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How about a technology thread?

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Metroid Reboot.webm
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truly the dark souls of gba games
That's some fucking hax man.
It's not real 3D.
Just a good use of camera and view.
Holy shit this was GBA?
So what, it still manages to emulate a 3d environment on a systems which generally was not able to do so in the slightest
Someone did normal mapping for the DS as well.
Can't find the video.
Looks like shit
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GBA was surprisingly capable system in the right hands.

Underage millennial piece of shit. You have no respect or appreciation for the work laid out before you. Born into a world with real-time physically based lighting, high polygon counts and texture resolution. You have no idea what it's like to witness the sheer will and determination to innovate and progress to where we are today. You just assume everything has to be as it is now, and if it's not it's shit. Fuck you. Fuck you and your fucking hipster haircut. Fuck you and your smartphone mobile shit. Fuck you and everything that you are.
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Did someone say TECHNOLOGY?
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Is this pasta?
This is more impressive.
no it is real 3d you ignorant fuck
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>all that mad
not him and dunno but it should be now
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>Rockstar couldn't do 3D third-person GTA on DS
>some no-name dev does it on the GBA

o am i laffin
the NFS Underground games were more impressive, having mp3 music and polygonal graphics.
To be fair, CW was fucking amazing and I'm glad they didn't go 3D.
Google searching it doesn't show it to be pasta. It's just all butthurt. I like it though, it's good butthurt.
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man they did some weird shit with the asterix IP
dat amen break
More GBA
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banjo pilot.webm
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GBA also had Banjo Pilot by Rare.
They made the Voxel engine for GBA 3D.
Is this just doing what doom did to make it look 3d?
You are probably a millennial
it doesn't mean underage
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It's "impressive" but also looks fucking disgusting and unplayable. Things just end up looking awful when devs push such low-res and simplistic hardware. Even if it looks more "impressive" it still looks worse than any simplistic game on the system suited to the resolution.
>An enemy that gave you a computer virus

Till this day I still think that's cool
007 Nightfire for the GBA
characters may be sprites, but environments are definitely 3d.
>dat clipping
>dose lines

I know it's technically impressive for a GBA game but holy shit my eyes.
There's nothing really weird about this, though.

Since the camera will move and zoom in and won't be static at that specific range, the models and textures would need to be of a higher quality. Since the inherent resolution is so low it's still manageable.
The N64 port of RE2 is pretty fucking technology
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On the topic of illusions
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the fuck am i looking at here and

the fuck are you talking about
DS games at 4x resolution
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Why does this picture always get posted? Aren't there other DS games to post comparisons for?
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Metroid DS.png
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the power of citra.png
1 MB, 997x831
Looks even better emulated
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Let's not forget this 96KB game.

Because it was the first
>'we want the american audience'
Dreams, upcoming game for PS4 doesn't use polygons, it uses lots of tiny sprites to make a really unique looking game
Wait. It's translated?

There's nothing special about that you fucking retards. The model and textures are the same, its just the resolution
Fully 3D Third person GTA on DS

How the fuck is it the GBA does polys better than the PSX?
To be fair, looks plenty good on the N3DS as is.
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Did someone say Illusion?
NLP+? Partially, yes.
I think this mostly uses pre rendered 3D sprites in a 3D world.
Doom uses ray casting across a 2D floor plan similar to Wolfenstein3D but with a bunch of other tricks to simulate different heights
nintendos next handheld better higher than 100p this time.
what is this
Holy crap
The point is to show much hidden detail there is behind the low resolution you fucking retard.

