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is this game good
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is this game good
Would like to know this as well. Bought it months ago, it's been in my backlog.
It's ok. All of the guns are useless, terrible boss fights and bit too repetitive since you're fighting the same enemies through the whole thing.
is there a better old school shooter in modern form game
Does wolfenstein the new order count? If yes, then that.
Shadow Warrior isn't really old-school, it's Serious Sam-school.

Serious Sam is the best of these types of games, but Shadow Warrior is prettier and has a cool sword.
Serious Sam 3, i guess.

All those old school fps fails in a basic point: level design
The majority of the guns feel like squirt guns, and a good deal of the bigger enemies are just big bullet sponges. It also has some of the worst boss fights I've ever seen.

I still somewhat enjoyed it, but it could have been much better if it focused on swordplay rather than gun play.
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>All of the guns are useless
it's pretty fun

my only problem with it was it got a bit repetitive towards the end >>337591564
still a fucking cool game though and hyped for the second one sometime this year
>implying they weren't
>level design
Mazes and corridor are boring.
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ss3 blood & gore in the desert.jpg
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it's awful.

Serious motherfucking Sam 3: BFE.
Literally THE better Doom 4 and DNF, in a single package. Also a superb PC exclusive (at the time)
Damn good. My GOTY, actually.
Seems people have mixed opinions about it, though. I'd recommend playing on a higher difficulty and trying to get the most out of your sword abilities/special moves.
Play thy flesh consumed and say it again
Serious Sam is shit.
BF3 is the same as Shadow Warrior, it's okay. Not terrible, not excellent, just okay. Really fun for large party co-ops though.
They should really take a hint from demonsteele for the next game
Your opinion is shit.
It was fun but I feel like it lasted longer than it should have. It could have ended before you entered the snow fortress and I wouldn't complain.
It's boring.
Unless you are going to bother reaching the skill ceiling, you'll find it boring.
Repetitive at times but really enjoyable.
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What went wrong?
>Mazes and corridor are boring
No one mentioned mazes and corridors but you.
the writing
Cool ideas, average execution. The weapons felt weak, it followed a corridor-arena-corridor-arena formula that got repetitive, hallways too small considering the amount of enemies they throw at you (that explode on death), and a few others things I can't remember.
Still hope they make a new one though.
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You can't duck.
you can't fucking shoot two weapons at once
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I remember that
Fucking had to go look in the keys menu if I had a duck key

Not much, it was OK but the game REALLY dragged on. I was loving it up until the original ending, then when I got to the post-game DLC areas (the ones outside of Bezoar) I got so disgusted with the game just not fucking ending or changing anything that I dropped it.


More like the translation and voice acting
Also forgot, they should of had different weapons and not the same two modifying to the fire modes. I never knew what the fuck I was going to shoot so my combat was chaotic as hell.
This as well.
Oh was it poorly translated? Interesting.
You're telling me it wasn't meant to just be technobabble without rhyme or reason? It was meant to be an actual cohesive story?
Pretty much this
I loved it. But if you don't like it Doom would be better for your taste.
- incomprehensible "story"
- main character has jack shit for endurance and can't run longer than two seconds and he cries like a bitch from even receiving 1hp damage
- unexplained game mechanics like enemies having shields, too
- pretty much just three base enemy designs in the game outside of the DLC: ball on legs, pissed off porta-potty and human toso with robot limbs
>pissed off porta-potty
upgraded crossbow and flame thrower were GOAT
Honestly i know I'm gonna get shit for this but i think it was too long

too many filler stages that weren't fun and the bosses are horrible
so you end up use the alternate fire the whole game after open enough boxes for 2000 dollars.
After replaying it I realized that at its core it's not really any longer than other FPS games.
It's just that its padded as fuck by the downtimes where you walk around, find and open every single crate and cupboard and grab ammo, health and money out of them .
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