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Balance changes that need to happen in Overwatch
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1. Widowmaker ult should only affect her, not entire team, she is the one wearing goggles, she is the only one who should have wallhack.

2. Mei is too strong in dealing damage, healing, tanking, close range, long range, medium range, CC'ing, providing utility. She needs some nerfs, especially tho how much ammo she has, you can be braindead and just spam it, miss 80% of it, but hit 20% and still get kills.

That is all.
learn to play numbnut
What about the robot?
Mercy ult needs a 1 second cast time

I know the game better than you cancerous mongrel.
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1. Widow's ult should be for her team, but it should be broadcast to the enemy team. It's a global ult and one of the only ults that doesn't have an audio sound for the enemy.

2. Go fuck yourself, she's literally one of the worst characters with one of the highest TTK's. She's just a very low skill character so it's more frustrating to lose against her.
Balance changes that need to happen in /v/:

1.No more than 3 Overwatch thread at a time
The game isn't going to be balanced around QM pub shitters.
Remove mcree's reload on roll and extend the cool down on his flash. Reduce mei's health to 200. Make soldier 76's health made destructible. Extend the transformation animation on torb's sentry. Buff zenyata's health to 175.
that's why you complain about characters that only the biggest shitters can't counter

There is no counter for global ult on widow, eat shit subhuman nigger.

Also, Mei has 0 counterplay, kys irl asap.
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>Remove mcree's reload on roll
> Make soldier 76's health made destructible
>Extend the transformation animation on torb's sentry

Mei abuser detected, east shit whore nigger.
Nah, if anything it should be:

1. Mei's heal cooldown extended for another 2-3 seconds
2. Zenyata get's 50 health buff
3. Decrease Winston's damage but increase range
4. Have Genji's melee do more than just 50 dmg
5. Have a way to play as D. Va without the mech. She's fun as hell to play when you have to think about how fragile you are
more uses of Symmetra's teleporter
>Widow ult should only affect her
Naa, her damage needs tweaking though. 1 shot bodyshot killing Zen/Tracer and almost killing half the cast is absurd. Reduce her damage across the board, reduce charge time on her wallhack considerably.
As is, she is a MANDATORY pick for both sides in a "pro" composition.
Mei is useless in said position as well, just learn to range her out, she's useless at mid range, cause she thinks her ice beam is hitting you when it's not, so you can kill her.
And if she icicles, you act like it's a Widow and just step to the left or right.
Bastion still needs a rework, he's useless in competitive and a god in noob zone.
>buffing genji

fuck off hes already top tier

Leave Zenyata at 150 but give him two Harmony Orbs to work with.
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>global ult on widow
it's 15 seconds and if you're not a shitter (which you are) it provides not that much useful info because people change position regularly or you kinda expect where specific heroes usually are

you don't know about this because you're a raging kid

>Mei has 0 counterplay
she's literally useless if you don't stand right in front of her

how does it feel to be 13 years old? you finished 8th grade? do people bully you?

Roadhogs hook should not give him a free oneshot on targets. People hooked should at least have 0.35 seconds to react before roadhog since he got the strongest and easiest close range weapon and his hook is only 6 sec cooldown.

I am 25 would rape your face irl fat virgin meme spamming mongrel. Mei needs some nerfs, everyone knows this. Widow ult should only affect her, nobody else.
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that gif's name
Another Overwatch thread? Alright I'm cool with that, [-]
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Thank fuck you idiots aren't in charge of balance. I haven't seen shit this retarded in a long time. Git gud then kill yourself
Or, and it may be crazy I dunno, let Zen have an orb pool. So you could throw out two harmony or two discord orbs if you wanted too.
Those are all fucking terrible ideas except giving Zeneyatta more health and even then I think 50 is maybe a bit much 25 would probably be good.

Also I think the only character that blatantly needs a nerf is widowmaker, her close range assault rifle needs to be removed or made piss weak because it's better than a lot of dedicated close/ mid range characters weapons and she probably needs a charge and fire rate nerf on her sniper. Her ability to just repeatedly wipe the enemy team in the right hands is fucking absurd and she's way more competent when you get up close to her than she has any right to be.
>>Mei has 0 counterplay
>she's literally useless if you don't stand right in front of her

As someone who's played a lot of Mei this is true, but /v/ is too young to take advice.

You want to learn how to beat a character, then play that character.
>Attacking Anubis
>Leave the game

Why even bother?
I'm not saying it has to be like 100 dmg, but just a slight increase you know?
I guess you think 'no one can escape my sight' is just Soldier 76 trying out his best sexpot voice?



