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Convince me to buy this game or don't
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Convince me to buy this game
or don't
No fuck you.
Its good.

Nothing much else to say.
no more free chaos faction after this day

What do I care if you buy it or not?
It's a boring game. Not even a good strategy game.
its great
simplified, but great
Good game. Literally 8/10. Only gets better with time if you are willing to pay.
I love this meme

I think it's in your best interest to play Overwatch with the rest of the kids your age. Besides, now that you missed the free chaos race week, there's no point to getting the game now, might as well wait for winter sale.

No one likes a kid that jumps into an adult conversation.
>a meme

no food management
no research rate improvement
no unit formation
no unit abilities
can't conquer dwarves or greenskins without a mod

ca simplified the game which doesn't mean game is not good.
I suck so bad at this game. How fast do I need to start building massive armies to keep up with even small factions? My Empire game got fucked, since one of my two settlement possessing neighbour was sixth most powerful faction in game at turn 11 and I was like 35.
>no lizardmen
>no tomb kings
>no stormcast
Who cares
I really do love this meme
it's your money nigger
Is that the best you've got? Why are shitposters so lazy these days.

You only need to build 1 army of 20 units early on. Don't feel like you need to move and be spreading your power early on sometimes just taking turns to build money and gradually upgrade is worth it.
>no food management
Vampire/chaos management
>no research rate improvement
There is
>no unit formation
Bretonnia got it
>no unit abilities
wich was stupid
>can't conquer dwarves or greenskins without a mod
muh lore. Why would humans live underground?
I had more than 20 units at that point and it was not enough. This "defensive" neighbour had massive advantage when it started its sacking invasion. Really, I just wanted to have starting province in my control at the end of turn ten and then this one faction gets mad for no reason.
Then lower dificulty or learn how to play the game. Auto-resolve sucks.

It's my GOTY. And it probably won't be toppled unless something really surprises me.
I was playing on normal and been playing Total War games since Shogun, so I know how shit auto resolve is unless you have massive advantage. Just don't get it how balance of power was so much in their favour.

Can you still buy it separately?
This is my first Total War game and I'm playing as Empire on normal and I didn't have any issues like that. I don't know if I just got lucky but I had non-aggression pacts and trade agreements with most of the human factions early on and nobody started to hate me until I became a major military power.

No religion
No sanitation
City management is as more complex on a fucking mobile game.
Still having fun though, but it prolly wont have the same staying power as earlier games
Playing on very hard. Seriously, the key is waiting 30+ turns to build up all your building to max, stabilising your economy, give gifts and make alliances with other factions. You can't just steamroll right off the bat, it requires strategy. On turn 250+ with 3 stack armies, most of the map and 6000 gold a turn with 90k in the bank.
Just like every other CA game, buy the whole fucking bundle with all the dlc for 20 bucks down the line.
Then you are shit.
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It's got skeletons
Aren't those the Sigmarines
I had non aggression pact with most of the factions too. They pretty much begged for them and paid 300 for even accepting them. This random faction just snapped when I took over that last settlement that completed first province. Maybe it was random or something really. I need to try it again and see what happens.
eradicated the dwarves in less than 20 turns with orks on vh, strength rank 1 in less than 70
Of course down the line here means after two additional full games in addition to any DLC

So it'll probably be a while
>No religion
>No sanitation
Sanitation was a shit mechanic that punished vertical growth and forced you to genocide your own population
>City management is as more complex on a fucking mobile game.
its exactly as complex as previous total war games
>Still having fun though, but it prolly wont have the same staying power as earlier games
It'll be better since the addition of complex hero units will allow more options for gameplay and conversions
Playing as empire. Should I leave dorf bros alone or raze them? Not sure if these guys are gonna fuck me later.
so getting first 3 settlements to complete starting province in 11 turns is steamrolling now? wow. did you really turtle in your starting position that long? lel

Dwarves, Bretonnians and Estalians will be your best bros 100 turns in.
I think it makes sense that you cant build every building in every city. And adding all bullshit mechanics like sanitation only makes it tedious and would not change the gameplay in enyway.

AI sucks but thats the case with all AI in strategy games.

Warhammer is not about city management. that beign said the AI is still shit.
If you wiped out Vampires, fuck them up
If you haven't, you can use them to keep Cunts and Orks in check when Chaos starts raping Kislev and move south.
I can forgive a lot of little annoyances in this game, and I'm sure this is a "git gud" gripe, but the fuckin AI assassinate my leaders on every fuckin turn, never fail. My guys fail 9/10...

