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Ace Attorney: Civil War
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Whose side are you on?
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>Ace Attorney /v/eekend
>It's another Pearl gets raped case
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I'm all for Apollo

He a good boy
>"Im sorry Apollo, you know I wouldn't do this if I had any other choice. But he's my friend"
>"So was I"
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A ladder has been made specifically for stepping. So, I'm technically Wright! In essence...any ladder is a step ladder!
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Choose wisely.

Are you #TeamLadder or #TeamStepLadder?
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>baaww nobody likes our crappy new protag Apollo what do we do?
>let's make him beat Phoenix then surely people will like him

This and focus on magic crap puts me off AA6.
>baaww nobody likes our crappy new protag Apollo what do we do?
That's where you're wrong
Why is Nick on the prosecutor's side? Is he gonna be an antagonist?
I choose the latter
Because OP is a nigger and flipped the image.
His badge is on the correct side as well.
You can't fool me. Only people who say they like Apollo are shitposting.
apollo sucks dick compared to phoenix
>apollo sucks dick

You don't need to compare him to anyone.
You don't deserve to wear that badge
Exactly! And that's what it is! A stepladder!
There was a poll where Apollo beat out both Phoenix and Edgeworth. Plenty of people like Apollo and because of that he's gonna keep getting protag roles
I thought Civil War was mediocre even for capeshit. Almost as bad as Thor 2 and Iron Man 3
Actually if you'd watched the new trailer, it shows that Phoenix and Apollo will 1v1 at some point
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>any movie
>bad as thor 2
What? That's from the last trailer
>still no DGS localization
Are you stupid?
I said ALMOST. Besides, even keeping to capeshit Thor 2 is better than BvS or Fant4stic
Meant for
I'd rather play DGS than AA6. AA6 looks shit, plus there's nothing new they can do with this cast. Except Athena since she is the newest character. All they are doing is retreading ground we've already travelled. It's boring.
i liked thor 2 more than ironman 3
>call someone stupid
>fuck up your own post

How embarrassing.
Shut up
no you didn;t
you hated thor 2 because it was shit, the plot made no sense, they did nothing with the premise of 9 fucking alternate dimensions, kat dennings is still in the movie and does not once bare her breasts to the audience, jane foster is unlikable, Frigga's death and Loki's motivations are both shit and thor never says "Truly this has been...a Thor 2: Dark World"
>All they are doing is retreading ground we've already traveled
>It's boring
I felt this way when I saw the new call of duty trailer
I don't know what is supposed to mean, I don't play CoD, I don't watch its trailers.
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my guesses

>the khura'in stuff wraps up early and this ends up being the final case, basically done so that apollo's parentage is revealed to him in a court segment

>this is a funny special episode and capcom are misleading on purpose

I would've expected the roles to be reversed for this though, if apollo was the pros there'd be a chance for a cool moment where he perceives phoenix is bluffing
Apollo kinda already did that when he testified against Athena.
Plus it's a lot more shocking to see Nick at the prosecution bench
Ladders have bars, stepladders have steps. that is a stepladder
But that picture has both.
Most real stepladders have bars, but only one side is meant to be used
apollo was a mistake

he felt so shoehorned in his own game, it would have been a better ace attorney game if it was just Trucy doing the investigating and using Mr. Hat to do the lawyering.
After we got Winter Soldier, having Civil War as a continuation really sucks. Movie was mediocre
Jesus fuck, Apollo looks a million times better with his hair like this.
>it would have been a better ace attorney game if it was just Trucy doing the investigating and using Mr. Hat to do the lawyering.
That's the best idea I've ever seen for this series. AJ was so shit, I might have liked it if it was like this
What do you guys think of the AA anime?
Nah, the game will have six cases and the sixth case starts in Kurain
It's pretty nice. Started out bland but the most recent case was great from start to finish. I loved seeing Edgeworth and Phoenix team up against the woman.
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>A-1 Pictures
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What the fuck is up with the wind?
it's the wind of justice
it's the spirit of justice itself
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Yeah, okay, that makes sense.

I guess
Will you spoil the game early to experience /v/ ride of live streams when the game comes out in Japan or wait for the English version patiently
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A lot of the Japanese fanbase loved DD's edgelord Apollo, actually.

Honestly, it's probably just the same sorta shit Layton was doing at the end of PLvsPW. Phoenix doesn't come off as antagonistic at all in the trailer where this scene is shown.

Ema meeting up with Phoenix & Maya and the possibility of seeing Blackquill not being a prison inmate anymore are pretty much the only things about this game I'm looking forward to going into it.
I liked Apollo in AA4. I thought Phoenix dragged the game down.

