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How is your space empire doing? Stellaris thread!
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How is your space empire doing?
Stellaris thread!
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>Pirates form on my homeworld and build a bunch of raider ships from converted civilian vessels
>their fleet is more powerful than my own
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Pretty /comfy/. Got a nice and tidy empire with an enlightened vassal doing some expansion on their own. Got a fun 2v2 rivalry going on with my little alliance of capitalist atheist space turtles and mushrooms versus the spiritual and communist alliance of space foxes and space birds going on as well.

Unsure what to do with those new self-declared ULTRA TURTLES in my empire, but they are more adaptable than my core species so I feel the individualist way would be to let them become specialized colonizers for the trickier planets.

Should I give them a sector to prosper in?
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Space Niggers unemployed Niggers
I don't know where you people see niggers in this game, it's all DESIGNATED SHITTING PLANETs
>Can't into alliance or federations as militant fanatics unless you seceed a part of your empire to pretenders
Just put the dick in my mouth famalam
Fuck this event.

Why would you want a federation anyway, so some pacifist molluscucks get to control your army whenever it's their turn to chair the federation?
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Time for revenge!
Fuck you elite faggots, fuck you!
What's the advantage of creating a sector? What does that even mean?

You relegate it to an AI governor who determines what to build and such and you just gather taxes.

You do it because you can only control a certain number of planets directly without suffering penalties, everything else has to be relegated to managers.
AI controls them
You can only directly control the small amount of colonies
>What's the advantage of creating a sector?
Do you saw amount of systems on the middle map? Just imagine the horror of controling them all directly
How the fuck do you reset the camera?
You give x planets the autonomy to control themselves but they pay taxes to you. And most importantly they let you keep more planets than your planet limit.

Kind of like vassals in EU4 with regards to overextension and coring costs, or puppeted cities in CIV5.

Plus, the sectors are a natural segmentation of your empire for internal strife. Ethics divergence and faction formation are more likely around sector lines so it's done as a way for the game to guide space-Mongol empires into gradually breaking apart.
anyone else having problem with starting resources generation or is the start of the game supposed to be this slow?
Playing as a charismatic, peaceful Star Trek Federation type. Met like-minded molluscbros, and formed an alliance pretty soon after.

But then I got boxed in near the galactic core by some asshole lizards. No matter how much I tried reasoning, the relations didn't improve to really get anywhere. So I declared war, warped to their homeworld, destroyed their fleet, and bombed their homeworld until the vassalize wargoal ticked up. The enemy was pretty passive and kept sending individual ships against my fleet. Don't know how I feel about that.

The lizards are pissed about the vassalization, but that will change once I have the chance to integrate them. I have crazy happiness boosts from government type and buildings, so they'll turn around.

Overall, pretty comfy fun. Doesn't run that great on my shit rig, but playable.
Great all things considered. My only gripe with the game is the warscore. You have to completely dominate an enemy empire just to get two MAYBE three planets. Then it forces a 10 year treaty.

I understand what they were going for and I'm fine with it but I need a mod the lowers all this stat. If I completely grind an empire into the ground and destroy everything and invade most planets I should at minimum get half their empire.

Its even worse when the weak empires hide behind an alliance. Then you have to dominate two or more whole empires just to get two fucking planets.

I mean FUCK I'm invading one guy whose in an alliance of 4. The first invasion ended quickly. Tons of shit to blow up and I won. Now its just boring. Every ten years I invade and because I already wrecked everything they have NO FLEET. I cant even get points for blowing up ships because they have none. FUCK.
That happened to me. I just used it as a lovely excuse to build up my fleet. The pirates dont move or grow for quiet a while so unless you get really lazy you should be good.
>Named ships
i mean, is there a list of automatically generated names somewhere you could edit

i have autism about things like that yet going through naming each individual ship when their chance of getting destroyed might be high is just exhausting
promised hotfix for stuttering when?
Start with your home planet first. Space stuff is not worth it early game unless you luck into a really good rock to mine. Once your planet is full move to space. You should also have colonization by that point. Just find a good rock and go. Grab the frontier clinic ASAP. From that point just remember planets are better than space mines so focus planet side first then expand in space.

