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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 139
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Sem título.png
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Pyroar is clearly a lion and that is clearly a Sphinx
Completely forgot about him because gen 6 was so terrible it's full of litterally whos like gen 4 and 2 before it
Literally just a mega-evolution of pyroar, holy shit
>Friend thinks 6 > 5 because Garbodor is gross and Vanillite is dumb.
It hurts.
And both of those rip off that Leomon evolution
>still buying pokemon

They've also had a bunch of seals, multiple horses, and a million fucking birds various types of animals exist autist
that lion thing has the same color pallete as onion dressings
that owl starter is wearing a bra
the seal-ripoff has dildos on his head
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>le gen 1 butthurt kiddo

At least Grimer doesn't look like a fucking Digimon.
Am I the only one who hated Black and White?

I enjoyed D/P/Pl more.
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Now let's all agree

To never be

Creative again
I'm torn. On one hand I like the lion/sun motif. On the other it's been done to death.
Black and White were trash. B2/W2 were the good ones
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>making pokemon threads when /vp/ exists
WOULD ANYONE HAPPEN to have an animated image (or should I say gif or webm though gif is more suitable for this one as it repeats automatically) of a visibly shocked exclamation mark (not facially as in no face for the exclamation mark)????
Huey pls go
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>modern pokemon are now based on obscure 4chan memes
what a time to be alive
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we digimon now
They do this because /vp/ is usually an echo chamber and they want to tap into nostalgic gatekeeper's rage.

The problem is that that old guard is dead and useless now.
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download (2).jpg
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Saber leomon?

/vp/ is a containment board to keep the furfaggot degenerates away.
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Lions and suns have been associated with each other before the internet, anon.
Idk man.
That's a lot of lions...
sut the fuck up this is my reality
Mimic of Pokemon universe
RIP a true nigga
>Inverted color Gregar
That is actually fucking awesome. Sun>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Moon
>talking shit about what is CLEARLY an offensive high speed fire/steel pokemon
It's not a color inverted Gregar you mong
Mass of the Sun: 1.989 × 10^30 kg
Mass of 10^12 lions, assuming a mass of 250 kg per lion: 2.5 × 10^14 kg

Sun wins
Fags are comparing it to fucking saber leomon. It looks a lot more like gregar than a saber tooth tiger.
But what if they attacked it at night?
Serious question, what if you tossed all the lions at the same time in a giant ball, wouldn't the impact on the sun push it out of orbit?
looks more like an Etrian monster design than a pokemon design.
What even makes you think that thing is a sphinx?
You tried
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Man look at that moon
what the fuck is it
underrated post
A bat with sharp edges at the end of its wings.
crescent shaped
Not him, but its the way the body is shaped. It's very bulky, as opposed to how lions bodies usually look. The head is definitely based on a lion though. It kinda reminds me of how the chimera from dragons dogma looked, just without the snake and goat heads a more anime-ish.
Garbodor and Vanillite are complete shit.
The true final boss of the next Kirby game after Robobot.
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living on the edge.png
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these wounds
they will not heal
Except not really. Oh, look, a giant fucking pokeball, better go grab it!

I get what you're saying though, I'm just playing devil's advocate before some other ass does.
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>the brimstone symbol on litten
thats pretty cool
Looks like it's Ghost type.
Two lions doesn't mean no creativity. We have multiples of the same type of animal littered everywhere.
>the fire neko :3
Even the seal have more appealing.


Thinking dark/fairy.
It's a typical pose for a quadroped monster, also, Gregar was a wolf, not a lion
Noivern mega-evolution?
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fire starters concept art.jpg
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Nothing looks like pokemon anymore.
fucking GOD is a hack.
how much are you willing to bet ken didnt even design any gen 7 mons
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Catniggers, everybody.
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reminder that yo-kai watch has monster boys and no other game has them :^)
yo-kais forever
I fucking hope he didn't. Sugimori's quality fell hard.
Quite a bit, actually. Looks like a safe bet. I bet every design comes from interns now.
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this what the new pokemon girl looks like?
i like ken's shit though
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Warning Sign.jpg
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Unattended children will be sold into slavery. GF did a good job today.
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>hating on based popplio
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>that new rival
ayyyy lmao
>Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.
He looks cute
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That's one tiny ass region.
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>3 hours after announcement
>there is already porn of the new pokegirl
I hope it's just one of many islands.
Not commenting on quality or what there is "overdesigned" or some other bullshit. I just miss that washed out watercolor look gen 1 and 2 had.
>starter area
>it's actually a mmo
>nigga naruto
What's the big deal?
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post her feet
That's probably what is going to happen. I mean, not even GF would be able to get away with this.
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>boy looks like a girl