How big is your empire? I have 3 army stacks on turn 100 but I feel like I'm going to need another just to deal with chaos to the north, Greenskins to the south, and Varg and Skaeling fuckboys harassing me on the west. I have all the human/vampire provinces between Reikland and Western Sylvania but my growth has slowed considerably trying to deal with all of these fronts.
>>No sanitation
>Sanitation was a shit mechanic that punished vertical growth and forced you to genocide your own population
Lets not kid ourselves here, when Skaven and Nurgle Chaos Daemons come around there is going to be some sort of sanitation styled mechanic.
If you hit them make sure you destroy them. If they regroup and stay pissed you'll see them again with higher tier units after the Chaos Invasion
the game is unplayable without the reduce enemy agent actions mod, it has the same ridiculous spam as in rome 2
Its infinitely better than Rome 2 and Attila based on it not have squalor
You are gonna need all the "good" guys expect the empire electro cunts. Dont start wars with dwarfs or bretonnia.
But you said chaos/vamp/good was instead of food management?
By removing food and religion and sanitation, it CANT be as complex as previous games.
Hero units usually have a couple of abilitys, about the same amount that has been removed from earlier instances. Different kinds of arrows, speedy charge, head hunt etc
You know you can spam them as much as the ai? Its just using the game mechanics while you are not. Save scum that shit.
Shit, how? Those fuckers denied everything, even trade agreement.
>turtling for 30+ turns

Lmao I am laffin here
Heroes can have some 10 different abilities.

Food was changed, not removed. Now towns grow each turn by a certain amount depending on province farm level.
>4chan is one (1) person
Medieval and rome had no sanitation. only religion and growth. Sanitation is bad mechanic. Food and growth are the same thing.

>Hero units usually have a couple of abilitys
Heroes can have close to 10 if thay can cast.

When the chaos faction's doom armies spawn, all humans and dwarves get "shield of civilization" which is like +100 relations with empire (and the relation is increased further by winning battles against chaos or its allies). So they'll all want to ally you unless you were a total dick to them earlier. Depending on the relative strength, they'll also accept warless annexation or vassalization (even the dwarven or bretonnian minor kingdoms).
changed/streamlined/simplified w/e
still no attrition from starvation or civil disturbance bcuz food shortage.

also no unit upgrades (horse speed, armour, fletching etc) aside from +3exp building. only 150 turns in though so mby havnt seen it yet
You are wrong about literally everything you are posting. There are both unit upgrade buildings and unit upgrade techs. You can upgrade a variety of stats, including attack, morale, battle speed, canpaign speed, etc.
How big is the actual map? Similar to shogun 2 or more like rome 2?
They had squalor.
also they had more shit that you had to control city management wise, like distance from capital

Food and growth may be the same thing in TWWH but it wasnt in earlier games
The only buildings ive seen is the 3+ exp one and reduced cost. Pretty underwhelming considering generals had the same ability in attila and rome.

And the upgrade tree is the same upgrade tree from earlier games. im just saying they removed alot of customization options
smaller than shogun, and you're limited to what factions you can conquer
Somewhere in between those two.
and by then the game will be fully optimized with all the typical game breaking bugs kinked out
Get the fuck out.
How fast do I need to expand early game? Just started this and kinda lost.
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One thing is certain. It gets bigger.
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depends on your race... don't take over more than you can defend early on. Back yourself into corners first, so there's less area to defend. Be prepared to quickly raise an army if you get invaded via an off-map AI.
Game is a lot of fun, and honestly I find the campaign more difficult than any previous TW. It has better anti-steamroll mechanics and the permanent war parts prevent you from having much downtime unless you get lucky with diplomacy.

Also the 'Cut content sold as DLC' thing is a meme, don't believe it. CA has said, and this is supported by the game files, that Chaos was not going to be playable and it was only recently that they decided to make them playable. There are a lot of code artifacts and tags in the units/buildings etc that show when they had to go back and change/add a bunch of shit to get them playable
There aren't any game-breaking bugs and it's already pretty well optimized
What units will they add to Bretonnia?
Expanding fast makes other factions hate you and start wars with you. I'm no expert but I grabbed the four holdings in the starting province then consolidated my power and levelled up my buildings before trying to get more, it's been working pretty well so far (I'm empire btw). You want to set up non-aggression pacts and trade agreements with people you don't intend attack anytime soon. Attacking chaos and vampire makes other human factions like you more if you're empire.
Tell me about Tomb Kings.
Dwarf grudge bug is pretty bad but not game breaking. You cant get long victory but its fine.
There are unique buildings in a number of provinces that give xp on recruit to units.