There will be a slow down based on luck. You need to get the building upgrade techs fast but normally you get one well before the other. I tend to use other empires for this. Plop an embassy on them and just throw handfuls of your dominate resource at them for what you need. If you try to giver them some and it stays at 0 no matter what or goes to -1000 it means they are full and cant take anymore. Move to the next empire. Once you get tier 3 or a special resource building like the basalt power generators you should be golden. Go play.
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Vassalized by the Union, but I'm coming for them.
This is like in every other paradox game but you can always purge and enslave your opponents and take their stuff that way.
Quick fix

Only Europeans, no retarded names or haircuts

The difference there was the next county was a moment and a click away. Steamrolling in EU3 was easy and quick. Here its a long process. The other difference is its static in Stellaris. In EU3 if you did better you got more shit.
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The Union got DOWed by the Council, a big counter-blob up North. Now I will bite it on the ass in the South and liberty and copious amounts of bird blood will flow through the star lanes.
What do stored research credits do?
Stores them for when you are running a deficit or to trade with.
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I'm fucking boxed in in the arm of a spiral galaxy. Sucessor State is a fallen empire. Fighting my way out of it , my only hyperlane exit node was colonized by the Bruggan who I'm slowly destroying and enslaving
You can store more than 2500

If I'm playing as a despotic god emperor that's intent on breaking the fourth wall, there should be an option to insert mind control chips into all my peasants so they -all- obey without question.
Bird skulls for the skull throne brother.
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My home system is taking a bruising but it's at maximum garrison, so it should be able to hold out long enough.

Meanwhile, desperate Valdari engineers have cobbled together the Confederacy's first cruisers - these ships are far more powerful than Union destroyers. Hopefully they will prove their worth. The home system just has to buy enough time for the first fleet to come online.
There are techs for brain implants and orbital mind control lasers.
Can you put a mining station in a planet and then colonize it? Can you have both bonuses at the same time or does one overwhelm the other?
This game worth a pirate or are you missing out on a ton without multiplayer?
>what does credits do
>you can store 2500
are you fucking dense?
Federations have the benefit of getting to use all the members tech levels to build the federation fleet. That's pretty powerful, but you have to take turns using it. Still not worth it IMO.
The orbital bonus is derived randomly from one of the tiles on the planet. So you can't have a "double" effect, but you don't lose the bonus when colonizing. You just got to put a pop on it.
There's a list in the common folder you can change to create a pool of names it will randomly draw from.
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The Council has peaced out, so it looks like the Confederacy must go it alone.

Fortunately the AI is fucking garbage, so I can still win ;^)
You can steal the fleet. Wait until its your turn then succeed. The federation fleet stays with you.
>space reptilians are near and they more advanced already
>they hate my values
Well, I guess it's time to restart game...
>Empire of bugs attacked and raped themir empire so much that they will never be threat for me ever again
>Me and bugs share same values
Is the maximum fleet size 3?
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The Council is at war with the Union again. This is exactly the good news I needed, because the homeworld has fallen and I lost my secondary shipyard. The primary is still fine, still churning out cruisers, but it's going to take a while for the others to come online.

We're still in this.
>Me and bugs share same values
Until they come to your house to rape your women and plant eggs.
Oh. I have a third fleet I created by accident with only one ship, is there any way I can make it rejoin my 2nd fleet?
What's the most fun way to play in terms of galaxy size/type/civilization amounts?
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>Fanatic Material Individualist Reptile
>Surrounded by Fanatic Spiritual Collective Birds
Yes, just get both in the same system, select both of them with the draging tool and click on the merge fleets button in the top-right corner of the unit's info-box.
Thank you family
Wormhole or Hyperspace?
Start colonising that arm ASAP brother.
>Materialist reptilians having trouble gaining control of religious people
is this a joke?
I am surrounded on all sides by four of these fuckers, don't try and put your git gud may may on me nigger.
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In other news, the Union has battleships and I don't.

They just took out my primary spaceport.

The good news is that because I reclaimed my homeworld my warscore is now nearly 60%. I just need to grit my teeth and hang on.

Can't colonize while I'm vassalized, sadly.

Hence the war.
well maybe ill draw some small comfort that for once /v/ didnt pick up on a jew joke
This should be in the game.
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Just guilt trip them with you 6 borillion, and dismantle their native population from the inside
Freedom never tasted so good.

I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of ayylmaos.
So how's the game comparred to Endless Space?
>You will never play a bug race that survives by parasitizing other species
Modders are our only hope.
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Forgot pic.
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Hentai mod when?
When should purging xenos be considered a valid option
So is it harder or easier than Europa Universalis?
Liberate them all anon. Liberate their souls with fire and death.
What, you can't colonise things when you are vasalised? That's pretty shitty.