I liked Edgy Apollo in AA5. Going up against him in the final case and watching him mimic motions and phrases from Kristoph sent a chill down my spine.

I expect to like Apollo in AA6.

Step ladder because it's a step ladder but I'd be team step ladder anyway with that line up
It's pretty awful really but it's enjoyable enough for AA fans.

I wouldn't recommend it to people new to the series
I do think people overexagerrate how bad Apollo. All in all he's a pretty standard protagonist type character. Smart enough, but gets over-excited and lacks experience. Personally I couldn't take DD's edgelord Apollo seriously at all though, not trusting Athena is fine but then refusing the talk to Phoenix about said concerns and then going off to cry for the latter half of the game wasn't engaging or endearing to me at all, just sorta dumb.

For me, I still prefer every other main character in this series + can't shake off the feeling that there's usually someone right there next to Apollo who'd be a better main character, in both games.
Ema is thick. THICK!
The game itself is shit. No stakes, easy as fuck trials. The only hard part is how obtuse the investigations are. They are not well made. The bracelet is barely used and Rock German is a pushover.
step ladders have steps
regular ladders have bars
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>I liked Apollo in AA4. I thought Phoenix dragged the game down.

I personally thought Phoenix & Kristiph's game-spanning chess game with each other and using the other characters as their pawns was the best thing about AJ by far, not much else like it in the series and it was a pretty ballsy thing for the writers to do I think.

Whereas Apollo was pretty much just the same old shit but with a new gimmick that I liked the concept of but didn't like the in-game mechanics (it slows things to an absolute crawl, also I really don't feel that the courtroom segments need a minigame built into them at all). Not a terrible character, but not great either.

People often say that it's unfair to dislike Apollo because he gets 'cheated' out of doing more within the games but I've never liked that argument. Take Ray in AAI2. He has less screentime than Apollo does in AJ, and around the same amount of screentime as Apollo does in DD. Ray only has story ties to one of the 4 cases he's in, the rest of the time he's really just there for moral support. He's not even playable. Despite that, he comes off as a way more distinctive-feeling defense attorney than Apollo does, his approach of assisting/reforming convicts alone was a lot more interesting than any character concept in AJ.
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Tfw people don't realize Edgeworth had the best games.
Ha what you all on the stepladder team fail to comprehend is nothing more than ladder with steps!
desu i was kinda hoping the anime would be about original cases in an alt universe instead of a straight up adaptation of the games
I love the spin-offs
Yes even AAI1, flaws and all

They should've adapted those cases from the AA manga or something atleast, that could've been fun
Don't most people agree AAI2 is the best game in the series though?
>straight up adaptation of the games
They've added a couple of scenes, not much at all, and they've trimmed the fat from the cases a little.
There's a general attitude that player characters need to be a bit more down to earth. Part of this is relatability, and part of it is versatility. A more generic character can be used in more situations without things looking out of place, this is also why Phoenix's character reverts so much in AA5.

I won't pretend that Apollo has strong characterization and I think AA4 was a weak overall title, but I do like what we have of Apollo at this time.

In AA4, he was mostly just Phoenix but there were a few things that impressed me about his character. Phoenix is introduced shamelessly nervous, but Apollo's trying to steel himself when we meet him. His introductory cases shapes him up to be an honour student that's inexperienced with practice, but very well-read in his field and hard-working.

AA5 gives us a lot more character in that he's more inclined to firm logic than his peers through the entire title. The dynamic we're given in the academy case where all three attorneys are around is that Athena is the newbie, Phoenix is old but he's mostly reacting to things like he always has, and Apollo's the active one in that even as an assistant he asks a lot of questions and pursues the cases. His contention with Phoenix that leads to edgy Apollo is basically that Phoenix wants to help people but Apollo's concern is finding justice. To make a comparison, he's the protagonist that would've let Mia die if he was in AA2.

I think he'd be a more popular character if AA4 was less of a mess and the return title was AA5. I think he's a good take on a more critical attorney, I just hope they keep taking him that way.
I hate Apollo and no matter how hard Crapcom push him, that will never change. And them trying has ruined the series for me, I barely want to play 6 and part of me hopes it ends with it. Because if they I'm going to buy "Apollo Justice" they are out of their minds.
>even more stupid spirit crap, now a whole game based around it
as opposed to what? Detonate my entire armory because lolrelationship?
He had two games, a shit game and the best game.
Should I play the shit one, or can I skip it?
Maya alone makes it worth watching.
>Phoenix is introduced shamelessly nervous, but Apollo's trying to steel himself when we meet him. His introductory cases shapes him up to be an honour student that's inexperienced with practice, but very well-read in his field and hard-working.
Phoenix is introduced as someone who's smart enough but unprofessional and a little close-minded.
Apollo is introduced as someone who's smart enough but inexperienced and over-excitable.