Heroes can give xp on units, both at recruit and passively

Upgrades have been replaced by tech and Lord skills, which boost armor/weapon strength/charge etc
just tell me
is it really really really REALLY worth 60? like, does it even have enough factions to justify 60 fucking euros. how long is the single player gonna last? 20 hours? 30 hours? 100?
How's the diplomacy feel though?
I mean because in a game like Shogun 2, once you started playing on hard difficulty it felt like it stops mattering very early on as everyone is quick to declare war on you way before realm divide and from across the map, it felt like artificial difficulty
No clue

However, I just had a payday so I purchased it like a sheep
It took me 20 hours to complete one faction's campaign out of five, of that tells you anything
Diplomacy is tricky early on, and late game once you're really big, but the game is actually really good about everyone uniting against Chaos when it happens. You can give your allies targets to attack as well, and they will do it. My best run as Empire actually had Bretons and various Karaks running around wiping out Norscan stacks while I handled Chaos.

Of course once Chaos is gone, all bets are off
I'm already over a hundred?
Of course it fucking isn't.
Nah only turtle after you eradicate the secessionists and Marienburg. Easiest way to do it on harder difficulties
Guys, I'm wondering if $60 is too much money.. Should I reconsider my life and get a real job?
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>Mfw got it for 43 dollary doos because GMG sent me a 27% off voucher for my birthday to use on whatever I want

Feels fucking awesome man
Get it for 48 from GMG

I'd figure you'd get at least 80 hours if you played all 5 campaigns currently

You'd be crazy to not get Nuln for its cannon foundry if you're going to tech up early on
4 campaigns wich all are different. im 59h and done 2 full campaings. While in rome and medieval its same faction with diffirent colors. Barbarians, rome, greeks, arabs. Its no diffirent from other total wars.
How do I rush more population as Chaos, bros? I want faster dragon ogres/giants, but it seems like getting more pop takes fucking ages.
It's boring, and it's set up to rape you with DLC. Save your money anon.
$60 dollars now is cheaper than what we have ever paid for videogames.

in the snes era we paid 80 dollars for Shitendo's "seal of quality" games. Now calculate the inflation, games used to cost over 100 dollars and they looked like dogshit.
do you know what time it ends at?
You level the first building to max and you get the lord ability what increases your horde growth. Its in the blue skill tree early.
Another piece of trash from CA.
Post your face when

>you got Chaos DLC for free
The poorfags are fucked since the week is already over.

Feels good my man.
Pretty underwhelming really.
I didnt really like Shogun 2 (the only modern TW ive played) and wasnt a huge fan of the old ones either, but I fucking love warhammer classic.
Will I find any enjoyment out of this game?
Why should I spend my shekels on this and not just play Shogun 2.
I'm on the cliff about Warhammer because it looks good and the shills/threads are getting to me.
If you're ok with waiting for elfs and the weirder factions, yes
How would we know? We don't have shit taste like you and for most people this is their introduction into Warhammer.
If you are wanting to know if it is a good "Total War" (or Strategy) game, and if you really want a good, thorough discussion of the game then listen to the Three Moves Ahead podcast. They talk about it on a deeper level than most reviews, and it is a group discussion, so there are multiple points of view and not just one person talking without being challenged.

Are you a Warhammer fanatic and want to know if you will enjoy it? Yes, yes it is a good game. You will buy it and you will enjoy it
I don't understand you people. If you want to play a game why don't you play it?

Why do you need /v/'s approval? Aren't you suppose to be an adult?
With this 5 I command you to buy me a copy of this game
Maybe have your own oppinion sometimes. God this place is ugly hivemind.
it shall be done, master
Because I'm a huge Jew and would rather get an opinion on something since Demos no longer exist.
I'm assuming you've never asked a friend/coworker/anyone on their opinion about a movie/book/game then?
if you like total war buy it
if you like strategy and warhammer buy it
if you do not like strategy do not buy it
if you can't decide whether you want this game by yourself dont buy it
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>Dont like TW
>you have shit taste
the fuck am I reading.
It's good.
Chaos is free today.
If you like warhammer, it's a 9/10.
If you like total war, it's still a 9/10.
Why does steam make people use their shitty fucking screenshot function instead of just letting me print screen......
Just letting you guys know there is a working torrent for this game.
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>Chaos very hard campaign
>mfw sacking shit all over the map
>at war with literally everyone
>mfw second army keeps getting chased by 4 full stacks of some empire scum from the start
>mfw I sacked their shit despite the chase and they couldn't catch me, meanwhile Sigvald the Magnificent Bastard is pillaging undisturbed in Nordland
>mfw they chased me right through Sylvania and attrition
>mfw I lost them somewhere in Tilea when I embarked so I had to sack greenskins in badlands with it
>constantly losing money to upkeep so I have to pillage even more

This shit is fun. Catch me if you can empire scum.
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If I raze a few border Vampire cities will it stop the Vampire corruption from spreading?
>show chaos as the biggest part of the trailer
>make chaos a paid dlc
>warhammer game with no chaos
Why do people still support CA
I really don't understand this at all.

They launched with a piece of content in the game that they're now going to take out and charge me for?

Yes, but best to destroy vamps all together.
those are the fire spewing guys? Or the torpedo ones?

