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>not choosing the best fire starter since gen 3
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>not choosing the best fire starter since gen 3
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>worst colour scheme of any starter
>literally just a fucking cat
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>not choosing the best fire starter since gen 6
>not choosing the best fire starter since gen 3
But I DID pick Fennekin.
Shame about the third stage.
>another cat. Only gen without a cat is gen 2.
>meme "grumpy cat" motive

Only saving grace for this guy is if he evolves into a fucking tiger
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The in game model is trash, phox looks great everywhere else
shame about that movepool though
A cat is fine too
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Oh look another cat pokemon




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Oh look another pokemon thread that's not in /vp/

I liked the fire monkey and fox. Torchic sucks, honestly
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I want to rub that belly
XY modeling did Delphox the ultimate disservice

A dynamic pose and Delphox would be a fan favorite
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>choosing edge cat
>over friend shaped owl
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I do too. Kittens are always full of fluff
Not sure about the oil fur thing though
post birb

post ket
Hello. Does anyone have porn of cat? please. Thatnk you.
These threads are for starting fights, shitposting, and rehashing memes. Good boards don't allow any of that stuff.
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Don't bother. Most of it is shit right now.
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>mfw the feral feline rating:explicit search explodes after the reveal
>Reason I like too black kitten and considering getting him over bowl owl is because he's the cutest little shit

I'm not even a edge lord nor a furry, it's just that the possibility of a fire kitten is just much too adorable for me to bear. The closest thing we got to that in vidya is Blaze and she's adowable.

I, for once, welcome our new lord and savior, the one that will make the holiest and hottest hair balls.

I still have this likeness over grass owl too, but I'm honestly feeling torn between these two.

Popplio is okay, just a pokemon I don't see myself getting or that would click with me personality wise.
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Grass starter is best.

Grass starter is ALWAYS best.
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>tfw as a fire starter has a greater chance of becoming bipedal than a tiger
Literally dropped the moment she stands up
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took me a sec
>shame about that movepool though
What the fuck moves did you want it to have?
It gets calm mind, fire blast, and psyshock. What more does it need? It even gets a nice selection of moves you can use for the fourth slot, like shadow ball, shock wave, signal beam, grass knot, solar beam etc. And if all else fails use hidden power.
What do you not like about Infernape?
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Is it weird if I want to suck on that cat's feet? I want to say in a non-sexual way but I'm not sure how I feel about this.
It's not sexual at all, but it is pretty gross since paws are usually dirty
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Reminder that all starters are Male
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>all male
I didn't think percentages were that difficult to understand the first time I saw them
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>gen 2
>gender becomes a thing
>get all males on purpose because I don't want a bitch team
>get sweeped by whitney's milktank and attract
you better not become some lame tiger(unless its a manticore).
>Caring about new Pokemon

Really guys. You're like 25. Time to grow out of that shit.
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So it's pretty much assured that the cat will be the new furbait?
>Still playing video games pass the age of 20
why? I have already have a shitty job, why would I want to make my life more shit?
If the cat winds up bipedal I am done with Pokemon forever.
Thread replies: 44
Thread images: 23

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