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After all these years she's finally coming home to PC
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File: 2142029-yuna_ffx[1].jpg (53 KB, 480x360) Image search: [Google]
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After all these years she's finally coming home to PC
Who cares, people already played the game
>posting worst girl
Also fuck Square for putting the affection points shit when it doesn't matter.
Tidus isn't real
I thought it did matter. Whoever has the highest throws the blitzball to Tidus during blitz ace I believe.

But yeah it sucks you get stuck with the worst girl story-wise.

Who cares, its been on PC for forever if you count emulators (I do.)

You also get a single scene in Macalania on the snowmobiles. But yeah it was a pretty odd thing to include in the game.
1/10, got me reply
You also get a scene in guadosalam.

Do you? I thought the scene with Lulu where you can say 'she's my type' happens for everyone.
I hope the PC port is good
Who is going to buy this? It was JUST remastered 2 years ago. Anyone who was going to play it probably already did. Fuck off square
i can't believe sonyfags spent 15 years beta testing the game for us

master race wins again
in HD.... might as well throw it in the toilet.

This really pisses me off.
They're porting the HD version to PC? Will it come with the original music, too?

Been looking for an excuse to go back and finish the game.

Even if it doesn't, someone will make a replacer mod for it first week guaranteed.
True enough
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>better textures
>pisses me off
literally laughed out loud

Yes it has the original music. Also remixed battle music, but that can be turned off.
wakka you racist ass

i'm still mad you're forced to like yuna, when rikku is objectively superior
>to all the friends that we lost
yeah cause baby faced tidus and a ruined soundtrack make the game SOOO much better.
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>she's finally coming
>nearly two decades later

And yet, you lot will unironically shit all over console exclusives while celebrating 5th and 6th gen ports. I guess in 2030 when Uncharted goes to PC, we'll see these threads then too.
If a game is good (which FFX isn't but that's beside the point), it'll be good ten years later too. In the meanwhile, theres hardly a shortage of games to play unless you're a console kid who only plays the latest generic triple A garbage
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