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What did you think of it, /v/? >Story? >Gameplay? >Characters?
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What did you think of it, /v/?

>WW1 Glitch?
Jacob was an after thought while Evie was the main focus. London is big but it is also so boring.
Story: OK, could have had higher stakes, I guess. Needed more modern day stuff, really.

Gameplay: Good. The complexity of the city was really neat, and it'll be difficult to go back to the smaller, single level buildings from previous civilizations.

Characters: Assuming we are talking about cameos and things? Below average. Since not very many huge assassinations occurred in this time period, the majority of characters were completely fictional, and all the famous historical figures were benevolent guides for our two protagonists.

Jacob: Too hotheaded, not enough character development, turns on a dime after 3 whole missions dealing with the leader of the rival gang. Even after that, still doesn't serious up all that much.

Evie: Also too static. Her main character development is "Well, I guess it's worth trying to have emotions and relationships rather than focusing on The Job so much," when that's exactly the opposite of what an assassin should be.

Present: Some pretty good plot development but there should have been MORE and it should have been interactive.

WW1: Pretty cool but there will never be a full game in that setting now. Would have been cool to be an Assassin Pilot and do dogfighting missions.

This was so obvious that it bothered me over the wholw game.
Present is basically fucked up since Desmond but it was neat playing twins and one searching for the artefact while the other one basically fucked up london step by step. Gameplay and map wise is what ubisoft can't go back anymore so we should get at least new gameplay mechs like always in the next title.

But why is Jacob the face of every trailer they made?
I felt that Jacob was the focus gameplay-wise while Evie was the focus in the story. Shit felt weird.
File: Berg is Alpha as fuck..jpg (51 KB, 800x449) Image search: [Google]
Berg is Alpha as fuck..jpg
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That master Assassin chick in the modern section was pretty cool with being crazy, talking to her dead sister and using two blades like Ezio.

But Berg is Alpha as fuck and he'll get his revenge.

Also, Underground was a cool song.

Evie didn't feel like the focus story wise since Jacob had the bigger part imo. He had at least one mission more in each sequence and the templar assassinations were almost always his job.
She didn't even agree with Jacob building up a gang at the beginning but then you see her together with Jacob playing the boss every time you claim a territory. Shit disturbed me
So...did the twins fuck or are your parents cousins?
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