set up KH3 like DDD.
Always wanted to play Kingdom Hearts. Are these games even difficult?
I always took the letter as a sort of "And the adventure continues..." trope. Same way KH1 ended with them chasing after Pluto who was also carrying a letter from the King.
I swear to God, /v/ will be damn near unbrowsable.
I don't think it's likely unless it's years later like the FF13 trilogy
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Man Kingdom Hearts aged pretty well in my opinion. Still a great looking PS2 game
Get ready for Kingdom Hearts 2.9. We're never going to get to 3.
Well we've seen the majority of them in BBS anyways, most of them seem to be pretty good guys with the exception of like Vexen and Saix who just went down the wrong path after awhile. Chances are most of the ones we haven't seen are relatively normal people too with maybe Marluxia and Larxene being 'evil'.
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The combat's been improving every trailer so far, the early footage on Luminous engine had dogshit gameplay compared to the D23 trailer.

Most people like to pull the floaty Osaka memes without realizing that they had to work on handheld systems with a completely different combat system.
Those guns have no triggers.
Well we got to see him and Isa as average kids in BBS, we also got to see others as guards and scientists and shit, which was mostly already known from reports I think, but still. I don't think there's much info about what Marluxia and Larxene did in their past lives.
>Get ready for Kingdom Hearts 2.9. We're never going to get to 3.

>––So, is it possible that KH2.9 might be released?

>Nomura: The next one is KH3 (laughs). There is a subtitle in 2.8 that has “Final Chapter”. Because of its prologue implications, KH3 would be the final chapter of the Dark Seeker series. With the meaning of 0.1 left, you will understand it in KH3.

>––That “0.1” is worrisome… with KH2.8 being only on the PS4, KH1.5 and KH2.5 was released on the PS3 and was it difficult to transition?

>Nomura: Because of the gameplay of KH0.2BBS, it uses KH3’s tech and it will only work on the PS4. Since the current development situation has become one for the PS4, it would be difficult to make it for the PS3. In addition, for the players, we wanted to show the atmosphere of KH3 even just a little. For KH0.2BBS, it’s not exactly the same but it incorporates some of the system from KH3.
for you
I want to agree with you. Fuck the shitty ports and fuck the autists who eat that shit up.
Because it was made by squaresoft and not enix.

It's a great game
At this point the story is too fucked up.
They waited too long to release KH3, it won't be anything short of a mess.

I'm not looking forward to it anymore. I played BBS, 1, 2, CoM, Days, RE:coded, and DDD but I'm not going to play mobile shit or 3. With each new release gameplay only gets worse, I'm done.
We've yet to see the ones that don't have their real names revealed yet.

So Larxene, Marluxia, Luxord and Demyx. Incidentally these are the latter ranks of Org XIII minus Roxas.
It pretty much is these days anyway. I think I'll have to do what I did with MGSV and just take a break from here.
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how many times are we going to keep posting this
You must be shit at spot the difference games.
If you put them on critical mode sure.
They can be, but generally not too hard. There are some difficult postgame things like secret bosses, and there's also the possibility for LV1 playthroughs (which are only available on the highest difficulty).
>IGN and others will do it.
IGN knows about the other games if I'm remembering right
There was a guy a while ago on /v/ streaming himself fighting an optional fight on the tutorial world and was up to like 34 deaths and started ranting about dark souls and comparing the two.

Kingdom Hearts is the Dark Souls of Square Enix.
If he wasn't fighting Lingering Will, then he was just shit.
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I keked and then I got sad because I marathon'd Gargoyles a few months ago and it makes me really want a Gargoyles world, Xanatos would be the real mastermind behind Kingdom Hearts all along.
Don't play anything but KH2 on Critical. For the rest of the bunch it just makes things more tedious.
> played Days, RE:coded, and DDD

how did you get through them? those games were hot garbage, especially DDD
The Data organization is nothing to scoff at on critical.
>At this point the story is too fucked up.
I love this meme
You can actually figure out their names pretty easy.

Medy (for music) or Emyd (water turtle)
Lumaria (plant)
Elenar or Arlene
Someone at some point had a really good name for him that fit perfectly and had to do with gambling, can't remember it, but off the top of my head Dolur/Dulor would work, a pun on Dollar.
it was riku
tutorial riku, on the island
>buy 1.5 and 2.5 recently
>start with KH FM and decide to play it on Proud Mode
>Donald and Goofy are fucking worthless on every boss fight
The point I was making was their original names and original selves were never shown.
>had to wait 10 years for a proper sequel that doesn't even have a release date in sight
Fuck KH, the hype is dead
>tfw completely bullshitted by way past Luxord and Xemnas

Xemnas with the bug is such a fucking troll fight. Luxord I happened to get caught in that last game as my time meter depleted (I suck balls at those games terribly) happened to clutch it out not meaning too at all, and our lives switched and I hit him.