One of these charatcer archtypes is done all the time, the other is a little less common. Both are fine, it's not that hard to understand why people who would prefer the less common one though. Also both steel themselves when pressured, with Phoenix it just happens to not be tied to a running gag (chords of steel)

>and Apollo's the active one in that even as an assistant he asks a lot of questions and pursues the cases
No moreso than Phoenix in the cases he's prominent in, seriously. In the Academy case he was offscreen for the majority of it.

>His contention with Phoenix that leads to edgy Apollo is basically that Phoenix wants to help people but Apollo's concern is finding justice.
There was no basis for a conflct over "finding justice vs helping people" present because Phoenix had no idea what the hell Apollo's issue was until long after he leaves. As I said, there was absolutely no good reason for Apollo to not share his concerns with Phoenix.
it didn't come off as finding justice, it came off as him being depressed over his boyfriend dying. He was the only character in that final trial who absolutely did not give a shit over Trucy getting kidnapped.

The 'shit' one is still enjoyable. 3rd, 4th and 5th cases are fun. Gumshoe is characterized as a bit too cowardly but Edgeworth is fine in it.
*I meant the 2nd case instead of the 3rd case (the airplane one). AAI1's 3rd case was actually sorta shit.
I was about to correct you, but you did yourself. Neat.
Is it some sort of AA tradition for 3rd cases to be the weakest ones?
It was broken by AAI2 and AA5.
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I wish they didn't make Apollo just forget all about how Wright manipulated him into helping with his personal investigation. A single uppercut isn't nearly enough to justify hijacking his debut case with false evidence.
I greatly enjoyed Apollo when he had doubts. He took matters into his own hands, did his own investigation, and did what he had to do.
Recipe for Turnabout was actually pretty enjoyable, the only downside being how much of an insufferable asshole maggey is to gumshoe.
DGS's one is apparantly one of the better cases in the game
Yeah, so cool how he accuses his college of murder and doesn't give a shit his sister was kidnapped. What a great character.
why aren't more characters mad at Klavier about the Phoenix thing? He was aware that Kristoph knew about the forged evidence ahead of time.

Not just Apollo, pretty much everyone should be giving Klavier shit over it
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>accuses colleague of murder
He suspected her of murder because his bracelet reacted to her, so he wrapped up one of his eyes so he couldn't perceive her tells and did his own investigation.
They don't know that yet. As far as he's concerned, she's Wright's adoptive daughter.
>He suspected her of murder because his bracelet reacted to her,
Because it doesn't also react to innocent witnesses in the past so it couldn't be the same here. Nope, must be a killer.
>They don't know that yet.
OH well who cares if she dies then. Fuck that bitch.

You are as retarded as the faggot you posted
He didn't accuse athena, he suspected her. His investigation only brought up new facts that pointed to athena being the killer as well, so he eventually challenged to wright to prove his theories wrong.
>who cares if she dies
Yeah that girl he knew for about a year is good and all, but his childhood friend was murdered, and he had suspected his colleague.
You're dumber than a pile of rocks, son.
>I greatly enjoyed Apollo when he had doubts. He took matters into his own hands
It sort of falls flat because of the setting. These guys are lawyers, it's sort of their job to work through doubts and get to truth, Phoenix and Edgeworth establish that theme over the course of the trilogy AJ does acknowledge the dual role defense attorneys and prosecutors had in achieving this.

Apollo having doubts was absolutely fine. The way he handled said doubts was completely ridiculous though. Characters storming off in an out-of-control temper tantrum isn't someting that fits this series that well, I feel. Like that other anon said, there probably would've been no shallow drama at all if Apollo simply told his boss how and why he felt the way he did about Athena, there was no reason to believe that Phoenix would just shrug him off or anything.
don't gregory and ray talk about this too
>there probably would've been no shallow drama at all if Apollo simply told his boss how and why he felt the way he did about Athena, there was no reason to believe that Phoenix would just shrug him off or anything.
This is where it all falls apart, yeah. Apollo knows from the events of AA4 that Phoenix, as shady as acted, did trust in him and in his Percieve ability. Hell Phoenix pretty much entrusted Athena to Apollo in DD, if there was anyone Phoenix would listen to in regards to concerns about Athena it'd be him surely?

It feels like the writers had this "Apollo is mad at Phoenix" scenario in mind first, and then thought up of a reason for it afterwards instead of the other way around. It pisses me off that the two are for whatever reason facing off against each other again in AA6, this hero vs hero shit is always fucking lame.