>defending it
It also needs to be heard by the enemy team instead of only enemy heroes who are insanely close to her.
I am not defending it, but if it were just her, it would be totally useless, since she's already watching every corner and will auto-pick you anyway.
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How's them assburgers anon

Zen had 200 but got nerfed fool.
>Remove mcree's reload on roll and extend the cool down on his flash
So you want to make him unplayable?
jesus man turn off your computer and play with fucking legos or pokemon

you're being angry german kid right now, really really bad form familia

it's a bit sad so many rager lol tier people flocked to OW, i thought they would stay away since they can't afford so many dollaridoos
>1. Widow's ult should be for her team, but it should be broadcast to the enemy team. It's a global ult and one of the only ults that doesn't have an audio sound for the enemy.
she's got one though
she speaks something in french
look it up

Like I said, if you want to know how to beat her then play her.

Even if they nerf her I'll still play her because I play her for fun, casual play.
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1. Mercy should get an increase in HP (25 or 50, though 50 may be pushing it), but her Ult should also charge slower.

2. I'm not sure if this is a thing already, but with Reinhardt's ult are you able to jump to avoid the blast? Everybody else's ult gives people a bit of time to run, but it seems like Reinhardt's comes out instantaneously. Maybe a better indication that he's about to slam down the hammer?

3. D.va should get a slight increase to the damage she deals with her tank's primary fire. I get more kills with regular D.va firing her pistol than I do with D.va in her mech, which feels silly

4. Maybe nerf Bastion's damage by like ten to fifteen percent. It really does feel like instant death at medium ranges.

5. Give Genji a bit more damage on his melee attacks. He DOES have a sword.

6. I'm really struggling to figure out a reason to use Hanzo over Widowmaker besides Hanzo's ult. Widowmaker charges faster, is easier to hit enemies, and a skilled Widowmaker will ALWAYS out-do a Hanzo. Maybe buff the range of his sonic arrow/damage of his burst arrow?

7. Don't lower mouse movement with Mei's M1 freeze until the last possible second. I can deal with her having tons of tools to keep people out, but it is absolute bullshit that every time I deal with a Mei I'm guaranteed to lose around 400 health even on the biggest characters because I can't move my mouse to target her that extra three degrees to the left.

8. Take away Symmetra's bitch face and maybe more people will play as her.

9. Maybe lower the charge time for Widowmaker's rifle? Because in normal use her charge basically doesn't matter.

Other than that I think everybody's pretty solid for now.
That fat fucking slanty eyed chink is the only legitimately broken character IMO, nerf her to shit.
Make her ult shout a bit louder. Deactivate it if she is killed (correct me if I'm wrong but I'm positive it remains active after she is killed)
that's one of the cooler skins in the game though
They should remove that floating platform
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>9. Maybe lower the charge time for Widowmaker's rifle? Because in normal use her charge basically doesn't matter.
i kind of agree

it's slow as hell to charge and since he himself doesn't do much damage he cant even really kill more than 2 heroes also it's small area i don't think it needs to be tweaked

mech has extreme damage fall off, i don't know what blizzard is thinking with her

yes because that's what bastion does, instakills stuff close to medium range don't be one of those who cry about it

bastion is easy as hell to counter and requires a good team to fight off flankers/defend it

genji is a flanker not a brawler and you don't want him to be fast, sneaky AND be able to instakill

the ult is a giant area denial, the ricochet arrow shit is very good, his other ability is a lot better than waht WM has, widowmaker has to scope and be stationary to do damage hanzo can run around like it's nobodies business

you might be right i have no clue


second time you mention that cunt, are you one of the widowmaker memers who play nothing else? if yes you realize you're a shitter whos ruining the game for everybody right?

she's absolutely fine as it is and is not supposed to be some god hero that can obliterate everything by shooting it in the foot
how likely is a nerf to phara's rockests or junkrat's junk, i mean grenades
I want to kiss Symmpooinloo on the mouth and teach her how to build toilets with India's hard light technology.
Don't lower Widowmaker's charge time. It already charges in like 1.5 seconds. If she wants to play quick and loose she uses her machinengunnen.
Let you build Torbjorn's turret on ledges and stuff since it's so fragile (comparatively) and has semi-low damage.
Shitposters need not apply
it really depends on what kinda person we talking about though

i wouldn't recommend it to some spergmaster hardcore gamer

i wouldn't recommend it to total casuals

average people who are not obsessed with vidya but like to play them and not total shitters can't find a better game in the market
My b, meant to say increase charge time.
1. Increase dvas damage, slightly.
2. Make mercy faster

That's it
>0 no
I'd say extend his deflect b a second or two.

about genji

his dash during ultimate should deal more damage(+25dmg would be enough). his regular dash dmg is not a problem if you know how to properly aim with shurikens.

also dying after you dashed behind someone is just infuriating but what to expect from 20 tickrate.

also my own rant about hanzo
this fucker shouldnt be able to 1shot people with barely drawn bow. his arrow flies like a wet noodle when spamming LMB and somehow is capable of 1-shotting people when normally it would just bounce off them.
This is good.
Wallhacks only affecting her does nothing to combat what makes widowmaker so bullshit.