Neither were that cool... how are the gyrocopters? I've just started a city to pump those out.
>can't conquer orks and dwarfs

As someone who havent watched gameplay: what's the point of the campaign?

Prepare to be sorely disappointed.

You have to anyway to win the campaing as Empire.
How do you guys deal with massive doomstacks of enemies as Chaos or anything at the beginning? My Chaos campaign was fucked really early, since both empire and dwarves had huge armies compared to me.
anyone know if i get the chaos faction dlc for free if i buy a key off a third party site? or does it have to be steam
Wipe out Vampire Cunts, unite the Empire, and tell Chaos to fuck off
Chaos campaign is pretty shit anyways, CA was right to not want to make them playable at first
Chaos is the main villain, and wasn't even going to be playable until people raised shit

They started adding them after that, but clearly didn't finish them until just a few weeks before release. They're still a fairly unfinished mess honestly.

If you look in the game files there's a point where they stopped making chaos units and started adding chaos_dlc units to flesh out the roster to playable status
There's a difference between a piece of content in a game when it goes gold (finished) and when it releases. Chaos wasn't done when the game went Gold.
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I'm sorry anon, it's got Denuvo.
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As Empire getting Demigryph Knights is your priority. With them you can run the map.

Naval combat coming? Care to explain m8?
So they slacked off on finishing some of the content in time so they could sell it as DLC? Great.
>60$+ worth of doc inc
Yeah this game is unfinished as fuck tbhq
No, they didn't actually plan on having it in the first place. It wasn't part of the initial plan, like mod support wasn't. They both came later, after the game was nearly finished.
Then wait for the Complete version in 2 years if you can't spare $48
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Just wipe them out senpai
Their home provinces of Slyvania will always have a +3 to vampiric corruption because of "local population" of vampires. But otherwise won't spread.
Gamr is currently broken. Air superiority is everything and there is no strong anti-air. Vampire is unstoppable because their whole army is a conbined arms legion. Every battle end up the same way
>Vargheist and terrorgheist charge into enemy and soften up their frontline and disabling archer
>Cavalry and Varghulf charge up to punch through the front
>Infantry swarm in and mob up the the rest
>Varghesit and terrorgheist switch to support mode and ram any one who try flank the main army

Maybe if you're playing VCs against the AI it's strong because of their shit unit comps, but in MP Empire is king and will blast your overgrown pidgeons out of the sky and if you're playing vs AI VCs they're easy as fuck to beat
Snipe the vamps leader with artillery, archery, witch hunter accuse, or a lord mounted on flying monster. Kill the vamps leader and their army crumbles.

Are you talking about vs AI or vs human in multiplayer?
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slayers any good? Once you capture that slayer king stronghold maybe? 0 armor just gets them smashed....
They're never worth having over an Ironbreaker or Hammerer
They are primarily anti-large. They sit behind your ranged or main line and then pummel trolls to death
They're really only for fighting the likes of trolls and giants.
>they sit behind your line and get killed by arrows

They're basically a shit version of cavalry. Hammerers, Cannons and Thunderers do the same job, are good for other things and actually survive
Probably in the Elf expansion since that'll add Ulthuan and Nagarythe
They dont have the dps buffs to corral trolls or giants
It doesn't matter, trolls shatter easy and cannons/guns are a quicker and safer way to deal with giants anyways.

Monsters aren't nearly enough of a threat to justify the opportunity cost. It would be cool if they were, but they just aren't

Theres gonna be 4 types of dlc this time, unless you want more dlc then dont buy it.
Originally planned but removed later, think it was cos Warhammer naval units are under a different license. You can see a navy in one of the early trailers
If you don't want more dlc then don't the dlc and stick with the base game.
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Why is it so mindlessly fun to RP as your faction while playing? Ever since my first WAAAAGH!! I have been constantly at war fucking shit up. Its like I don't have to think about if I should go to war with someone but try and figure out WHO I should go to war with next. I don't even care about mounting rebellions because all that means is more gits to keep my boyz fightieness up.
its extremely comfy.
I am RPing as reiksmarshall Albert the beloved, saving the newly liberated sylvania from rapacious greenskins.
Its a comfy RPG feeling.
Because they managed to cram a ton of cool flavor into all of the factions. It might be what they did best in the whole thing
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I have defeated this fucking Seccesionist army chasing it across my realm for 5 turns now. They only unit in the army is a single Lord with no health and yet it keeps surviving.
Stop autoresolving
So where does this game fit in with the Warhammer fantasy canon? it it like some new shit or based off wherever the tabletop game's story is? Are all the faction leaders you play as like bad-ss supreme mother fuckers and if so where can I read up on whatever story they have leading up to this game?
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I will admit my wife is getting tired of me calling her an oathbreaker when she forgets to remind me of appointment times or doesnt buy me the correct socks
Its based off everything before age of sigmar. Age of sigmar is hated by everyone. Just read warhammer fantasy stuff or even 40k stuff its all the same.
Read everything from 3rd edition to 8th edition. 2d4chan is also a resource
Let me tell you a story about the Reikland panzer groupen, a tale on how 4 steam tanks got a chaos fanboy friend of mine to become a tad sad in a VS match.