Pretty logical though
> not just having hentaitacle on in the background whilst you play
Step it up fampai
Depends on your Overlord. They can choose to let you or not let you.
But I do! I also have insect hentai!
I've found it easier. But maybe it's because Stellaris eases you in by starting you in a single system instead of running an entire empire.
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>That profile
>with fanatic xenophile
That makes it a lot more logical. Sou you have been freed now?
>Geneticly modified warmongers lolis that enslave all the men in the universe.
We can only hope.
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Yep. Won the war and won my freedom. Now my unchecked expansion into the outer rim begins.
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The search for home continues. We will find Sol and return triumphant to rebuild once more. I'm doing pretty good so far
I also want a gundam mod and maybe Code Geass
I already got bored

Its like extremely basic with no depth clearly made for people who don't know the genre

there are so little options for everything and there are so little restrictions for everything you choose
Sol is actually populated with giant cockroaches i bet.
Also it has tons of UI problems

>All resources aren't shown at all times which gets annoying once you have 10+ surveyed
>habitable planets arent show on the resource description
>Mining outpost icon looks very similar to the construction ship
>The galaxy map doesn't offer enough information, like all ships will show the same ship icon
>when something is selected there s no clear enough visual confirmation
>No formations or anything for fleet
Might be. My lore is that there was a Human level extinction event triggerd by outside forces (e.g. Alien scum) and one lonely colony ship made it out, drifting through space until the found the Star System which the survivors named Last Light.

It's like every gsg except something fresh. I enjoy it but more depth would be nice
How exactly do you get new pops on a planet you just colonized?

Does it just happen over time?
So am I just unlucky or what? There was exactly one planet near me that was colonizable. The next one was about 7 warp jumps away. After colonizing every planet I could I ended up with just four isolated spread out planets. It seemed the AI had a fine time blobing everywhere but I was stuck with frontier outposts to get absolutely anything. It wasn't until almost 5 hours later that I got desert colonization and that didn't open any planets at all. Them I got tundra which unlocked one planet and then finally at almost the 10 hour mark I got arid which opened up 3 planets. By the time I had to start using sectors AI blobs were some 20 planets strong.
>It's like every gsg
No. its a dumbed down 4x

I bet the cut half of the game to sell it as DLC
t. liquor lord :^)
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> All resources aren't shown
> Habitable planets aren't shown

Anon, click the buttom in the left hand corner. Everything will be shown
is there a reason you used a screen shot with some retard messaging you?
It's the same with every paradox game on release

It'll be good after about 3 expansions/DLC's
Didn't even notice him.
I've changed it a wee bit but ethos and traits are still the same, I haven't given it a playthrough yet.
Yes ,as long as you have food
You can also build robot populations
wow what a horrible UI

why do people pretend to like paradox games? can't find a retail job? won't?
Another map-painting-simulator. You barely even notice that it's set space.
How the fuck do you upgrade your space port

I have level 2 researched but I don't see the option to upgrade anywhere
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The Confederacy must grow larger.

It's in the build tab.
Click build like your going to build a ship.
Yeah. RNG is a bitch in this game
In 4X games, I usually go full war species who exterminate all enemies
Is this viable in this game or is it like EU4 where you will get slapped by absolutely everyone in the galaxy?
So I upgraded some of my Corvettes in the ship designing tab. Do I have to built new Corvettes?

The upgrade option on my existing ones is still greyed out, even when next to my space port.
Yes, this game is pretty realistic and no one wants to live near violent niggers
What exactly makes your border grow?
I know you can expand using stations, but they seem to slowly spread out by themselves..?
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The Confederacy's first honest-to-God battleship rolls off the production line.

Never again will the Valdari be slaves.
But can I beat them on my own though
Iz tere propah Orky mod?
Can i change my travel technique?
I picked wormholes but they turned out to be total trash
It's been out for a day, what the fuck do you think
Research others then
You can be a violent nigger as long as you are cunning, resourceful, and cultivate alliances with key nations. Pimping ain't easy nigga.