In my opinion they should just stick Trucy back with Apollo, have Athena be playable more often with Phoenix filling a mentor/assistant role for her and then for variety's sake occasionally switch to Apollo & Athena and Phoenix & Trucy pairings, and then build the game from here. None of this forced drama amongst the protagonists nonsense.
AAI isn't shit
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For all it's worth, I find it pretty enjoyable.
It serves as a nice recap of the game(s), though I naturally have my complaints (like everyone else).

They made Maya a bit too cutesy though, removing all her smug along the process.
Bring Lotta back.
Anyone got that image of best cases? I'm playing through them for the first time, and I want to know which ones I should be excited for.
Bring Wendy Oldbag back.
Don't do that.
Let them come as a surprise. It's best that way.
Actually he has two of the best ones.
you realize those are people's personal opinions, right? get your own opinion after playing them
Team StepLadder

Team Ladder needs to step it up
Gregory and Badd do, yeah. Gregory says step-ladder, Badd says ladder.

Also Ema says ladder in 1-5 but step-ladder in AJ.
>Also Ema says ladder in 1-5 but step-ladder in AJ.
How wishy-washy. Will she call it ladder in 6-2 to side with Athena against Apollo and then stepladder in 6-3 to side with Maya against Phoenix? Actually that'd be kind of hilarious.

Wright isn't a dumbass, he's doing that for a reason, probably because Japanifornia is getting rused by somebody and he's trying to get Apollo to figure it out

I just hope it's a better reason than Apollo's "MUH DOUBT" reason in DD
Didn't Edgeworth and Gumshoe argue over this in 3-5?
Bring Larry back

oh wait
I hope Larry is a victim soon.
Now that would be an interesting direction for the flashback case
What? AA4 was a perfectly fine game, and there's nothing wrong with changing the cast a little.

I bet you wish edgeworth was still prosecutor.
that anon was just complaining about Apollo to be fair, not AA4 in general
as ar as I can tell people do typically like a lot of the background elements going on within AA4
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>i'm not the bad guy
nothing could be worse than regular man 3
It seems way too blatant, I'm hoping he's not a bad guy

Why do dads almost always have to be the bad guys in Japanese video games?
AA has a tendency to have parents be really shitty
AAI2 had a bunch of good dads too
most of them were dead, sure, but still
>>>337656356 >>337656392 >>337656721 >>337663574

You guys are fucking retarded.
It's metaphorical.
They're competing because the game is split in two stories with Phoenix and Apollo.

Stop taking everything you see in trailers literally.
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It's already been confirmed through data-mining that the two are on opposite ends of the courtroom against each other in the final case, apparantly
I don't think that that was part of the datamining at all
>through data-mining of a game not released yet

Here's (you)r reply.

Oh yeah, and bullshots are so accurate. Remember when we faced Edgeworth in a clean, normal courtroom?
It's in the damn trailer, though - seems kind of a weird thing to specifically have in there and then not in the game
>They're competing because the game is split in two stories with Phoenix and Apollo.
Did you miss the bit where the trailer outright states that the two halves of the story eventually intertwine? and then they show that scene

I don't remember that anon talking about that though, they wouldn't say anything about the final case

Not really the same thing though. The point of that was to show that Edgeworth's in this game and that you're facing him in court, what he's saying shows that much too. The court being busted or not was a non-factor in that regard.

In this trailer, we have Phoenix and Apollo outright exchange dialogue with each other indicating that they're going against other (didn't seem overly antagonistic or anything like some people are saying though)
>through data-mining of a game not released yet
People are data-mining the demo. Lots of unrevealed info in there, like Larry returning and who the culprits for all the cases are.
You're so stupid it hurts.
Nick all the way.
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So far the premise sounds lame as fuck and >le maya is le culprit again just turned me off even more from the whole Kurain shit

I just wanted to solve normal cases in a normal courtroom.
Not all this whimsical magical bullshit.
Apollo is my favorite for three important and considered reasons

>Maybe tided with Edgeworth, but most association with best girl, Ema
>Best pursuit theme
>Spot the twitching feature is more interesting than slogging through psyche locks

None of these reasons have anything to do with Apollo himself so after more consideration, the best character is Edgeworth
>Trucy is the culprit
>Maya is the culprit

Can't be have defendants to be random people instead of people we know are 100% innocent?
When did maya get such big bazongas
>I don't remember that anon talking about that though, they wouldn't say anything about the final case
He did say one thing. First half (one investigation + one trial) is set in Kurain, second half (also one investigation + one trial) is back in Japanifornia. Apollo vs Phoenix likely takes place in this latter half.
It's been confirmed by Bolt and some others on the CR forums that this info is there in the demo. Makes no difference to me if you believe me or not.