The real reason she's nonsense is that you can hit a 200 hp or lower target with a charged bodyshot and then instantly kill them
with another shot because she attacks way too fast.

She needs an ult charge and attack speed reduction more than anything.

Mei is fine, you guys play like retards, ALSO THIS >>338941481 seriously do you people have ANY FPS experience? Like any? Even TF2? The fuck. None of you play against pros or notable closed beta players. You're shit.
Tracer ult sucks, give her literally any new ult. I'd say give her an afterimage that basically does the same shit she does, only with a second delay for a brief amount of time.
>his dash during ultimate should deal more damage(+25dmg would be enough)
This. It's odd that usually when dashing he hits with his smaller blade but if you use your ult he still uses the smaller blade for the dash. Genji is fine otherwise I just wish I was better at aiming ith the shurikens.
>''Personne n'échappe a mon regard"
oh boy I wonder what the other team is up to.
Vraiment pas sur la
dont have enough games yet to really have an opinion, but so far the game seems pretty balanced
reinhardt is a bit too tanky than he should be without his shield, and theres no reason to pick any other healer but lucio desu

maybe add another character with teleports?
walking times are pretty long
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Overwatch has been in beta for over a year and has received many balance patches and even hero reworks (Bastion used to be even stronger and he had a small Reinhardt shield in turret mode). Do you really think someone with a few hours of playtime knows what needs balancing. You should adopt and try to get better at the game.
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It's dying Jim. No need to balance.
Give 76 a good ult

Seriously his ult is unfun to play
You mean she whispers in french. It's inaudible if you're not physically close to her.
Whereas every other character shouts at the top of their long to every part of the map.
>More baddies bitching about characters just because they can't fight them.

Cute. Maybe overwatch just isn't your game OP.
>Less viewers than CS:GO and Hearthstone 2 days after it's been released
Looks like it'll be joining Hots in the "forced e-sports game that nobody watches" category.
Mccree could be argued, I'll give you that
Soldier 76 health thing can be destroyed
And torb turret is fine.
>going to twitch
>caring about twitch
>/v/ gives a shit about Overwatch

I can't tell if this is all shilling or if you faggots actually enjoy this boring, overhyped trash.
It's 1pm on a Thursday Jim.
>Implying twitch viewers matter Jim
I'm bad at the game so it's trash

>"LMAO it's so popular EVERYONE loves Overwatch"
>2 days later
>"Who cares about popularity anyway?"
loving every laugh
Make Meis icy Safe Space breakable or switch "ignore damage" to "takes reduced damage."
>>"Who cares about popularity anyway?"
That's literally me since I play with a full group of friends, and there's other games coming out anyways, so I'll ride the fun while it last.

I have no idea why everyone is so obsessed with the longevity of a game.
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>/v/ is one person

First day on 4chan?
Make torb turret not be hitscan, have a turn rate or have damage falloff. Or some combo of that.
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So how many of you are gonna lose your shit when I say bastion is a cheap character for brain dead retards
>buff zenyatta because he's garbage right now
>nerf mei because she's broken right now

all you really need to do when you get down to it

other nerfs/buffs could be nice but those are the two most important things
>character for braindead retards
he's bad
how about reduce how much torb's turret currently contributes to his ult charge
>mei because she's broken right now
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At what point are graphics too good? The way the sunlight shines against the surface is beautiful and realistic, but bright lights and dynamically darkened areas make it difficult to see in competitive games.
only you can answer that question. If you have problem seeing enemies, modify graphics accordingly.
the game has been out for days now and alot of people play it nonstop loggin in many hours equaling that of testers and devs.
rational balance decisions:

-create second entry point on all map choke points, so bastion has to watch more than a single tiny point, and rebuff him to compensate for this

-assume that every class will bump into every other class, and give them a chance to win. this includes mei vs symmetra in a small room with no turrets set up, this will require massive buffs and nerfs everywhere

irrational balance decisions:

-assume that every game will have top-level esport coordination, with a tank, healer, flanker, sniper, etc

-and thus render gimmick characters like symmetra or bastion utter garbage when outside their effective teamplay niche

Blizzard has chosen irrational balance decisions. And the game will fail for that reason.
Why would you play Blizzards version of TF2 when you can play TF2.
impose character limit. leave that three reinhart shit for arcade mode
I'm not even going to bother playing it, faggot. There are plenty of superior multiplayer shooters, not that anyone in their right mind wastes time on multiplayer games to begin with.
>already got bored

Enjoy it. I'm done with it.
Is this autism?
K. Again, sorry you are so bad at it.
>Mei is broken
You misspelled "I am bad".
>Winston S tier
>Hanzo F tier
Lol what the fuck is that
Already did, and it was pretty good, about 7-8 years ago. But by all means, enjoy it.
Mcree. Reduce hp so he cant just run at people and flashbang all day. Increase fan spread.