Zog yes?
>and cultivate alliances with key nations
Having violent nigger traits already gives you huge as fuck penalty with relationships
It's like being muslim and shouting "Allah is great" in the plane, even if you don't plan to blow it, other people will still treat you with distrust
>cultivate alliances with key nations
I don't think so, I'm gonna be a fanatic militarist and xenophobe
>Canberra class

Ausies in space
Embassies help a great deal. Find other violent nigger nations (violent niggers like each other), get embassies running. Pimping ain't easy nigga.

>I don't think so, I'm gonna be a fanatic militarist and xenophobe

Don't be surprised if half the galaxy declares war on you.
I believe that's top quality David Icke Bantz my friend
How do I merge fleets? I did it before, but I thought I just dragged and dropped them and that apparently doesn't work
Can I get insanely rich and powerful by assimilating immigrants, like the USA in Vicky 2?
I just started. Going human male with full tutorial on a medium sized map.
I think i might be to stupid for this game but i will give it a try. Any tips?
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Thanks to our wormhole drives, the Confederacy can prosecute a war against the Buhavilaa despite not having direct access.

Another glorious day for Valdari science.

Look here

>prosecute a war
That's not what prosecute means, right? I'm a foreignfag so I legitimately wanna know
Thanks anon
Is it ever worth it to terraform instead of just getting the suitable tech for colonizing?
It's an semi-uncommon but valid usage. Prosecute can be used to mean "engage in," but it connotes aggression.

I might prosecute an aggressive line of questioning if I were a Detective. I also might prosecute a set of strong budgetary reforms if I were in government. I would not prosecute a new line of perfumes, but I might prosecute a multi-tiered marketing campaign in their support.
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The Confederacy is now the proud sovereign of the race that calls itself Buhavilla. This has led to fierce debate over what to do with them - it's clear that they cannot be allowed onto Valdari planets, but should they be allowed some degree of autonomy? Others are calling for stronger measures. Some even slavery, though thankfully Valdari law prohibits such barbaric excesses. The rights of the individual - all individuals - are sacrosanct.

kill em all
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Good for her

wait what
>explanation with examples AND counter-example
Fucking noice. Thanks a lot bro
Regrettably, my governing ethics don't allow it. I don't know how to change them.
Space drugs
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Is it a coincidence that she found a ceramic pot before getting that trait?
The spice must flow!
What do energy siphon weapons do? Are they supposed to heal my ships when they shoot enemies or something?
>There's a space race that leaves drugs in ceramic pots around the galaxy
10000 light years away from home and i thought things would be different.
but does it have to flow up her nose
How does bombardment work?
>cant find drugs
>cant sell those drugs on the black market to other species to destabilize their population by making them all addicts who dont work
Drug mod when
How fucked will I be trying to play this if I have never played 4X in my life?
I was in the same boat but im doing fine. It lubes you up and eases in real nice before buttfucking you into oblivion.

Unlike most 4x/grand start games that drop you ass first onto a cactus and expect you to know what to do.
Its actually simpler than most.

You always build your empire from the ground up, unlike HOI or Victoria or something where you just inherent 100 territories and have to figure out what the fuck is going on.
>cant sell those drugs on the black market to other species to destabilize their population by making them all addicts who dont work
Britshits pls go and stay go
>He doesnt want to be a drug empire
Puritan pls go
Its completely bare bones, utterly simplistic and the ai is extremely passive
Just watch the first episodes of a LP by youtubers like Marbozir if you're not sure, its really easier tout get into that way

sounds like someone's wickedness must to be stamped out
Anons, I have 34-38 fps on galaxy screen at the start of the game. How fucked my PC is going to be in mid-late game?
What is the point of food once you have max pop?
>t. Britshits

If Civilization isn't too mind blowingly complex and difficult for you then you can handle this game. Its exactly like Civ in a lot of ways.
There isn't any. You want food = planet size and no more.
you bombard shit and when everything is in ruins you land your space marines. dont forget to queue ther right music, or you might lose hard!!!
Can you be peaceful in this game? Every 4x4 I've ever played, the AI has gone apeshit and gunned for me from the get-go.

I just want to explore space.
P.S. if you have tons of influence and spec for cheap resettlement you can have a fertility planet pumping out pops that you resettle to the colonies.
If your fleet isnt completely apeshit the ai wont bully you.
You may, if your neighbours can get bribed.
So you can just trash them all? Bit silly.

