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What balance changes would you like to see in Overwatch?
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What balance changes would you like to see in Overwatch?
nerf windowmaker bodyshot damage (aim for the head, retards. why play sniper if you're not gonna?)
nerf hanzo (his uncharged ammos do ludicrous amounts of damage)
>reduce fan the hammer damage
>reaper moves faster in wraith mode
>bastion takes longer to switch configurations and/or cannot heal in sentry mode
>hanzo deals less damage on quickfire arrows
>junkrat and pharah take more damage from their own projectiles
>players can shoot junkrat's traps to free themselves
>mei's freeze effect does not slow players until they are frozen completely
>widow actually needs to charge up her shots to deal good damage
>torb has half magazine size and his turrets have a vision cone imposed on them
>dva's barrier heals a small amount based on the amount of bullets absorbed
I just want a better indicator for when you get stunned by McCree. I usually go "Oh what the fuck I totally activated my ability" or "Oh shit my mouse and keyboard just stopped working fuck fuck" and then see in the kill cam than a McCree stunned me from behind or something.

It just feels like the game is bugged and stopped working because there's no real indicator that you've been stunned.

Give me a flash and some stars on the screen or some shit.
>all snipers in the world ever only aim for the head
You are fucking retarded.

But for this thread nerf Zenyatta damage, he does too much.
D.Va eating like a human being
>waaaaah i cant aim please don't nerf
Nerd everything.

Buff nothing.
Welcome to game design of the modern era.
Mei needs +2 sexiness
Robogirl needs -1 sexiness
Tracer needs +1 ass physics
Black Widow needs a reskin to make her not blue
>Nerd everything.
Freudian slip
Like a human bean?
But he's mediocre for healing + he's paper
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