Hanzo. Reduce headshot damage to below 200 and fix the hitbox.

Bastion. Largely increase time it takes to switch to turret and back. Add shields to his flank. Reduce armor when not deployed.

Zenyatta. Umm. Hm... Let him fly...? Make his ulti better? Something.

Winston. Remove KOTH. Add 1 hero limit.
>Remove the stun aspect of McCree's Flashbang, make it an actual blind effect instead
>Remove the freeze aspect of Mei's M1, let her slow people though. Ult can still freeze.
>Widowmaker Sniper shot now consumes 6 ammo instead of 3. Instead of 10 shots she gets 5 before reloading. Also charge time increased by .5 seconds
>Reduce the distance/height Winston can jump
>Lucio can't heal himself with his aura or E
>Reinhardt's shield slightly decreased in size so its not fucking massive
>Bastion can't heal in Sentry mode, add a 5 second cooldown to healing
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Some good shit that's what
why isn't there a McREEEEEEE meme yet tbqh
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>Mei is too strong

I really wish you noobs would shut the fuck up.

>op thinks he some high rank player with hot opinions
>assume that every class will bump into every other class, and give them a chance to win. this includes mei vs symmetra in a small room with no turrets set up, this will require massive buffs and nerfs everywhere
how is that rational?
different characters have different advantages and disadvantages
sometimes you are in a bad position for your character and die, thats balance.
>assume that every game will have top-level esport coordination, with a tank, healer, flanker, sniper, etc
The game does advise you to pick that way
>and thus render gimmick characters like symmetra or bastion utter garbage when outside their effective teamplay niche
they are gimmicks for a reason. I dont think all characters should have the same pick rates.

>Blizzard has chosen irrational balance decisions. And the game will fail for that reason.
Be honest. It will not "fail". It has already not "failed". millions of people have bought it already. that is not a "fail".
I'm glad that Overwatch was able to skip the F2P phase of TF2 and go straight to the cancerous hats stage.
>dont you talk to me or my daughters ever again
i have more issues with the map design rather than the balance desu
but yeah, breaking a coordinated defense is painfully hard
>1. Widow's ult should be for her team, but it should be broadcast to the enemy team. It's a global ult and one of the only ults that doesn't have an audio sound for the enemy.

>do'nt have audio sound for the enemy

I hear the "no one escapes from my sight all the fucking time."
Thats a shoop right?
2winston invalidates half of the roster, including healers except maybe zen.
idk how anyone can see this character and argue that overwatch doesnt have shit awful character designs. also gorilla, dwarf, waifus
>9. Maybe lower the charge time for Widowmaker's rifle? Because in normal use her charge basically doesn't matter.

Are you shitting me

that fucking thing has literally no charge time already, ti's like one fucking second.
The proper term is "african-american", shitlord.
That's your own teams' Widowmaker you dingus.
Enemy Widow announces it in french.

>severe damage drop-off at range
>can't kill tankier characters in her freeze + shatter combo
>can't reliably freeze unless it's a 1v1
>has a serious lack of mobility other than ice wall allowing her to get on *some* ledges
>ice wall is busted by payload moving
>over half the characters have built in escapes/counters (Tracer, Pharah, McCree, Reaper, D.Va, Mercy, Lucio, Roadhog, Reinhardt, Hanzo, Genji, Widowmaker, Winston, Junkrat, Soldier 76, probably missing more)

There is a reason she is among the 3 least picked competitively. She needs major buffs if anything. Or a kit rework.
My only problem really is D.Va, her damage is fucking minimal in her mech even up close.

Out of mech she is useless, sheÅ› fast and has a gun but can do nothing else. Her gun is shit tier too, next to no damage with slow firing speed means itÅ› horribly easy to just side step every bullet.
who's jim?
That symmetra skin will be good once other people start unlocking widowmakers legendaries. Takes an extra second to determine if its one or the other at longer ranges because the skins look the fucking same.
Dont you get bored
Reduce Hanzo, Widow, Tjorb and Roadhog damage. No way these heroes should get kills for melee bodyshots considering the rest of their kit

Reduce Bastion's damage, you should be able to at least get some time to react to his bullshit when turning around a corner

Increase the time it takes for Tjorb turrets to notice someone coming from behind or the sides, a team with a tjorb that knows where to put his turret should not be absolutely immune to flanking on most maps.

