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Dark Souls 3 Lore
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So we find Capra Demons, Taurus Demon, Stray Demons and Mushroom people in DS3.

Where/when does DS3 happen compared to DS1?
Pretty far in the future. You can find Quelana's corpse in there, too. Lorian probably slayed the Old Demon King, which caused the eventual exctinction of demons.
What armor is that
Why do the Darkwraiths attack the goat people?
Far in the future.

It's implied that the Profane Flame is dying out, the thing that spawned demons. It's not clear what killed them though.
Where are the mushroom people? And what the hell are those bird things coming out of the walls in smoldering lake?
maybe to kill the abyss watchers?

Mushroom people are in an alcove in Keep.
In Farron, round up in a corner like raped women after a war
Probably on their way to try and fuck up the Watchers.

Eh, they would've lost. Probably.
What's the lore behind the Watchers?
They rapemurdered entire cities for showing signs of Abyss.

And naturally they got corrupted, which is why we see them murdering each other right before we plant an axe in the main Watcher's face.
So they're basically anti-Darkwraiths. Neato.
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Don't you mean *Nito?
Drang set. Found in the church on the ground near the repentant titan. It's literally the Llewellyn set from DS2 though. Lore, stats, model is the same but they changed the name. Which is weird because there's a "Llewellyn shield" in the game that uses the same gay steel that makes the Llewellyn set so light but high in resistances. I asked VaatiVidya what he thought about this but he blocked me on youtube and twitter and proceeded to make a video about it. Which would be fine but all he did in the video was mention he found the discrepancy all by himself and that he's very sad he's people aren't kindling his channel anymore (whatever the hell that means)
>Watchers can be stunlocked incredibly easily
>Dark Wraiths have ultra 7 hit combos with a spin for style
>There are 2 of them

They would have shit all over the Abyss Watchers before a second one woke up, nevermind if the Abyss infected Watcher gets up.
Pretty sure the notmaria Watcher would just faceroll them.


so they're Artorias fanboys who took it so far to get consumed in the exact same way he did?
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That's pretty much how the Abyss destroys people.
>tfw you find Giant blacksmith's corpse

Farewell my big friend.
Goat people are essentially the descendants of the acolytes of the abyss watchers if you read the farron dart and other item descriptions.Might be they're protecting against the darkwraiths
thats pretty fucking rad

dude the darkwraiths can get gutted by the goat people, they're not that good.
Probably wasn't their intent to get consumed, corrupted but it's not too far fetched to say they're Artorias' fanboys, yea. Legend of Artorias was a pretty big deal. No surprise it would inspire hollows uniting for a greater purpose. DS3 Crestfallen is actually my favorite Crestfallen because of this. Funny how most people don't even catch that he wears the same armor as them.
How's this happen?
Probably let them in when there isn't a fogwall present for your first encounter.
It's like a one-in-a-million bug where enemies can clip through the fog wall
He would have fucked him up if he stopped trying to Dark Hand. And that's just one of them. Imagine if the second one got in too.
Based on the descriptions they drank the blood of the wolf which could be related to either Artorias himself or Sif.
The sad part was he died in the most stupid fucking way possible, he froze to death. he REALLY couldn't make a fucking fire to stay warm?!
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i lold
Ah hell I forgot there wasn't a fogwall. Neat.
I assumed the Ghru killed them.
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What's the lore on crestfallen? Why does he seek to be a dragon?
Probably he did not wanted to live any more, or maybe giants were not used to such low degrees
Did you miss the black knight?
Do you know how much goddamn wood it would take for him to keep warm? Makes perfect sense actually
It's very obviously the distant future.
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What was up with this nigger, was Ocelot even there? I heard the crying but couldn't see no shit and it all ended once the dragon man died

He was very unnerving for some reason
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and why is he the strongest mother fucker in ds3? he could beat the lords of cinder ez pz

that nigga beat me a million times, the first time I actually thought about throwing my controller holy shit
>Why do the Darkwraiths attack the goat people?

The Darkwraiths are on there way to kill the Abyss Watchers because they're at war with them: The Abyss watchers religiously hunt down anything from the Abyss and the Darkwraiths are free-lance knights overtaken and completely obsessed with the Abyss.

The Goat people are ex-farron acolytes/undead/humans of the undead legion: They became corrupted by chaos and the swamp and became the Ghru goat demons.

Some of them remained loyal to the farron legion and continued their duties within the swamp.

Most of them however left the swamp and started new lives within Izalith and the other demons.
I don't buy it. There are PLENTY of flammable things in Anor londo. He could have just went further inside to stay warm man...
>Old demon king last phase

Much sadder than Sif, I felt so sorry for them and all he represented.
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>like many other hollow, he seeks purpose
>enlists in the abyss watchers
>can't make the cut on account of using a shield
>becomes a deserter
>sits in the firelink shrine reminiscing about the abyss watchers
>offs himself when he finds out you killed them
But really I just love the idea of the Abyss Watchers being a sort of last ditch effort to stop yourself from going hollow. Like being a NEET who is running out of autismbux so you decide to join the army.
Same. He was just trying to lead his dying race and Lorian chimped out on them and murdered them all. The fuck did all the demons do to deserve that?
care to explain
Roll roll attack
>What's the lore on crestfallen? Why does he seek to be a dragon?