Insisting that Capcom bothered to make a metaphorical courtroom scene for their trailer despite never bothering to do that in previous trailers, and despite it being obvious from the beginning that the two halves of the story were going to interconnect eventually instead of "competing" the entire time (or did you think that the Kurain prosecutor being in the Japanese courts was just a coincidence?) seems stupid to me

>I just wanted to solve normal cases in a normal courtroom.
I don't think mainline AA has ever really had that
it's only gotten more ridiculous after the Feys went home even
Nice source, faggot
No, sorry. It has them literally go up against each other and talk smack. That's not a metaphor.
I assume she's channeling tiddy monster sister.
the twitching was better in AJ when you had to back up your claim with evidence
>I just wanted to solve normal cases in a normal courtroom.
>Not all this whimsical magical bullshit.

Then why are you playing this series? That's never been the case.
You need to do that in DD too except for a single instance.
>I don't think mainline AA has ever really had that
Dude, fuck off.
Using psychelocks here and there on witnesses does not equal the huge amount of bullshit in AA6 with "water mirror that shows what the victim saw before death"
too much maya's feet fanservice

I want to watch it, not masturbate to it
>Civil War
Shouldn't it be Phoenix v Apollo: Dawn of Justice?
Seems less bullshit than the Mood Matrix and Percieve to me
only because it's built into the courtroom process this time as opposed to something the player characters are bringing into the courtroom and the Judge and Prosecutor being absolutely fine with it for no real reason
>Magic bullshit does not equal magic bullshit
Oh, I see, you're just a trilogyfag
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So this guy is definitely Larry, right?

Does anyone have the list of leaked cases/culprits?
It's pretty much just another form of testimony, I'm fine with it personally
Apollo didn't have magical bullshit either

>and the Judge and Prosecutor being absolutely fine with it for no real reason

Oh I see you're a stupid retard who doesn't remember any of the perceive segments in AJ.
>implying psyche locks are any less bullshit than the water mirror
>forgetting ghost possessions and magic tell-sensing bracelets

You have a really bad case of selective nostalgia.
>Apollo didn't have magical bullshit
No because that movie was terrible
is there any way to play dual destinies without buying a 3DS or iphone 6 yet
>apollo didn't have magical bullshit
Nope, this guy is in case 3 while who you mention is in case 4.
No, get a job poorfag.
>I just wanted to solve normal cases in a normal courtroom.
Feel free to enlighten me.

If you're going to say that Percieve is fine because it ends up requiring evidence as back up to offset the inherant weak premise of basing assumptions on characters getting nervous in court, then all the other courtroom gimmicks are fine too.

Wait 3-5 years for 3DS emulation to become half-decent.
Looks like I was mistaken, thanks pal.
technology. You didn't finish the game.
>twitches are fantasy
>people able to see twitches is just as bullshit as a mirror that shows what a person saw before death

Go away
>Legitimizing a mechanic that is literally you going H-HEY, YOU TWITCHED!!! YOU'RE A LIAR!
Its infinitely more retarded than magatama.
I liked it and civil war equally.

Besides Blank V Blank sounds more like an actual court case and dawn of justice makes more sense because one of their names is literally justice.

Civil War is just a hamfisted reference that makes no sense in the context of the series.
>stares really hard at a guy's hand
>it kind of looks like satan
>this is admissible in court somehow

Not that guy but what?

It had absolutely nothing to do with technology. At most you could argue that it's bullshit genetics, but let's face it, it's magic.

>go away

Kek, don't like that people call you out on your dumb bullshit? It's magic, get over it.
>In-game, the bracelet is made of a special alloy that changes in size in response to body heat. This allows the bracelet to fit perfectly around the wearer's arm. When someone wearing the bracelet senses a nervous habit, he or she becomes slightly tense as well, and this causes very small muscle contractions that he or she would not normally notice. However, since the bracelet is always a perfect fit, the wearer can feel it "tightening" slightly when he or she becomes tense.
>not magic bullshit
LMAO Justicefags in denial
If everyone else could do it too instead of it being a super secret hereditary ability then it wouldn't be fantasy, yes.

Granted I'm fine with fantastical elements in AA, you're one arguing that you don't want it but then saying that Percieve which is the lamest one mechanically, seriously man is somehow fine.
Yeah, a person having enhanced eyesight due bloodline is just as ridiculous and farfetched as magical illusion mirror that magically shows what a person saw moments before their death.
Not him, but nigger I was here the other day and they're actually datamining the fucking demo.
And it has most of the shit into it.
>a person having enhanced eyesight AND a bracelet made of a """"special alloy that reacts to body heat so it always fits perfectly on your arm"""

Not him but yeah, pretty much. It's all supernatural nonsense. It's not "normal cases in a normal courtroom", that's never been the case at any point.