I am thinking either flying/psychic or flying/dark
>psychic legendary

post it, friend
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2 scoops.jpg
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>mfw the new game was confirmed as sun
What'd be wrong with that?
For you

The same thing that's wrong with fire/fighting starters.
I like your way of thinking
so this is the power...
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he only does the artwork, the actual Pokémon are designed by various people since Gen 1.
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i may be a boy.jpg
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>Picking the faggy bat over the BRAVE AND BOLD GOD LION.
>Team Aqua and Magma grunts are the protags
bretty good
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they are holding onto each others ass
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>Flaming kitty
>Somehow less gay than grass owl
Kinda bland.
Nice condom on her head.
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i havent actually loled in a long time thanks man
Close enough
I don't understand why they never make a 'third game' anymore. Platinum, Emerald and Crystal were GOAT.
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>hes you cousin
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B/W got two third games so XY gets none.
>all pokemon now have anime eyes and can't have beady eyes like animals

Gj hackfreak
Already? Its been like a day?
Thanks for the laugh
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finanlly found a shot of the girl customization

delicious chocolate
How new?
Umph fuck yes
Bowling confirmed?
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Alola already has:

>better starters
>better Legendaries
>better region
>more color and saturation
>removed the circles in battle
>have actual human models instead of chibi shit
>more 3D space and no roller skates

GF redeemed themselves with this after the catastrophe that was Gen 6. Gen 7 really shows how bad that gen was in almost every regard.

Now we just wait and see how big the dex and what villains will show up.
eat Earthquake you shit-typed faggot
> Mississippi
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Is this seriously the new generation? It looks almost identical to Gen 6. They should have waited until the next system after the 3DS if they couldn't make a significant step forward on the same hardware. What a fucking letdown. At least use a new fucking engine fuck.
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It had better translate to lewds. Not enough brown girls IMO.
Probably a Kirby soul boss.
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>Utah is blank
Isn't that a Hawaii way of saying something like "dude"
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>another fucking cat pokemon

woooo baby Nintendo with the hot new ideas

Sunfags are reddit confirmed
Don't underestimate drawfags
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It's not the most creative design, but I like it anyway
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Gen 1 had so much obvious filler Pokemon to stretch out the Pokedex.

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Why the fuck are Eskimos watching eskimo porn?
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Leo Fire and Apollomon, too. Lions and the sun are just naturally paired. Just like wolves and the moon.
Looks pretty chill
Was there a direct? Where is this information coming from?
File: TERMINALLY_ILL_ZYGARDE.png (73 KB, 427x458) Image search: [Google]
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>Sun gets a lion legendary

Now I actually have to choose which version to get.
Looks like a final boss from a kirby game.
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Thanks senpai
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Watch it turn into a Fire/Fighting
Honestly Raremon's design is one of the coolest things ever.
This just occurred to you now?
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Marginally less stupid-looking than the other moon legendary.
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This desu senpai
Thia chart is fucking stupid, ESB is objectively better than A New Hope
Posting to be part of an epic screencap. See you all on r/4chan
Can anyone in North America even confirm the Canada is a real place?

It seems more and more like a deserted wasteland and the French government keeps sending actors, on rotating shifts, up there to make it appear populated.
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The moon is important because of its influence on the tides and shit.
One day the moon is going to drift away and there isn't anything you can do about it.
>Sem título
get well soon zygarde
>That owl head spin
I'm sold.