If I had to guess the Cresftfallen is a deserter of the Farron's Undead legion: He seemed to have the skill, strength and potential to become an Abyss watcher himself, but for some reason he abandoned the order.

With his abandonment of the Farron's legion he ventures off in search of the DRAGON PEEK and the DRAGON STONES to become a DRAGON.

The game mentions a lot that the Dragon's cult is a cult of "few words"; Maybe Crestfallen wished to be free of the politics, paranoia, corruption and beaucracy that the Farron's Undead Legion was succumbing to and began idolizing the "purity" and simplicity of the dragon cult?
But if he could not forge anymore then what would he do? I know he is not Vamos but it was pretty clear that smiting made him happy.
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Thousands of years ago...!
>Offs himself

Not at all dude, he's unkindled, not undead and doesn't seem to have the sigils. You can fight him in the final part of his quest and he seeks to follow the path of dragon.
>the last witness of the chaos of Izalith

well until the dlc that is, then we will fight the other 20 :^)
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Same for this thread too. Love these threads but please.
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>Aldrichs OST track is a spicy version of Gwyndolins OST track from DS1.
ODK becomes virtually harmless (struggles to stand, barely able to attack, sits there wheezing, etc) when his health gets low enough. Not that guy but I didn't give a fuck because A) fuck your demons and B) ODK is a cunt to fight.
Wait if Lorian slays the Old Demon King why do we fight him?
But then who the fuck maintains the Silver knights equipment? Also Aldrich could have had use for a giant blacksmith. It's such a waste.
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I am not that far or missed all of that. I assumed I'd seen the last of him. lol oops
I'm on the trolley, my external battery pack died.
>cropping up part where Darkwraith actually won the duel
Its a mix of several different songs pitched in here and there, because he ate all dem niggas
When we stumble upon Demon King's corpse our embers were strong enough to relight his fire,causing him to come back. As for Lorian it's unknown WHY him and his army destroyed an entire race. We don't even know if the Demons did anything, they seem to have just minded their own business in the ruins.
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Is smouldering lake the same as ash lake? But it also has the remnants of Lost Izalith, which apparently is underneath ash lake?

And what the fuck is the deal with untended graves?

And why does the eclipse start happening straight out of berserk?
Silver Knights are assholes and they are fucking insane even without being hollow

Lorian doesn't slay the Old Demon King: He slays the Old Demon' Kings SON.

Lorian's Sword says, "Before Lorian embraced his brother's curse, he was a knight who single handedly slayed the demon prince, but the victory eternally scorched his sword with flame."

Which if anything makes it more sad because the Old Demon King probably had very high hopes for his son: grow up, become a new king, maybe even find a way to kindle the chaos flame.
He doesn't off himself, he just sets down a new path. The Path of a Dragon.

Spoilers if you haven't done it yet but: You can summon him for Nameless King fight and Consumed King, both of which have to do with Dragons. After you get the Twinkling Dragon stone, he challenges you to a duel. When you kill him in the Abyss Watcher room he drops Twinkling Dragon Head and claims "You are a dragon... more Dragon than I."
You find him in a room full of his dead original allies, he's barely standing, with a missing eye, but fires up one last time to fuck this intruder, then in a last ditch effort releases all his flame to kill you. Failing so he barely even moves and can't even lift his hammer. Even the music changes.

From a lore perspective, he's one of the last links to DaS1 being severed, everyone is dead, or fucked up, only Priscilla's fate is unsure, but either way, here you find the last being who saw the birth of the demons in izalith dying.
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>mfw I missed like half of the NPCS and the rest of them just vanished along the way, that small fellow with the cane even died at firelink
this happens every fucking time I run a souls game blind. Just once I wish I were able to finish a questline without it being my second playthrough with knowledge about all of it beforehand
Silver Knights arent even people. They're empty suits of armor powered by Souls. Made by gwyn and mass produced by Gwyndolin.
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>meanwhile in Japan
>all that wrong
But why make Old Demon King's eye look fucked up? It looks as if Lorian stabbed him and killed him.
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so much bullshit on one pic
You're not alone, bro. You're not alone. You need to fucking know what the event triggers are and where you need to be at what time or else they just disappear.

I didn't see the onionbro against since first encountering him in the tower and fighting the fire demon. Serris and the darkwraith guy both just disappeared unexpectedly. Haven't encountered anyone to even give me a pyromancy flame.
>Quelana's corpse
and here i always thought that demon prince was referring to his bro for some reason...

dunno why
half breed dragons can be invisible, like priscilla
Better question is why is Patches in Bloodborne?
Miyazaki 2bh

>Rosaria and Aldrich

Aldrich kept Rosaria locked up in the Cathedral of the deep because he was going to eat her: She's a God.


Aldrich kept Rosaria locked up in the Cathedral of the deep because she was capable of changing Aldrich: either for the better or the worse.

Either way they're not a couple: Aldrich is keeping rosaria as a tool or resources.
Patches is a dimensional traveling god.
wait, who the heck is that to the right of dancer
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it's this area

But he suffers from the curse of the Undead.
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>did something bad to his little bro
Sooo is the final boss in 3 you from 1 if you became the dark lord?
There's an invisible wall at the boss door preventing enemies from going through, even before the fog door appears.
Same applies to the Dancer's room, even before you summon her.
Rosaria, mother of rebirth
(aka Gwynevere reborn)

Shanalotte was also a child of dragons and she couldn't turn invisible.
No, it's you if you link the fire. You and a few others. The Soul of Cinder comes from the first flame, it's an amalgam soul of previous lords of cinder. The only two represented are the Chosen Undead and Gwyn because they're the only ones it would have any impact to show, and also the first two to have done it.

