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>On attack >See this What do?
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>On attack
>See this

What do?
Delete this thread please, there are already 20+ Overwatch threads for you to post in.

be happy about an easy win.

Seriously, a skilled bastion can be hell and the most anti-fun ever but cheese strategies like that are easy to beat most of the time.
pick genji
push e

Genji, Dva, Lucio team. Easy.
What would you use anon?

Go Winston and cap the point since they're all guaranteed to be spawn camping

really depends on the map and their positioning.
Most people will pretend that Genji's reflect is the answer, but I very rarely find Bastion's dumb enough to shoot while that's going on. In reality, you'd need a Widow or Hanzo. Maybe Junkrat if they are in a corner
>Pick widowmaker
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Why is Lucio fucking up that picture?
Cool, this is like those chess puzzles.
I'd try snipers like Hanzo/Widowmaker if there's enough distance. Try Genji with deflect ability or Tracer to see if can get past and behind them (stay around till they forget then shoot em in the back).
last night, My team did 6v6s doing hero stacks.

basically any hero that can heal itself can do a hero stack, easiest was 6 roadhogs

we stomped all night, probably cause we werent mouth breathers, though.
Assuming both players are skilled with their characters, Genji always wins on this exchange because as long as they're both delaying Genji gets free damage off.

He's the best counter on merit of always being effective against Bastion. Widowmaker and Hanzo are better if the situation allows for it but there're scenarios where it's difficult making your snipes work.
Well I'm already seeing the victory screen, so if I'm not one of them I lost

any of the above can slaughter them. come on son

One of them hold the trigger for 3 second, and voilĂ , you are dead.
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>block shots
>walk forward
>teleport behind him

what a hard game

>brings more than one genji
>E the one that held
>if they hold, move around

seriously, do you guys play this game? if it's king of the hill

>Genji + junkrat

anything that doesnt use LoS
anything with burst damage
anything that can go through walls

>things that never happen
>I'm bad so it's not possible
honestly if they are talking to each other, you wont be able to flank and they'll just shoot at other people while you reflect.

over arcing fire zones make it a nightmare.
Actually faced 3 bastions on Temple of Anubis

I used Zenyatta to take 2 of them out actually. With Discord it's disgustingly easily to take them out, all you need to do it follow behind the meatshields
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