Reduce Lucio's survivability in one way or another, he's far too durable for a character that mobile

Higher cooldown on Tracer's dash, shouldn't refill twice in the same gunfight

More spread that should translate into less damage outside of point blank range on mc cree's right click, that shit is fucking stupid

There, the game is now fun.
Players who bitch about Mei are no meme, all jokes aside, bad. They just want there to be an excuse for them being bad that is the games fault instead of their own, decent players don't bitch about here because she is a minor annoyance at best.
>decreasing Winston's tickle cannon

Fuck off with your shit nerfs
>all those torb nerfs

What the fuck is wrong with you?

I don't think tracer needs a nerf either.
Mei cant do shit against a good Pharrah or Widow
this list is clearly wrong because d.va is not at the bottom complete trash category.
I don't think that's it. I don't consider Mei to be viable but she's my least favourite character. She's made to annoy you with her insane survivability and obnoxious freezing.

Cause I want that hero dead and forgotten so games can actually be fun instead of long grinds
>Shits up an ice wall every few seconds obstructing everybody INCLUDING HER OWN TEAM!
Hey you know whats great, being about to kill the entire enemy team, you know whats not great? "IM MEI IM HELPING LOOK AT THE MASSIVE FUCKING WALL BLOCKING YOU NOW BASTION!"
>Walking around holding M1 "look im making a difference"
>Anytime you are about to kill the bitch. "TEE HEE NOPE INTO THE ICE BLOCK I GO!"
and whats worse.
>Oh you and me are running away into that narrow doorway, I better block the door with an ice wall, THEN TRAP YOU WITH MY OWN ICE SHIT TOO!
>Why did we both die, im so silly, im mei!

Mei is shit, period.
>guaranteed loss if I don't switch characters

Im glad any dumb design can be rationalize by just using the word 'balance' in place of 'failure.'

>character sucks completely outside of its narrow niche, far more so than anything in games that have proven longevity like TF2

I'm glad its fun to be at an intentional disadvantage while doing what I enjoy doing.

>game advises us to pretend its an esport

I knew I should have practiced my circle jerking more, so some corporate CEO can make more esport bucks while I play the way I was ordered to play.

>sales figures have something to do with whether the game is a piece of shit

money is great right
You're fucking retarded. Torb is so unbelievably easy to counter, even easier than bastion.
Honestly the only changes I want to see are to make ultimates more interesting. A lot of them are variations of "this button does a lot of damage".

Just some random ideas that could be hilariously imbalanced or interesting, who knows:

Soldier 76: Make his ult switch his primary fire to his rockets that fire every 0.5 seconds

Reaper: Make his ult require a charge, the longer the charge, the greater the range. Have a visible AOE.

Pharah: Grant her jetpack abilities to an ally for a limited amount of time.

Basically I want more ults that do interesting things like Dota instead of "press button, do damage, get PotG"

maybe it's just because I'm a luciofag but any time a roadhog tries to hook me I just bounce him

i haven't played a lot of junkrat but pharah can't 1 shot a single character, so you have plenty of time to react even if you get caught by surprise
Remove Mcree.

100% guarantee it would make the game twice as good.
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This has to be bait
>she's literally useless if you don't stand right in front of her
No shit but as a Reinheart player who I have no fucking way of stopping her from walking past my shield and freezing me from behind or using my lshift to try and get away before the freeze. I am fucked
>Reduce Roadhog damage
>No way these heroes should get kills for melee bodyshots considering the rest of their kit
that's literally his entire kit you stupid fuck
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I would want pharah to have 225 health. I can play very well with her but holy shit I feel like a literal mosquito at times.
He would let rally bring nothing to the table if he couldn't kill his target. No sheild, no team utility othat than a hook, point blank range as a tank with no means to block damage while advancing.

He would be a shitty reaper

Hard counters and one trick ponies are bad design. That's pretty much a fucking fact, you can stop arguing now.
(etc I can't be assed to go through the entire thread)

t. Mei shitters
Give Tracer a completely reworked Ult. It's such a shitty and underwhelming tool.
Attacking Mei's ice should decrease the time she stays in it.
Damage and accuracy fall of for Bastion and long ranges.
More health or more mobility for Zenyetta
Rework Symmetra.
>Reinhardt player crying about Mei

You have got to be fucking kidding me. You're fucking shit.

>I can't run into a whole team solo and live!