How do you know?
Enemies can move past the barrier that starts the cutscene before you cross it, if you cross it while they are on the opposite side they will get stuck in the bossroom, they won't naturally walk in though, the trick is to get them to start their combo and dodge through them when they kick so they move forward into the boss room, you can only do it before you trigger the cutscene for the first time
Who's rebuilding all this shit when most everyone is undead and unprosperous?

Did we ever actually get that confirmed that Seath is the father of Priscilla?

Also, holy shit at the demented Jap who thought Priscilla is/was Gwyndolin's mother jesus.
>pygmy finds dark soul
>makes humanity
>dies as he lived; like a human
>thousands of years later Oolacile fucks disturb his grave or perform sorcery on him
>his humanity goes bonkers and creates the abyss
>he becomes Manus
>cue AotA
>he dies like a bitch and gets broken
>his fragments become the little girl
>Nashandra, Alsanna, Nadalia, and Elana
>cue DaS2 and the DLC
>fragments keep coming back, one being Karla (who might be Zullie the Witch from the black witch set's description in 2)
Rekindling the flame starts a new age of fire, basically everything almost instantaneously gets better for everyone, the age of fire slowly dies and it must be rekindled again for prosperity to return.
She never showed that she couldn't, but she never showed that she could either. She did show up in places suddenly though, but that could be chalked up to the feather.

Either way, it can't be said for certain either way.
What shit? The buildings and all that? Undead in Dark Souls aren't literal zombies, that's Hollows. Undead can do anything people can. The reason why so many people you encounter are braindead in these games is because they're always set at the end of an age when the fire is fading and things are falling apart. There is presumably time in which the world and these kingdoms are properous between games, when the age of fire is going strong.
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Is time always broken in Lodram, or just when the fire is dwindling?
The helmet looks more like a burned Lothric Knight than Elite Knight
Is Manus, for sure, the furtive pygmy? I assumed that was the case too, and maybe I'd read something concrete before that made me think that, but the other day I went to fact check so I wouldn't look like an idiot and didn't turn up any connections, besides both obviously being important people related to the dark soul.
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>alternate firelink shrine

I did a quick sweep of the place for items and then I got the FUCK out of there
No idea. I don't completely buy into people using the flow of time being convoluted to tidy up every other loose end, as far as I'm concerned it's just to make multiplayer make at least a little sense.

I think it looks like a fairly warped elite knight helm. It could be derived from something else, or intended to look unique, though. There's lots of parts of Soul of Cinder's armour that look somewhat like the elite knight set, and others that don't really look like it. Even if they wanted to call back to that armour set, I wouldn't be surprise if they consciously made a few alterations, on top of warping it.

-The Furtive Pygmy found the DARK SOUL within the original fire and that was basically humanity.

-Not interested in ruling he just sort of chilled out at the bottom of the world while expanding and multiplying his dark souls; since unlike the lord souls it just kept getting bigger and bigger.

-The Dark Soul began producing HUMANS and this wasn't a problem originally, but there eventually came to be so many of them that the gods couldn't ignore them anymore and they had to accept them in society or be over run, etc..

-Time passes on and Manus' body is eventually unearthed by the people of Oolacile. A serpent tells them they could get AMAZING powers and prestige if they consume his humanity.

-Oolacile tortures the SHIT out of Manus so he'll produce MORE humanity. Manus takes it in stride, but eventually his locket is stolen and he goes BERSERK.

-Manus poisons his own humanity creating the Abyss and fucking over Ooolacile: he then exiles himself in the deepest hole he can find to try and prevent it from spreading; while using the power it's given him to look for his lockets. He's eventually slain by a time traveler.

-The Fragments of Manus are born into this world as beautiful daughters that wish to spread the Abyss Manus created. Fore whatever reason they leave lordran and collectively venture to Drangleic- maybe because it has the biggest access of Human King cock and Lordran is full of Giants and Gods who don't want none of that Abyssal pussy.

>The Daughters of Manus have "mixed results". They all spread the abyss in their own way.
Time is broken pretty much solely in this game, the entirety of the game takes place in a time loop, beginning with the rekindling of the flame by the player in the previous cycle where the bell didn't ring and ending when the player wakes back up to gather the flames to return to the past to ensure it can all happen.

You are pretty much Samurai Jack
the pyromancer teacher is in the same are that you find onion bro the first time, go to the top of the building that you would jump into the tower and look for a cage
>the entirety of the game takes place in a time loop, beginning with the rekindling of the flame by the player in the previous cycle where the bell didn't ring and ending when the player wakes back up to gather the flames to return to the past to ensure it can all happen.

So, for the soul of cinder, howcome we didnt fight a flipping havel mom?
Because that was a pvp build

We only fought the pve faggots who beat the game
Post-patch chosen undead

Even if you beat the game before that, they patched his ashes.
If I remember correctly, it was never stated outright that Manus is the furtive pygmy, but there is a ton of evidence that implies he is.
If Dark Firelink Shrine is the past where the flame was never rekindled, the only way to make a future age of fire is to literally go back in time with the fires of the lords of cynder to rekindle the dying flame.

