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I've been wanting to play healer and tank roles for years now, but i'm too much of a pussy for all that responsibility so i've only been playing DPS in raids since i started WoW, i tanked and healed dungeons while leveling classes though and found it fun. Anyone else here who made the switch from pure DPS shitter to healer or tank?

I'm scared lads, but i really am interested in playing those roles.
grow a pair and quit.
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I did but i'll always end up coming back when a new expac releases like the cuck i am
LFR is so casual you can pretty much get away with anything.
I tanked as a Pally through LFR during Cataclysm for the first time (in a raid) and it went pretty smoothly, it was in Dragon Soul. I just asked the other tank for advice and he explained some basic shit and it went well.

I would say that you shouldn't be nervous, it's already such a shitfest that you're not going to be judged. And you'll never see them again anyway.
Yeah but LFR isn't anything like an actual raid environment where people take damage and die

If you raid often enough as well, you'll have more experience with mechanics etc than the average shitter. Just look up some vids from the tanks perspective and practice the tank spec with a training dummy. Good luck.
How much of a pussy can you be?
>LFR is so casual you can pretty much get away with anything.

This. My friend adamantly refuses to play Retribution, and needs tomes for that retarded ring. He's strictly Protection spec, but doesn't like tanking LFR. He just queues as DPS, lazily walks through, and never gets booted.

LFR was a good concept, but it was never good. A shame, really.
and this is why I quit the fucking game

LFR-D Gutted the game
Tanking felt easier than dps to me desu. 90% of it felt like taunt swapping with the other guy.
Yes but you don't learn when you can get away with anything. You probably won't even notice when a boss bursts on a tank
Shit guy, I've always been too afraid of being shit at DPS so I've always tanked and healed. God damn inverse shit right here.
But your HPS is also being judged as a healer
Just play Holy Paladin. Get some good raid frames, stand in the right spot and click on people while both of the tanks stay topped thanks to beacons.
The one thing that always scared me away from playing healers is the whole dispelling debuffs shit. When you have like 20 people in the raid and you have to heal and then also dispell. Sounds stressful
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