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ITT best mega man girls
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Thread replies: 189
Thread images: 132
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ITT best mega man girls
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she aint from megaman
it already happened anon but i dont have the pics
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I don't know why you'd do such a thing unless you bought an extra and/or wipe your ass with money.

I mean I can get the whole dominance aspect, but it just seems like too much of a trade off.
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All of them.
nice page 10 save rave!
For what purpose?
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manlets, when will they learn?
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Guess I'll whip you into shape.png
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You posted the best; let's keep up the standard.
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She is hands down the cutest character in all of vidya.
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Nice addition


Honestly I haven't even played many of the MM games and I find Roll adorable
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I don't blame you.

Look at her. She's like a kitten.
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The cutest.

True that
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Such a small addition, yet so effective.
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I used to think MM8 was much better to Classic, but I'm starting to come around to the latter, either that or people are drawing Classic in the style of MM8.
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Oh shit I'm sorry.png
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This combination is the best
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Either one is good.
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I could get behind it, Classic hair style and blue eyes are nice. Hard choice


Her ribbon kind of looks like cat ears here
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No robot waifu.jpg
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Roll is literally perfect. Like, it's almost painful.
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There's also this edit
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OP picture completely unrelated.
Also you faggots never discuss the games, I'm pretty sure that's because you're secondaries.
>kill yourself
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You two.
You're both good in my book.
Aile is #1 Mega-girl and my waifu, Ashe is #2 Mega-girl. Ashe really needs more art, she doesn't get the love she deserves.
I request some of your rarest Roll pics please.
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say no more senpai
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2bh I don't think I've seen this outside the video desu.
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Why is Elpizo pulling the anal beads as if he was playing beyblade?
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Any Roll pics you wish you had better quality version of?
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Another good addition


Pretty good way of seeing what effect the change in clothing has.
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D'aww, thats a new one.
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>he will never draw Roll again thanks a lot Archie...,or Paul...
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Paul. Definitely Paul.

Although apparently all of Archie is a mess. Jon Gray says he thanked God the day he got to leave or something.
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>a thread about the best girl in megaman series
>not a single image of Pandora
Pfft, lame thread.
Those pure white as freshly-fallen snow panties.
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Paul Archie sounds like a villain.
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Sorta. Mostly just stupid. He wanted so badly to make Mega Man and Sonic into the kinds of comics Marvel and DC make.

But hey, apparently he's on Superman now. They can have him.
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excuse me.png
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Can you actually detach her torso and stick her on a fleshlight like in that one picture that one guy posted a few months back?
Oh that,reminds me of Captain America going all Hail Hydra. Paul says, Hail DC comics with Archie bondaged and gagged.
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Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me.
I want to fuck that thing.
I love Roll's kiddy panties!
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Guaranteed to be better than the one coming out this summer.
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Dawn of X never got published did it?
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>Tfw no ZX3
>No Master Thomas taking over the world
>No new cutie female protagonist and a forgotten male protagonist that no one cares about
>No adult Ashe and slightly older adult Aile
>Ashe and Aile canonically don't exist in the same timeline
I am an ocean filled with sadness.
>Ashe and Aile canonically don't exist in the same timeline
Lies. Had that ZX anime happened, both Vent and Aile fought alongside together.
>No adult Ashe and slightly older adult Aile

Adult Aile is a fucking affront to the world and the reason why I'm glad the ZX series is fucking dead. Fuck that shit.
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Two and a half hours later, and no one posted the correct answer?

Because Sonia is better?
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As far as vidya canon is concerned, Ashe and Aile never meet because Ashe meets Vent. I hate it, but there's nothing I can do about it.
>Not liking adult Aile
How can you have such shit tastes?
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Apologies for the quality, only have a tablet
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Go away japan
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hibiki misora.jpg
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that is sad though that might be because there is a disgustingly low amount of best girl.
Ryan Jampole still does a lot of it. Even got a poster with the whole cast signed from him last year at comicon.
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Roll is my daughteru. I love her so much.
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I thought I remember seeing scans of these online.
cute! Cute! CUTTTTTTEEEE!!!
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I know you feel this.png
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This hurts you.
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I hear ya.
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>that one roll flash game from san soku

i'm a sucker for belly-bulging insertions

Here you go friendo.
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tried to clean this up but those pics are so god damn noisy that there isn't much I can do
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It's very possible, someone may have put the team on their back and broken a book up to be scanned. These come from the 25th Anniversary artbook.
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wake me up.gif
3 MB, 280x200
>He hasn't made another yet
>Neither has gnworks that made Sawari Maintenance
>Both were two years ago.
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Thanks for doing this
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Damn, that looks much better.

