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Is Sonic the best video game character of all time? If not, he's
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Thread replies: 19
Thread images: 8
File: sonicchilling.png (146 KB, 600x532) Image search: [Google]
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Is Sonic the best video game character of all time? If not, he's at least in the top 3.
File: brutaldoom_by_espeng-d83oj0s.jpg (188 KB, 767x1041) Image search: [Google]
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You wish
Doomguy is in the top 10 for me.
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Close but here's the real nigga
this man knows what's up
No one will ever post twitter memes like he can.
File: Hypermetalsonic.png (454 KB, 600x913) Image search: [Google]
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sonic was never good
It's Sonic, Mario, an Mario's Brother obviously.
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I'd love a reboot where Sonic and Metal Sonic clash over ideals in a grimdark drama for the ages.
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If he is so great, how come the knockoff has the better games?
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Sonic is iconic and has had some masterpieces as well.
Who is Kloanoa again?
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I could say he's at least top 3... in the 90s.
>Bubsy is the grill
deepest lore
Who's in the top 3 now?
Nathan Drake
Gordon Freeman
>Nathan Drake
literally who?
>Gordon Freeman
hey plebbit
Thread replies: 19
Thread images: 8

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