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Convince me /v/ buy or avoid?
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Convince me /v/ buy or avoid?
Please, avoid. Avoid /v/ too, while you are at it. No one needs these shit posts here.
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Git gud
pirate before you buy
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Well the game is definitely lots of fun, it's also a long one so if you don't have the patience for somthing so time consuming then you probably should avoid.

If your put off by how hard everyone says it is don't worry, if 1v1 against a boss is too hard you can literally just ask players to join your game and you can DP that fucker.

This always pirate your games then buy them. It's only ethical
is poise fixed yet?
Poise is working the way it's supposed to be working says From.
Aka Jack shit.
Avoid until the DLC drops
Buy it
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I had a blast. Buy it.
Just as good as Bloodborne. Must buy.
It was better because I could actually play it lmao
you can safely avoid until DLC. Dark Souls was already too big to fail, PVP will be extremely active for a while.

in terms of hack and slash RPG, there is nothing better than this right now. you are literally looking for something that doesn't exist if you think otherwise.
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Anon, this is a fantastic game, that lived to the hype it built. Better played offline. If you like it enough, buy it. Theres also 3 DLC on the way.

Buy it, but with any other FROM title on PC: play it offline.
>leaving a good chunk of gameplay behind because of bootyhurt

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>play it offline
l m a o
Depends on your connection if it's for ps4. For me pvp is impossible if a host has more than 1 phantom, they slide around and I just get random damage.
Sorry Anon, I don't enjoy shit on my plate. But I'm totally fine with you shoveling it into you. I just don't want to deal with the hilariously retarded netcode (after five games they -still- can't figure it out. They simply must be incompetent) and hackers.

I lost literally nothing by playing offline and I instead gained a lot. When your account gets banned because a hacker attacks you, I'll be on the side lines, laughing at you.
hey guys i have it on ps4 and somehow it doesnt update. i tried everything. turned ps4 on and off again. i deinstalled it and reinstalled it many times but it just doesnt update. if i check for updates it says its on the latest version. does anyone know how to fix this shit?
Do you like soul games? you will like this?
if not, avoid.
>hilariously retarded netcode
Honestly not that bad, I've found it to be pretty reliable and responsive in the majority of PvP.
Haven't seen a single one.

>I lost literally nothing by playing offline
That is an incorrect statement.

Do you love DaS1 and felt like 2 was a big disappointing piece of shit?

Buy it.

Do you love DaS2, think that being different for the sake of being different is good no matter how negatively it affects the game, and throw an autistic shitfit over references to old games as being "rehash shit" and / or are a hipster contrarian fuckboi?

Don't buy.
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