And not all NDS games have it. It simply depends on whether the devs left high-quality assets in the game (even though it reaped no benefit).
What's the difference between this and the normal DS one?
Post a better video

Better graphics
Gameplay tweaks various mechanics
New events
Camera mode
AR mode
And probably other shit I don't know about
Underage millennial piece of shit. You have no respect or appreciation for the work laid out before you. Born into a world with real-time physically based lighting, high polygon counts and texture resolution. You have no idea what it's like to witness the sheer will and determination to innovate and progress to where we are today. You just assume everything has to be as it is now, and if it's not it's shit. Fuck you. Fuck you and your fucking hipster haircut. Fuck you and your smartphone mobile shit. Fuck you and everything that you are.
OH WOWWWWWWWWWWWWW, TEKUNOLOGYYYY!!! having drawn a 256x256pixel texture and not resizing it down to 64x64 before shipping OH WOWWW! Must have had super computers to run photoshop with enough ram to draw 256x256 textures
thank you SO much for posting this, my ears came
That's a magic trick though
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This one is even more amazing
*for various
Thanks m8.
makes sense for Asterix though, people forgot most of the old books are a collection of parodies

Fuck nintendo. They need to stop hamstringing their developers with the most absolute shit hardware in existence.
pretty cool either way for a GBA game
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>This is a DS game
Magic tricks are illusions
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I'm not looking forward to the game itself, but I am looking forward to the tech used in it and the design around it.
Hopefully Media Molecule makes something as good as LBP again in the future
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autism is thinking that drawing higher res textures than you actually need is not an industry standard and generally just common sense good idea

These people are amazing.

I hope their next game it's better than Ironfall (or, at leas, I hope it has a better AI).
How about some new technology? Updated physx stuff that wont be used anywhere?
But thats boring. Its more interesting to look at older tech achieving things greater than it should.
It looks like the exact same engine.
The way the poly are drawn, but also the cinematic at the beginning.

So no, technically, it's not more impressive.
>couldn't use this effect nowadays because you wouldn't be sure if the game wasn't just broken
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t rex illusion.webm
2 MB, 720x360
It's more autistic to have a fit over somebody explaining something to you.
it's incredible, considering the minimal requirements for quake II to run on PC and PS1 specifications
id's old games tended to run on pretty much anything

a trick is something a whore does for money
Not a single piece of TECHNOLOGY was posted in this thread
Did the definition change or something?

it expanded.

Okamiden and Metroid Prime Hunters look pretty cool.
It's technology thread not TECHNOLOGY one.
Look up what the game's NG+ is.
Prepare to have your shit blown
I still think this is pretty amazing for the GBA, how they managed with two different background sprites (one for the ground and one for the "wall") and multiple angles for sprites to simulate 3d...

But seeing that asterix video was pretty dope, too.
I am not sure I follow. What counts as "technology" to you? Uncharted 4 screenshots?
oh shit, my mistake.
Uncharted 3 had a couple of face wall ornaments that did this. The room wherein you fight drugged Cutter being one of them.
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forgot pic related.
Animal Crossing with waifus?
cant find shit, what is it?
Do anyone on /v/ even know it's definition?
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>the way those eyes follow you
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>But seeing that asterix video was pretty dope, too.
no shit sherlock, asterix is in real 3d except the charaters and trees
Wait, is the frame drop part of the intended effect?
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It will be now. You're witnessing birth of a meme
3d in the same way that classic doom was 3d

Reminds me of Lera.
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rushing waters.webm
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>Looks even better emulated
WAIT, we can emulate 3DS game?
since when? I would love to emulate "new ăƒ©ăƒ– ăƒ—ăƒ©ă‚¹"
No 3d is real 3d.
It's just using mathematical formulas to project vertex onto a screen.
Doom just did it in a less computationally expensive way, with some caveats.

Although looking at the video, it looks like a normal rasterizing pipeline you'd find in modern hardware: the worl seems to be triangle-based, you can see many different shapes in there.

The textures just look like garbage because of inaccurate UV mappings interpolation, I think.
We aren't there yet.
Still tons of issues and speed is ass.
>No 3d is real 3d.
3d means triangle based generation in gaming, noob.
You can emulate enough to make pretty screenshots, but not enough for the games to be actually playable.
And somehow you don't see any triangle in that asterix game ?

You might want to get you eyes checked.