Also, I really like the faux-Hawaii setting
Kind of, but they also say "bruddah" (brother)
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The sun isn't important.
Who cares about the inevitable heat death of the universe?
He ain't got no dang legs.
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>Play as chocolate man
>Try to catch a trainer's pokemon
>They block the pokeball
>the Trainer blocked the Ball! "Don't be a th-"
>You racist!
>Suddenly given special scholarships and passages to all the Gyms and Elite 4
>we get a fat professor now

Thank you Gamefreak for the new DILF material
The Sun, obviously.
>simplicity=non creativity
welcome to /v/, the armchair graphic designers
>last season was in faggy france
>this season we are back in an American setting, Hawaii, lil cuz.
Orange League 2.0, here we go.
Are they regular lions or fire lions?
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stop being off-topic
>mh4u is shit because the french infested the online like roaches
>geb6 was shit because based in france

Why is france so shit?
they're not even trying to hide it
XY had washed out colors for the in-game Pokemon models.
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> quebec
> indian
> asian
> tickling
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>get Moon version
>pick dark skin
>opposing trainers can't see me at night
BR HUE??????????
>muh boogeyman
Woah, a poster showing a child-like mentality in a Pokemon thread? Color me surprised.
Whoops I meant this for>>337138182
YFW The trio is:

Fucking psychos
Your retardation is actually funny.
Holy shit, fuck you.
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obvious false flagger is obvious
>brown shota
Its more because thats his evolved form.
Its exactly the same.
Pretty sure he's Samoan
i kinda wanna fug both of them
He didn't look as thick as this new guy.
No I mean it. Its pretty fucking pathetic for you babies to blame everything on the blackie boogeyman. Get a fucking spine and take responsibility for your own fucking failure in life.
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Excite truck.gif
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there's a rocket ship in that volcano
we space now, boys
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This is a sphinx
Its based on Hawaii so I imagine we're getting a number of islands.
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The new starters are AWFUL!
>he thinks this is the first black in Pokemon
Stop acting like an idiot anon.
talkign shit when whe dont have the final evolutions
you fuckers jsut dont learn do you

also about your picture really mang
>fuckign caturday poster starter
>with a caturday shitter legendary
pls fmapai step up you game
Nah it'll be a nostalgia-based fire gym to the people that watched Cinnabar Island back in the first anime.
Fat guy is probably the MC's grandpa or something, the professor is >>337136154
Pokemon eclipse when
More like really bland.

The boy looks like the past 3 boys, and the girl just looks like MayxSerena but without any of the interesting qualities.
I hope underwater exploration returns, that was kinda fun and mysterious in R/S/E
Well, of course he is. Haven't you seen wrestling?
Every Samoan is related, and by extension, every Samoan is The Rock's cousin.
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>based in the Alola region
>higher level of trainer customization

they finally made a pokemon game where you can play as Lilo catching all the experiments
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spoiler regigigas funny serebii.png
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I just want more obscure shit to laugh at.
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1000 hours in paint
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Hahahaha! Hilarious
Are you okay?
i don't get it
Get well soon zygarde
will they go at night with the us marines?
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I actually really like these designs, they're some of the better ones that we've had in a while
I can't wait to go to the sun!
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there is nothing racist about physics
And it looked like fucking shit. They did not do a good job of it at all.
>A day
It's barely been like six hours
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It's genius, but a Lunar Eclipse would be even better.
This is the worst opinion.
buttmad anglocanadian fapping to eskimo porn because they have no culture
>Putting a face on sludge is creative
I like grimer but come on friendo
It's pretty much what's going to happen, this is their Canon Orange Islands.
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Fuck yes, customisation is back!
My hype has been renewed.
Why can't I shake the pokemon bug?
He's based on bull frog, you fucking mongoloid
Are we fighting against Waka now? Are we defending the al-bhed
File: Poke MH.webm (3 MB, 400x224) Image search: [Google]
Poke MH.webm
3 MB, 400x224
>visually still looks worse than both Yokai Watch and the MH spinoff being shat out by CAPCOM
>it's a big cat so it's the same
>different tail
>different legs
>different feet
>different body shape
>different mane
>different face
>different size
It looks nothing alike.

Not even shilling, I'm pirating both versions
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I love you internet
I will be forever mad.
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>implying more lion pokemon is a bad thing

lions fucking rule
You didn't say nigger so you're not 4chan enough for him.
It will at least play better than Yokai watch.
I'm picking Night-Man until further exclusive Pokemon are shown.
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Fucking hell...
This time around, they really made the real starters look worse than fakemons.
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 139

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