If the time travel theory is to be believed, the only possible way for the games events is for it to be an infinite time loop, where the events of the game are in effort to gain the fire of the lords of cynder to rekindle the dying flame in the past to ensure you awaken as an ashen vessle in the first place.

The DLC will be about finding out why the bell didn't ring in the past, why the lords left their thrones, what the "betrayal" originally was, and breaking free of the time loop.
The Profaned Flame isn't the flame of chaos. The game tells you flat out in one of the demon weapon descriptions that the flame of chaos didn't survive, while it tells you that the profaned flame is never going to go out.
you are hearing what he thought he heard. one of his items mentions how his son died and he went crazy
>Undead in Dark Souls aren't literal zombies, that's Hollows. Undead can do anything people can.

Hollows are the natural state of Humans, and they aren't really zombies either. It's the Curse of Undeath that makes them that way. Mindless and desperate.

You start Human,become Undead when you get the curse, then the First Flame starts leeching out your souls which makes you hunger for more. If your will is strong enough then you're probably going to be okay even if you go Hollow. If your will is weak, then the hunger drives you mad and you become a fucking brainless, bloodthirsty zombie murderhobo when you Hollow.
>patches is a crazy dimension hopping scientist
>becomes disillusioned with human life after visiting so many worlds
>only cares about shiny shit and the momentary pleasure it can give him
>accidently picks up the undead curse
>desperately looking for a cure
>goes to a universe where he can tap into eldritch knowledge to fix it
>ends up becoming a spider
>so starts his newest quest of getting out of his spider body
Dark Firelink Shrine is in the same traversable game world as every other area in the game besides the firelink you use as a hub. Unless you're saying time distorts as you walk down a hallway, that means the entire game, High Wall of Lothric, Farron Keep, etc. are all taking place in a time in which the fire faded. If it's faded so much you need to go back in time to kindle it, then that means the game takes place in an age of dark, and the only place in the game that is not set in the age of dark is the tutorial area and firelink shrine, which you're saying is the past, before the fire faded? So your guy wakes up, goes to firelink, for some reason is teleported forward into an age of dark to collect the cinders of all these lords, bring them back to the firelink in the past, and link the fire before the fire fades.

Why would you go into the future, an age of dark, which by the way only looks like an age of dark in untended graves, to collect these cinders? What are they doing still hanging around? And this wouldn't actually be a time loop. There's no looping component. You wake up, go to the shrine, go to the future, get the shit you need, come back, and either stop that future by linking the fire, or ensure it by letting it fade.

Or are you saying that the kiln of the first flame, where you go to fight the soul of cinder, is the place that's in the past, and not the normal firelink shrine? So you wake up, do all of this shit, and then go back in time to the kiln to link the fire, which is what lets you wake up later to do it again. That would be a loop, I suppose, but then why are there two firelink shrines? The normal one, and the dark one? If the dark one is an age of dark, that still means the rest of the game is in the age of dark. And then, when is the normal firelink?

I'm not sure how you got to this, but maybe I'm misunderstanding.
I know I said "literal zombies", but I didn't mean literally zombies. I just meant that Hollows are the ones that behave like zombies, that is to say, mindlessly, and just being Undead doesn't mean you can't function as a person.
>boss spams the holy hell out of crystal soulmass and crystal soul spear
>dex flippy
>R1 spamming greatsword
the only thing hes missing is a dark magic phase where he never stops casting dark bead and pursuers
The lords left their thrones to go and do their jobs. Watchers to watch the abyss and then go apeshit because of it, Yhorm to preside over his burned, ruined kingdom (and also to go insane because of how lonely it is), Aldrich to be a disgusting fat piece of shit who eats gods and so Pontiff can claim power in a place where it doesn't even matter anymore just like Gwyndolin
and then Lothric didn't do it because hes a sissy prancing lala homo boy
>Did we ever actually get that confirmed that Seath is the father of Priscilla?
No but it's pretty fuckin obvious
ocelot is first dlc
I feel like Profaned is linked to Heide's Tower in some way.
Actual maker of the video here.

i believe the boss pulled it in, since it charged into the wall and hit the darkwraith.

I couldn't reproduce the situation anymore, but i did not try for a situation for when the darkwraith was in the fogwall and the boss hits the wall.
What I am saying is the latter, the reason its not an age of dark when you awaken is because you rekindled the flame preventing it as it was about to die out.

In dark firelink the shrine handmaiden states the bell never rang, the ashen one never awoken, meaning the lords weren't delivered to their thrones and the fire was about to die, the only way to prevent the age dark beginning would be to kindle that flame.

Normal Firelink takes place after the rekindling and as the fires begin to fade once more, this time the bell rings, but the only way this cycle can exist is if the previous cycle is saved, which is what you do.

(This is if the time travel is to be believed)
Alternatively (and more likely) Kaathe tricked everyone in an attempt to steal the flame and succeeded partially (being the betrayal mentioned) and Ludleth basically fucked him over at the last second by willing himself into a lord of cynder and splitting the flame, rekindling it the best he could alone and horrifically burning his body, the fire then returned to the lords which fucked off because they wanted nothing to do with Kaathe or the fire anymore, and as you travel deeper and deeper into Lordran where the abyss has taken root your mind is warped by it, and seeps into your memories those of the past or even transporting you to it. The regular firelink shrine is devoid of the abyss's influence which could either mean it is an illusion, or dark firelink is just the culmination of the influence of the Abyss.