I remember playing it around release and having literally 5 fps.
holy shit man how the fuck did that happen
3D is 3D. Even if it's an illusion/
>Prime Hunters looks almost as good as Prime when both are rendered to 1080p

Fucking Nintendo.
Demoscene magic.
And trickery.
well of course no 3d is real 3d, but when we talk about 2d and 3d for graphics we refer to flat sprites vs polygonal models.

stop being a fuckass
damn. that's a disappointing.
anyway thanks for letting me know
I still don't know whether to condemn or commend this. On one hand they're so fucking lazy they can't even animate a tram moving like ten metres, proving the incompetent abilities of Bethesda's animation team even more.

On the other hand it's a great way to save time by just making it a fucking hat so you don't have to animate shit, not to mention it's fucking hilarious. Has anyone ever triggered the cutscene and used tfc to go under the floor and look at the person running?
I guess Saturn couldn't do 3D, then, considering it used quads.
>Tech demo actually had bodies of water physics
>In final game everything is frozen and walls just get a wet shader when you turn on the heat.

It had droplets flying, pools collecting and dispersing and all sort of cool shit.
Everyone is. Going 3D on such a low tech is suicial.
That's an engine limitation IIRC.
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Lying Mongoose.png
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todd pls

If I remember correctly that shit was all Nvidia exclusive tech. Maybe that's why it's missing in the final game.
No it's not. Plenty of games with good animations run on Gamebryo. It's a Bethesda limitation.
a quad is really just 2 triangles stuck together.
But it processes in quads.
exactly, it had to process 2 triangles stuck together at a time.
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Left are native resolution upscaled with Nearest Neighbor. It is INCREDIBLY inaccurate to how a NDS, or anything else displays the image. These images are ONLY useful for demonstrating quality of image for upscaling on LCDs between nearest neighbor vs. internal resolution upscaling.

The extreme level of jaggies and loss of detail are results of nearest neighbor. On a display that can show native resolution, the image is MUCH sharper. To make a REAL comparison to see how detail has actually improved, you'd need a shader that replicates the detail and effects of the NDS screen. No such shader exists.

Same thing with old consoles. Peopel post HD screenshots vs. nearest neighbor, and people gasp how ANYONE could play the games like that. But the games NEVER looked like that on CRTs. A little blurry, sure, but never that level of jaggies.
But to the system it's not 2 triangles. It's just a single unit, and that unit is a quad.
It's not "processing 2 triangles"
People are lazy. You can't expect more.
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>I'm expert in computer graphics and everything has to be triangle
quad is two triangles in geometry, that's true
but sega's graphics processor doesn't know what is a "triangle", its basic primitive was quad and it operates on quads, it doesn't process triangles
Thanks for capitalizing important words for me senpai
I have to agree with >>338841619, I have Prime: Hunters and it doesn't look nearly that jaggy on actual hardware.
I'm sorry I was just being an ass, in all honestly when it comes to polygons I feel as though quads create weird angles that don't end up looking as nice as tris do.
>3DS vs. PS Vita
Damn this is some good pasta.
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Wait, so how do I lower resolution on my games so it turns into pixelated mess like that instead of blurry mess?
Spiral-King pls
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I still don't know how they got this shit working on an N64.
This shit is still amazing
or candy.
Or candy

I miss this shit in Ro2. Osfront got something similar with your rifle been able to block bullets but it breaks and you force to run and grab another weapon arround you.

Hell, there is alot of things from Ostfront I want back
You could do the same thing in CS:Source on that inferno map. The bells at T spawn all have different tones. Unsure if it worked in 1.6 though.
4mb ram cart
>mercilessly killing npc after he surrendered
because he would radio in about the rampaging spy?
And microcodes.
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The game is optimal for bullying.
What else even runs on Gamebryo?

Also why is Bethesda so incompetent at animations, like holy fuck.

fucking saved
no it's not, it's 3d you dumb fuck
There are bells in Overwatch too.
An entertainment for when preparation stage.
What sets Shadow Warrior apart is that it's one of a kind prop in one of the levels that is not even on the main path, you have to explore a little bit to find those bells.
>I still don't know how they got this shit working on an N64.