If you're using your shield you should have your teammates with you.
Microsoft tech support is the only horrible design.
thats why you need to move around the map more

I didn't say it was hard, I said it was boring

And he feeds on random shitters that die one by one by running alone to the point and that's a good portion of my matches so I just don't care for it.
but she is suppose to be a glass cannon.
>be me
>be junking rats
>chinese thicc panda meme slut starts trying to freeze me
>shift, right click, hit her with some pipes on the way out
>0 counter play
>needing a ult nerf for widow
She needs to have her charge time slowed and less damage from bodyshots
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Jesus Fucking Christ you guys are retarded. Get gud. Thank god any of you arn't in charge of balancing fps games.
Why the fuck do shitters think Mei is so good, she's so mediocre that I never see anyone using her anymore.
Then don't be a shitter and run one by one to the fucking point. Jesus Christ every hero can rekk faggots who do that.
>Mei is overpowered

A huge chunk of the Meis that I go against have no idea that they can actually do damage to people who aren't frozen. I regularly win against teams with Mei because those dumb shits just stand around and tickle/annoy people or block themselves in front of everyone while their entire team gets shit on because the damage isn't there.

Sure, 1v1 Mei is annoying as shit, but if you stick with your team like you're fucking supposed to you should be fine.
I'd say make 50 of her current health into armor, and SLIGHTLY buff her splash damage.
>Shes supposed to be a glass cannon.
Then her attack power needs uped, and given shes in a fucking power armor suit she should have more armor.
No to your ideas.

Raise Zenyatta hp.

Lower Widowmaker attack rate.
It's a usage list, not a tier list. Though it's pretty indicative of which heroes need a bit of work.
Heres the thing my team either dies from a pharah/mei flanking from behind or they are retarded and split up and get picked off one at a time. Not just that if the entire enemy team is attacking my shield nonstop it will break in 15 seconds and three ice shots from mei alone will kill me where it takes atleast five - six from a reaper at close range to kill me.
That'd make Widow's ult pretty terrible honestly.

Mei is fine, her long and medium range isn't that powerful due to the weird delay they put on it. Her close range is strong for a reason and shes easily handled at range.

Real balance changes I'd say would be McCree, since hes ridiculously good right now. He can pretty much solo carry teams right now if you know what you're doing. And Zenyatta need some kind of health bonus or armor. Hes a bit too squishy for what he is.
I don't think raising her health would be right, as it stands widow is kind of intended to be a counter, she can one shot headshot pharah. If you buff her health that won't happen any longer.

Giving 50 of her health as armor would be worse.
shes already good, tho?
if anyone needs a health buff, its zen. nigga just evaporates the second widow is picked
>playing Reaper
>keep teleporting behind their whole team and killing Zenyatta
>literally every time he shows up

That dude is seriously fucked if you get close unless he pulls off a lucky headshot or if you're huge.
why the FUCK does Tracer have 300 hp?
You are talking competitive play. Teams like to stick with what they are good at and known quantities. So they will often not use heroes that are good or potentially good as they aren't practiced with it and will play worse than playing what they do have practice with. Takes time for them to adjust.
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thats what mercy is for anon.
her rockets do 120 damage on a direct hit

Maybe you could actually aim.
>give hanzo an accuracy detriment on shots that are pulled for less than one second or for over 4 seconds
>mccree's flashbang only works if it explodes in front of the enemy
>add one second spin up on bastion's turret form, longer reload animation
>add an arc to mei's icicle
>make zarya's ally shield last longer, to promote using it more often
>make junkrat's ult only last 5 seconds, remove the jump but keep the wall climb
>make symmetra's fully charged balls soak any damage that hits it
Thats literally their role. Mei, Pharah, and a bunch of other characters are suppose to flank and take out people. Especially if theres a Reinhardt. Also Rein has both a ranged attack to damage with and a charge to one shot most classes with. If your team is dieing, its cause they need to be more aware.
It does not. I'm pretty sure you're just lying at this point.

I honestly can't believe a fucking Reinhardt player is telling me Mei needs nerfs. You're playing what is one of the most effective team heroes in the game and the best tank.

If Mei is beating you you are absolute fucking garbage and need to use your team, if you have one other person with you they will keep Mei from tickling you to death.
Thats the trade-off you make for being able to charge free ults off of roadhog all game. He is already the worst tank in the game, he doesn't need nerfs.
To me Phara is the perfect meassure, buff and nerf the rest in comparisson to her.
Jesus Christ what a stupid team. They knew exactly where he was gonna be every time he looped around, how do you not counter-play that?
Everyone always hates on Bastion, but no one ever suggests how to fix the the guy.

Is he just a case of git gud?

Yeah I don't have control over what pubs do m8 but I can at least kill a lot of people by flanking without some fucking turret dropping me to 30% before the team even notices me.
junkrat ult is already trash why nerf it more
He can't move and has a critical point on his back. So yeah.
D.Va is fun as fuck to play on the PS4 version .
that whole list is just salt changes

True. But then why do so many people complain about him?
Less health, less damage if enemy is afar, less amno, more sentry building time, make the sentry like the minigun, that starts firing slow.