Entirely if you want. Iv gone fanatic xenophile and pacifist and havnt had anyone declare war on me. You just have to use your embassy's and trade agreements carefully. I dont even have a strong fleet.
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Don't forget to send your titanic auxiliaries too, a.k.a 'I capture that planet myself and alone'.
Si vis pacem, para bellum
>So you can just trash them all?
You still need enough farms to feed your pops, you just don't need any surplus.
>Bit silly.
What do you think happens to overproduction in real life, anon?
Ah, so the military score will change it.
If they can't, I assume just build defensively in case they decide to fuck with me?
Good advice.

Thanks, folks. Appreciated.
It should get sent to other colonies, or be sell-able to other factions, or anything other than literally irrelevant the moment you hit cap
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>be fanatical materialist
>get divine mandate research

wut. I thought you had to be spiritual to get that research.
Sent ;)
How do you manage happiness in this game? I've yet to come across any building or tech that improves it and now that I conquered an alien planet it has gone down the shitter with no way to do anything about it
>Canberra Class

xeno zoo , but you need alien animals before that.
>colonised tropical planet
>scientist found some sort of alien plant life that has some sort of special pollen
>it got out of control and the entire planet becomes toxic
>lost my colony and their inhabitants
>10/10 would get killed by plants
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tfw you take a factions home planet and have all those tiles of pops to enslave

t. lin zexu
>tfw Slave Army and conquer other planets with them before forcibly relocating them to a shithole planet
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So when is /v/ going to set up it's first 32 player multiplayer match?

>inquisitor slugs
how often do fallen empires show up
at every game
The UI is fine on non shit displays
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This is indeed not good.

The Confederacy will fight for its right to exist.
How often do mongols show up? :^)
Is it worth uplifting a species?
Also, is it worth chancing their planet preference to match the planets you're least compatible with, even if that mean they'd like their own home 20% less?
I've also got a trait point to add; thinking about communal or charismatic.
I will welcome our AI overlords.
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The Valdari are officially the single largest race in the galaxy.
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Situation deteriorating.

Fortunately the Valdari have no robutts, because they are fast breeders so never needed the additional hands.
Where do i sign up to become a synthetic ?
Does slave happiness affect anything?

Like I want to be a slaver race, should I not take repugnant, because it would make the slaves unhappy?
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Right here.
Make sure to Save your design friendo.
Fuck fuck fuck.
Can you go to the centre of the galaxy?
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>migration policy
>primary species only
stay out beaner xenos
While I wish the ship battles were more intuitive (like a prettier version of MoO2's combat) it beats Endless Space's rock, paper, scissors card game bullshit along with other 4x roulette type combat.

I kind of like the lack of immediate aggression. A problem I dislike about 4X is that the AI always has some min/max algorithm for creating fuckhuge fleets with economy foresight without punishment. It's nice to see other civs farting around exploring over putting 500 warships up your ass out of nowhere when you have 20. Also kind of like how the big civs leave you alone until you get closer to their size.

Not that I don't like a challenge, but apart of 4x has always been learning that min/max shipbuilding process and I get burned out of the game everytime I have to focus on shipspam to win.

Do your own people migrate? Can you control the density of how much they do?

I want to make space Mexicans and win the game through breeding.
I just found a primitive civilisation that lives on a planet right next to a black hole.
Next playthrough is going to be a militaristic swarm bug race that enslaves everyone.

What traits and shit should I take?
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Who Theocratic Oligarchy Fanatic Militists here?
How come our leaders can only be female or male? It seems strange that a molluscoid, fungoid or whatever can't be gender neutral or gender fluid
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>Do your own people migrate? Can you control the density of how much they do?
they can if you permit them to, and you can also resettle or move them yourself. it is hypothetically possible to outbreed the galaxy by polluting it with illegal ayys if you get migration access or drop colonies everywhere. i populated most of the inner core of my galaxy with black science owls by stream lining colony ships. while that is happening, keep a couple science ships constantly exploring.
>playing the furry race
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Best way to play. Shame I couldn't also take xenophobe so that unbeleivers could be purged.
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>All these people playing as humans.
I was also sad that I couldn't purge heretics
How do I increase my army size?
more colonies
>All these humans playing as themselvs
>people playing their first game as self insert
How dare they
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Fug humans.