Some of those battles are easily broke with Reflect like Lexaeus and Larxene.

Also Demyx, fuck that 99 water clone shit especially if he's not up against a wall, almost always got down to like the last 5-8 before time ran out if he wasn't against the wall.
Proud Mode in KH1 is still alright. You can just never rely on goofy / donald too much.

But any non-numbered title higher difficulties just make things really tedious.
So fucking stupid when they had something actually clever going with 2.8 + 0.2 = 3 but Nomura had to fuck it up with bullshit as usual.
>playing KH for the first time in forever
>the fucking gummi bullshit whenever you travel between worlds

I better get the warp gummi zone, What a boring slog.
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>It's been 11 years since KH2
>Also Demyx, fuck that 99 water clone shit especially if he's not up against a wall, almost always got down to like the last 5-8 before time ran out if he wasn't against the wall.
Use the forms, anon. Both Wisdom and Master are good to deal with it.
I get the point, but it's not much of a big concern. They looked like that in real life barring maybe a minor different or two, that's their personalities as it is with all the rest, with the exception of Xemnas since he's Xehanort and Terra popped together.
Nomura wants a KH out every year and 2.8 comes out this year, so KH3 next year if that holds.
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Kh1 is almost 20 years old
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Every thread
Oh I know, Firaga and Wisdom Form, it was mostly just a matter of poor timing on myself for when I activated it in the last phase coupled with them being spread out 360 directions, compared to backing him into the wall where they can only come out in 180 or 90 depending on where he's at exactly, which makes them far easier to destroy.
But DDD is a proper sequel to 2?
You can easily bypass that one Xemnas part with a limit. Or if you're really really good, dodging.
You know you could turn off flowmotion right?

>BBS and DDD were the least enjoyable games in the series to play.

KH2 was a buttonmashing mess, final mix saved the shit out of it, but BBS was definitely not worser than it when it came to combat. The deck system saved the series and brought back a sense of strategy like kh1 had, which was 2's biggest complaint in terms of what it was lacking.
on my lvl 1 run, donald and ariel won the ursula 2 fight for me while I swam around, and I wouldn't have been able to gegt past the invisible room on the final rush without donald double casting aeroga on us all
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>The true final boss of Kingdom Hearts 3 is Home Run Derby against Christopher Robin

How fucked are you?
i never understood this sora is almost the same age as him
Too bad all the boss fights in BbS come down to five minutes of button mashing square to dodge, then one command attack in your two second window before dodge spamming again.
Can we just go back to when the major mystery was the whole "you are the one to open the door" and the keyblade seemed like it was a unique weapon? even the king in ariels world was like yeah some say it wrought destruction others said it brought salvation. Fuck I miss when the story wasnt so fucking retarded
>The deck system saved the series and brought back a sense of strategy
You're joking right? It killed the whole purpose of levels when you could just fucking grind (and had to) every single useful thing early on.

It was hot garbage because you had very limited good abilities to choose from. Mines / Thunder Surge. That's pretty much all you fucking ever needed because most of the abilities are hot trash.

Not only that, Critical just makes things more tedious.


Hot Garbage is the best description of the abortion that was DDD
>Most people like to pull the floaty Osaka memes without realizing that they had to work on handheld systems with a completely different combat system.

You are right that they are only on handhelds. But when you consider the only examples of their work we have to go by felt unbalanced, full of combos that didn't feel like they had a hit to them, and damage sponge enemies, it makes sense.
bbs was my favorite game in the series until the secret bosses, now it's on of my least favorites

And in bbsfm armor of the master and armor xehnort were cake but I still can't beat mf even though i did on the psp
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I really enjoyed flowmotion in 3D, it was really fun getting around like that.
There I said it
It's literally a sequel to KH2. And KH3 is going to be by Osaka team as well so if you're so disappoint with 3D then don't get excited for 3 to be any more "proper".
Fucking time travel
People didn't like Flowmotion?
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I thought it was fun but the pet growth thing was annoying and most of the keyblades were ugly/useless.