Three friends we are, two of us rabid empire fagets, one chaos fugboi..and one game of hilarious Keks, Two empire players with 10 k points vs a chais army worth 20k, what happened next is the most hilarious bullshit i have seen.

Begin my pick with adding balthasar the based and four steam tanks.. thats right, only four, tahts ten k points, ally empire goes infantry/cav anvil style.. Chaosboi goes all heavy chosen, dragon ogres, kholek and chaos giants in all holes.

battle begins, empire line vs a slowly advancing chaos rapewall, funny thing is how motherfucking accurate steam tanks are, murdered one and a half giant before the lines where even breached.. and of course, empirebro with his infantry get's rekt to next morrslieb, i just proceed to shart my way out of there with my speedy tanks and based balthasar.. the only units with the speed to catch me being kholek himself.. and a group of dragon ogres.. suffice to say the dragon ogres had a healthy helping of cannonball quickly.. but where is that khole--OOH SHIT he sneaked through a forest in spitting range of the tanks!

But fear not balthasar the based got this. curse of rust tend to hurt when you eat cannonballs, and boy was my chaosfriend not happy. 80% hp kholek, Ded in three volleys. The rest of the battle where a mop up, chosen heavy infantry?..here let me mow the lawn with you!

End result.. emprie bro wiped out, chaos wiped out.. and a half hp balthasar and four almost full health tanks.
I haven't played warhammer yet. But it sounds like its more like the original total war game, Shogun.

I have only played Shogun(and its expansion) and Rome (and its expansion). I liked Shogun more but Rome was great too. The thing I hated about Rome was the campaign map, it was such a drag, everything else was great. But the difference between the two is that in Shogun, I was always thinking "who do I try to exterminate next?", and in Rome it was more about holding my empire together and then grasping at the borders for a few extra provinces, then back to trying to keep order from within.

The more I hear about Warhammer the more it seems to appeal to me.

Maybe I should just give it a go
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I don't know anon.

All I do know is that I hope that they're the last race to be put in, just so they can accurately represent the Skaven undercaverns which stretches across the entire planet.
this is pretty much how I ended up feeling. Hammerers + the melee bow men + artillery + heroes is all I've needed so far.

Looking forward to trying the other factions, but I get a feeling the turtling won't be as fun.
It's literraly just before the end times.. and the advisor you get when you play all races know this. he is tryring to prevent the fiasco that is Stormcast and age of sigmar, via a grand strategic vessel game good enough to reverse canon, Chaos loses.. and Archaon the Ever whining gets his due, There will not be an end time, The total war Crew got it covered.
Kill yourself, this isn't anything like 40memes

Pick a character you like and read the entire wiki page about him (its huge)
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>that glorious feeling of freedom when you're playing as the Orks and have already wiped out all of the Dwarves so nothing can stand in the way of your map spanning rampage
Total war = call of duty
I still play napoleon ;)
What the fuck is this shit?
>there won't be Sigmarines in Total War
Who /dropped/ here?
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>there are people in this thread who couldn't handle sanitation
>there are people in this thread who couldn't figure out how to balance cities
>there are people in this thread that think Warhammer total war is not dumbed down

Can casuals ever not shit things up?
>actually wanting Sigmarines

Anon please
How does this run on minimum?


I'm loving how one word is enough to trigger Fantasyfags
>The Empire will never appreciate the sacrifices of the dwarfs and kislev
Those 2 factions are literally there to be the first line of defense against the forces of Chaos and WAAAGHs.
Back to Mexico, Pedro. You are paying for the Wall.

Wait really? Games Workshop let them do that? Is this some way of them recognizing that they fucked up?
>there are people that thought sanitation was a good idea

Just because it's an extra thing doesn't mean it is good, anon. Sanitation was a shit mechanic.
>minimum settings
It runs like shit.

It runs like water.

I dunno why, but an anon once said it was because on minimum it puts all the weight on the processor, while higher settings distribute it evenly with the video card. Would you believe him? I know I wouldn't.
Empire can turtle nearly as well as Dorfs, but they don't have to since they have the best Cav in the game (Demigryphs) and three strong skirmisher cav options. Their artillery is even more shooty than the Dwarfs' as well. The thing the Dorfs do better is Ironbreakers, which are absurdly good.
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Steps back from Attila, steps forward from Attila. It's a mixed bag, and even if it wasn't odds are races you want or races you need aren't in it yet, so I recommend waiting till at least Bretonnia to see what we're in for in terms of free DLC.