Keep in mind that the flame knows not time as well, the sword you pull out of the Champion could have been what sealed the original and been part of the betrayal that took place (doing so frees both, and the other stuck in the abyss gets corrupted near instantly). I want to see what angle the DLC takes shit in because there is too much that isn't explained.
What's with the transforming blob enemies? I thought it would culminate into something big in the endgame but it never really did
It culminates to Aldrich.
It's literally the same area.

thousands of years into the future
Aldritch is his own special blob. The snakelike ones seem to be connected to the abyss, of the dark soul humans have. But Aldrich was presumably human once, too, so maybe it is similar. Though he became blobby by eating people, and doesn't display the same snakelike appearance or aggressive behaviour.
Yeah nevermind, derp moment.

That last time we see them is in the drakes in Lothric Castle I think?
Isn't it pretty much confirmed Gwyn banged someone and shat out Gwynevere, Gwyndolin and Solaire

Seath rammed that sweet juicy Gwynevere pussy and shat out Priscilla

Also, Gwyndolin is a he and Solaire is an embarrassment for losing some papers or something?

Man, the Japanese sure do love that Lorian/Lothric relationship.

Did Alsanna finally put out the Old Chaos?

Did her Ivory King finally do what needst be done?
What's the deal with Rosaria?

Why is she holding some huge flesh sack in a room full of cribs?

And is the Wolf Knight of Farron related to Sif?
>Solaire is the son of Gwyn
that got debunked by the game's designer ages ago
Nameless King looks like he is Gwyn's long lost firstborn son
The Nameless King is the third, not Solaire you dongus.

Gwyn's firstborn is The Nameless King
Looks? read the god damn item descriptions
it outright says he's an outcast because he decided to side with drogoons after being a very succeful dragon slayer himself.

solaire and ornstein are both his students
>solaire and ornstein are both his students

Solaire was never anything but a very determined Undead.
I'm confused. How many times has the fire been linked? Given that the chosen undead in DaS1 stumbles upon Gwyn at the Kiln of the First Flame, I assume he was the second to do so? But the entire them of the Lord of Cinder is that a whole bunch of undead have linked the flame. Or is that just some "time and space distortion" nonsense?
>Why is she holding some huge flesh sack in a room full of cribs?

She's a fertility goddess much like Gwynevere, and in fact she can create Blessed Water which is a miracle we've only seen Gwynevere perform.

So Rosaria is either Gwynevere, or a daughter of Gwynevere much like the Dancer.
Fire's been linked multiple times
And each time the Age of Fire is weaker than the last
given that linking the fire causes the last 1000 years to literally repeat themselves a la NG+, it's impossible to know how many times it's been linked by the time of DaSIII. Hell, it could have been linked countless times before DaS1 and we'd be none the wiser.

Who knows how many times it's been linked, and you're correct it was Gwyn first and the Chosen Undead. Maybe there is a bit of Solaire in there since he can link it too.
At least twice, but could be any amount really.

> it could have been linked countless times before DaS1
I doubt that. Gwyn is still there, and the other lords are still alive.
How exactly does Dark Souls 2 lore fit into 1 and 3's? Can't find anyone who talks about this.
>And each time the Age of Fire is weaker than the last

So what, should we just let the Fire go out and wait for it to reignite, or Usurp the fire and claim it within the bosom of a single powerful Undead?

Personally, I really want to see Aldia show up and provide the third option, because with the Age of Fire decaying into nothing and the Age of Dark being unacceptable, this is exactly Aldia's time to shine.

>given that linking the fire causes the last 1000 years to literally repeat themselves a la NG+, it's impossible to know how many times it's been linked by the time of DaSIII. Hell, it could have been linked countless times before DaS1 and we'd be none the wiser.

DaS 1 is canonically always the second time the fire's been linked, NG+ just resets you to the second Linking, not the third+.
>I doubt that. Gwyn is still there, and the other lords are still alive.
>DaS 1 is canonically always the second time the fire's been linked, NG+ just resets you to the second Linking, not the third+.
Whoops, my bad. Good points
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>"If you want the good shit bring me ash"
>Bring her ash
>She fucking eats it!
>Suddenly has new items for sale

Is she shitting them out?

The reason 3 is even an event in the story is because of what 2 established - the land itself is cursed and is reborn again with different kingdoms.

That being said, I honestly hope 3's DLC touches more on 2's story because I thought 2's story was better
Artorias fought the father of the abyss and had it forcefully rammed into his asshole, the abyss watchers probably had just your standard corruption.

Drangleic is a settled place, although Vendrick's kingdom has fallen into ruin and another took it's place. The Drang knights are from there, exiled as traitors due to their meddling in the Abyss (which is why they chose to side with the Cathedral of the Deep, who are experts in the Abyss and what lay even deeper.)

By and large Miyazaki has given Dark Souls 2 the curious Japanese treatment of "it's dead to me," even though it was a far better story than Dark Souls 3. The only thing we can hope for is Aldia showing up in the DLC.

Ever since the flame began to wean, the world has been shit. And all rekindling it seems to do is prolong everyone's shitty situation. Letting the age of dark commence and waiting for a fresh start is objectively the best decision
Dark Souls sequel that takes place during a prosperous Age of Fire when?
I ain't japanese and i'm loving it
It's basically a side story. Some stuff from it appears in DaS3, and some stuff from it matters in the grand scheme of things, but little is actually followed up on in 3 in favour of making a more direct sequel to the first game that Dark Souls 2 didn't really do.
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Okay lore fags I need to know.
Why is she so god damn cute?