Pick fucking one.

He's a pub stomper in low skill games, but I think the main issue with him is that he forces the game to change and focus around him.
When the enemy has a bastion, you have to play completely differently and it's almost mandatory you switch characters to counter him. He's cancerous in the sense that the match revolves around him being selected or not
>People hooked should at least have 0.35 seconds to react
they do if it's a maximum range hook
they should let you know when someone has an ult or if they use it with a visual cue.

I want to blast music and talk a lot of shit with friends, I don't want to listen to these gay ass heroes talk.
come on now anon, we both know nobody likes playing mercy.
I'm considering buying this

How toaster friendly is this
Same. I feel like Genji, Pharah, Soldier 76 are perfectly balanced.
you have ten seconds to get even remotely close to any character with less than 400 hp and press a button for free kills. Outside of the eventual ranked, you'd be lucky to find a team that even knows you can shoot it rather than try to run.
Thats cause Bastion is in a odd place. On one hand, hes completely over powered pubstomp material. On the other hand, if you know how he works, you can easily counter him with a number of heroes.
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but I love to play mercy.
Hanzo can do the same thing Widowmaker can but more frequently and in a smaller area because its not his ultimate

its a called an ult for a reason what else would you have her ult be?
>everyone sleeping on lucio
make it so he can only wallrun on speed boost mode.
pharah feels a bit weak
i would like to see the splash damage on her rockets increased, non-direct hits feel kind of pointless
Sure you do anon.

Now get back to playing widowmaker or bastion.
literally everyone who I been playing with shoots the shit and its nullified with like 4 bullets, its trash. Only time I ever had success was when I was behind the enemy team.
I dunno, Anon. Tho I will say one time I actively counterpicked via Genji and popped my reflect early so he had time to not shot and gun me down safely.

What I'm saying is it's not as braindead as people think.
If Pharah's rockets were any stronger combined with her mobility, she'd be the single most OP character in the game.
>got best victory animation for Symettra
>will NEVER get to see it because when the fuck is she ever going to get PotG?

damn it, stop wasting my good drops
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>get well soon
who's sick?
>spiders on the cake
>that genji that keeps eating shit every time
>McCree didn't fan after stunning at point blank range
>winston sits right in front of bastion, thinking his ult makes him invincible

Where are these people and why are they always on my team?
I want to play with the people you're playing with, then. I've seen far too many junkrat ult PotG's.
True, she would be literally quake 3
>can't even 1 shot the lowest health character in the game
>glass cannon
Mei is literally the w+m1 pyro of overwatch
If torbs turret is bursting you down fast then you must have the reflexes of a 90 year old arthritic woman. Get out of the way.
No, they just don't pick Mei because they tried her and realized other picks are far stronger for defense. She has a cool kit and is very strong in 1v1s and enclosed spaces if she's fighting immobile sub250 classes, but she struggles against more than one person, can't deal with tanks if they don't fuck up and becomes more of an annoying, resistive gnat than a genuine threat in the open or against organized teams.
its just like mcree ult, cant make it obvious, go above and be quick about it. Ride the walls and drop down.
Combine 76 and Pharah into one character.

Combine Symmetra and Zenyatta into one character.

Combine Zarya and Winston into one character.

Combine Torb and Roadhog into one character.

Give Mercy some sort of self heal shield so she can retreat easily but she loses the ability to heal and attack when she has it deployed
Not even him but you're fucking retarded if you don't realize when you hear that, it's your own teammate's ult, not the enemy team's
His critical point is usually redundant against anyone worth their salt. They can immediately turn around and outdamage you 10 to 1, not to mention his 300 health.

I don't think he's OP and I know how to deal with him but his crazy DPS makes for some bullshit moments. Bastion hiding in a ridiculous place and instagibbing you without you being able to react shouldn't be something that happens.

I'd make it so that he can't turn 360 degrees like he used to be, reduce his damage and clip and in turn make it so that switching between his modes is much faster.
Which kinda proves that only people who are morons complain about it.
>has the 2nd, maybe 3rd highest overall mobility in the game
>regularly shits on characters that have any kind of arc or travel time to their weapons
>can float above a cap - especially indoors - and rain rockets while out of sight by hard counters

