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The one thing that can save Nintendo
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File: sega.jpg (35 KB, 495x100) Image search: [Google]
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The one thing that can save Nintendo
SEGA can't even save Sonic.
Only if they use Sega engineers for their next console
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This, dragging a shittier company won't help at all.
That's the main benefit I see
They want to stay relevant, not become a 3rd party
The one thing that can save Sega you mean
They saved him twice, with Colours and Generations though.

sega is doing really good as a business, i mean granted 90% of their profits come from pachinko machines but their doing good
You mean Sammy is doing really good. The Sega side is close to going bankrupt again.
Too bad Sega absolutely loves working for Sony. What does Sega even make for Nintendo besides Sonic? Hell, they'd rather port ancient games to PC than make games for Nintendo.
I thought Sega loved PC the most.
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>Sega loved PC the most

>when all their upcoming games are PS4/console exclusive
>when all they give PC are shitty rehashed RTSes and ancient ports

Uh huh, they sure love PC. Yakuza is PS4 exclusive because they love PC. Those Miku games are PS4 exclusive because they don't want to sully PC with weebshit. Azure Revolution is PS4 exclusive because they don't want to taint the platform.

Stop being so fucking deluded. Sega only tolerates PC. And I would never consider getting ports of games consoles had for years to be a major victory.
Yakuza is Playstation exclusive because it's weebshit and PD can't be put on anything else because of licensing.

I don't doubt the licensing shit with PD. Then again, they also hinted that KH3 won't see a PC release also due to licensing reasons. What the fuck, how the hell is Japan controlled entirely by licensing agreements? When Nintendo did this, they were decried for being worse than Hitler.
Have Sega fork over all their IPs to Nintendo? If only.
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>Colors was a good game
Why, so Miyamoto can destroy them all?
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Miyamoto could do wonders with NiGHTS. Maybe not modern Miyamoto though because he'd just shove stupid motion controls in it and call it a day.
Kirby + Ristar crossover game when?
excuse me, but the sammy-side aren't the ones publishing the yakuza games in japan, are they?
whatever bitter-sonicfags and the entire sega-hating nation wants nintendo to buy ips from sega, nintendo needs to keep their hands off yakuza, pso. and their arcade division. people may debate nintendo can save sonic, but at the cost of giving the series even more shit-gimmicks then it already has. hell its possible that nintendo is sabotaging both sega/sonic to get themselves even more good-publicity

Well he can't possibly do a worse job than Iizuka did with Journey of Dreams.
Yeah, Sega is better off fixing their shit on their own.

I suppose, but JoD at least had support for standard controllers and an excellent art direction/musical score. Both of those can be easily overlooked by Miyamoto as demonstrated with Star Fox Zero.
>yakuza games
>selling well
u wot m8
yeh but sega abandoned all the IPs that could make this good
Why is /v/ so hung up on the "Nintendo needs saving" meme?
Because they're literally dying.
because the nintendo is doomed was a meme before the internet existed and is apparently so dank everyone uses it.
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