That being said, one of the better Ultima Weapons. I DO hope however, as 3D never got a Final Mix/Re:make, it should get some extra content in the port, like a relevant secret boss that gives you some new shit. Julius kicked my ass but he was a random out-of-nowhere disney boss.
Any chance of an enhanced remake of 3d that makes the game
a) not shit
b) available of a console instead of a handheld
But he's pretty easy

when you realize the fourth hit is always the one that makes him end up on his back
Usually I just accepted it, what mostly gave me problems during the Data Rematch was the Riku portion, I just never had time and his clone would spam the electric shit constantly.

Eventually I just got fucking lucky with a Riku Limit and bypassed it and just beat him. One of the cases where "I keep losing and getting frustrated and it's making me worse."

I find most of the Data Battles easy honestly, you can bypass their difficulty with Reflect or Negative Combos fairly well, or Limit Break. A couple are mostly just waiting it out like Saix.

Now Lingering Will, I couldn't deal with at all, the Keyblade Craft or whatever it's called I don't remember was fine, his Shotlock was fine, but like the Attack/Magic lock and some of his other shit was too much especially when it starts getting to about half health and chaining stuff. Never was good at timing dodges compared to Reflect. Eventually bitched out and just Fenrir'd him, shame to say.
Yeah people hate it >>340011235
Japanese version or American version?
It's in 2.8
KH2.8, but the core game won't change much aside from removing the second screen and having better controls.
This guy was the biggest load of bullshit due to the mechanics. What's fun or challenging about thunder surging every 2 minutes followed by dodge rollking and cure for the next 5.

I hope they've learned from their mistakes, and actually developing in a console instead of a handheld makes it easier for them.
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also I really want these keyblades for personal use
Inb4 no stagger on enemies. Again.
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They appear out of nowhere for that reality shift and look cool, I'm mad you couldn't actually get them
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tbf none of the KH games had real good balance.

>Aero and Tinker Bell in KH1
>Reflect and Limit form in KH2

Maybe KH3 will be one of those games that can see balance patches now that it's on PS4.

Nobody hated fowmotion, it just made areas completely tiny since you could jet set radio across them in seconds. KH3 seems to be fixing this be making worlds more open-world.

when ff7, kh 2.8, kh 3, and ff15 release I might finally buy a ps4
I'm such a faggot for Kingdom Hearts
>tfw trying him as Terra

Aqua is the most fun to play in that game by far, made me actually love the magic systems of KH since I never bothered to give two shits about it beyond cure and reflect. Her cartwheeling around, mine sweeping, double jumps, 360 reflect guards, air dashes, the fucking instant transmission mode she can get.

I absolutely loved playing as Aqua. Ventus was sort of a weird mix of KH1/2 Sora and Terra...fuck Terra.
kh2 is the best in the series tho
Lol this never happened to anyone because kh2 hardly references Chain of Memories other than having Sora lose his memory in that flower egg pod and it breezes oast that shit too
>tinkerbell was actually a liability in the Xemnas fight because it disables the reaction command-ish thing you need to do to break out of an attack
I fucking despise Flowmotion
killed me so many times more than the enemies did. Nothing worse than dodgerolling into flowmotion and dying due to that.
Man fuck that, flowmotion was incredibly fun and I liked the fact that I could explore every inch in one go. Backtracking isn't progression if it's just for one chest that you're just getting for completions sake. They could easily just add magic activated sections that unlock new areas or use an item or some other ability, the freedom that flowmotion gave was a breath of fresh air.
>Attack/Magic lock
I feel you. I hate that shit no matter what game it's in. I can't tell you how many times I got him down to 1/4 only to be hit by that lock, then watch as he rapes me with his DM.

It took a few prayers to the God of War for me to put him down by the skin of my teeth.
You should note that Reflect is fucking shit before you get Reflega. Same goes for Limit Form (which I don't personally think is -that- op)

Meanwhile Balloon / Surges (or fucking everything in BBS) are OP from the get go
>You know you could turn off flowmotion right?

Well yes, but when you consider the game is mostly built around flowmotion turning it off makes things tedious.
>a sense of strategy like kh1 had
KH1 has no strategy.

It's even more mash-X than KHII, especially since KHIIFM got released.
Arguably, KHFM made the game even easier with the new abilities abilities
>Sliding Dash
>Stun Impact
>Leaf Bracer
>Hurricane Blast
>Evolution on top of the already-broken MP Gift

If you're ever in a tough spot, just spam Cure (because it's only 1MP) or cast Aero

Wow you're unstoppable
>Nobody hated fowmotion, it just made areas completely tiny since you could jet set radio across them in seconds. KH3 seems to be fixing this be making worlds more open-world.

