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Is DS3 the last Souls game and if you think it is are you ok
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Is DS3 the last Souls game and if you think it is are you ok with that?
It won't be as long as you can make a profit from it. That was how it was with Armored Core and Metal Wolf Chaos.
According to miyameme, yes
Yes because it was highly flawed and gives me the impression they didnt learn from ds2, and rushed it for funding

I just recently got gud after like 3 years of restarting DaS, so yeah, I wouldn't mind, I still haven't bought 2 or 3.
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Honestly no, unless the DLC is really good.

It just feels like the lore this time around is purposefully more cryptic in the sense that it doesn't fit together as well as it did in 1 and 2. Like they took their initial concept and pushed it too far.

It's like the most well explained stuff is still full of holes and then shit like the Profaned Capital has just enough material to write a short paragraph.

At least back in DaS1 is was all hidden but it was there. Like hiding puzzle pieces versus hiding puzzle pieces with a fourth of them just thrown into the fire
My only problem is that its so fucking linear. I have no motivation to play through it again or start a new build
>It just feels like the lore this time around is purposefully more cryptic

DS2 didn't fit shit either before the crowns trilogy
I'm fine with it.

They fucked up DS3 to an extent, copy and pasting, unbalanced as fuck, rehashes out the ass. The only thing I have high hopes for is the DLC, lets just hops that it's not lazy bullshit and "only ds1 kids will understaend dis"

Miyazaki clearly didn't learn from DS2 and only kept all the small, minor improvements that mean fuck all to the overall quality of the game because the negatives outweigh the positives.
First line anon. The quality of the DLC will make or break DS3 for me. Also >>338127575
>Is DS3 the last Souls game
lmao no
Part of me is OK because I know more games will further stale the experience until it's ruined.

Part of me likes the games so much I want them to release them endlessly

It's really die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the Assassin's Creed
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