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Kirby64 is the best kirby game aside from that god tier Snes
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File: Kirby64_box.jpg (52 KB, 500x349) Image search: [Google]
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Kirby64 is the best kirby game aside from that god tier Snes one(superstar?)

Who else has played it? Who else got to 02 legit?
I played it in my childhood. Great memories.

I also collected all the shards and beat the hidden boss thingy as well.
did you cheat?
It's not
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クロノ - mine (37390789) .png
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kirby 64 is a good game, and possibly the best kirby game in terms of aesthetic and atmosphere, but i don't think it's the best kirby game as a whole. i think the top game is ultra star, then dream land 3.
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Assuming you're not counting Air Ride, I agree.

>yfw that one shard that made you go through the whole level with the dynamite combo
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>64 the crystal shards was my first kirby game

>tfw I found out the rest of the series was actually total shit by comparison

I did like superstar though, when I finally got around to giving it a chance

did you think it was hard or something?

because it's fucking not
Yeah I guess this is the best way to put it.

I can agree others are better with actual controls, which matters a lot with a flying floaty character. 64 was a bit TOO floaty.

That said, 64 has by far the best skill system in any kirby. All can be comboed 1 time, or with themselves, absolutely fucking insane.

Superstar, that was it, that and some Gameboy Kirby I remember being god tier and stood beside 64.

Air Ride city mode will always be a special place in my heart that doesnt cross over with others. Ill keep airride its own amazing thing in my mind.
It's my all-time favorite game.

The only real flaw is Kirby walks a little slow but even then it's a load of fun
Nope. No cheating. No guids. 100% le giht eye mate. It did take a while though, because most of the obscure ones were stumbled on randomly. I was a dumb kid.
No, just figuring out how to get all shards as a kid is tough. By cheat I kinda mean guide, not literal cheats.

Game itself is super easy except a few worlds. I remember destroyed earth being a bit hard.

the only one that's hard is the one where you have to somehow know the rock cutter hamster form can climb walls

if you didnt play dreamland 3 there's no way in fuck you're knowing that without a a guide or Nintendo power or some shit
pretty insane for a kid, I remember doing it and it took a long fucking time.
>hamster form

Are you sure we are talking about 64?

64 has 0 animal transformations, its actually one of its biggest criticisms.
Like I said, it was over a looooooong period of time, where I just happened to randomly come across one or figure out a hidden path.

I largely had the same deal with Donkey Kong 64. That game took FOREVER to find all the shitty collectables and blueprints.
Someone never used rock+cutter
Kirby 64 was and still is the best game in the series. Super Star Ultra and Return to Dreamland came close, but don't quite hit the charm.
Also, Adeleine when?
Kirby 64 has the best OST
desu its been forever.

If you meant legit animal transforms, I know its not in the game.

But things that act like them are.
your and itiod

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