>It's Warhammer Fantasy
>Every faction is extremely unique
>Every lord is fun as fuck, though magic is underpowered
>It's tried and true TW formula at its simplest and the battles are extremely fun with the variations of units that can be fielded

>Total lack of any and all unit formations and abilities, it's pretty much right click and watch the battle for any sort of infantry
>Campaign map is so fucking simple compared to Attila's, even basics like family trees no longer exist
>The tech never goes anywhere because the setting is at its technological peak
>diplomacy is even simpler than TW's already simple diplomacy
>sieges are just one giant wall
>no battles in non walled settlements

It's a mixed bag as a TW game, but it's a very good game by its own standards. With that said, I'd wait till the complete package so you can soak it all in at one time, assuming you can wait that long.
pasta poster
nobody answered him so I went full autist

Daily reminder that if you don't build Grimgor to be a melee monster and even consider peace as greenskins, you're doing it wrong

Same thing if you make Karl Franz anything but an army wide buffer on flying steed
Sieges being one wall inside a straight con. You could list Siege Battles as a con in every single TW game because the AI takes a shit when interacting with walls, fighting on walls, ladders and shit.
>Total lack of any and all unit formations and abilities
As far as abilities go, your leader and heroes get more diverse stuff than fire arrows on cooldowns or charge bonuses for infantry/cavalry.

Magic is underpowered only on Ultra, because CA decided in all their mighty wisdom that it shouldn't fucking scale. A mod will fix this.
Good points, but I'd add

>Family Trees
The timescale of this game is short, so it's not like they matter. They would be 100% cosmetic because the game doesn't last long enough for someone to be born and grow up to become important
>Tech never goes anywhere
The tech improves the units and buildings massively, so I dunno what you're on about
>Diplomacy is simpler
It is, but this time it actually works and is useful unlike previous TWs
>Sieges are simpler
This is true, but you can see the reasons why. They wanted to make it a battle for the walls, which you can't have if you're trying to cover 4 walls with just 20 units. Also the simplified maps let the AI actually be competent unlike before. It's a trade off I can take
>no battles in unwalled settlements
Total War has always had a tendency to become nothing but sieges, so I'm fine with this change. The only problem with it is that random shitstacks come in and attack your minor settlements, raze them and force march away before you can respond which is incredibly fucking annoying

Other downsides:
Agent spam is off the charts and incredibly bullshit
Balance is cocked up pretty good at the moment, largely in Empire's favor.
MP is pretty shit, see above
Things don't scale very well to Ultra, seems like the game was balanced around Medium unit sizes
>Total lack of any and all unit formations and abilities
This is a good thing. Superfluous and unnecessary micromanagement like push the shield wall button for your stationary units to do better are retarded and have no place in the game that is already much more micro heavy than any game prior.

It doesn't fit anywhere, it's basically an alternative timeline.


>Wait really? Games Workshop let them do that? Is this some way of them recognizing that they fucked up?

Sounds like a delusional Fantasyfag who thinks Total Warhammer doing well means jack for the tabletop game.

Seriously I'm curious, how many people here who had no prior experience with Warhammer are actually interested in paying hundreds of dollars to buy and paint models to get roughly the same experience you're getting now for $60?
>no food management
thank Sigmar
>no research rate improvement
there is, but you probably won't need it
>no unit formation
the only thing I'd like is to tell flyers to land
>no unit abilities
don't care, there's already magic and you barely have time to micro that
>can't conquer dwarves or greenskins without a mod
it's not a map painter
This is pretty good. Never leave /v/
Never reply to pasta.
I'll take the one wall thing back, I'll agree it makes for better sieges, I've only played one siege on offense admittedly and autoresolved the rest because the casualties taken from towers are ridiculous

As for tech, you're probably right, it feels much more gradual than Attila's "here's a major tech that unlocks a unit you really need", more appropriate but it feels weird coming from Attila/Shogun 2.

Unit formations being gone is a plus? What about diamond or square formations? Those thing aren't micro intensive at all and just help the flow or set up of a battle. Things like frenzy or crack the whips being gone are fine with me, but not being able to order a spear wall just boil it down unnecessarily.
What should my army composition be as the Empire?

Seems like I just get my ass handed to me by the Vampire Counts every time I do a combined arms force of spearmen/halberdiers + crossbowmen/handgunners with artillery support and some outriders.
It does do jack for the Fantasy battles theu kicked out in the cold.. this single game being a solid 8/10 or 7/10 is enough to allow it to live on, you can bet yor bottom dollar that CA.. the jews that they are, will shill out DLC and such out the asshole.. but in this single situation, is that not good?.. the whole lore.. the whole world building, of Warhammer fantasy. NOT being dead, but living on, even if not for tabletop?
I do agree that wedges for Cavalry and Spear Wall are annoyingly absent, although I've seen where modders are making good progress bringing them back
According to the DLC plan, most of it will be free.>>339520292
Why would the Tomb Kings join the fray?
There is a lineup of FreeLC, but don't get too excited because there will definitely be boatloads of DLC after the FreeLC schedule is finished
Your shitting me! CA is known for jewry!..you're biting my balls man!.. come on!
I sent two squads of slayers against a giant and they got slaughtered without doing any damage.
Total shitter at warhammer here.

