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Sid Meier
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File: sid meier.jpg (55 KB, 480x480) Image search: [Google]
sid meier.jpg
55 KB, 480x480
Name a better video game producer.

Protip: You can't
Didn't he stop working as a director?
Well, he's 62 years old.
File: sid-meiers-alpha-centauri-ss3.jpg (156 KB, 710x533) Image search: [Google]
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alpha centauri changed my life, I say that unironically.
Gonna play it know, fuck it, just got a nostalgia kick into my heart.
Beyond Earth sucked.
File: Star Wars - Republic Commando.jpg (156 KB, 640x884) Image search: [Google]
Star Wars - Republic Commando.jpg
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File: mooon.gif (1 MB, 460x345) Image search: [Google]
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can't find a fucking torrent
There are more bad "Sid Meier's X" games than there are good though

I still like him
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Did you try Googling "Alpha Centauri torrent?"

That would be a good start.
Literally who? Never heard of this guy.
This is a free clone of his most popular game


He's the father of Civilization V
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>Friends love Civ IV and V
>Recommend them AC
>"The UI is too hard to use bro"

I'd like to play multiplayer just once in my life
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