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Can someone tell me why the fuck they're fighting rats?
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Can someone tell me why the fuck they're fighting rats? Why are there only rats and no other enemies? How did rats even ruin the world, and no other animals or w/e?

They're just attacking that one city. Chaos and other things are fucking shit up elsewhere.
Because skaven lore was always about the plague and rats spreading it?
>implying rats
Its all liez man-thingsss!
because end times
rats everywhere
Skaven: Literally Just Rats

Did you know anything about the series you were buying into before you bought it?
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The game happens during the event in the tabletop/lore called the End Times. The Skaven population lives underground and outnumbers every other race combined, but they mainly fought among themselves and kept themselves in check with their treachery and incompetence. However, during the End Times, they managed to unite as a whole and launched a large scale invasion on the surface world, specifically the Empire, which is why you're fighting only rats.
t. Warhammer Pro
If they are, why can't they send some other people to do it? Aren't rats literally the easiest enemies in any game? Why can't they send their good men to fight higher enemies instead of fucking rats?
I knew you were a faggot
Skaven have a long history of fucking shit up in empire cities, they come in through the sewers all sneaky like. This is during the endtimes, so the armies of the empire are away trying to fend off the hordes of chaos coming from the north.

Skaven live underground so it's easy for them to sneak attack cities like Altdorf if the empire is preoccupied, thats why they've taken much of the city so easily. they just dig until they find the sewers and wallah.

Skaven are one of the great enemies of mankind. The moon is green because of the apocalypse and empowers them or something because its made out of the stone they use for magic. There are other places getting fucked up by Chaos and undead, etc but you happen to be in a place under attack by rat men.

They are rats because they got turned into them by some 5th Chaos god.
Skaven in Warhammer Fantasy aren't simple rats/rat people. They've managed to create a long distance communicating device, a teleportation device, gatling guns and a cannon so huge that they used to blow up the chaos moon Morrisleb just to one up the Old Ones in the series, which rained mountain sized chunks of warpstone on the planet (Skaven are industrious and inventive, but they never think about the consequences).
I have never played the board games, or the games. This was the first time I ever tried a warhammer game which is why I'm asking retarded questions

Shut up Muslim
I feel like vermintide missed some opportunities by only sticking with skaven. Surely they could at least make some Orc missions as a spin off dlc?
Feel like this game could be so much more. All it needs is more variation in weapons, mission and enemy types
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That'd require modeling, animating, voicing and creating the AI for an entirely new army, which is a bit too much effort for just one DLC, plus it's called Vermintide because they wanted you to fight Skaven AND during the End Times the Orcs were somewhere else (Same with most other armies).
danke schoen

Are...you aren't serious, right?
stay mad Mohamed
They made this game too hard. You could only really do the later levels with friends. Joining randoms would just end up in wipes halfway through any map. It just made me stop playing the game after a week.
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He's mad at you for not spelling the
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If this is genuinely what you think they're taking about then this is gold.
I think he meant voilà, but I'm not sure.

Yeah, it needs more interesting mission mechanics for sure. The final mission was a huge anti-climax. I was ready for a boss fight but nope.
>spelling the

who? where?
You have it backwards. Rats were one of the most abundant types of vermin being warped into beastmen by the influence of chaos. After that, the massive mental quantity of rat-thoughts gave strength to the Horned Rat.
It would be fun and perfectly do-able with the right pricing and marketing, stop hating fun things.
I'm not hating fun things, I'm just telling you why it's not doable for them and why they won't do it. Orcs behave and fight differently from Skaven. They wanted to do Warhammer Left 4 Dead and the Skaven act the closest to the Infected, with their billions of expendable Clanrats and Skavenslaves. A small group of humans (and an elf) can't take on a Waaagh of orcs like that alone, and the orcs don't really have "special infected"-like characters that they could use.
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So who else has beaten everything?
Black ork
Savage ork
Arrer boy
Squig (multiple types)
Giant spiders (with arachnorok boss)
Big un
and just have fucking tons of goblins be the mass hordes


It's spelled voilà you fucking retard.
What I never understood about Skaven is how they were supposed to just be a rumor, at least in the Empire. You'd figure as the years wore on and they keep doing crazy shit in the Empire and constant wars with the dwarves that everyone would be pretty well caught up on them by now, or well before the end times happened.
>Aren't rats literally the easiest enemies in any game?
Obviously not in this one.
A witch hunter tells you they don't exist.