What's a start i should go for as empire? So far i've cleared out the recessionists or whatever shitters, got myself the entire area (the 4 settlements in the area you start on) and left nuln alone (ally) along with the dorfs. The coastal castle to the west is something i want though. marienburg? Though there's a full stack of fuck you running around trying to shit on me if i try anything.

Pistoliers still fuck my ass too.

I tried turtling a bit, getting a blacksmith going and working towards two-handers but that didn't go as fast as i hoped. not sure how to proceed aside from "murder the recessionist bastards"

Its like a year or 2 of FreeLC. Then expansion, and THEN paid DLC.

That's what I understood.
Empire has shitty infantry
>Campaign map is so fucking simple compared to Attila's, even basics like family trees no longer exist
AI on the map itself is much better though, and actual raze themselves and un-raze finally. They use stances mostly correctly, March spam is still pretty bad but Greenskins and Dwarves use underways well

My apologies then, you don't sound delusional.

Fantasy living on through games is a good thing. My main qualm as I said was with the delusional Fantasyfags who suddenly believe that just because someone enjoys Total Warhammer automatically means they're going to become interested in the tabletop game which has been discontinued.

They're delusional and partly concerned with jerking themselves off over how smart they are and how much of a dum dum GW is.

They couldn't even grasp how GW is marketing to the people who buy video game merchandise with some of the kits.


I could buy Settra or another Tomb King possibly wanting to expand his territory. That is really the only thing that comes to mind off the top of my head since the Tomb Kings in the lore were mostly about staying home and only coming out when someone invaded there territory or stole shit from them.
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>does it even have enough factions to justify 60 fucking euros

If you consider any normal Total War game to be worth 60 euros then this is as well.

'only 5 factions' complaining is a meme
>implying Nagash won't be the final boss when Tomb Kings get introduced.
Come on guys.
Each piece of FreeLC will probably coincide with some paid DLC and a game update. That's what they did with Attila.
Half the in-game events for every race bar Chaos is basically Skaven eating, abducting or murdering people.

The Vermintide is coming.
Marienburg is great to take after getting rid of the the secessionists for its dock. Plus they already hate your guts, so you're not losing an ally by fighting them.

Crossbows kill pistoleers really quickly, so build more of them if pistoleers are giving you trouble.
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Vampire corruption attrition.

If I stay in a captured settlement or build an encampment, will I replenish faster than the attrition kills me?
On the other hand, pistoliers murder anything in armor.
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>greenskins have take the entire right side of the map
Indeed, if the tabletop didnt sell " as much as GW wanted" thats just how it is.. but the fact that the fantasy battles lore, world, and just general state will not be lost as i believe it just made a succesful migration to Video games from Table/model.

40K had something similar when DoW 1 came out.. Taking a world that was super fitting for the Digital/gaming format, be it FPS RTS. Total war style now with fantasy battles even.. I'm even so bold to say that GW struck gold, if they decided against to lease the license to Video game developers then they would most certanly have had to close their tabletop business -if- fantasy battles where dragging on so much behind 40 k tabletop.

TLDR: FUCK YES FANTASY BATTLES AINT DEAD.. even though Tabletop is.. But a small prize to pay when Fantasy battles make such a bunkerbusting arrival to the Videogame world.
Is magic really as bad as people say?
>game sold like shit
>Greenskins have been eliminated by another Ork faction 20 turns in, and all the orks are gone in a relatively short time after that
That was a weak Dwarf game.
What do you mean by bad? Magic can make or take the victory from you.
uuuuuhhhh no...? It's been the best selling game on Steam for like 2 weeks
vampires don't have encamp
captured regions always give you replenishment and no attrition
>fastest selling total war ever

Uh huh
So are you a pirate that got cucked by denuvo or a hisfag that got cucked by fantasy?
Sorry I meant invading Vamp lands as Empire, suffering corruption attrition.

Technically Nagash could be a final boss for both Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts.


I agree, I think GW realizing that their IPs have value to game developers is one of the best decisions they've made.

