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ITT: Vidya facts Arbok's name backwards is Kobra
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ITT: Vidya facts
Arbok's name backwards is Kobra
Prove it.
Koffing = Coughing
Weezing = Sneezing
Literally Golem out of a rock.
Fedex logo has an arrow in it
>Weezing = Sneezing
Weezing is wheezing dumbass
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Actually it's クッボーア
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Socialism doesn't work
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Wheezing = Weezy Jefferson you racist

Sorry gaiz lol im a girl GAMER u probly dont see many of us here but were REA

Wont be long now before they all know.
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Fish can roll.
>Muk spelled backwards is...
Are you fucking twelve years old OP
Ekans is snake lmao guess u didn't know that right OP
Muk = Kum.
The Ratchet and Clank logo has a hidden wrench in it, Ratchet's main weapon
snorlax backwards is xalrons
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It's okay to be scared.
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Halo, Halo.jpg
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The hit FPS known as Halo takes place on a location that is shaped similar to that of a Halo.
Fun fact: OP is a faggot.
0.99999999~ is equal to 1.
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There's literally nothing to know, Mozart died 100s of years ago, there's no way I could still be alive.

Every time I hope these threads have interesting information...And every time I check them out, it's people being ironic because they just think it's so hilarious. I'm fucking tired of the irony. Yes, we get it, these obvious tidbits about Pokemon names and HILARIOUS "mozart is still alive" memes are just so amazing that they deserve to be repeated, but it gets kind of old.

And just so it seems like I'm not simply bitching: the four ghost sisters in the forest temple in OoT - Joelle, Amy, Beth and Meg - are the same names as the sisters in the 1868 book Little Women by Louisa Alcott.
Did you know that the 3DS is the only gaming system to play game in REAL 3D while all others just use the optical illusion of 3D movement?
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Sham Wow is a word play of Chamois

I can't believe I never noticed this.
>And just so it seems like I'm not simply bitching: the four ghost sisters in the forest temple in OoT - Joelle, Amy, Beth and Meg - are the same names as the sisters in the 1868 book Little Women by Louisa Alcott.

Except this isn't special at all. Mozart was a fucking talented musician.
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If you talk to the truck next to the S.S. Anne, it'll give you a free Mew
>Mozart was a fucking talented musician.
>Mozart was

Some things we may never know...

The bigger mystery is why the fuck the truck was put there at all.
Good. Fuck that faggot
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In the Galerians PSX game, there are two characters named Rion (the main protagonist) and Cain (his antagonist twin brother) with the only strong difference in appearance being eye colors: blue and green respectively. In Japan, the word "ao" can be used for either blue or green.
the joke
the moon
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What does it mean? Does he get favorable rng with the cans in the game? What is this about?
I thought midori was green.
Until recently "midori" was considered a shade of "ao".
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that's it, i'm a #CruzMissile now!
"Stars" is "rats" backwards.
The pachislot and fitness company Konami used to make video games.

Imagine if his name was Muc LOL
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