You don't argue with witch hunters.
Because its a bad game with too many technical issues.
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>Huh, must've just been a rat...

Plus with chaos around, you can easily blame everything on beastmen, remember the empire is complicit in the coverup.
Because Skavens are fucking cool and much more interesting than your average orc/chaos invasion.
If the Empire put serious effort in trying to stop the Skaven they would have struck sooner.

Also all this talk about orcs in Vermintide, orcs were also fighting against Chaos. Grimgor was the manifestation of the Brown Wind of magic.
It's simple Op, get your head out of your arse, and maybe stop being lazy and read up on warhammer lore

Or you could just shut the fuck up
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If Op did that, where would we be discussing ratlings?

Stupid man-thing.

I can see why they'd try to cover it up, but it seems like too many battles would have happened involving empire troops for them to not be common knowledge from all the rank and file guys that have killed some. Or even just having conversations with any dwarf they happen across. Unless the Empire pulls a commissar and immediately executes any regiments that fight skaven, but as far as I'm aware the fantasy empire isn't quite as wasteful with their soldiers lives as the 40k iteration is.
I fucking love this game but they needed more content built up to release gradually. The games sort of dead because high level players are decked and don't want to play, and low levels are stuck in whites and greens. Bump up the drop rates so new people can get in with the veterans.
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If the game had a plot OP would not need to go look up warhammer lore.

I can never find people to cataclysm without sperging over not picking up grimoires. People lose their shit. You CAN beat a level without double grimming it every time.

And no one plays the survivals beyond the first difficulty.

I've got like, half the levels done on cata, though.
Not really, a division of empire troops gets ambushed by skaven, witnesses and scouts might get away and report beastmen creatures (since they've never seen the skaven, and beastmen are well known), if the skaven win they're going to eat the dead and steal all the equipment, so they're actually pretty good at clearing up after themselves.

If the empire win, it's chalked up to another victory over the hordes of chaos, with the witchdoctors carefully disposing of evidence and manipulating witness accounts.

It's Left4Warhammer, how much plot does he need?
If anyone doesn't have this game yet it's absolutely worth it. Best game of last year.
So I played Vermintide during the free weekend, is it worth it to buy it in next sale, or will it get really boring after some time?
Also how do you kill Ogre? Are ALL of his attacks avoidable? I mean I killed it, but somebody always took damage. Ogre was also a gameover in Catalyst game for me.
>all this fucking grind to just try and get the new glaive and repeater crossbow

I just can't be bothered with it anymore, i thought Drachenfel would bring in awaited new monsters but all i got was a spooky castle and same old skaven.
Why should I bother playing anything else than Witch + Bolt stuff when it one hits everything?

They are good at hiding their tracks and witch hunters who can kill you because of a rumor tells you they don't exist you pretty much roll with it.

All the higher ups know about Skaven but what do you think would happen if you made it public that millions of chaos warped monsters live right under your very feet?
I got around 90 hours of the game, but that''s because I enjoy the feeling of swinging my hammer into a crowd of dirty rats and watching them ragdoll 50 feet away.
>Also how do you kill Ogre?
Strength potion + bomb. If neither are available, consider suicide to make the things to come easier on yourself.
>Are ALL of his attacks avoidable?
I want to say yes, as I've had periods where I would dodge and block a rat ogre and never take damage, but I've never been able to replicate it reliably.
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Why should you play anything than Bardin while laughing and talking about your cousin cousin?
Because someone need to take advantage of your height disadvantage by swinging over your head.

Wallala, we're off!
>why did america have to fight the germans and japanese in WW2, why could they not have sent the martians and randy savage?
Because that one city is attacked by skaven, and the protagonists are there when they do. There is no connection between the evil factions in WH, only that the empire fights against all of them at some point, and this time, it´s occultech rat-men.
The Empire was in open war with the Skaven from 1111 to 1124 IC. The man who led them to victory, Count Mandred of Middenheim, was latter even dubbed "Skavenslayer" for the rest of his reign. His helmet was crafted from the warlord he killed at the end of those wars and still survives to this day. It's one of the magic items available for purchase in the army book.
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That bastard, how dare he fuck up my post like that.
It's funny how the witchhunter is more likeable than the elf.

If you die...then who will hate me?
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