The people who play them may not want to admit it, but wargaming is kind of niche now and has probably had a chunk bitten out of it by video games. Kids who maybe would get into wargames because there wasn't much else out there are now being handed a controller and a copy of the latest FPS or Minecraft.
>Seriously I'm curious, how many people here who had no prior experience with Warhammer are actually interested in paying hundreds of dollars to buy and paint models to get roughly the same experience you're getting now for $60?
I would honestly be interested in buying and painting some models (although probably 40k and not Fantasy). Maybe not actual play tabletop (since there is probably no community in my country, let alone my village), but just collect them and maybe read some of the books and recreate battles. If only I had some money...

Those fucks nearly wiped out Bretonnia while Archeon was razing everything in his path

They're probably chaos themselves
They are spaniards.
>AI uses Forced March to move in 3 stacks out of the darkness on top of Karl Franz
>then brings in a regular tiny stack I was chasing
>the 3 full stacks (with Archaon, Sigvald and Kholek) reinforce and I can't run

I'm honestly kind of impressed by the campaign AI

That said, Karl put up a good fight and killed Kholek and Sigvald himself before Archaon took him out and my stack was wiped. But next turn Ghelt moved in and finished up. rip Chaos, rip Karl, you have been avenged
Encamp and raiding protects you from attrition. It says so.

always get the horde growth trait for every lord
Handling sanitation/balanced cities was piss-easy. The problem is that apart from region specific/military buildings every province ends up having the exact same setup, defeating the purpose of why they set out with limited production slots in the first place.
>these are the people that got this game earlier

>that last one
A lot of chaos is obviously undeveloped and just tacked on, even though I had a hell of a time playing through a campaign as them, there is still some obvious bullshit with them that makes it seem very tacked on.

>Vassals don't actually give you any tribute money
>only one building that gives you money and even then, it is hardly anything
>replenishment is horrid, making it tedious as hell to fight any distance from Norsca

that last point lead to some interesting stuff going down in my chaos campaign though, because I had to jump through hoops to get the vampire counts as allies so I could encamp in their territory to get a decent replenishment rate. but most importantly

>Chaos rebels being at war with you

seriously what the fuck CA. you could have added in all sorts of cool shit about trying to corrupt one city and get them to rebel and use that as a base to go further south.



play like a bitch, never be afraid to retreat into the chaos wastes and let them die from attrition

get the mod to remove chaos infighting, chaos sucks enough already
>single player
>buying before trying
it doesn't fucking matter
I've watched Kislev and empire doomstacks walk right past any norscan tribe stacks in the game and hone in with their Sigmar guided dicks against my ruinous power owned assholes. Literally walking right over them to fuck me up.

Fucking this the lack of formation options is really starting to bother me desu, there's not even a loose/close option, why the fuck would they take that out?

>no rank and file toggles
>no attack ground
>no option to make flying mounts take off or land

Why did they gut the mechanics that every other TW title had
Encamp as empire counter-acts attrition.
>Vassals don't actually give you any tribute money
>only one building that gives you money and even then, it is hardly anything

You make your income as chaos by raiding, sacking and winning battles, not by sitting idle. Just because you don't know how to play them doesn't make them bullshit.
>he doesnt steam share games
They were useless

the flying mechanic is intended that way, otherwise they would be broken
>he does steam share games

>with /v/ of all people
I can easily make enough to support 2 full top tier stacks by raiding and sacking and the like, but if I ever went to 3 then I couldn't keep them up during the downtime of either heading back to norsca to replenish or encamping to re-recruit my wounded units, not to mention wanting enough money to pay off my tribes to keep them in check and other factions to get them to attack my enemies.

If I take the time to subjugate Norsca, I'd like enough in tribute to at least pay for the stack that has to stay back and defend it.
Why are you wasting a stack defending norsca? They handle themselves just fine, especially since you're busy fucking up anyone to the south who would even think of crusading into Norsca, which I have never seen across several playthroughs.
Its very common for late game shield of civilizatiom factions to crusade against norscans, specially the skaelings, they usually get their coastal cities razed
Get lighting strike on archaeon with an army of elite units,
Just be glad you don't have to actually defend anything. As Empire chasing Chaos raiding stacks around your territory is the definition of annoying bullshit.
Nordland, Estalia and the Empire always had stacks in Norsca. Every other turn was a crusade of men event or whatever it is. it might be that I went after kislev before subjugating norsca, but I still think I should get something that makes it easier to support more hordes. I don't very much feel like the bringer of the end times with 2 stacks and a shitty army of mauraders.
Afaik you are supposed to pillage and sack cities as chaos
I did, I just hate having negative income, even with 20,000 favour in the bank. and like I've said I couldn't really support more than 3 full stacks with just sacking and raiding.
Then get the technology and lord upgrades that boost your raiding income. I spent most of my Chaos very hard campaign with six figures in the bank. You are supposed to have negative income.
>A lot of chaos is obviously undeveloped and just tacked on

>No demons
>No units with marks of chaos

They're really an afterthought
I think that's because they're adding an actual Chaos Daemons faction in one of the expansions.
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