Buy an iPhone 5.
If they do they shouldn't. AAI2 is BY FAR the best game outside of the mainline trilogy, but I think that T&T is still generally considered the best. I personally like AA more though. AAI2 is a valid choice and is almost certainly top 3 but I don't think a majority of people think it's the best.
fantasy is fantasy, isn't it?

I dunno about the others but the coversation has diverged from the point I was making back here >>337681160

The Water Mirror is built into the courtoom system and the way it works. It is completely nonsensical fantasy but one that's woven into the setting atleast.
In contrast to this, Percieve is something you're intruding into the court system with, and everyone seemed weirdly okay with it.
Reminder that they have yet to kill off a character that has appeared in more than one game
>j-just link me that dead thread from five years ago!
lurk moar fag
>Trials and Tribulations
>the best
Are you high?
>Percieve is something you're intruding into the court system with, and everyone seemed weirdly okay with it.
1-1 didn't have much if any supernatural stuff, but that went completely out the window in 1-2 when Maya channeled Mia. Hell, a lot of the story was driven by Misty trying to channel a ghost to solve a murder.
>Ah gee I dunno about accepting this but let's just roll with it and see what happens
>This is bullshit, your entire case is based on bullshit, get out of my courtroom.
Pick which one Perceive was.
Hint: it's not the second one
Von Karma?
He probably meant murder, not just regular death.
There's nothing in that post that replies to anything I said. All you said was that this special ability that Apollo and his family have that no one else can do isn't fantasy, which had little to do with my point

and that I've forgotten about the percieve segments of AJ, even though him using Percieve was at never a point of contention in itself in any trial (partly because we're supposed to believe that Klavier knows everything about the case regardless before Apolloeven comments on it though, sure)
Introduced and killed off in the first game

Franziska is currently MIA, not killed
and yet he appeared in more than one game
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von Karma is in both AAI games

it's kind of cheating, though, because that would include Gregory and Mia too if it's "characters that appear again in a flashback after they're dead"
In a certain Steel Samurai director's mind.

you niggers are dense as fuck

nigger 1, just link the goddamn forum thread that got posted last week

nigger 2, you know, the moment someone in this thread actually opens the url it's the moment you get most of the game spoilered, like it already happened

if you still don't believe shit, just check court-records
That is literally "Ah gee I dunno about this but let's just roll with it and see what happens", you retard.

what a fucking cutie
apollo is the best husbando
Misty, kind of?
Only appeared in one game, was merely referenced in another.
>not realizing if this wasn't a bullshit videogame literally every single court case would end because Apollo's "power" is inadmissable as fuck and the only reason the guy breaks is due to videogames
>present evidence, explain yourself, request further testimony

That's perceive, you dumb faggot. It's not "U ARE NERVIOUS YOU ARE THE KILLER TRIAL OVER" like you imbeciles seem to think.
Doesn't Franziska take a photo of Maya channeling in JFA to show Wright and Co. are up to supernatural shenanigans?

I'm starting to get really fucking tired of you fuckheads spewing MAGIC BULLSHIT

It's just the fucking mirror, that's it, and even then It's subtle about it

No body swapping or excoricist shit

Magatama, Bracelet and Mood Matrix are all used to find lies in different ways, not a magical "HE DID IT" Button

You fucks are really starting to get on my nerves with your overexaggerating
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>tfw I think this guy was a truly awesome villain

I know he gets a fair share of hate and I understand why, but man was he a tough nut to crack.
I'm not sure why the devs (rightlly) acknowledge Psyche Locks as being too bullshit to use in court but not all these other gimmicks

Like in >>337682374 , why are they even entertaining what Apollo's saying at all before he brings up evidence? They're pretty quick to kick Phoenix out of the profession for submitting what ended up being fake evidence (since apparantly no one ever thought to try to verify evidence submitted during trial until the almighty Klavier says that they should in that trial?

Acting on hunches like this is what should be used for evidence gathering and not actual courtroom scrutiny, surely? in AJ and DD they attempt to make a big deal about courtoom processes needing to be proper and so on but it's hard to take it seriously
Gregory sort of doesn't count, though, because he was a posthumous character in the first game, and didn't actually appear until Investigations, and then only in one of the games. So the only appearances he has alive is in flashbacks, in contrast to both Von Karma and Mia who we get to see alive before they get offed.
AA6 is just Layton vs Wright act 2.