Man, I need to download the 2012 Golden Age arc movies and watch those.

Thanks for reminding me anon.

>skele arms and giraffe neck.

Sounds lame. If they're going to set a game in the most prosperous part of an age, might as well make it the age of dark so we can see what that's even like.
gwyn's age of fire pls

She was designed to accentuate everything (Japanese) men find attractive, and in the process just became unnerving.
>age of dark
>just a wasteland of grey rock and shit
most uncanny valley shit in the game. No wonder Gwyn disowned her.
underrated post. if only more people understood. its canon, it happened. but still kinda irrelevant.
but Rosaria has no tits

Does this mean Gwynevere's tits are also illusions?

I used to do print sublimation work for this Russian model who had these sickly flabby arms that were skeletal but still had skin hanging off them. Did not believe for a second she was a model until she left a few pics by accident of a shoot she did.

They were completely photoshopped and she didn't even look the same.
Kind of unrelated, but what other fantasy stories are out there similar to the Souls games? I've never been able to get into fantasy fiction; the whole tolkien aesthetic bores me. Can't do traditional elves and dwarves and such, and the warring of kingdoms and political intrigue stuff doesn't do it for me. But something about the Souls games, maybe the eastern flair given to more traditional western designs, or how most of the plot/character development revolves around gods and beings higher than mortal kind (Yet still get their ass kicked by some lowly broadsword wielding shmuck). I dunno

I'd like to get into more of it, but I'm not sure where to look
So what happens to Anri after you stick the sword in her face?

Does she get a vagina face like the pilgrims?
What are you guys hoping for in DLC? What kind of items?

I want some Ash Lake or Oolacile throwbacks, and the fun bone fists from Ivory king.

Nope, the statues in Anor Londo show Gwynevere with massive mammaries.

Rosaria's probably one of Gwynevere's daughers, she canonically had like a dozen of them with Flann.
shes Aldrich in disguised
What the hell were those ghosts in Irithyll anyway?
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There is none.
everything western is tolkien shit.
everything else japanese is too weeb.

she comes back alive at the end of the game. you asked.

DLC where we fight a Primordial Serpent.

DLC where we meet Bear Curse and his buddy the Giving Tree.
>age of dark where kathe and his followers rule the word
>join a group of undead that fight to rekindle the first flame
>or join the darkwraiths and destroy the other group
>or join any side but take over the throne of dark lord
Considering that following DaS1's linking of the flames, the only remaining God in Anor Londo was Gwyndolin, is it safe to assume that he basically was Gwyn's equivalent/ruler of all for the entire subsequent Age of Fire? I mean, who else would all the clerics and shit would have been worshiping at that point, there was literally nobody else.
>Manus tortured by people of Oolacile

>The only thing we can hope for is Aldia showing up in the DLC.
This please. They can't just ignore such an important character. I'm really hoping DLC has more DS2 related stuff.
I swear after you become hollow, the fire keeper starts to face the wall when she's standing as if she's trying not to look at you

But where? I just got that ending and didn't see her anywhere. Was she the other Undead next to Yuria who bows to the Ashen One?

Because that voice isn't from Anri, that's the Pilgrim.
>Oolacile throwbacks
Profaned capital is already in the game, anon, It's literally Oolacile.

Please don't bully! I bet your all invader scum.
It's things other than looks that make her cute. It's her innocents, speech and random giggles that make her cute.

You can keep your cum dumpster mute and trap munching blob.

I wanna see some Abyss shit with Kathe and maybe a new covenant or two to tie in with the story of the DLC. Maybe an area that takes place specifically within the very heart of the abyss.

Loved the Artorias of the Abyss DLC. Was one of the better parts of DS1.

As for items, more Berserk-themed stuff. Maybe some armor similar to Griffith's or Casca's.
Anri is the one kneeling, and no she isnt the one talking. The whole point of that ending is that she is your spouse and together you will make a new race of humans who inherit both fire and dark.

Still unclear whether she even wants to go along with that or even had a choice.
>tfw joined the army after graduating
>did 2 months in basic before realising I fucked up
>now looking for another path to glory
I am become Hawkwood
We have no idea what the age of dark is like. I assume it's different from being consumed by the abyss. Absolutely all of the lore we have about the world is mythos from the age of fire, gods who brought about the age of fire and kept it running, everything that rose and fell during it, a couple of leftover dragons from the age of ancients, and some nods to the existence of an age of dark and what that might loosely entail.

A game set in the age of dark would be a great opportunity to build up an entirely new setting but still have it be built off of the previous games.

I thought Profaned Capital was New Londo.

The only similarities are the tower and the path leading to Yhorm's door, sorta. It's not even that similar.
>dark souls sequel right after linking the fire
>our character builds a kingdom on top of the old one
>we become gwyn/vendrick/yhorm
>final boss is some fuck who comes to link the flame after it starts fading towards the end of the game and he kills us
Anri's on the right in that photo
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>forced to marry Anri
>cannot take best girl instead

Fuck. Everything.
>asked a youtube "celeb" a question
>blocked you

Lol that guy sounds like a complete fucking faggot or you were annoying about it.
Where can I go to learn about the story of these games?

