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File: 1stdiamond.jpg (476 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
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Have you built your competitive deck yet, /v/?
is this game good? i've been thinking of downloading it, but i'm kinda burned from card games.
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It's f2p so you can make up your own mind. You'll get about 10-15h of fun out of it until you have to decide whether to invest in it or drop it, which is fair i think.

Protip: pick raptor for your first few games, he's op as fuck with his basic deck.
>another Hearthstone/Magic clone

okay, i'll give it a try later thanks.

Its nothing like magic or heartstone
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3rd diamond.png
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:^) If you'd tried it, you'd have known it doesn't play like hearthstone/mtg at all. It's free so at least play it you fucking mongrel.
the basic cards are pretty shit and unfortunately some of the daily and the weekly quests require you to win in pvp to complete them. The gameplay itself is quite different from most card games, tho.
dead on arrival.
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As i said, google up a basic raptor deck and you're good to go. The current meta is heavily in his favor. I went to silver league by googling a basic raptor deck. Easy pvp because everyone else _mostly_ doesn't have any cards. It's confirmed imbalanced right now, reap your fruits!
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>That Blizzardesque "artstyle"
I don't really have many cards and will never give jagex any dosh.

The game has an interesting concept, but there are a lot of broken cards.
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It's actually not that bad, if you ignore that raptor is blatantly overpowered with the basic cards he has. They messed "early hook" balance up badly, I'll give you that. Once you've built up a decent deck though, it equalizes quite nicely.
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