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>no coop campaign Why? It hurts.
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>no coop campaign

Why? It hurts.

How would you do the slow down in weapon changing? And the glory kills would have to be full animated.
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>i suck and need someone to help me with the game

Leave those things out.
The Doom campaign is fun. But everything is more fun if you play it coop.
Do what GTA did with the wheels and simply get rid of the slow down.
And the glory kills are fully animated, you can coop in snapmap.

>My mother is a meth addict and a 3 Dollar whore.

Do you have no friends because you're a stupid asshole, or because you're a /jp/ poster?
>lolol if you dont want to play every game in coop you have no friends

go play mp or snapmap kid :^)
Because DoomGuy has no friends.
Except his guns.

>lolol if you want to play a game with friends, you obviously suck.

Be quiet you hypocritical faggot.
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>im bad at games and always need someone to help me

>I'm dying inside for friendship, guys. Can you not hear my cry for help behind my trolling. Love me.

Your turn.
>I'm bad at games and can't get good enough to be on the skill level expected by other players in co-op
>everyone who doesnt want to play DOOM coop has no friends

just admit youre bad at games autismo

>If I don't make a friend in the next hour, I blow up a hospital.

Let's see you top that.
Have you ever played games with a friend? Do you understand a friend isn't just a utility tool to make the game easier for you?

People do co-op with others to fuck around with friends, not because "it's too hard". Of course you never had a real friend so you'll never understand this
Can't you play snapmap stuff with friends ?
I seem to remember something about that
D44M mod for Doom fucking when? There was one with Doom 3.
how are you enjoying your just cause 3 mods anon ?
enjoy it saving vidya tho
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The reason the old Dooms have a lifespan as long as they do is the mapping and modding, every year you have this community that refuses to die making cool new levels and all sorts of crazy mods. Snapmap is too limited sadly so I'm sure that won't gain much traction.

With no co-op in the main campaign, restricted level builder for snapmap and no proper modding support, D44M is forever gonna be "just a fun campaign to play through", sadly.
>using the slow down weapon wheel
Console fag
>How would you do the slow down in weapon changing

is this a console thing

why are you playing shooters on a console
I said Doom, not D44m. Like this:

Wait... you can't mod the new Doom?!
Co-op isn't about making friends.
It's for people who already have them.
Not that you'd understand that.

My PC can't handle Doom. My PC can barely handle Microsoft Word.
Get rid of the slowdown.

Add an option to remove quickswitch and have the wheel work instantly on button press.
It's on the PC version too.
No PC player would use it when they can just quick swap.
>Playing a non-alcoholic FPS on console.
You have no excuse.
Halo is the only one that makes sense because mouse breaks the point of the game.

Anything else, you're just limiting the experience.

Anything else to add Capt. Obvious? I don't have a PC that can run it well further limiting the experience. I'd pick PC over all if I did.
no it isn't

weapon switch is mousewheel or quick swap
You can bring up the weapon wheel in the PC version too, even on m&k. There's really no reason to, but the option is there.
They're working on it.

That's fine.
>the shotgun spread seems to work exactly like the doom 3 shotgun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Nk0iHyd3wg
>suddenly remember the wimpy assault rifle that sounds like a stapler
>chaingun fires slow as fuck

doom 3's weapons were fucking horrible, holy shit; you basically just gave me PTSD with this
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>wasting 5 fuel cells to chainsaw a Baron of Hell just because

Unadulterated joy

Wish this shit had co-op but I'd also have to wish for friends
keep a or q pushed in it'll come up
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>because mouse breaks the point of the game

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