I always read about how the cities were big and thrived but there are only demons and black knights and skeles running around. I want to understand but I don't want to have to get every item and read the descriptions and put it all together on one of those boards the police use in the movies to find shared connections and shit.
and i thought it was eleum loyce
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>Dark Souls sequel
It's done.
Don't ruin it. Fighting Soul of Cinder and just sitting down at the bonfire was such a perfect way to end it.

Yuria is a creepy bitch and Londor is a wretched land of evil, deceit and decay. Anri likely had no choice in the matter and was "killed" by the Pilgrim.
>not wanting to fuck Anri's new hole
>and just sitting down at the bonfire was such a perfect way to end it.
But I was fucking the fire keeper in the darkness
You're a lord m8 you can still do whatever you want.
There will be, but it will be Dark Souls Online, a shitty open world MMO with P2W cash shop.
Then that will be the last game.


More Abyss stuff, even though I feel like we're gonna get something with dragons after all the subtle dragon thematics.

More fleshed out Izalith zone, along with some Ashen Lake and Tomb of Giants stuff.

Some more original armor and weapons.
So I can still marry the Firekeeper even though I was forced to marry someone else?
Just ask questions in threads already talking about the lore, like this one.

The games are always about linking the fire or deciding not to. The games are always set at the end of the Age of Fire, which was the properous age where Gods like Gwyn ruled. Humans were there too, but they were a bunch of nobodies. The reason why the world's gone to shit in the games is because the fire is fading and the age is coming to and end, and the Undead Curse is more of a problem when the fire fades.
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>that third one
Got to wonder what we are going to fight, may be something akin to Seath

I don't think Yuria was thinking of your character banging out a new race of humans with Anri, it seemed more like she wanted a super-King to rule over Londor (a land hated by all) and spread its message throughout the world.

This does beg the question; is the Usurpation of Fire an Age of Fire, an Age of Dark, or an Age of something else entirely?
You married Anri for a reason, reproduction. Nothing stopping you getting a piece on the side I guess.
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I don't doubt it.
Reading about Miyazaki saying he'd consider it if a subordinate asked if he could make a new Dark Souls 5 years from now on was just disappointing.
This is obviously meant as the last game yet you still can't say for sure it's the finale.
best thing about these is its impossible for anyone to spoil me because I just wont listen
>the Age of Dark being unacceptable
What if I told you the Age of Dark is humanity's birthright?
The age where a powerful human can collect all of the souls and humanity and become the reigning Dark Lord...
What's the matter, too afraid to let the Age of Fire end and seize your destiny?
No, you really don't
The anime is superior in every single way except that it cuts some content like Skull Knight and other Apostles showing up before Eclipse, but that makes for a cleaner story considering where they decided to stop.
Golden Age has shit animation too.
Berserk might be a good choice. It uses Scandinavian mythology as opposed to Tolkien stuff with its elves and trolls and stuff, but the majority of the world has its own original mythology and creatures. And gods and beings higher than mortals getting their shit kicked in by a lowly human is the main theme.
An age of dark fire

It seems like it's supposed to be separate, but it was still orchestrated by Kaathe who wants an Age of Dark, so it's not really entirely separate. If this is what he actually wanted though, it's strange that he didn't try this before. Maybe it took him however many thousands of years to come up with this plan instead of just telling the undead guy to walk out the door after beating the final boss.
Alrighty then.

So there's the Dark, the abyss and the deep. What the fuck are they? Is the Deep something from Bloodborne?

The older anime version is missing so much stuff though.

I just want the fucker to continue the manga already, and stop contracting the show out to whoever does that pseudo anime/3D shit that looks like shit.
New chapter when? Next month, right? Please be next month.

The corpse holding the quelana pyromancy tome
You never know with the placement of kingdoms/locations, but then 2 didn't really do much with 'flame' as 1 and 3 did. It seemed to be more about gaining power through souls specifically, especially since Aldia didn't give a damn about linking the fire or not. Plus, Heide's tower was just a lighthouse, while the Profaned Flame was 'triggered' by relatives of a 'certain oracle' and then shit went wongo for the capital.
That actually seems kinda likely. Then again if the 'certain oracle' is Alsanna then her sisters or daughters did some bad juju and caused another flame that fucks things up.
june or july, whenever the anime starts up.

The Age of Dark is unacceptable because it leads to Humanity becoming a smothered mess of mindless idiots that never die, never live and never really think.

Aldia thought the Age of Fire was absurd, but considered the glory, purpose and vibrancy of it preferable to the stillness of an Age of Dark. He wanted the best of both worlds, which was found by the Bearer of the Curse in SOTFS.
Thank you
Why is there another anime? Why did they choose 3d animetion? Why does the creator not actually continue the manga?
>Frampt puts kings on thrones over and over again
>Kaathe gets pissy and just wants to make a dark lord to put on a throne of his own and just has an undead steal the fucking first flame for that reason
He doesn't REALLY want an age of dark or the abyss to spread, he's just jealous that that fuckface Frampt keeps outdoing him.
>Can't even beat a single Darkwraith in a one on one
>The older anime version is missing so much stuff though.
Apparently they were trying to make the story less about the fantasy demon elements and more about the rivalry/friendship amd hubris. Which they accomplished excellently.

The manga has been continuing in the past months, I thought? I'm still not caught up so that coild be old news
>other Lothric kids

Who was this guy and why was he in the intro?