Frill neck lizard race is best race.
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Crab people
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>Fanatic xenophobe
I haven't seen this gif since age.
Get your SJW shit out here
How intensive is this? Can I put it on my semi toaster laptop?
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> find planet named Arrakis
> not desert planet
I wanted to test what would happen if I just focused on being peaceful.
When I setup a sector does it automatically colonize new planets? Or do I need to micro manage that shit?
does this event have special concequences when you got robots as population in your empire? do they rebel or something?
Anyone got a general gist of what i should be doing in the game? I can't seem to find a use for all my excess energy (i have a rate of nearly 50/mo), and nobody wants to ever trade with me, even people who love me just go "you want 1 minerals for 10,000 energy? NO".

Also, how do i keep people happy in general? i converted some minor races with infiltration units, but they always end up maximum unhappy every time i do that, despite how much time and effort i spent trying to condition them to specifically NOT be that way.
Its a special fuck up, but highly unlikely to happen
I really want to get into this game but the amount of work and consideration you have to put into everything is so demotivating to me.

The idea of building something up from the ground conquering and enslaving your foes all seems so fun to me.

Please help /v/
Oh fuck, you have to play Tetris with your buildings and make sure they work well with the adjacent buildings.

This is too autistic for me.
>Don't touch me, you filthy alien.

I don't see any issue.
1. Can I focus on just making a trading empire?

2. I noticed there are xenophobes/xenophiles. Can I exterminate or enslave any race that isn't my own?

3. How is multiplayer?
It stutters on a 980ti and an i7. I shit you not.
Well that's something. I find some primitive slug people on a frozen planet, I uplift them: and they turn into humans.
honestly, i haven't seen a single building aside from the colony admin building that gives adjacency bonuses, and i've been playing for about 6 hours so far.
It is incredibly slow and comfy. It can take several hours before something dangerous is happening. You'll be fine.
Trade isnt that important, its more of a means to the end of diplomatic cooperation


1. No. Diplomacy in this game is very barebones.
2. Yes.
3. Its shit. The power balance in this game snowballs in one direction the moment it is tilted. Whoever is in the lead 20 years in, will have steamrolled everyone 200 years in.
>have 760 and i7
>no issues at all
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>Starwolf class

This from the black fleet trilogy?
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I play as Liberators
I have an I5 and a shitty radeon 5800 HD and I have no problems whatsoever, even with medium battles, still haven't seen large battles but I have all graphics on max
>1. Can I focus on just making a trading empire?

No. You can trade, certainly, but there is no economic victory of any sort.

>2. I noticed there are xenophobes/xenophiles. Can I exterminate or enslave any race that isn't my own?

Yes. Don't expect this to be easy, and don't expect other empires (or even half the galaxy) to like you. A total genocide is hard - you are basically fighting the entire galaxy. But play well enough, and you can do it.

>3. How is multiplayer?

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the 10 leader limit is really fucking me since I like to have a couple fleets with admirals

also how do I into ground invasions. I mean step by step
Okay, I guess I can say fuck it to my mercantile empire and make a race of genocidal mushrooms.
build the armies in your planets, there's a tab for it, and deploy them from the same tab
build an outpost niqqa
>can build destroyers
>still has corvettes in his fleet
kill yourself senpai
do you need transport ships of any kind though
I wish I could, but I build one already to get some special resources and need my second for expanding else where.
Corvettes do better against ships larger than destroyers. So its still useful to have them if you fight other factions.
Delete energy buildings and build whatever you need in their place
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It have furries?
Why should an Ocean world be less pleasant than a Continental world for humans?
Armies come with transports. Build them on a planet click embark all. Transport fleet appears. Send into orbit over enemy planet. Bombard fortifications. Pick transport fleet right click planet land armies. Congrats
They get their own transports unfortunately. Having to actually build them and added to force limits would be better.
gotcha. Thanks
I just discovered someone's Ringworld around a star.
How do I get in on this?
Ok /v/ about to play my first game and I can't decide which style to play first.

>human plutocratic oligarchy who are basically a collection of big businesses exploring the stars to find resources to mercilessly and efficiently exploit


> xenophobic, spiritualist slug/fungus men who wish to conquer and purge/enslave the heretics of the galaxy.
you seen Water World with Kevin Costner?
Small island at most, 99% of water.

Industry is hard when your civilization is not used to have water everywhere. Habitats are difficult to come by. Basically, imagine Waterworld. Humans can live in Waterworld, of course, but can't thrive as easily.
Because the landmass don't exist

People can't live on floating platforms or ships all day, we need ground on our feet
Get the tech for it.
So, what weapon type is best? Missiles, Lasers or Kinetics?
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