I had enough magic shit in that game. I just wanted to return to a regular courtroom and do regular cases like 6-2 is going to be. Not more DUDE SPIRIT GHOSTS LMAO crap
Phoenix's confrontation with him in his prison cell was definitely intense. Too bad the shock factor black locks sort of dominate everyones impression of that scene over everything else.
Those were flashbacks, and also after the game he was killed off in. Those don't count towards my point. I'm talking about people who appeared in more than one game and either were killed or fingered as the murderer in the later game
It's especially bullshit when Edgeworth is very clearly coaching witnesses and tampering with evidence in the first game.

>Not so fast. Here's the "updated" autopsy report we forgot to submit until it was convenient to our argument.
What a good judge would say:
>Show hard evidence that the witness is lying based on a contradiction in their testimony with the evidence you have or else you have no case.
What Judge Moebrains says:
>Well the defense says the witness FEELS something, do you have evidence that she feels something?
>Yessir Your Shittiness, see when she says this she's twitching because she's thinking about this thing here
>Welp guess the witness is lying, you really gotta step up your game Klavier, that really ruined your entire case, it's practically screaming to me that he's not guilty at this point
definitely. Black Psychelocks were awesome but the whole scene was on another level. It's a real shame the final actual fight with him was not worthy of the character and the absurd shit he did.
You do realize picking on tics and twitches is something legit in real life, right?

Do you think an attorney is just going to believe 100% the witness because they're all telling the truth?
Oh, that explains it then. Thanks
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>in a series started with a lady getting killed and then summoned by her sister at the trial of her own killer
And you realize that you can't just say "THEY TWITCHED" and expect to have your objection sustained, right?
list of cases with DUDE SPIRIT GHOSTS LMAO


Woah it's like there aren't other cases that didn't have any spiritual bullshit in them!
The improved upon Maya's design so much. She is so cute. It's one of the best things done right in the anime.
Now lost all the cases where Mia was channeled and saved Nick's sorry ass at the very last minute.
>You do realize picking on tics and twitches is something legit in real life, right?
Not in courtrooms. Even your standard glamorized tv courtroom dramas recognise that.

I'm fine with it personally, but trying to seperate all these gimmicks into fantasy and non-fantasy seems completely arbitrary and nonsensical - because guess what, the only character specific gimmick in the entire series that isn't rooted in some sort of crazy fantasy element is Edgeworth's chess dimension thing.

Hell the Water Mirror doesn't even seem that bad to me personally, *only* because of how it's being used. Phoenix is straight up there to tear that shit apart, or atleast that's what all the promo material descriptions and shit want us to believe.
Keep moving those goalposts.
>channeling Mia and having her solve the case for him isn't spiritual bullshit
Stay in denial
and 1-3
Ema's forensic stuff is fine too
though I'm guessing you mean amongst the playable characters
Those cases didn't spin around magical ghost bullshit. It was just Mia popping up
I thought Thor 2 was alright. I mean, it was awfully predictable with hardly any real character development and the stakes felt much lower than it seemed like they were supposed to be - not to mention "oh the bridge is broken from the first movie oh wait it's back for the sequel yay" - BUT it was pretty fun to watch. The action was nice and there were some humorous moments. The Cap America cameo is still one of my favorite moments from all of the movies. It's easily one of the weakest entries, no doubt, but I wouldn't call it a bad movie.
Mia popping up and saving Nick's case IS magical ghost bullshit. He is getting a DEAD WOMAN to SOLVE HIS CASE FOR HIM.
If not for channeling Mia he would have lost every case.
>there aren't other cases

Yeah, like that time when they cross-examined a parrot. Or that time when they cross-examined a killer whale.

Such a realistic series, magic can't do anything other than kill the realism!
>Edgeworth in a prison cell, Blaise outside of it and egging him on
>Blaise finishes talking to him and walks offscreen
>Edgeworth yells at him to stop and pulls him into his goddamn Chess Dimension minigame

I swear I'm not crazy guys, Edgeworth is an actual fucking wizard. AAI3 never.
>Yeah, like that time when they cross-examined a parrot. Or that time when they cross-examined a killer whale.

That's just typical zany AA crap.

I didn't say I didn't want that. I said I didn't want more spiritual bullshit.
To be fair, Phoenix cross-examining Orla was treated like a farce
She pops up at the most critical moments to help him on his case and drop major hints or talk to key witnesses
>Cody in 1-3
>the bullet in 1-4
>finding Maya which leads to Gumshoe finding key evidence in 2-4
>the final testimony in 3-2
>talking to the old guy in 3-3
Phoenix would have lost most of his cases it wasn't for her
Shut the fuck up
I liked how Cody giving his little speech brought Edgeworth around. The Steel Samurai lives within him.
>That's just typical zany AA crap.
Yeah, exactly like spiritual stuff.
You don't need an AAI3. Everything about the Investigations series was wrapped up in AAI2. I'd prefer just having references to the characters in the main series. With the localization using the fan translation's names for characters introduced in 2.
this one is a stepladder
hence the name

>forgetting ema "basic nature" skye
spiritual bullshit is zany shit though, that's what people are saying
I know I don't need it, I want it. I don't "need" any more AA games, I think an AA game set during the period where Edgeworth's a big shot and Phoenix is a hobo could be extremely fun.