Lots of games. But you only notice it with Bethesda because they're just that bad.
>drops the gun before he even gets shot
I'll be saving this simply eric pasta to a txt document, could come in handy
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Underage millennial piece of shit. You have no respect or appreciation for the work laid out before you. Born into a world with real-time physically based lighting, high polygon counts and texture resolution. You have no idea what it's like to witness the sheer will and determination to innovate and progress to where we are today. You just assume everything has to be as it is now, and if it's not it's shit. Fuck you. Fuck you and your fucking hipster haircut. Fuck you and your smartphone mobile shit. Fuck you and everything that you are.
Joanna's kind of a bitch
>that guy that does a forward lunge and shoots from his thigh.
>no mention of Boktai
Is this the game with the "anti suicide" feature?
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That was standard for the system due to bottlenecking. F-Zero X was pretty technology just for running at 60fps.

I love how every dev that does that kind of stuff (99% of them) gets a pass because it's normal but if it's Bethesda then it's incompetence
>F-Zero X was pretty technology just for running at 60fps.

With a massive drop in graphical quality. F-Zero X is pretty damn hideous. But it runs at full 60fps.
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Why do fucktard developers skimp out on rendering dynamic water when you could just use hundreds of tiny cars for the same effect?
Duke Nukem Advance pulled off a doomlike 3D as well on the Advance.
I'm playing FEAR for the first time and the enemy AI is blowing me the fuck away. I remember running alongside this one enemy who was in an adjacent corridor, I look down to where he should be and he's gone, the fucker crawled under a pipe in his corridor to get round and flank me. Not to mention the suppresive fire and how they set up patrols to come after me. I knew nothing of this game other than "scary little girl" and I'm being completely floored by it.
I'm sorry, I haven't heard of Rockstar, Voilition or Ubisoft animating their trains in by putting a fucking hat on a pedestrian and having him noclip run under the tracks, you fucking apologist cunt.
you don't know shit about videogame development, it's a smart trick the likes of which have been used for decades
Probably because their games that feature trains don't have them as just a 10 second set piece where animating an entire train would be useless. Would you even notice it if it weren't for /v/ memes?
But that's a genius way to get a train in a game. Its not like the player would ever know unless he looked under the hood.

Re-purposing shit for uses it wasn't quite intended to have is pretty common in game development. The whole thing is just an illusion anyway.

If Bethesda had never released their mod tools nobody would ever know how they did the train and it wouldn't matter that they didn't.
Game design is smoke and mirrors. it was quick and easy to do and you literally cannot notice it in a normal gaming session. it's pretty god damn smart.

Follin is god.
He was surrendering.
the GBA was surprisingly good at it's job
Fuck this was so cool.

MP4 when?
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>mfw rockstar strapped a train model to a bullet that shot really slowly out of an invisible NPC's gun

do your research
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jesus christ
I seriously miss the amount of effort they used to put into those "smoke and mirrors"
It's like we've gone from a Vegas shows to birthday party magicians.
Fuck millenials, twitter, e-celebs, veganism and let's plays for all I care.
keep spouting your memes, sheep
ain't it time for your kidney mush, grandpa?
They made the right tradeoff, the game plays so fucking good at 60fps and the graphical quality isn't that big of an issue with it.
You're so pumped up by the gameplay and music that you don't have time to notice the graphics.
i expect to see this in future threads

So that screen shot takes up more memory than the game itself?
Yes. It's literally 96KB.
>The one really long, windy course that was so big you would only end up passing like one person and a had to do really well on the first and third course to actually win
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>F-Zero GX is gorgeous and also 60fps making X redundant
I prefer the gameplay of X
I never thought F-Zero X was all that bad-looking myself. I just played it for the first time a few years ago.
I don't think I can handle that. That's 2hardcore4me
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>That Mario
>That Sonic
>That Pacman

And I'm just like looking at my crane machine Asterix plushie straight in the eyes going "what".

Well, when you think about it, you might as well consider Asterix as a Gaulish Mario.
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Do you have to speak in Japanese?