Actually they built the worlds around flowmotion so they were actually pretty big (see: that post office area in traverse town)

But there was nothing in them.
I didn't and he was easy anyway.
You're fucking retarded if you didn't stop to think "You know, if the group was called Organization 13, why did I only fight 7 people?" That's how I found out about Re:CoM
I had very poor luck with him in that 3/4 of my attempts he'd always start with that and it was almost always the attack lock. So I'm running around trying to hit him as he's zipping around the damn place with Thundaga or Firaga. Just a mess.

I wish I could go back and try it again, but unfortunately my HDD seems to have fucked up in the PS3 a month or two ago sadly, and right when I was in the middle of trying to platinum BBS too, which is gonna be a pain to redo when I get another PS3 for cheap. At least I got that fucking Ice-Cream Music shit out of the way.
>spam Cure (because it's only 1MP) or cast Aero
fucking aero was so fucking broken, Ansems wind blades and even fucking phantom's homing ball would bounce right off you
>Same goes for Limit Form (which I don't personally think is -that- op)
Someone post the webm.
The intro makes far more sense if you played CoM and knew Sora was in a machine getting his memories restored, and it makes sense it's Sora getting his memories back during the intro once you see shit glitching out and all the flashbacks.

The only real mystery left from playing CoM is who is this Roxas fuck and why is he in Sora's memories, and that gets resolved later.
Could also be the shit camera, framerate, and screen size on the 3DS that made flowmotion unbearable, maybe peoples opinions on flowmotion might lighten up once 2.8 is out.
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Limit Form vs Roxas.webm
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Which one?
Flowmotion was also a liability during battle since the Flowmotion attacks were longwinded but had no invincibility frames on them whatsoever.
>who is namine
>why are we thanking her
>why did kairi and everyone else forget sora
>how does axel know me
>who are all the random techicolor hair weirdos that show up in the journal half way into the game?
>why are riku and micky in org coats
>who is this diz guy all of a sudden
NOTHING will make me enjoy Flowmotion. Its a fucking horrid system that should have stayed in DDD. Same goes to fucking Shotlock. Fuck Osaka Team.
It's strong, yes, but it's not the complete go-to form.
I was kind of hoping there was some way to permanently unlock Roxas' stolen keyblades from doing some really esoteric shit.

I like how they work with Limit sora's attacks
That one. Cheers.
Hey >>340019606 see this post.
KH has GOAT particle effects. I hope they step it up in KH3, unlike the lazy effects in FF15.
>implying you ever have to use shotlock once

Beat BBS on critical didn't use it once, not even with the secret bosses, it's a pointless feature. It could be cool if it flowed faster, but as far as BBS is concerned, you don't need it at all, so there isn't really a need to hate it beyond how slow it is to pop out and use.
>tbf none of the KH games had real good balance.

But for other KH even when not resorting to OP tactics the combat still felt good. From playing DDD, hitting an enemy with a standard combo just wasn't satisfying. It's a big reason why I have a cautious hope for KH3
A reminder that all the nu-Disney pandering to stuff like Frozen and Big Hero 6 is going to ruin KH3 while stuff the older audiences actually want like Treasure Planet are ignored.
Do you have to?
I still don't understand the point of Namine

>is a "nobody" of Kairi
>except Kairi never lost her body
>is formed from Kairi's heart leaving Sora's body
>except Sora's body was being used by Roxas

Therefor, she has no heart, and no body. Namine is literally nothing.

And yet she was necessary for Kairi to be 'complete' too
this makes me want to replay kh2
I never used limit form much on my last playtrough.
So? You can crush someone like Xigbar with Master Form easy or Vexen with wisdom form.

>Treasure Planet
Would be shit and you know it.
Really thats how other people fought him?
My command deck was:
>Unison rush (takes 3 slots)
>Unison rush(another 3 slots)
>whatever the lightning rush shotlock was called

I was invincible 95%+ of the entire fight. Just Unison rush and Shotlock then repeat.
Sure he could block and heal but if you're high enough level he doesn't heal enough.
I hate it because it does nothing for the game. Its fucking awful and its free damage for doing literally nothing. Its a fucking awful feature that didn't need to come back
Big Hero 6 was fucking great, the fuck are you on about? Plus we get some GoGo in KH, that's always great.
Final Form is better for Xigbar.
>Big Hero 6 was fucking great, the fuck are you on about
The other 4 heroes were pointless in that movie and you know it.
Then don't use it? Like I said, I never used it beyond the initial time to see what it did, didn't stop me from doing everything in the game just fine. I assume it won't be required for KH3 as well.
Alright faggots.
If you are so keen on this game's cluster fuck of a story...
Summarize Kingdom Hearts in 10 words or less.
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