If you look closely he's actually performing the same pose that you do when you kneel down at the bonfire to be transported to flameless shrine after killing all the lords. Also, ash sprinkles down upon his head the same way the fire keeper sprinkles ash upon yours as you kneel.

So we can assume this guy is an unkindled, but what was the body he was dragging along?

I feel that the bonfire sacrifice mechanic being cut was also an indication of the story being massively retooled as well.
A DLC set in the Age of Gods would be nice, before Gwyn left to link the fire. Fighting full-power Gwyn and all four knights at once would be fun. Also we'd actually get to kill Gwynevere so that stupid slut can finally eat shit, how dare she get a happy ending when nobody else does.
far as items go though gimme back the twinblades and the bone fist and a fucking blue eye orb holy shit
I've been looking for the same thing for a while now and have found very little that's like it in terms of vidya.

Dark/epic fantasy is surprisingly way too rare, stuff like Skyrim, Witcher 3, Dragon's Dogma etc. all try to do fantasy but in a mostly "believable" setting that accommodates humans and how they tend to live. Sometimes they have cool stuff like the Daedric realm, that entire world traveling section in W3, the ending of DD, but it's usually just the same old open fields and forests and towns.

I wish there was more full blown impossible and crazy stuff, look at shit like Kiln of the First Flame, Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, the Painted World, Dragon Shrine, Lost Bastille, etc. All these areas are larger than life and defy the laws of OUR world and that's what makes them so great. Some of it looks like shit straight out of a Beksinski painting and I wish there were more games like that.

Same sort architecture, same layout for the very bottom building of Oolacile, entrance and boss room, same type of Colosseum, both cities drifting down a dark, abyssal cave formation, the use of "Profane" in the name, which has connotations very similar to what happened in Oolacile (the upturning of manus' grave). Enemies in that area have literal Manus' hands for heads. But it's all coincidences, I assume. They didn't call a kingdom that was already destroyed for ages and forgotten during the events of Dark Souls 1 by its proper name, so I guess that means it cannot possibly be it.
The Dark Souls wikis have item descriptions in them that can give you the backstory
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Why is Sillyman so fucked up?
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The age of dark is the age of men, is what Kaathe says in the first game. As opposed to the age of fire being the age of gods. age of dark is age of men because Humans each have a piece of the Dark Soul in the series' mythos. Being dark doesn't necessarily mean evil, just dark. The dark soul was one of the four lord souls yanked out of the first flame at the beginning of the very first age of fire, the other three were taken by those who would become gods with them and keep them to themselves, mostly, whereas the dark soul was spread around to make humans.

The Abyss was spawned by Manus in the DLC of the first game. Manus was a human who unleashed the abyss after getting his humanity fucked around with by Oolacile. It's a void, you get consumed by it. It seems like something advantageous to people who want to spread Dark, but humans get consumed by it too, so it's not clear. The Four Kings fight in the first game was in the abyss, which is why you need a ring to not die in it. The Untended Graves area in DaS3 seems like it's an area that's been consumed by the abyss, although you can walk around in it without any trouble and just leave whenever you want.

No idea what the deep is. Some horseshit Aldrich came up with in this game. It's related to water, which is similar to how much of the nightmare and the old one stuff in Bloodborne had to do with the ocean, but ultimately it's unclear. It might just be another interpreation of the age of dark or the abyss.
He did nothing wrong. Those orphans deserved it.
Forgot pic
But I want to reproduce with Yuria!
So when you summon the firekeeper in the one ending is there a reason that her cradling the flame looks exactly like the pygmy in the intro of Dark Souls 1

Silly Billy Pope-Man was the hero we deserved.
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did I fuck up
Could that be the Lothric princes?
Big bro could be dragging the cripple. Maybe he absorbed the curse AFTER kindling the fire?
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heres your fucking deep lore

why the fuck does a crab pop out of the skeleton ball
isn't that just the Lord of Cinder?
what was the deal with dark firelink?
Why was there the shrine maiden?
Which one is the real thing?
Why do messages stack in both worlds?
What is gundir?

Is this like the whole hunters dream and the abandoned workshop where the only tie between the, is ghetman?
Don't call best girl creepy u fuck.
The Dark is just the opposite of fire. Cold, but calm and serene, something that removes the power of fire from anyone who has it and, presumably, fucks up all the 'gods' who rely on fire/lord souls for their strength and makes them go into hiding until it ends.
The Abyss is to the Dark what Chaos is to Flame. Unpredictable, wild, and it spreads like mad, causing mutations and aberrations wherever it goes - but in the theme of the Dark instead of Fire.
The Deep is a third 'age' of deep waters/oceans, or just a new concept that revolves around the idea of there being something lower than the abyss where the absolute heaviest dregs of a human soul fall to rest.
most of this is just me talking out of my ass
The most we know about the shrine maiden is that she was married to Holy Knight Hodrick and is the Grandmother of Sirris.
>Fighting full-power Gwyn and all four knights at once would be fun.
We'd have literally no chance against full power Gwyn. He was unironically the most powerful individual in dark souls lore at his peak.
Only if you summon her at the end.
Dark Firelink is the Firelink of the past. Both are the real thing. If you don't talk to the shrine maiden until Dark Firelink, she will acknowledge this in the present.
You mean Soul of Cinder, and yes I believe it is.
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