I've had a bizarre fascination with voice shit since Hey You Pikachu and Seaman.
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>Well okay, this doesn't sound so baAAAAA


Yes and no.

The game is procedurally generated by 95KB worth of code. The assets it generates amounts to a few hundred megabytes of memory usage.
man, monaco leg 2 was a fucking mistake


Follin is god.
It was the only course I actually had a problem with.


Impressive, I like it.
>It is the same guy
Holy fuck he was talented.
English works also, at least when I played it.
Don't pick this game up anon, it will consume you.
These are absolutely amazing.

As good as this is, it's nothing noteworthy. Just great sound designers in their element.
That's legitimately amazing and the colours, textures and framerate look better than any equivalent game (Star Fox, Doom etc.) on the SNES.
>truly the dark souls of gba games
Was A&O XXL an overrated piece of shit as well?

A mirror that's actually invisible wall in a mirrored copy of the room with a second character model mimicking you or low resolution sprites in the distance that are so poorly animated you can tell they're flat if you look at them for more than a second.
One is a clever trick that you might not see through without being told, the other is just a necessary but boring trick where the entire secret is just the magician distracting you to keep you from looking where they don't want you to.
>No Nintendo inside
Ok, as a nintendo fan, I chuckled.
Rendering a character and room twice at the same time is a drain on resources. It's a nice touch when they do it, but sometimes the hardware isn't up to snuff.
Valve has done similar things in TF2

Remember when Crusader Crossbow fired an actual arrow similar to Huntsman bow? That is because Crossbow was just Huntsman that had a new model to cover it.
That´s why it also fired from height of Medics eyes rather than waist as he really holds it.

Tank in MvM is basically a bomb cart from Payload game mode. One person found out that when you spawn tank in payload it automatically starts following the traintracks.
This gave birth to a mod called "Stop that tank"

Pyros flamethrowers visible particles do not match the actual damaging flames that are invisible.

Melee weapons as a whole are just very short range bullets. Also the thrid person animations do not match the first person animations.

Righteous Bison and Pomson 6000 use flock of flamethrower particles as a projectile. This is why both weapons can light up Snipers Huntsman bow arrows. It also explains the huge hitboxes those projectiles have.
Do demos even count? I mean, they literally exist to be TECHNOLOGY

Okay, this isn't much technology, but this game really amazes me to this day. Music tracks are also like 8+ minutes long.

Really hard as fuck though.
>Melee weapons as a whole are just very short range bullets
thats extremely apparent with Dayz and every arma mod that implements melee

where TF2 handles it fine, the arma engine was never ment to have a melee system and is therefore extremly clunky in that regard

>Also the thrid person animations do not match the first person animations.

yeah duh, we know about CS, or rainbox six siege is a great example, where models are not representing the hitboxes

on the other hand we have arma that do the oposite, and star citizen, where you have, what you see is what you get approach
I know Doom has been ported to everything but holy shit
Not really technology but I found this funny
The thing actually has a 120MHz ARM9 and 8MB RAM. It's not too weak.
The original DS was weaker (in a way), and they got doom on the GBA.

I want to see doom on a FPGA.
>The thing actually has a 120MHz ARM9 and 8MB RAM.

That's actually very high spec if we're considering that it's Doom. Should actually run at full speed.

>The original DS was weaker (in a way)
You have to elaborate now.
those were spooky, they way they seemed angry if they looked at you from the side
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I loved stuff like this.

>pop Dreamcast DoA2 in PC for laughs as a teen
>there's an omake folder with wallpapers
WHY do you TYPE like THIS jesus CHRIST
They're from TUMBLR you SHITLORD, check your PRIVILEGE!
Original DS had a GPU, but the main CPU was a 66MHz ARM9, with 4MB RAM and 600 KB VRAM. It does have a coprocessor though, 33MHz ARM7 IIRC.

I'm pretty sure the GBA had only an ARM7, and that the DS had an ARM9 and an ARM7 with the ARM7 doing mainly I/O and GBA back compat.
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Neatest graphics tech I've ever seen used in the best possible way. I really hope the game is commercially successful.
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 121

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