I'm no expert photographer and only have a tablet to work with, but I should have probably taken lightning into account.

Honestly if I had the money and equipment I'd break stuff like this up and scan it because it feels like it deserves to be shared.

Only took those pictures because I've never seen them before and found the concept of Megaman and Roll's casual wear to be 50's clothing to be cute.
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Bleh. Need sleep.

Night, Boco.
>Evil Roll
Oh God my heart
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Could be interesting
Does this shit comes in small size?
All I can find is the gigantic version? How much is it?
>not so quick to take a peep huh!
I actually have the book.
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Evil Roll, you say?
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>no robot masters
This man has good taste.
Gigantic only.

Last I saw 150 or so.
I want to fuck that bee.
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>No Leviathan
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>>>>no splash woman
Is there a guide for that game anywhere? Can't seem to find shit.
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Roll_chip_artwork copy.jpg
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My waifu.

I always use her chip in every game, and in the ones that allow it I set it as the default chip. Even if it winds up being the only R code in my folder.
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l-lewd !
I wonder why, but the bit of belly she's got going on is what really makes this for me
>love this guy's shit
>always wanted to commission this guy
>whenever he opens up for commissions I see it too late and they're closed before I can get the chance

Why is life so cruel.
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Peeping on Evil Roll would have a certain thrill.

I have the book as well, but to scan it would require breaking it up.


She has a cute design, pity they rejected her design. Wouldn't have killed them to have two female Robot Masters in the same game.
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Meh I rather have one of these If Im spending that much.
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Hearty kek
Just a puffy vulva gets me banned?
Don't be so aggressive with me thank you!
Why can't pro pedo libshits stay on reddit?
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Vaaile, are you in this thread?
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Best Star Force girl.
If it was cropped furry porn it'd be fine
please don't confuse 2D and reality
Why is Roll so lewd?
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It is a really cute picture of Roll, majority of the pictures in that book are winners.


Shiet, mods cracking down
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She was made to be lewd.
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Honestly I'm a bit surprised, I thought only nudity was frowned upon.
Here is my updated link to the roll chan romhacks


Now includes classic and mm8 roll designs as separated roms

Includes nestopia UE emulator
Me too.

I dindu nuffins!

What would Roll's weakness be, seeing as she's technically a Robot Master?
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School swimsuit looks good on Roll.


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was men or male Robot Masters in general considering her duties are cooking and cleaning.
>I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was men or male Robot Masters in general considering her duties are cooking and cleaning.

So basically every Robot Master apart from Splash Woman would be effective against Roll?
Seed blast, a weapon acquired from Sea Man
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Possibly, alternatively she may not have any strengths or weaknesses.
Well, Cutman is weak to Megaman's buster, so if we follow the weakless line from there (Cut -> Elec -> Ice -> Fire -> Bomb -> Guts) then she should be weak to the Super Arm and strong against Rock.
What's this from?
Why is roll the one /v/ approved loli?
>no game where Roll volunteers for upgrades instead of Rock
What games can I play as Roll?
[sugorokujinsei (Inou Shin)] ROLL TIMES
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I could get behind this


From a classic franchise and more importantly is really cute
There's rom edits of the classic games where you play as Roll instead.
Roll Caskett from Legends is best.
Her only weakness is that shes weak
does the gameplay change a bit?
Nope, aside from visual edits here and there, it's identical.
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Legends Roll >
Now that's a good question...
What was Dr. Light thinking?
ZX series is actually my favorite subset of the MM franchise. They're really fun to play.
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Do you love her back?
Thread replies: 189
Thread images: 132

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