I'd rather that over something like Debeste showing up in a mainline game to job to Apollo or Athena.
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>She is the only reason this series is sill alive as it is
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it's spelled ema, not mia, my ignorant friend devoid of scientific investigation of the character development
>already figure out the cody bullshit
>mia comes in
>noo phoenix...
What if you prefer AAI's format and gameplay over the mainline games?
also there's plenty of room for further stories to take place after AAI2 if they want to do so
in the sense of how many times she save your ass
Well, yeah, of course nearly everyone would want more Edgeworth games. He's the most popular character.
Although the reason we don't have the sequel localized is because Phoenix wasn't in the first game but you get my point.
well we could've done most of the things on our own, as for case 1-5 where we figure out everything easily without mia, which was a hard case compared to others
mia most of the time is a deus ex machina character outside T&T with DUDE SPIRITS AND KURAIN XDD
>Beating Edgeworth

Sauce that now
There's way too much fanservice and returning characters.
No, there really isn't.
I loved AAI2, partially BECAUSE it tied everything together and found a resolution. Making up more shit afterwards would just undermine AAI2.
>Making up more shit afterwards would just undermine AAI2.
I don't get why it has to though. Edgeworth is always going to get mixed up in dire shit, it's his actual job even. Gumshoe and Kay will always be there to help him too according to AAI2's ending.

We know that the court system somehow gets even more corrupt in the years following AAI2 due to various outside influences, showing some of Edgeworth's actions to combat that doesn't have to undermind anything.
AAI format doesn't work on mainline. They tried doing that with DD and it was mediocre.

Mainline should stop with the "BIG OVERARCHING STORY AND ALL CASES ARE CONNECTED" and just be its own thing with random cases.
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Sorry anon

But there's no such thing as a normal case in AA

The entire series revolves around cases with absolutely bullshit and/or crazy premises that you eventually break down into normal things and/or find the trick they used

Nothing magical ever affects how a case happens

Even the cases revolving around Spirit channeling never had an impact

Mimi's ghost never killed the doctor, Mimi herself after plastic surgery did

Elise channeling Dahlia didn't kill anyone, Godot killed her, simple and normal

You understand?

Of course what I just said is negated if your specifically taking about gameplay to which I say, your a fucking retard

They never affect the case magically, you just have 3 different ways to interrogate a person, they aren't magic win buttons

And again, everything goes back to turning weird shit into normal things, that's the charm of the series
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>Gumshoe and Kay will always be there to help him too according to AAI2's ending.
>Gumshoe and Kay are nowhere to be seen despite Edgeworth's reappearance and involvement in a trial
1-5 was normal enough
the first cases were mostly normal
This, she was literally inches away from sicking Nick's D when he was in the gutters.
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>tfw Ace Attorney/Ghost Trick crossover fucking never
Near the bottom

>In August 2013, Niconico conducted a character popularity poll. The following ranking was posted during a live stream (English names used here for all characters other than characters who are exclusive to Gyakuten Kenji 2; the top 8 and Athena Cykes are in bold)

Apollo Justice
Miles Edgeworth
Phoenix Wright
Maya Fey
Bobby Fulbright
Simon Blackquill
Yumihiko Ichiyanagi
Franziska von Karma
Klavier Gavin
Athena Cykes
Dick Gumshoe
Kay Faraday
Wendy Oldbag
Trucy Wright
Kristoph Gavin
Luke Atmey
Ema Skye
Mia Fey
Pearl Fey
Aristotle Means
Sōta Sarushiro
Larry Butz
Adrian Andrews
Manosuke Naitō
Viola Cadaverini
Tateyuki Shigaraki
Shi-Long Lang
Ron DeLite
Damon Gant
Steel Samurai
Richard Wellington
Dahlia Hawthorne
Winston Payne
Clay Terran
Matt Engarde
Diego Armando
Manfred von Karma
Redd White
Vera Misham
Myriam Scuttlebutt
Yuri Cosmos
Hugh O'Conner
Blue Badger
They're going even further with the BIG OVERARCHING STORY AND ALL CASES ARE CONNECTED thing in AA6 too, with two seperate overarching stories that unify into one single one towards the end

Classic case of devs getting pressured to continuously increase the scope within their games, at the expense of everything else.
>blue badger at the bottom
what a shitty list
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