I think you need to learn to aim and learn to play with your team. You sound like you're trying to 1v1 a widowmaker by floating above her
Or u could get fukin good fag
This is exactly how I feel. Bastion isn't that great if you're organized but if you're playing with randoms the expectation that the whole team comp and strategy should change that drastically for one character is, in my opinion, a little silly.
Jesus Christ, what the fuck are you smoking?
the fact that blizzard games run on any shitty computer is literally what invented the toaster meme

that said, i dunno about neo-blizz
Am I alone in thinking that Reaper needs a small wind up time for his ult? Or for its damage to be applied more slowly?
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>the reinhardt that charges into a crowd to pin someone
>the mei that puts an ice wall in between the team and a dying enemy
>the symmetra that puts all her turrets in one place
>the pocket tank mercy
but she is not very strong right now anyway
her "mobility" also makes her a sitting duck for a lot of things

junkrat ult can kill 1 or 2 people sometimes but that's really the absolute best it can do
i think the fact that his ultimate has a huge chance to do nothing and makes him extremely vulnerable while it's out means it can be a little stronger, perhaps in exchange for a longer charge time
i'd like to see it be able to climb ALL of the walls in the game, for one
>Bastion hiding in a ridiculous place and instagibbing you without you being able to react shouldn't be something that happens

Then why are snipers in the game? Also if switching was anyfaster Bastions would just double shift to reload. Switching stances reloads.


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would you loli mercy senpai
you need to find a good zarya or mercy to play with bruh.
Git gud you pussy.

This is an FPS game, not one of your precious ASSFAGGOTS games
He used to be really good when his orbs could break los.
Who the heck has more mobility than Pharah? Only thing I can think of is maybe Tracer?

By combining those characters you get a useful character
>worst tank
Explain faggot
Oh god yes

This is what overwatch needs. Little girls.
Tracer definitely

Arguably d.va or lucio.
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>junkrat ult is already trash why nerf it more
pharah only has vertical mobility which is arguably worse than horizontal mobility
So long as you don't just fucking sit in the sky you're fine. Also learn to aim, not only is her direct rockets good damage, but by juggling people around you're making it harder for them to hit you. Furthermore, you're capable of getting around the map with much more ease than pretty much everyone else in the game, and capable of coming from unexpected areas. Her damage is fine.
one of the two needs to happen
as it stands hes a one man army in decent hands
>d.va or lucio
not genji

ACTUALLY, if the ceiling is low enough, her rocket jump turns in to a rocket dash.
nerf reaper
nerf mei
nerf tracer
nerf bastion insta kill form OR self heal
nerf genji shuriken dmg, increase melee
buff winston
buff dva
buff mercy
Zenyatta is fine, he can solo heal if your team is careful and knows where all the health packs are, as well as actually shouting when they need heals.
Just duck out of combat as soon as you're noticed. Your biggest danger are snipers who can oneshot you, and roadhogs who can chain you.
Well no because people get mad when you die to a class that is literally just walking towards you holding down m1 like there's no tomorrow. You can make the argument that you can just keep Mei at medium range or whatever but that doesn't mean shit if you get ambushed.
You both know she can rocket jump, right? Like literal rocket jump. Shoot the floor sometime.
Snipers can't see the inner corners of building, anon. Or certain flanking routes etc...

>Bastions would just double shift to reload. Switching stances reloads.
Change it so that it doesn't do that then, or so that Bastion needs to stay an X amount of time in his current stance to reload the other.
>all those nerfs
>buff mercy

Yeah we get it you're a mercy "main" who can't deal with flankers.
You're obviously not using her right. She can't turn on a dime like genji or tracer can but she can accelerate faster and further than anyone else in the game.
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what is wrong with this webm? the nigga literally shouts for everyone to hear 'LADIES AND GENTLEMAN START YOUR ENGINES', if the enemy team is not spinning around trying to listen to the tire coming they deserve to die.
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>already sacrifice a part of your small lifespan
Unless they reduce damage on itself, no. I'll stick with concussion jumping, going full tribes here, not team fortress.
> Mei
> long range

anyone else think zero suit d.va with a few abilities would be fun?
Every fucking class can just hold M1. Further more its her job to flank and surprise you, and you still have options to fight back and kill her. Hell, if you're going to complain about being ambushed, theres FAR worse characters in the game who can do that.
>buff mercy
You realize she has the most OP ult in the game right?
The charge time on that is incredibly short for its team utility.
Why do you think I said "arguably"

As useless as she is out of her mech, if you don't have another ready within 30 seconds then you're just bad.
Plenty of health packs on the map, mate. And its only like 40 or less damage per shot, plus you can get to some absurd heights on maps if you combine it with her ability jump.
Id like to have something more to do out of suit but it's a small line until it would be op since she needs mech buffs.

He says "FIRE IN THE HOLE" for the enemy team. But it is silly that no one on the team looked backward.
The charge time is similar to ubercharge, it charges faster the more healing you do. If your team isn't getting hurt, it won't be as fast.
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>DPS players who don't stand behind the reinhardt shield
>mercy who only sticks to the tank
>defensive tracers
>people who refuse to switch classes when losing
True, but at times you aren't able to get to those health packs because you need to help flank/attack or defend
Not to mention pesky widowmakers
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